

                                                                                                             San Jose, CA

Thursday March 5, 2009

     8:20am  At about ten 'o clock I got woken up by the leaf blower guy. I stayed perfectly dry last night.

     8:35am  I'm going to go hit up Taqueria La Victoria.

                   Manager's not here bullshit again.

                   Edid en la Mexican Bakery me esta dando pan. Muchisimas gracia, Edid. Todo el mundo recibe credito.

     9:32am  I came to St. James park. I went to the library and took a shit. Oh yeah, I also went to breakfast at the same church I scored lunch at yesterday. Breakfast was alright. I got to fill up on cereal and I have two pastries for later. I am supposed to meet Ruth at three 'o clock.

                   Oh yeah, I ran into that guy who smoked me out yesterday. We came to this park and sat down to smoke weed. The sun was out so I threw up my sleeping bag to dry. It got a bit damp last night. All of a sudden the park worker starts yelling at me not to hang up my sleeping bag there. He said I couldn't cover the sign with my bag, then no one would see it. We're the only ones in the park. This place is dead. What a good little slave you are. Okay, I'm going to go back to the library and type.

     11:00am  Taking a typing break.

     11:07am  I left my pack and my stick upstairs. Nobody should mess with them. I came downstairs and smoked. I took my last hit of weed. I was coughing up my guts and the security guard came up to me and asked me if I was alright. I kept coughing and told him I was the happiest man in the world. He was all, "If you're going to smoke you'll have to do it down there. That's a cigarette, right?" Hehe, sure.

     12:40pm  My time ran out. I'm going to go see if I can score yet another guest pass.

                     Easy as pie. The girl just smiled and handed me another one.

                     Me in mirror.  

     2:13pm  I stopped typing. I am waiting until four to eat. I don't know what I'm going to do to kill time until four. I'm going to see if I can get another guestpass, ha.

     3:00pm  I forgot to tell you. Some more magic happened. I was standing in front of the library and this girl walks by and tells me, "Hey, I like your shirt." I told her thanks and gave her my website. Then she uttered the magic question: "Wanna smoke?" I said sure and we walked to the campus and we're smoking in front of the old Tower Bell. I'm going to tell her my story now. I appreciate it, Monika. Everybody gets credit, thanks.       

     3:48pm  I never told you, I got an email from Ruth that her mom died and she wouldn't be able to rendezvous with me.

My reply to her last email:

On Mar 4, 2009, at 6:18 PM, victor antonio wrote:

> Hi Ruth,
>      I am not too sure where City Hall is.  I just got here the other day and haven't done much exploring.  Refresh my memory on when I gave you my website, please.  If I saw you again I guarantee that I'd recognize you.
>      San Jose isn't as responsive to my shirt as other places in California.  If I wasn't able to do my typing at the MLK I would've probably left already.  MLK is decent.  Two hours at a time and I even scored three different sessions today.  I will be caught up on my typing in no-time.  I am going to update the journal on my site as recent as possible.  I am on February 9th in my typing right now, so I still have a month of my life to type up.  Can't wait for the awesome memory-refresh.  Once I get my stuff typed up I'll have to add pictures and proofread a couple times before I post the update.  Check A Life Outside the Box, third link on the left, if you haven't already.
>      Pictures will be tough.  Not that long ago in the San Luis Obispo, the same day that my digital camera I had from San Antonio broke, I recieved word that it was getting replaced.  This girl gave me a new badass Sony touch-screen digital camera, for the cause.  It has a different kind of memory card so it won't fit in the usual slots they have on laptops.  I bought a $20 card-reader thingmajig in Berkeley, but it's not working.  What kind of digital camera do you have?  I really need to get my pictures off the memory card so I can add the visual aids into my story.
>      Yay, quotes rule!  Great minds think alike!  Never stop reflecting!
> - Victor Antonio
> p.s.  Thanks in advance for feeding the peace machine.  See you tomorrow at three hopefully.  If you don't plan things you don't get let down!

Her reply:

Hi Victor!

