


San Antonio, TX

Tuesday February 24, 2004

                   I just called the dentist. They rescheduled my appointment to March 5.

     8:24am  I just started eating some granola cereal my mom had. She had two boxes that hadn't ever been open for a long time. I'm eating it and then I realize there's dead ants in the cereal! I was like, "Damnit, is that an ant in there? Oh shit, there's another one!" They're everywhere! Man, my mom is a packrat! These boxes of cereal had been there for over a year. God-damnit, dude. I'm hungry. I don't have anything to eat. Oh yeah, there's like shitloads of cans of tuna fish, but there's no mayonnaise.

     9:06am  I am leaving my mom's house finally. I had a pretty pleasant morning. I didn't do much. I went in the backyard and stretched. I stretched good. I smoked some weed. Wake-n-baked. I'm walking to the park. OP Schnabel. It's so cool that I got a bus pass.

                   Oh yeah, this morning I got my proof of residence from my mom. She gave me a water bill or something and wrote a little note, in case I need it. Now I'm going to go to the Nabi and donate some plasma.

                   Oh yeah, I couldn't find any food so I ate that Styrofoam bowl of Ramen. Man, I thought those would be all convenient and microwavable.

                   I should've known better. You're not supposed to put Styrofoam in the microwave, I don't think.

     9:38am  I just took a picture of the front of OP Schnabel. The entrance. Bandera and Braun. When I took one picture you can see the antenna in the background. When I took the other picture you can see the GRASS sign.

     9:49am  I just got to the park. I saw some dude getting stuff out of his car. He had a bandana on. He seemed pretty hip. I went, "Hey, you want to hit my peace pipe?" He asked me, "Are you trying to sell some?" I was all, "Nah, I'm trying to give it away." We're going to go smoke some weed. I'm going to tell him my story.

     10:16am  Dude, that dude Hippie John and me walked all the way to the antenna. He listened to all of my story. His name is Hippie John. That's crazy that I met this dude. Oh, and he smoked two joints with me! It was all about weed here.

                     There's not a big GRASS sign in front of this place for nothing. He gave me two cigarettes. Should I smoke them? Argh, I deserve them, damnit. Ah, I'm going to get healed.

                      If the spirits choose to help me, I shouldn't look like I expect it. Because it's a gift that Love gave them at birth.

     10:26am  I was meant to be here. I was meant to be lazy this morning. I was meant to come to the park at this time so I could talk to Hippie John. See how things works?

                     Now I'm going to hike to the Walmart and catch a bus. I've got a bus pass.

     10:49am  I'm over by the Legalize Herb thing, but I'm on the other side of the water. It's raining so there's a big creek. I need to cross that somehow and get back on the trail. I'm walking along this fence-line. Over by that little fort with the blue tarp.

     10:53am  I have donned my poncho. It's raining hard now.

     11:00am  I found a place where I can cross, cool.

     11:17am  I just got to the Walmart. The bus took off when I was walking up, so I've got a little wait. I'm going to smoke this other cigarette.

     11:41am  I'm still waiting for the 610 to Medical Center. It sucks, I've been standing out here for a long time. I don't know how long. I'll check when I type it up.

     11:53am  I had a really good presentation with the 88 driver. I asked him, "How long are you here for?" He told me ten minutes. I said, "Hey, can I tell you a really interesting story? I want to tell you what I'm doing." I busted out with all my shit. I told him my whole platform. All the way to the marijuana. She nodded her head up and down the whole time. Everybody agrees with me.

                     The 610 is still nowhere to be found. Damnit, that's not the 610. That's another 609 going in the other direction. That sucks, man.

     12:14pm  Dude, I had a badass presentation with this dude at the bus stop. When I asked him if he was willing to listen he went, "Yeah, I'm interested."

                     Oh, and that bus driver I talked to was all, "Yeah, I've seen you around."

     12:32pm  Camden hooked me up with a cigarette at University Hospital. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:11pm  That Camden dude who gave me a cigarette, he didn't react to my story at all. He's all dressed up in a shirt and tie. He was getting a job at Career Point Business School. He told me, "Oh, that will never happen." In the end I asked him, "Oh, so you don't think people will work for free? Then why did you give me that cigarette at the hospital?" He said, "It's because I'm generous." I said, "And what, you don't think anybody else is?" He didn't say anything.

                    Dude, I really shouldn't go donate plasma without anything in my stomach. I'm going to see if they'll hook me up at the Taqueria Puro Jalisco.

     1:17pm  Sergio en la Taqueria Puro Jalisco me esta dando gasolina para el estomago, gracias.

     1:19pm  He's hooking me up. The Sergio dude. I told him in Spanish that I was going to go donate plasma and that I really shouldn't go on an empty stomach and would pay them back afterwards. He hooked me up. He gave me two tacos. Or he's going to.

     1:35pm  I'm at the plasma place waiting. I told this girl my story, but she got called. She was really interested. She was reading a book and I told her, "Hey, can I tell you a really interesting story? I bet it's more interesting than your book." She was all, "You think? Have you read it?" I told her, "Just let me try."

     1:54pm  Damnit, that sucks! They didn't let me donate. They told me that because of some bullshit comments that were on my record before, that I need a letter from my doctor saying that it was okay for me to donate. They told me they had to make sure I wasn't taking any medications. I told them, "I don't have a doctor. I don't get sick!"

                   Damnit, who would've thought it would be so hard to come try and save people's lives?

                   Damnit, I had showed them all the stuff I had brought from my mom's. They told me, "That doesn't prove your residency. You need something with your name on it. I told them, "Look, I have a note here from my mother, with her signature on it and I have a bill from her house, with her signature on it. Do you think I'm lying?" They told me, "Oh no, we gotta follow the rules."

