


San Antonio, TX

Saturday March 6, 2004

     6:55am  I woke up probably around ten minutes ago. I woke up and took a shit. I'm going to eat breakfast now. I was going to take off walking, but I have things to do on the computer. I have to type up some more text files. I took my pill. I took three yesterday and three the day before. My antibiotic. Actually, the pain has gone away. It's not that bad anymore. Remember how pissed off I was because they wouldn't just pull my tooth at the dental clinic? I have to say, they were right. It seems like I did have an infection in the gum my tooth was in, I guess. They told me that if they would have pulled that tooth, I could've gotten really sick from the infection.

                   I'm going to eat breakfast, smoke some weed and do my stretches.

                   I just finished eating breakfast. I was thinking about not going out walking this morning. But, today is Saturday. There are plenty of people out and about today. There will be plenty of tourists on The Riverwalk. Screw that, I'm going to go downtown and spread the word.

     8:00am  I am leaving my mom's house. It's a beautiful morning. The sun just came up. It's great. It's beautiful.

                   I am so glad to be alive.

                   Man, yesterday I was talking to that beautiful sixteen year old girl downtown at Travis Park. I'm at their level, man. I really am at their level. They are so similar to me than the kids who are older. The older kids have more responsibility. They have been programmed more. They can't feel as free as me. But the younger kids can. They don't have bills yet. I really wish I could have have like a sixteen year old girlfriend. We would have so much fun. I could really fall in love with a girl without worries. Not that I'm a pedophile, or anything. Age is just a number. Growing up is a choice. I am still sixteen at heart.

                   I can almost guarantee that whoever my next girlfriend is will be much younger than me.

     8:38am  I had a good presentation right before I got to the Exxon in front of the park. I think they're these two gay guys. I told them my shit and they were nodding their heads up and down and agreeing with everything I said. What a good way to start my morning walk. I'm about to go in the park. I'm going to go look through the ashtrays for a morning cigarette.

     8:44am  I'm taking the left trail again. The long way. I'm going to go down the cliff and all the way to the Walmart.

     8:47am  Whoa, I just found this little bamboo forest out in the woods. I've never been here before. I took a picture of it.

     8:50am  Took another picture of the bamboo.

                   I'm back over by Bandera Road already.

     8:57am  Cool, I saw some deer.

                   Outside, the kid who smoked me out at the bus stop, he double stuffed my bowl for me. I still have some weed left. Awesome.

     9:07am  I've just been getting lost on these random trails. I just went around in a circle.

                   Oh yeah, I had asked that dude on the bus last night to think I was crazy and he told me, "No, I thank you. My bus came back for a reason." He smoked me out and gave me a little weed, awesome.

     9:20am  I forgot to mention. I'm in the park over by the baseball fields. I stopped at some picnic bench and took off my thermal shirt. It's hot. I saw a really pretty girl walk by with two dogs. I wish I would've told her my story.

     9:27am  I'm hungry. I'm glad I brought me two sandwiches. I'm going to wait until I get to my platform and eat them.

                   Man, I'm walking like crazy this morning. I've stayed off the pavement as much as I could.

     9:31am  I'm up here by the radio antenna already.

     9:50am  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I walked over to the little pavilion they have at the top of the cliff. By the lookout area. I talked to some guy there. He was working at some little marathon that was going through the park. I told him my story. Some young kid. He was all interested. I'm supposed to continue the story though. There's this little marathon going on. Cool, everybody is going to see me. I'm going to sit down and eat my sandwich.

     9:56am  I walked up and Chick'fil'a is having some fundraiser here today. I went up to this girl who I had seen earlier, Emily. They were handing out sandwiches to all the kids. I asked her, "Hey, do they got Chick'fil'a stuff?" She told me, "Yeah, go look in that ice chest." "Will they hook me up?" I asked her. Yeah, I got me a burger! Awesome. I love food.

     10:00am  Emily listened to a little of my story. She's the one who went and got me a sandwich. I told her, "You were generous, proving me right. Don't you want to hear the rest of my story and know how I'm going to do it?" She told me, "Oh, I'm not intro drugs." I told her, "Neither am I. I don't do drugs. I smoke weed."

