


San Antonio, TX

Sunday February 22, 2004

     8:46am  I just woke up at my mom's house.

     10:00am  I am leaving my mom's house. I'm going to walk down to the Bandera Road Community Church(BRCC) and see if I can make an appointment with Andre. It's raining today. It sucks. It's all drizzling. I don't think I'll be able to work on my trail. I got the gloves that were in my mom's backyard and put them in my bag. I don't know. I'll just go for a walk. Go to the woods.

                    Oh yeah, I threw away the last five cigarettes I had. I'm not going to smoke any more.

     10:30am  I'm getting to Bandera Road Community Church. The parking lot is full of death machines.

     10:35am  I just talked to Andre. He apologized for not showing up that day. I've got an appointment with him. He's going to email me. Maybe Wednesday at three. That's cool. At least I am getting the ball rolling.

     11:07am  I'm up here over by the cliff at the park. At the lookout point. I'm just going to sit here and smoke some weed.

     11:17am  I just made a prayer to Love. I said, "Love, I'm lonely. Please send me somebody I can tell my story to."

     11:45am  I'm at that girl Dana's house. Where her grandmother lives. I'm going to go knock on the door.

     11:46am  I just talked to her grandma. She smiled when I opened the door. "Oh, it's you again!" She told me that Dana was asleep. I don't know what I'm going to do. Oh yeah, I gotta put my rain poncho in my bag.

     11:52am  I'm walking down Hetherington. I'm going to walk around the neighborhood. Maybe find somebody to talk to.

     12:01pm  I'm turning left on Preservation.

                    I took a picture of the street name, because it's cool. I'm just going to walk in this neighborhood and see if I can get back in the woods. Then I'll just walk to the Walmart from there.

                    Ugh, this street is called preservation, but they're building a new neighborhood here. There's signs everywhere for commercial development.


     12:11pm  I ended up back on Hetherington. I'm going to walk back to the woods and go all the way to the Walmart.

     12:14pm  I walked down Hetherington Drive. Turning right on John Barret drive.

     12:24pm  I had a badass presentation with these two skater kids. At the corner of John Barret Court and John Barret Drive. They listened to me. I was all worried their parents would come out and tell me shit.

                     I'm in the woods now.

     12:32pm  I'm passing Snarlwood.

     1:43pm  Ade hooked me up with a dollar at the Walmart. I'm going to get me some food. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                    I blew that guy's mind! He's this black dude. He's only been in San Antonio a couple weeks. He's from San Bernardino, I think. Close to LA in California. Now that I got this dollar I'm going to go get me something to eat.

     1:46pm  I thought I was going to get me something to eat with this dollar. I changed my mind. I'm not that hungry. I'm going to go play videogames.

     1:47pm  Oh yeah, with Ade, I was going to get on the 88 with him and go to Bandera and Wurzbach and walk to that NFO-NXX place. I changed my mind. It stopped raining so I thought, "Oh yeah, I'm going to go get those loppers that I stashed(2-17-04, 12:40pm) and go clean up The Rocks at West." I'm having a good day.

     2:02pm  I didn't have the eight cents for tax on my burger at McDonald's  and some other brother hooked me up. I appreciate it, brother.

                   I went up to him and said, "Hey, I only have a dollar and I want a double cheeseburger. Will you hook me up? This guy overheard and he gave me a dime.

     2:11pm  The security guard at the Walmart just came up to me and said, "Nice walking stick. Do you walk everywhere?" I told him about my big network of trails behind the Walmart. Then I go, "Hey, can I tell you what I'm doing?" I told him some of my stuff and he goes, "You don't remember me?" He was the same security guard who had gotten all pissed off at me for telling this girl my story and told me to get off the property. I told him, "Oh yeah, I remember you. You got all pissed off(1-24-04, 7:40pm) when I was exercising my freedom of speech."

                   I'm going to go get my loppers.