                   They're discriminating against me because they think I'm homeless and I look like a hippie.

     2:07pm  I walked over to the thrift store, but Olivia's not working today. I was going to go say hi to her. I'm going to go back to the bus stop. I'm going to go to West. Go to HR and see when I can come back.

     2:55pm  I got to West. I'm going to walk to HR.

     2:56pm  Domingo gave me a cigarette at the smoking cage. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:04pm  I told them in HR, "I just wanted to check my rehire status." They told me, "I don't show you eligible for rehire." I told him, "Oh, I thought I just had to wait thirty days." He told me, "I don't see that you are ever eligible for rehire." They gave me some number to call employee relations to call and see what happened.

                   I have been banned from ever working at West.

     3:14pm  Justin gave me a cigarette here at the bus stop at West. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:55pm  I just took a picture of Sam on the bus.

     4:13pm  I'm at the Deco District HEB. I rode the bus with Sam. Oh yeah, I got on the bus at West and saw Sam. I told him my whole story. I'm pretty sure I had told it to him before, but screw it. He listened to it again. I got off at the HEB so I could smoke him out. He told me that he had just been talking about me at work with some guy who recognized me. He said, "Yeah, the guy who gave you the boots that one day when the cat was on the roof(12-25-03, 1:50pm)."

     5:02pm  John just said something that I've thought in the back of my head the whole time just have never been able to come out and say it. Parents should teach their own kids all the basics they're taught in elementary school. And then college should be funded by the government.

     5:09pm  I had a badass little session in John's apartment.

     5:17pm  Man, I am just loving this. I'm walking down Fredericksburg giving everybody the peace sign. Everybody's smiling at me. Everyone I see I smile at and they smile right back. I just love San Antonio.

     5:30pm  What was your name? Nick, here at Tink-a-Taco won't hook me up. I was just testing you, Nick. You failed.

                    Haha, I went outside and I bet he's talking shit about me to that chick.

     5:38pm  I just went and said hi to Olivia at the thrift store. She was there. I think she's hot. I'm going to ask her if she wants to go hiking with me one of these days. I'll stop by again.

     5:52pm  I jumped on the 92.

                  Oh yeah, I had a great presentation with this guy Damien on the bus. He saw me recording my shit and he asked me what I was doing. I told him, "I'll tell you if you listen." He took his headphones off and he listened. I told him all my stuff and asked him to do me the couple favors. He was all, "Nah, I don't think it will ever happen." I said, "Just like I want you not to. I have everybody tied around my little finger."

                  I told him, "It will be a surprise."

                  Okay, I feel my insides feeling bad again. I'll try and quit smoking again. I'm so worried about this. I keep using all this as an excuse. I think, "Man, I'm going to bring world peace. I'm going to get healed. Man, there is no way I'm going to get cancer and die before I make it happen." I still worry, though. I shouldn't assume that I'll be healed.

                  I really should stop smoking before it kills me. Everybody's different. Maybe I will die real quick. I really need to stop smoking really bad. My gums are fading away.

                  I'm stupid. I'm delusional thinking that in all my walking I have been cleaning out my lungs. I don't know. I mean, maybe it's true, but it doesn't clean out my gums.

                  It's the actual smoke. It's not the nicotine(I found out later it was the gingivitis).

                  Ugh, I've let myself down. It's a big disappointment.

                  I need some help. I don't think I can do this by myself.

                  Love, can you send me some help, please? I know this might be my test. I need some help.

     6:14pm  I got off the 92 right before it turns on Louis Pasteur. I'm going to walk to the Whataburger where those kids hooked me up last time. I'm going to see if they'll hook me up again.

     6:21pm  I walked up and saw Sean. I told him, "Don't suppose you could hook me up again?" He said, "What do you need?" I told him, "Surprise me."

     6:35pm  Sean hooked me up again. I appreciate it, brother. Sweet! Sean hooked me up with a chicken sandwich. 

     6:36pm  Oh yeah, at the Whataburger it started raining real hard so I was sitting under the big umbrella at the table. I walked out over Medical and crossed the street towards the Papa John's. I see a 604 pull up! I ran up to him and he let me on. Cool, I don't have to get wet. So now I'm going to University Hospital to catch the 610 to my mom's.

     6:51pm  A 92 pulled up at the hospital. See, since the tennis ball on my stick is all wet, and the bus is all dusty, I was able to write a big peace sign on the back, hehe. I took a picture of it.

     6:53pm  I walked a little bit and I saw a lit cigarette on the ground. Like a full, lit cigarette, dude. Argh, is that a test? I picked it up and guess what the brand of the cigarette was. It says, "Revenge," on it. Umm, should I smoke it? This will be the last one, I promise. God-damnit, I'm so stupid. Umm, alright. After this one.

                   Oh yeah, I took like four or five drags and I threw that Revenge cigarette back on the ground, man. I am stupid. What was I thinking smoking a cigarette that said Revenge on it?

     7:03pm  I had a really good presentation inside the transfer center with this girl. I told her my stuff, but her bus came. She thinks I'm crazy, just like I want her to, hehe.

     7:05pm  I'm still waiting for the bus. I think I'm going to go home and go straight to sleep so I'll wake up like at 4:30 in the morning and go for my hike.

     7:54pm  I ran into some guy on the bus who recognized me. I went to the back and that guy told me he had met me at the Walmart one time. Oh cool. Anyway, he's got off close to where I'm got off, so, umm, I smoked him out. I had smoked him out last time at the Walmart. I smoked him out again. Oh yeah, and he gave me a shot of whiskey, I think. So now I'm all kind of drunk walking home. Awesome.

     8:10pm  I got home already.

Next day..

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