I saw you around 12:15 (noonish) Wednesday. You were next to one of the public art sculptures on the strip of 5th Street between the MLK library and City Hall, which looks a little like the library and has a big, observatory-shaped dome. I am not height/weight proportional, have short purple hair, and was obviously in a hurry (cuz I was late).

I just remembered I have to be somewhere at 3PM Thursday. I'm heading to school at 10AM. If I see you then, I'll make sure you get fed. If I don't see you, go to Peanut's (any time), on San Fernando between 6th and 7th, ask for Johnnie at the cook's counter. Tell him you're a friend of Baby Ruth, or his purple girl, and that she (I) asked him (Johnnie) to feed you. He is a dear friend of mine, even though I haven't been in there in a while.

RE: MLK computers:
Anyway, I used my library card to reserve you a computer from 12-2 for today, Thursday. I've pasted in the info below. If that time doesn't work for you, and you let me know when I have access to a computer, I can reserve one for a different time. Just let me know. (I am happy to reserve you all the time you need, but the system only allows me to make one reservation at a time.) I'll check my email before leaving in the morning.

I'll try to catch you there in that window

RE: your camera:
I asked my resident tekkie if he could help you out and he gave/asked the following information:

Since you have a Sony camera, the memory is probably Memory Stick. Is that correct?
Is your card reader supposed to support Memory Stick?
Does your card reader connect to the computer via USB?
Could you describe how "it's not working"?

RE: How I can contribute:
If we meet up tomorrow, I can get him to help me trouble-shoot your problem via my evil cell phone ;).
If he can't help, I know a place within walking distance that may be able to.
If you need a different "card-reader thingmajig", and can't talk someone out of a free one, I can procure one for you.

I forwarded camera info. I won't be seeing you because my mom died last night and I didn't sleep much.

Best of love to you,

                     I came to the church to eat. Right before I was in front of the library I unloaded and some girl saw my shirt. I set my pack down on the newspaper stand that was at perfect height for it. This girl saw my shirt and told me she liked it. Then I thought I heard her ask the magic question, "Do you wanna smoke?" This beautiful girl Monika listened to me a lot. I even told her my head injuries story while we were smoking weed. We smoked weed at 4:20 and at about 4:25 we walked off. I'm gonna score free food at the church. Right after I got food I went out and this other kid recognized me. I had a good presentation with his friends, even though one walked off. When I got to the pirated software part the dudes got all excited. They were digging my story, but the girl said she was cold. "That's what the website is for," I told them. I'm going to go see if I can score me another guestpass.

                     I'm done at the library for the day. It's dark now. I typed a long ass time. I'm on the 16th of February already. I'm not that far away.

                     Hmm, I'm going to jump on the light rail train that says Santa Theresa. I have to follow the saints. I wonder if there's anything interesting there. I know I can get on the train for free, so that's where I'm going. Fuck the system! I'm going to go check out Santa Teresa. I don't know why.

                     I heard the speaker say "Paseo de San Antonio" so I got off the train. I thought I was going to Santa Teresa, but San Antonio called. Maybe I'll find somebody to tell my story to. Ahh, maybe I'll stay on the platform and wait for the next train to Santa Teresa. Damnit, I shouldn't have gotten off the train.

                     I am on the Santa Teresa train again.

                     I am in Santa Teresa. I don't know where I am or what is here. I want to find a store. I'm hungry. I don't have any money though.

                     I just walked up to Bernal Street. It was about a fifteen minute walk. There's a Carl's Jr. and a Taco Bell and a Circle K. Umm, I think I'm just going to go in one of the restaurants and tell them, "Will you give me some free food? I'm hungry." Let me eliminate some options.

                     I didn't get her name. Sweet, she hooked me up with three meat filled eggrolls. I'm gonna eat.

                     The cool Mexican lady at the Carl's Jr. hooked me up!

                     I got bored at the Circle K. Right off the bat some guy saw my shirt and asked me how I was doing. I told him I was the happiest man in the world. I don't know where I'm going to crash tonight. I did walk past this big field on the way over here. Maybe I'll just walk back to it and look for a place to crash. I want a cigarette.

                     Ford hooked me up with a cigarette in Santa Teresa. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

Next day..

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