

                                                                                                             San Jose, CA

Wednesday March 4, 2009

     5:43am  I just woke up.

                   The sun is coming out. I am already packed up and ready to go. I'm going to walk around town and ask homebums where they have breakfast in this town.

     8:18am  I walked around San Jose State University for a little bit. I'm curious to see if there is a separate computer lab maybe I can use. I don't think I'll be able to do my typing at the big MLK library.  

Convention Center  

                   This one ignorant bible thumper. I'll take a picture of him. He came up to me and asked me how I was doing. I gave him the usual I'm-the-happiest-man-in-the-world line. He asked me why and I asked him if he would listen to my story. He said sure, but once I started up he started cutting me off real quick. I gave him a taste of his own medicine and he didn't like it. Man, nobody wants world peace! Good little slave. You've been duped by the world's greatest hoax. You're not the only one. This guy thinks we're born bad.

     10:00am  I just left the library after a good typing session. It seems like I can do my typing at the MLK, just slowly. One guest pass is good for two hours. I'm a bit confused with the reservation system. Two hours is a lot, but I still want to be able to spend all day typing if I am able. Not to mention, I can't install MS Frontpage and update my site from the computers at the MLK library. I can only use Internet Explorer and Microsoft Word, so it's perfect for the bulk of my work. I can get all my typing done here.

                     I'm going to try and score some food. I saw plenty of taquerias walking around.

     11:15am  I went to the library and only typed for an hour. I was hungry so I decided to walk around and look for a taqueria. I noticed this dude with a backpack sitting down at one of those little pyramids by the library rolling something. I walked up to him and asked him, "Smoke a brother out?" He invited me over and we're going to smoke. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     11:55am  Oh, I didn't tell you. I got smoked out rowdy. We smoked like two bowls and he traded me a joint's worth of weed for this little mirror I had. He told me about some church that gave out food closeby.

                     I came over to the First Christian Church close to City Hall. They're serving food at four, but Coco saw me walk up to the door from inside and told me that if I was hungry she would make me a sandwich. I appreciate it, Coco. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot. Thanks for feeding the peace machine.

     12:17pm  I got hooked up with a little food at the church.


I'm going to eat and then go back in the library and do some more typing. I'm going to try and get me another guestpass if somebody different is working the welcome desk.

     2:55pm  I took a lunch break. Going back in.

     4:44pm  I am out of the library. I didn't tell you at four 'o clock I went to that church to eat and they had shitty food. Like some bean soup and that's it. I got a lot of oranges for later. I'm just standing here smoking in front of the library. Man, this town is way ignorant so far. Nobody is looking at my shirt. Nobody at all. They just walk by. I am going to get some important work done here at the library, then I'm taking off again. I want to go check out San Antonio, CA.
     6:37pm  I am taking a break. I went in for another typing stint. This girl Ruby emailed me. She wants to meet up tomorrow. She wants to give me a free hug and buy me some food. I'll show you the email:

"Ruth Gildea" <>

Hi Victor!

I saw you behind City Hall in downtown San José today. I'm the one with the pink sweater, purple pants and hair, warm smile, and sad eyes. Your scarf caught my eye, I complimented you on your shirt, and you gave me your url. I just now got a chance to briefly check it out. My gut told me to blow off the workshop I was rushing to, but I didn't listen. It was a "Celestine Prochecies" moment and I missed it. I'm hoping to have a second chance.

That Edith Wharton quote on your home page is one of my favorites! In fact, I have it on my email sig. for my yahoo mail. I didn't want to email you from there though, cuz I almost never check it. :)

Anyway, I'll be going to SJSU for a class tomorrow. Could you meet me at the same place around 3? I'd like to exchange stories, free hugs, and buy you a meal. I hope you can make it.


                   She liked my Edith Wharton quote that I have on my home page.


     10:35pm  I crashed out in that alcove across the street from the library and I just got woken up by the police. Not the police, a fire department dude. He ran up and yelled, "Are you alright?" I sat up real quick and told him yeah, I'm the happiest man in the world. He told me they got a 9-11 call about me. He walked off saying, "Don't be surprised if the police show up too." I had my ID ready when the cop pulled up. The cop was cool. He came up to me and told me I couldn't sleep there, but, "Don't you know about that park down the street?" I was like, there's a park closeby I'm allowed to sleep in? He told me I could find a corner or something, but not to tell anyone he had told me. So alright, cool. Thanks.

     11:25pm  I went to the intersection the cop told me, 3rd and Santa Clara. The only thing that resembles anything park-like is this strip of grass with some trees behind this alehouse. I walked around looking for a better spot, but hey, if the cop said I can crash here, I can crash here. It had started drizzling a little harder and I thought I would just lay down with the tarp over me. Then I noticed this big concrete thing labeled Diesel Tank, or something. Hey, I can lean my tarp up against that and make shelter. That's exactly what I did.


I'll take pictures in the morning.

Next day..

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