


San Antonio, TX

Friday February 27, 2004

     6:13am  It's the next day and I woke up early. I gotta stay home all day for the guy to come and clean my mom's bathroom. It's all broken. Oh yeah, I don't think I told you. My mom, neither of her bathrooms are working right now. Like, there's water leaking out of the bathroom into her room. This house is giving my mom way too many problems than it's worth. I don't know how many times I've told her to sell it already. She doesn't. Argh, I'm going to smoke some weed and do my little morning session.

     2:20pm  I just left my mom's house. I had a pretty productive morning. I worked on my webpage so much. I have like over two hundred HTML files, days I've logged. I was coding all my old stuff. I feel so complete. I woke up early, like at 5:30 this morning. I stayed on the computer all day. Just coding. It's great. Killed a lot of time. Anyways, I'm going to walk to the Walmart and catch the bus. I'm going to go to West Telemarketing and get smoked out.

                    I haven't smoked a cigarette at all. Not one today.

     2:35pm  I'm walking down Braun Road and I saw some lady waiting for the bus. I thought, "Ah, I'll catch the bus. Even though I'd get off in like two or three stops by the Exxon on Bandera. It's not that far, but I won't have to walk through the construction and stuff. I'm going to go over to the Exxon and take off some clothes. It's hot.

     2:39pm  I just got off the bus. I got a little hop. I'm going to go to Exxon and take off my army pants.

     2:48pm  I just changed out of all my stuff. Took my army pants off and my thermal top. I took off my rainbow scarf too. It was all chilly when I left, but now the sun's out. My bag is all bulging now.

     3:02pm  I walked some random trails in OP and I'm over here by the radio antenna now.

                   Maybe I'll go to the thrift store and ask Olivia if she wants to go hiking with me, hehe. That's my mission for tonight, hehe.

     3:50pm  Man, I much rather be out here in nature than anywhere else! If all the people came out here and saw how beautiful it is. Something just has to done. They're just paving over and raping it all. They're killing it. No respect, no respect.

                    It was here first, damnit.

     4:24pm  I just too a picture of a little bunny rabbit. I hope he comes out.

     4:26pm  Passing Snarlwood and the Legalize Herb thing.

     4:30pm  My mind is preoccupied with sex for some reason right now. I'm going to walk back to Snarlwood where there's that tree I can lean up against.

     4:37pm  I just relieved myself at Snarlwood. Hey, I don't give a damn. I'm not ashamed. I never get laid. I'm only human. Like I said, it's a declaration of independence.

                    I don't need a girl to cum.

                    One would be really nice, but it's not necessary.

                    Anything is possible.

     4:50pm  I am just now getting to the bus stop at the Walmart.

     5:04pm  I just asked this lady who works at Walmart, I think. I asked her if I could tell her my story, but she said she had to get on the bus soon. The 88. I figured I would just get on with her, but then I saw a lit cigarette on the ground. Ah man, should I? Should I not? It's a test. Screw it, I've walked all day. I picked it up. It was weird. Nobody had even been sitting there and there was a lit cigarette on the ground. Wow, the universe provides.

                   I failed the test . . . again.

                   I was able to tell her my platform then the 610 came and I had to go.

                   I want to go to the thrift store and ask Olivia if she'll go hiking with me.

     5:25pm  I failed the test again. I picked up another groundscore. Burning cigarette on the ground. Weird, that's two in a row.

     5:42pm  Richard hooked me up with more than half of his lemonade. His Smirnoff Ice.

     5:49pm  I got off the 92 at Williamsburg. I'm going to cross the street.

     7:37pm  I didn't ask Olivia anything. I didn't have the balls to. She didn't seem so happy to see me like she did the other day. The other day she was all grinning real big. I wasn't bored in the thrift store though. I looked through all the t-shirts and read some magazines. It's already way past 7:15 for the last bus to my mom's from the hospital. I'll walk home later tonight all the way from West. Now, I'm going to catch the bus downtown and go get me some spare change for a two dollar joint.

                    I want me a cigarette, damnit.

     7:45pm  Dude, I was at a bus stop and the bus doesn't stop for me. He just takes off. I yelled, "I am right here, bitch!"

                   Well, I guess it's meant that I go downtown. Dude, I ran across the street for it and everything.

                   Screw it, I'll hop on the 91 and go to West.

     8:20pm  I got to West. Hmm, I think I might ask somebody for a ride to Babcock and go get hooked up with some food somewhere on Babcock and Prue.

     8:23pm  I'm just standing out here in the parking lot waiting for people to come outside. It's still kind of early.

                   I am not going to go to the smoking cabana and bum a cigarette, like I easily could. I'm controlling myself.

     8:36pm  Robert is hooking me up with a ride to Babcock. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:42pm  I just got a ride from Robert. On the way I told him, "I want to tell you what I'm doing." He was all, "Oh, I've heard this before. About weed and stuff, right?" I told him, "Alright, just as long as you know." I'm going to walk to Papa John's and see if I get hooked up.

                   I'm going to ask the Whataburger. I've got nothing to lose.

     8:45pm  The guy at Whataburger told me no. He said, "I'm sorry. I can't help you out." I called him a greedy ass. I'm going to go try the Papa John's.

                   Cool, I ended up going to high school with the manager here at the Papa John's. This guy Scott. He said, "Yeah, your name is Gruber, right?"

     8:49pm  Scott, who I went to school with is hooking me up at the Papa John's. I appreciate it, bro.

                   Scott Gathright. I went to high school with him.

     8:57pm  Badass, scored me a small pizza. Awesome.

     9:19pm  I'm walking to the woods. I'm going to go stop by Carlos' house and say hello. Then I'm going to walk all the way home. Five miles from Carlos'.

                   Man, with that pizza I'm all fueled up. I left a slice on the table. I tried giving it to people, but nobody wanted one.

     9:36pm  I'm getting to Carlos'. Maybe Bob's home.

                   Ha, my broken walking stick is still at their door. They put it together and stood it up. Awesome.

     11:20pm  I am walking home finally. Man, it sucks being over at Carlos' house now. I was hanging out with Bob and Genovol came over. We were all in the garage and they were all making fun of me and shit. Man, they're both all about screwing girls and drinking and Mexico and shit. It pisses me off. I'm going to stop stopping by there.

     12:00am  Weird, I'm in the woods now and I see some truck over by the antenna. Probably criminals or something. I don't know. I'm going to keep walking.

     12:04am  I'm out at the pavilion. There's all these lights on. All of a sudden I hear all these dogs yelping. Why are they yelping? I was just thinking right now how it was weird how I saw that van up at the antenna. This park is supposed to be closed to vehicular-traffic after sundown. It's already midnight. I just walked past them. I didn't want to get in trouble. They were probably doing something wrong. Now all the dogs are yelping. Wow. I'm just going to walk home.

                     Screw Genovol and Bob, man. I was showing them all the pictures in my wallet and Genovol was all, "Did you fuck any girls? Show me some hot girls, Victor." Man, that's all they care about. Dumbass ignorants.

     12:20am  I'm exiting the park now. I'm going to walk up Braun Road to my mom's house.

     12:50am  I am getting to my mom's house now. Just now.

                     Damn, the back door is locked. I have to wake my mom up. Shit.

     1:20am  I don't know what the hell is wrong with my mom. I'm banging on the door and she's not waking up. I'm like getting worried about her. I'm banging hard and she's not waking up.

     1:32am  I figured that may be asleep in my sister's room. I went and banged on the window and she was sleeping there. I was worried about her.

Next day..

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