


San Antonio, TX

Thursday February 24, 2005

     7:28am  I haven't made an entry today. I woke up early. My mom was up. I went to bed early. I thought I was going to go walking today, but it's raining outside. She gave me a ride to the Citgo. I just went in the bathroom and layered up.

     7:52am  The bus pulled up. I got on and told the driver, "Hey, I'm going to go donate plasma today, can I get a courtesy ride?" The greedy ass bus driver told me, "I'm not going to do that today." I hmmphed and told him, "At least to the Walmart?" He said, "I'm not going to do this anymore. Just today."

     8:12am  Pete hooked me up with a cigarette at the Walmart. I appreciate it, Pete. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:14am  I'm still at the Walmart. Nobody's hooked me up with a ride yet. I talked to that dude who gave me a cigarette. He had been in prison. Hopefully I'll get a courtesy ride soon. A VIA supervisor is right there, so I don't know.

                   Screw it, I'll just walk.

     8:22am  I was walking in front of Marshall High School and some kid recognized me across the street. This guy named Mike I met a long time ago. And then Paul came up. Some kid I smoked out with behind Hollywood Video one time. I'll look that up, man. Damnit, I remembered typing it up, but I can't find it right now.

     9:14am  I walked all the way down Eckhert. I'm right in front of Plaza de Ville Apartments. I'm going to wait for the bus right here. If the driver doesn't give me a courtesy ride to the hospital, I'll go visit my sister.

     9:20am  Mr. Perez hooked me up. I'm not that far from the hospital. I told him, "Can I get a courtesy ride to the hospital? I'll walk it if I have to." He waved me on.

     9:32am  Forrest hooked me up with a cigarette at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   The greedy ass driving the 92 told me no.

                   Cool, Mr. Reyes on the 520 hooked me up.

                   I'm going to ride the 520 to Williamsburg and Babcock and then walk from there to Fredericksburg.

                   524 wouldn't give me a ride. Greedy ass, hehe. I asked him for a ride to Fredericksburg, just a couple blocks. I'll walk it.

     10:05am  Mission accomplished. Ashlee was still at Sam's and I was able to secure my Third Wave book I had leant her. I told her, "I'm going to go donate plasma. I want something to read." She asked me, "Can you bring my backpack to Sam's?" I told her, "Umm, it will be in my mom's garage if you want to pick it up."

     10:25am  Shot down again at the plasma place. I showed up with my proof of residence but they still wouldn't let me donate. They told me, "You still need a note from your doctor saying you're not taking medication." She said there was some bullshit on there about my head injury. She all told me, "You've had a couple accidents, right?" I told her, "Yes, but I have donated plenty after them and you guys never gave me any problems." She told me, "Well, you need proof of the medications your taking." I told her, "I don't take medications. I don't get sick! Therefore, I don't have a doctor. What am I supposed to do? Go to the Brady Greene and see if a doctor will write me a note?" I would like to know why they are discriminating against me. What? Like they don't check all the donations or something? New donors aren't required to bring in letters for anything. What gives? I should talk to one of their managers one of these days.

                   Let's see, so I went to the NABI, then I went to Santa Fe and met this Tony guy who lives close to Melissa. He started talking to me, complimenting my stick. Right after I told him I was going to get marijuana legalized, he invited me to smoke a joint in his apartment. He was waiting on some more weed, but it never came. I'm going to go to Sam's now and see if Ashlee is still here.

     8:00pm  I have to make an update. My day got so much better. I hung out with Melissa tonight. At Sam's, I had sat down right outside his apartment to read this awesome book Tony gave me. It's called Many Masters, Many Lives. It's about reincarnation and it's great reading. I went outside to read, hoping Melissa would eventually gravitate towards me. Sure enough, she came upstairs and sat down with me. We hung out in front of Sam's for a bit. Then we went into Trish's. Trish gave me a hit of weed. Melissa left Trish's first. Her mom called or something. Then when I was going to go I asked Trish, "Hey Trish, what do you think the chances are of Melissa going traveling with me?" Trish said, "Well, what do you think?" I told her, "I really don't know. I've learned not to get my hopes up." Trish told me, "Well, you know she likes you, right?" A smile came over my face and I asked Trish, "What do you mean? Umm, that is really cool." Trish asked me, "Do you like her?" I told Trish, "I think she's awesome." That's really cool. Then Trish told me, "I am glad to see her smiling again."

                   Sam asked me if I could buy him a pack of cigarettes and a cup of coffee from the gas station. He gave me his ATM card and pin number. Doral Menthol 100's. I hope something cool happens to me. I hope I see Melissa.

                   I went and got Sam's cigarettes and sure enough when I came back Melissa was outside her apartment. What did you say your phone was, Melissa? 268-6863.

                   I am just spelling myself out for everybody.

                   92 to Medical Center.

                   2421 gave me a transfer at the hospital. He walked by and I asked him, "Don't suppose you could give me a transfer?" He tore one off real quick.

     9:05pm  I ran into Jason who gave me a cigarette. He said I met him like a year ago.

     9:35pm  Ian hooked me up with a cigarette at the hospital. I appreciate it, Ian.

     9:37pm  I'm getting Ian's email address. What is it? It's papasmurf something at I couldn't understand it on the recording.

                   Oh yeah, that guy Ian. I hit him up for my story and he tells me, "Yeah, I've already read your story on how you get arrested at Ingram." I've shown him my stuff once here at the hospital. He already knows about me. I felt stupid.

     10:22pm  I am at the Citgo by my mom's house. This tape is about to run out, so I'm going to get there right on time.

                     Jeff hooked me up with a cigarette at the carwash. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. That guy Tony I met yesterday, he gave me this book to read. I can't put it down. It's called Many Lives, Many Masters. I should type up the good parts to it.

     10:32pm  I'm at home. I'm at my mom's house. Let me switch out my tape.

                    Oh yeah, when I had gone to Sam's this morning to get my book from Ashlee. I had sat down to play Tetrinet on Sam's computer. She had her cut-out job ads and was calling around. She had the nerve to take a hit of weed behind me and not offer me a hit. Like she didn't do that on purpose. I was on the computer waiting for her to leave. I stood up and just flat out told her she had to go. That she wasn't going to use Sam anymore. She all told me, "You don't know what agreement Sam and I have." I told her, "Umm, Sam told me he wanted you out today. And he told me to tell you. He said since I brought you here, that I should get rid of you. You know Sam's a nice guy and won't do it himself." Then I told her, "But, if you give me a hit of weed which would pacify me, then I'll stop bitching." She said no, so I told her, "Alright, well I'll just keep going then." Ashlee left. Kick rocks, biatch.

                    She like totally played me for all I was worth. It was a big act the whole time. I was under this pretty nineteen year old's spell. I'm glad I'm out of it now, because she ain't really all that.

Next day..

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