


San Antonio, TX

Friday March 5, 2004

     8:50am  I am leaving Rob's mom's house.

                   It was just awesome that presentation I had with that cab driver. I blew his mind. Oh yeah, Rob was telling me last night, "I'm jealous of you. I commend you. You get so much free shit. I'm proud of you." He shook my hand and everything.

                   I'm walking to go get a courtesy ride.

                   I'm over here by Buena Vista and South Spring.

     8:57am  There's the 520 now. Let's see if he'll give me a courtesy ride.

                   I was waiting for this black dude to walk in front of me. When he does he tells me, "What's up, rasta? One love." Oh yeah, when I crossed the street over here by Buena Vista and Zarzamora this girl saw me and yelled, "Hey! You smoked weed with us at Travis Park. You're cool." They gave me the peace sign.

                   I am recognized.

                   The 520 didn't go where I wanted to, and he wouldn't give me a courtesy ride. I'll try the 75 that's coming right now. West Commerce.

     9:05am  Mr. Morales is hooking me up with a ride downtown. I appreciate it, brother.

                   I just got off the bus at Presa and some girl went, "Hey!" Some black girl. I said, "Hey, what's up?" Some girl I've talked to before.

                   I'm downtown. Let's see if I can tell my story to people.

     9:30am  Man, first catch of the day. I got off the bus and I went up to this girl and asked her, "Hey, can I tell you a really interesting story?" She went, "Sure, sit down." She listened to me until her bus came. She told me, "You'll get there eventually."

                   I'm at Travis Park trying to spange up a hotdog.

     9:37am  I came to the day-center and got a cup of coffee. For free.

     9:49am  I forgot to tell you I'm back at Travis Park. No hotdogs. I'm just going to catch the bus home and take a shower and sleep.

     9:55am  Mr. Ross on the 91 didn't let me on. He said, "Oh, I can't help you. I gave you a transfer last time." I told him he failed. I said, "You passed last time."

                   I found me a transfer on the ground. Right next to it was an Awake! magazine about nuclear war. I'm going to pick that up. It might be some good reading. I'll put it on my webpage.

     10:37am  I just hit these two ladies in the park up for a story. One of them was all, "No, I'm Christian. I don't want the legalization of marijuana." I told her, "Damnit, why won't you listen to me? Have you always been that ignorant?" I asked the other lady if she would listen to me and she said no. Damn the ignorance in this world. Bible-thumping hypocrites.

     10:40am  I just asked this guy walking by if I could tell him a story. He told me no, so I asked him, "Have you always been that ignorant?" He kept walking and suddenly he turned around and said, "How do you expect people to listen to you if you're calling them ignorant?" I told them, "You ask me that question as you're walking away ignoring what I have to say. You are proving me right, dumbass."

                     Alright, I found a peace sticker! It was here in front of the statue. Damnit, it's stuck to the cement. I'm going to take it off.

     10:48am  I went up to these kids and hit them up for my story. They were willing to listen and everything. Then they're stupid mom came up and yelled, "Hey, get away from them!" What the hell? I'm just trying to tell these kids a story.

     10:55am  I just told this long haired dude all my stuff. While I was saying it he was saying, "Yeah, yeah, yeah," to everything. I thought, "Man, I bet this guy is going to jump in and interrupt me any second now. He sure as hell did. He had been agreeing with me the whole time. He just kept saying, "Yeah, everything should be free." I told him, "People need to learn how to listen," and just walked off. He was all, "Well, I'm sorry. Maybe next time I'll listen." I told him, "You can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does."

     11:36pm  Matthew hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:38pm  Rob hooked me up with a hit of weed. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:18pm  Julia and Hervie are hooking everybody up again at the day-center lunch. We appreciate it.

     12:27pm  Hervie and Julia are giving seconds. Awesome.

     12:42pm  I ran into Richard, some guy I smoked out one time at West. Not only did he give me a cigarette but he gave me a day-pass too! I didn't have busfare. I was going to ask drivers for a transfer. Now I don't have to. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:46pm  Andrew hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother.

                   I'm over here talking to Monica. She listened to me for an almost an hour, I think. She listened to my odyssey story, she listened to my update story, my first attempt story, everything. She's going to let me tell her another story after my cigarette. Thank you, Monica.

     2:00pm  Ernest hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:35pm  Monica, this beautiful girl I've been telling my stories to for over an hour now, she just whipped out five dollars! I can go buy me some Total cereal now for breakfast tomorrow. Excellent. Thank you, Monica.

     2:37pm  I came over to the Travis Park kids and Victoria hooked me up with some food. Her friend Jennifer offered me some too. An orange and an apple. Thank you, guys.

     2:50pm  Kelly hooked me up with an American Spirit. Haven't had one of these since I got back from California.

     3:30pm  I walked over and finished that story with some black dude I hadn't finished my story with. My friend Lisa came over who I talked to the other day. She needs to go to the Jefferson State Bank at Crossroads.

     3:35pm  Leonard hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:18pm  Almost 4:20. Wish I could celebrate. Lisa and I just walked into Crossroads Mall. I went over to Claire's Boutique and they told me the only place they thought would have rainbow beads would be Hobby Lobby.

     4:25pm  Lisa is treating me to Chinese food here at the food-court.

     5:07pm  Rudy hooked me up with a cigarette here at the park and ride.

     6:32pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I went to Crossroads mall with Lisa. Now, Lisa has been diagnosed schizophrenic. This older Hispanic girl who I talked to in the park and I think I really helped. She's a hardcore bible thumper. She's like always looking for me, she said. When she saw me today, she came up to me and said, "Hey, have you eaten?" She wanted to see me. Well, alright, so we came to Crossroads Mall. I hung out with her and told her some stories. Anyway, she took me out to eat at the Chinese place. I went outside to smoke and saw a poster for that Jesus movie. Passion of a Christ. I wanted to see that. I went inside and told her, "I have ten dollars on me and this cute fifteen year old girl in the park gave me five dollars." I asked her, "Would you want to see this movie?" She said she had already seen it, but sure. The movie started at like 7:30, like two hours later. We went up to Hobby Lobby and hung out in the mall. They didn't have the beads I needed. Eventually, I just got bored and it didn't seem like she wanted to wait that long to watch the movie. I thanked her for the food and just took off. Right before I got up she was all trying to ask me some survey questions. I asked her, "How long is this going to take?" She told me fifteen minutes. Then she said, "Oh, but we can have you asking people too." I told her, "I'm not interested in taking the survey. I just wanted to know how long it would take." I told her, "Later on," and I split. I walked out and caught the bus. I just got to Medical Center.

                  Oh yeah, and when I got on the bus at the Crossroads I saw all these Mormons. I thought, "Cool, I'm going to tell these guys my story." I tried telling my story. One guy listened to me attentively. When we got to the hospital they weren't getting off so I couldn't finish my story. I asked them to do me the two favors at the end.

                  Cool, there's the 610 right there.

     6:36pm  Josh, this guy come up to me out of nowhere and asks me if I have a rolling paper. He goes, "You look like you got papers." I handed him one and he's smoking a brother out. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:04pm  Dude, I just had the best presentation. That dude came and smoked me out. Since I was high I got really into it with this one dude. I blew his mind. When I asked him the two favors he was all, "No way, man. I gotta thank you." I have a believer.

                   It's going to happen soon!

     7:35pm  I had yet another great presentation on the bus. This black dude I started talking to at the hospital. It's awesome how I scored that day-pass in the park today.

     8:05pm  I'm just getting to my mom's house.

Next day..

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