                      Sweet, I got a sandwich. I like free. That chicken sandwich just fell into my lap. It was good. It was big. I'm not hungry at all now. I shouldn't have eaten my peanut butter sandwich. I ate it right before.

     10:12am  Man, today is just plain beautiful. It's gorgeous outside. I'm really glad I'm in the woods.

                      This lady just walked by me and I told her, "Wow, you couldn't ask for a more beautiful day, right?" She agreed with me and told me to have a good day.

     10:24am  Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. I'm at my little platform. I am done resting now. I'm going to smoke some weed and walk to the bus stop at Walmart.

     10:37am  My tennis ball wore out and I'm going to switch it out. I have an extra one in my pocket.

                      I think I am going to tell Heather, see I had told her, "I can't let myself fall in love with you, even though I could." I think that freaked her out because she stopped calling me after that. I have her email address. Maybe I'll just send her an email telling her, "I know that I probably scared you off when I mentioned the L world. I am in a committed relationship with the whole world right now. I am saving it. I cannot commit myself to another individual until after I do this. But . . . that doesn't mean we can't make each other feel good."

                      Hehe, found the perfect words. Hopefully I can score! Hehe. I should be ashamed of myself.

                      Maybe I should go to the Walmart and call Heather.

                      I rather tell her that in person.

                      To all the brainwashed masses out there. When you have learned better all will be forgiven.

     11:20am  I'm at the Walmart. I'm going to go and get some water.

     11:25am  I'm going to go play videogames.

     11:36am  I just walked in the parking lot and some girl who works here goes, "Oh, I remember you."

                     The bus driver wouldn't give me a cigarette and it wouldn't be right of me to go look in his window while he's right there. I kind of got a glimpse of the letter of the day. I need to make sure.

                     It's Orange.

                     I have my eight O's in my stash! Sweet, I'll be riding all day.

     11:53am  I'm going to go to the tire shop over here at the Walmart and see if anyone has a cigarette.

     11:54am  Alex, here at the Walmart gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

                      I called that shit. I walked around the back and asked him and he had one in his pocket. The universe provides.

     12:48am  I just had a great presentation with this girl at the transfer center at the hospital. She just got off at the hospital. Her email was

                     Some guy had offered to take me into town and that he was going to get me some Bill Miller's or something. I told him, "Ahh, I'm going to go tell this pretty girl my story." "I'm going to go to Crossroads. I gotta be at West in two hours.

     1:00pm  We are at Crossroads Mall.

     1:02pm  I told Renee, my bus driver friend I got chicken for the other night, she asked me, "Do you need a cigarette?" I go, "If you can spare one. Cool." I didn't even ask. I appreciate it, Renee.

     1:15pm  I got on the 92. There's a girl in the back that I've talked to before. Talking on a cellphone.

     1:45pm  I had a great presentation with this black lady in the back. Her name is Diana. She listened to all my stuff. She told me, "You look like a professional."

     2:04pm  I got me a chilidog.

     2:05pm  Robert hooked me up with an after-meal smoke at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

                   He gave another brother a cigarette. That's very generous of you.

     2:16pm  Harry Potter just hooked me up with a cigarette. I didn't even ask him. He told me, "Do you want a cigarette?" I'll save it for later.

     2:19pm  Mr. Thomas is hooking me up with a courtesy ride to the hospital. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:06pm  I just had the greatest presentation with that bus driver. The guy who hooked me up. He was all telling me, "Stand right here next to my ear so I can hear you." I told him my whole story. In the end he told me, "That made sense." I'm having a great day.

                   Oh, I tell people with kids, "There's a reason you can't do what I'm doing. Because you have responsibility. You are responsible for somebody else's life."

                   "And I am not. That's why I am doing this for you."

     3:32pm  I asked the 91 inbound guy if he would hook me up with a transfer. And some dude Jeff who recognized me hooked me up with bus fare. Ah, I'll stay on the bus and talk to Jeff. Cool.

     3:37pm  Holy shit, dude. I just realized what happened. That Jeff dude, at first I didn't know who he was. He's a hacker kid. He told me, "I have so much room on my website. Whenever you're ready to go . . ." I got his new email address.