     2:15pm  I just walked by that car wash I walked by last time and told all those guys working and they thought I was crazy(2-14-04, 8:25am). They saw me and said, "What's up, man?"

     2:20pm  I just called Heather from the Eckerd's here. She says she's got all this stuff going on with her school. She told me she's got some personal problems too. I told her, "That's alright. I had just walked by the Eckerd's in front of your neighborhood and I was going to see what you were up to. But that's ok. It's all the process of elimination. I'll go do something else now. Don't worry about it."

                  Oh yeah, earlier that guy Ade saw me finding out the letter of the day for the transfers and checking my stash. I explained to him the whole process and he was all, "Wow, you're teaching me something." I changed my mind. I thought I was going to jump on the bus with him. He tells me, "Well, can I get that transfer and I can give this dollar to you?" He hooked me up with a dollar. Badass, Then I went inside and got me a burger. I'm going to walk all the way over by the Walmart over by BRCC. My loppers are stashed in a dumped fridge in the woods nearby across the street from the church.

     2:25pm  I am walking in front of Rainbow Gardens. They have a big sign that says, "Professionals Answers for Gardening Questions." There's a typo. It needs an apostrophe on the last s in Professionals for it to make sense. Or, take the last S off of Answers. I'm going to take a picture of it. 8580 Bandera Road.

     2:37pm  I'm looking for the entrance where I started cutting that trail. I had cut a trail that led to that fridge where I stashed my loppers.

     2:59pm  Badass, I just went in some random direction. I was ducking under branches and stuff and I wound up at the trail I was cutting the other day with the fridge at the end! Cool, I can get my loppers.

     3:04pm  Okay, now that I got my loppers I'm going to walk all the way back to the Walmart. I am a walking fool today.

                   Man, screw my older sister. She was all preaching about me smoking. I told her, "I compensate for my bad habits. I walk and drink water. If you take care of your body it takes care of itself." She all said, "I used to tell myself that bullshit too, Victor. It would be more honest if you said you just didn't care if you got lung cancer or not." I told her, "What, do you think I'm lying? I feel better. That's all that matters. Anyways, that new death machine you just bought smokes a hell of a lot more than me and will give other people cancer."

                    I told her, "Nobody can tell the future. You don't know for a fact that I am going to get lung cancer. Nobody does. It might increase my chances, but it might not happen at all."

     3:19pm  I got to the bus stop at the Walmart.

     3:25pm  James hooked me up with a cigarette at the bus stop. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:51pm  Hardass won't give me a ride or a cigarette. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                    It was funny. I'm at University Hospital right now. Hardass ended up giving me a ride. He waved me on the bus, "Come on, it's fun talking to you," he told me. When he had pulled up in the 610 at the Walmart I asked him for a courtesy ride and he said no. I told him a lot of my stuff.

     4:15pm  Amber hooked me up with a cigarette here at the hospital. I appreciate it, Amber.

     4:35pm  Man, I had a great presentation with that Amber girl here at the hospital. She listened to me like crazy. She was staring at me the whole time. She was laughing and everything. It was great. I'm having a good Sunday.

                    Hehe, I just smoked out this black girl. I was smoking the cigarette Amber gave me and this black girl asked me, "Hey, do you have a cigarette?" I told her I didn't and gave her a couple drags. Then I asked her, "Do you want to hit my peace pipe?" She went, "Yeah!" I told her, "What's the point of having it if you don't share it?"

                    Oh yeah, that girl I smoked out, she had come up to me and asked, "Hey, what's your name? I see you around everywhere!" I told her, "I'm Victor. Victor Antonio from San Antonio." She goes, "Oh, that's weird. That's my boyfriend's name too."

     5:02pm  Mr. PiƱa, who came right on time is going to hook me up with a ride to West. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:37pm  What was your name again? Eric, the bus driver, this cool bus driver, he's listening to me all the way through. He just hooked me up with two cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother.

                    Cool, he gave me a couple guitar picks. He told me they would save my life someday.