                   Check out the synchronicity of how I ran into this guy. I was on the outbound side at the hospital. The bus to West comes on the other side. The 91 outbound pulled up and I thought I'd ask the drive for a transfer. He was going to hook me up. Then all of a sudden this Jeff guy that recognized me, he came over and said what's up. Then the driver said, "Can your friend help you out?" He paid my bus fare and I got my transfer. I stayed on the bus and talked to Jeff. It was just a huge coincidence that I got on and asked that bus for a transfer. I wasn't going to ride that bus. That guy recognized me and paid my fare and bam, I'm going to West. I remembered who this kid was. He was that hacker kid who I met a while back ago at the apartments at Bluemel(1-20-04, 2:04pm). He told me about all the extra space he had on his website. I was meant to ask that guy for a transfer because I met Jeff. Awesome.

     3:40pm  I'm going to get off at West. Oh, I am so proud of myself that I was able to translate all my stuff into Spanish for this one girl. I told her so much.

                   And hey, if I do get killed, who knows? I very well might be resurrected, hehe.

     3:52pm  Just got off at West. I'm going to walk to The Rocks and see if my lopper is still there. I stashed them under a boulder(2-22-04, 7:00pm), .

                   It sucks. Somebody stole my loppers.

     4:03pm  Joe hooked me up with a cigarette at the smoking cabana. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:12pm  I told Joe and Tonya my story. Joe said, "Hey, you gave me fifty cents on the bus one time." I told him, "I'll look it up."

                   Tanya hooked me up with a pen! Awesome. Thanks Tanya.

                   Ooh, Tanya has some good legs.

     4:20pm  The cool black security guard pulled up in his little cart and tells me, "Hey, the famous person." I laughed and told him, "I'm getting there." He told me, "They named a radio after you." The whole time I was thinking RCA Victor. He told me, "The Walkman." Hahaha.

     4:21pm  I just told this guy in a blue car license plate 3WY-P50 in the parking lot my story. Right after the security guy scooted by I saw this dude just sitting in his car with the window rolled down. I asked him, "Are you in a hurry?" He told me, "Kind of." I told him, "I want to tell you a really interesting story. I'm not asking for anything. I just want you to listen." I told him my intro and the part about marijuana. He agreed with it, but he said, "Peace, brother." He had to drive off.

     4:32pm  Oh, this pretty girl came to get her check. I hit her up for my story and she said listened to my whole platform. She had to go get her check though.

                   Oh yeah, I've got this idea. I really want to go see that Jesus movie. I don't want to watch it alone. I'm going to ask this girl, "Hey, what are your plans tonight? You want to go watch this movie with me?" I'll tell her it's supposed to be a really, really good movie and to get the true measure of joy you have to have somebody to share it with.

                    I'm such a sap.

     4:50pm  I just talked to Jennifer. She didn't listen to my stuff. I told her about how I wanted to find someone to go to a movie with. She told me, "I'm sorry." That's ok. I'll find somebody else to go with.

     4:56pm  I was just walking around the bus stop looking for a cigarette. I saw these three kids skating nearby. Ryan, Shane and Robbie. What are your ages? Fifteen year olds. Cool, kids love my stuff. I gave them my intro and dude, they pulled out a videocamera!

                   Ryan even offered me a cigarette! I didn't even ask him.

     5:18pm  I got their emails.

     5:20pm  Holy shit. That was meant to happen, dude. They got most of my story on tape now. I got past the spirit's part at least. I got taped! They pulled out a camcorder! I gave them my presentation.

                    I can just feel the power, hehe.

     5:32pm  Steve, the bus driver hooked me up with a courtesy ride downtown.

     5:45pm  Dude, I told the bus driver my story. When I had walked up to the bus I saw him reading a bible. I thought, "Perfect." He listened to all of my shit.

     6:09pm  I just realized I have a peanut butter sandwich to eat.

     6:36pm  I'm downtown. Travis Park.

                   I went to the park and told my story there. I'm going to go to The Riverwalk now.

                   I ran into Flaco(3-4-04, 10:45pm) and he hooked me up with some change so I can get a hotdog.

     6:42pm  David hooked me up with a quarter. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:55pm  What was your name? Dan Rodriguez at the hotel here. I came and asked to use the restroom and his greedy ass didn't let me use it.

     7:00pm  Irene let me use the bathroom here at the Nix. On the seventeenth floor.

     7:05pm  I am on The Riverwalk.

     7:10pm  I am in front of the Five and Dime now. Looking for a cigarette.

     7:18pm  Jesse hooked me up with a cigarette here on The Riverwalk. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                   Wow, he gave me two of them, awesome.

     7:37pm  I just had a little presentation with all these kids going to prom. They wouldn't listen to me.

     7:42pm  I had a semi-good presentation with these two girls. One said, "Oh, that's never going to happen." I said, "Only if people never learn to listen." I told them my whole platform. Even the Johnny Appleseed song at the end.

                   I had a pretty good conversation with these kids. They wouldn't listen to me, the grownups came over. They had dinner reservations.

                   I just had the greatest presentation with these two people on The Riverwalk. They loved it. I got some believers.

     8:10pm  Dude, I had a great presentation with these girls.

     8:15pm  I'm stopping at my corner at the Five and Dime, where I come every Saturday night. What was your names again? Cindy? Charlene? Linda? Well, they said they were going to show me how I could make a million bucks so I can save the world.

                    Ahh, I told those ladies forget it. They were all, "You just have to get two people in." I told them, "I am more about giving things away, not making contracts."

                    Everybody is listening to me tonight. Can I tell you a really interesting story? I'm not asking for anything. I just want you to listen.

     8:50pm  I had a badass presentation with these girls. Awesome.

                    Oh yeah, earlier this Park Police lady came up to me. The two girl's I was talking to told her, "He's not doing anything. He's just talking to us." The cop said, "Well, we know he isn't doing anything wrong. Will you tell me what you're doing?" I said, "I would be delighted to, but I don't think you will listen." She goes, "Oh, are you trying to prove how ignorant everybody is?" I told her, "That's exactly what I am doing." She walked off all pissed off. She was all telling the girls, "You do know he is recording you right now, right?" I told them, "I am not. I just recap every moment and type it up eventually." The cop told the girls, "He thinks everybody he talks to is ignorant." I told her, "No, I don't. Just the people who don't listen." She was all trying to tattle on me.

                    Fuck the park police.

     8:54pm  Javier me dio un cigaro. Gracias, Javier. Todo el mundo recibe crédito.

     9:00pm  Gene hooked me up with some water down on The Riverwalk. At some Mexican restaurant and bar.

     9:08pm  These girls walked in front of me and I went, "Hey, can I tell you a really interesting story? I'm not asking for anything. I just want you to listen." They walked off so I told them, "Oh, have you always been that ignorant?" This lady walked up to me and said, "Hey, that's my daughter." I asked the mom, "Well, will you listen to me then? Will you prove me wrong?" She said, "All I gotta tell you is don't mess with my girls." She just walked off.

     9:34pm  Man, I had a great presentation with these guys in the military. These young kids. They listened the hell out of me. Awesome. They believe in me. It's going to happen soon.

     9:42pm  This guy wouldn't listen to me at all, but I got through to him, I think.

     9:55pm  I had a great presentation with these three people. They were staring at my the whole time. Transfixed.

     9:56pm  Denton hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Five and Dime. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:02pm  I see a pretty girl on the other side of the river. I'm going to go ask her if she'll listen to my story.

     10:30pm  Ha, these idiots, these ignorant people started talking all this shit to me. They think I'm crazy, just like I want them to.

     10:50pm  Another awesome presentation!

     11:08pm  Man, I had another great presentation with this guy and a girl. She was all smiles.

                      I don't know where I'm going to go. What I'm going to do.

     11:10pm  Eric hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Five and Dime. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Sweet, he gave me two.

     11:35pm  I saw this girl Jessica and she was wearing a rainbow necklace. I told her, "I like your necklace. It's candy right?" She gave me her necklace!

     11:55pm  Kim just hooked me up with these things. Blouser straps. To hold my stuff down in my pants? I don't know. I'll find something to do with them. I appreciate it.

                     Man, I made a great impression on these two people I told my story to. What a great night I've had. I'm going to stay up all night and tell my story.

Next day..

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