     6:13pm  I just took a picture of my walking stick, my Adidas bag, my gloves and my loppers. In the background there's an old can of Boost that I left here a while back.

     7:00pm  The sun is coming down. Man, I did a good-ass job cleaning up The Rocks, dude. I cleaned up the Sacred Circle of Intoxication in the back. And I just cleared the whole trail all the way to the bus stop right now. I even moved some boulders around. Dangerous stuff. If one would have fallen it could've crushed my fingers. There was one rock that would rock a little when you stepped on it, so I had to move these rocks out from underneath it and flip it over so it wouldn't rock. I even made a little wooden bridge. Awesome.

                   Setting my goals and following through. I wrote all this stuff down. "Clean up the rocks." I even cut a trail. Awesome.

                   Oh yeah, and I stashed my bypass loppers underneath this one big rock.

     7:15pm  I had me some Muslblast 2000. I'm going to go to Sam's and see if I can get my haircut today. Yeah. I just saw the 91 pull up. He's going to turn around and come back down the hill. Let's see if he gives me a courtesy ride.

     7:25pm  I just had a great presentation with this girl waiting for the bus to come back around.

     7:40pm  Ruby is hooking me up with a cigarette at Subway. I appreciate it, Ruby. Whoa, she offered me two! I only took one. It's the thought that counts, Ruby.

                    There's the bus. I hope he gives me a courtesy ride.

     7:42pm  Mr. Arredondo is hooking me up with a ride to the hospital. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:55pm  I am at the hospital now. I couldn't get a transfer off him.

     8:10pm  Mr. 6758 is hooking me up with a ride to Crossroads. I appreciate it, brother.

                    Oh yeah, I'm going to ask Sam if I can crash at his place. I want to go to the Nabi tomorrow and try and donate plasma. Go make some money.

                    Go save some lives.

     8:27pm  I just got off the 92 at Crossroads Mall. I told the driver, "Thanks again, brother. I was just testing you. You passed." He was all, "Yeah right, whatever."

                   I am walking to Sam's. Let's see how he reacts.

     8:35pm  I just walked by three Balcones Heights cops talking in front of the Gold's Gym building. I was thinking about telling them my story, but I had a pipe in my pocket. If I didn't I would've told them.

                   I'm going to go to the Pizza Hut and get some gasoline for my stomach.

     9:22pm  Oh yeah, I shaved my head at Sam's. I had asked him, "Hey, is it cool if I can crash so I can donate plasma tomorrow?" He was all, "Why don't you stay at your mom's?" "Because the plasma place is right there," I told him. I told him, "Whatever, Sam, I still have time to catch the bus. Can I at least cut my hair?" He told me sure. I wanted to ask him to help me clean up the back. I took the guard off and handed it to him. He cut a big chunk out. Oh shit. I told him to just shave it all off.

                   He told me, "I don't suppose you'd feel like walking to the store and buying some cigarettes for me?" I told him, "Sure." It sucks that he won't let me crash. I thought I was going to be able to wake up early and go donate plasma.

     9:24pm  I am leaving Sam's.

                   Cool, right when I got outside there was a 92 there. I can ride the to the 91 stop by the Denny's.

                   What the hell? The 92 just pulled up. Like he pulled onto the shoulder and everything. He took one look at me and just kept going! I hit the bus hard with my stick. Son of a bitch.

                    I am walking my happy-ass down to the Denny's where the 91 stops.

     9:32pm  I was just walking from Sam's house to the 91 stop. All of a sudden I hear someone go, "Victor!"

     10:19pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I'm home already. This dude Albert picked me up. I knew him from back when I was younger and he used to hang out with this girl Deanna who I used to like in my mom's neighborhood. Like back in the high school days. He hooked me up with a ride all the way to my mom's from over by Sam's. Badass.

                     Now I'm going to take a shower. I'm all itchy because I shaved my head.

Next day..

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