


San Antonio, TX

Monday March 7, 2005

     6:24am  I woke up like ten minutes ago and took a shit. I'm not sure what I'm going to do today. I have some typing to do. I don't know if I'm going to type. I'm going to go walking maybe. Let me smoke some weed and ponder this. I've got the day off.

     2:30pm  I am caught up once again on my typing. The sun's out bright and I'm going to walk to the bus stop now.

     2:32pm  I just realized I left my water bottle at home. I'm going to walk back and get it. Now my timing might be off for the buses.

     2:42pm  I'm almost to the Citgo. I might still catch the bus.

     3:14pm  I'm telling this girl on the bus my story. What's your email address?

     3:46pm  Dolores gave me a cigarette here at the hospital. I appreciate it, Dolores. Everybody gets credit.

     4:14pm  Oh yeah, I smoked Jazmyn out when we got to the hospital. She was this pretty girl with these cut ponytails. She was real cute. I was trying to talk her into smoking out with me at The Rocks at West Telemarketing. She had to go. She's from the Southside and told me she was just getting lost on the bus having fun. She just got off on Huebner and Fredericksburg. She's going to walk to her friends apartment on the other side of I10. Right now I'm going to walk to The Rocks and smoke some weed and see who's out there.

     4:18pm  I ran into the security guard who knows me. I had talked to his daughters at Sundance a long time ago(3-16-04, 9:42pm). He asked me, "Hey man, where have you been? I haven't seen you in a long time." He's leaving work right now. Awesome, I had a contact.

     4:38pm  I had gone to the smoking cabana and took a hit of weed out my wallet. Anyway, I met this girl Catherine who I laid my intro and mission-objectives on. Then she agreed to come smoke weed at The Rocks with me! After we got to The Rocks and had already climbed to the back, I realized I didn't have my wallet, which has my weed. I told Catherine sorry, but I had to run back the smoking cabana, where I hope it would still be waiting for me. I ran all the way back and was relieved to see it still sitting on the bench. I started walking back towards The Rocks and Catherine was already walking back. I walked up to her and told her I was really sorry. Then I suggested we go sit in the shade by the flagpole and take some hits. She agreed and we went and sat down. I laid it all on her. Told her my whole odyssey and everything. She reacted during the whole story just awesomely. I just loved telling this beautiful girl my story. What a gift.

     5:00pm  I don't have an M transfer for the time. I have tons of them, but they are for way earlier. I'm going to ask the driver for a courtesy hop to Bluemel. I'm at West right now.

     5:11pm  The guy driving the 91 let me on.

                   Mr. Fondreaux

     5:17pm  I just got off close to Bluemel. Since I ran into that security guard today, I have my sign to visit Sundance Apartments. I'm going to walk through there and see if I run into those kids again.

                   I am still wearing this blue bracelet they had given me a year ago.

     5:27pm  Walking into Sundance.

                   I wonder if Kassie still lives here.

     5:34pm  Kenny at Sundance Apartments hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it.

     5:48pm  At Sundance I gave Chris my presentation. What was your email, brother?

                   I have me another believer. This black dude, Chris. I told him all my stuff. After I asked him to do my the two favors he told me, "Nah, I don't doubt you. I believe in you, man." I smiled and told him, "It's going to happen soon."

     6:50pm  I came over to Jarrel Steven Johnson's. From Orange County, California.

     6:54pm  I came out of Jarrel's apartment. I ran into Tal, another brother I've told my story to. He gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, bro.

                   I was at Dove Tree, in the 18 building. That's the apartment I was at.

                   I've had some great presentations tonight. I have some believers. I'm going to go see if Kassie is home.

     7:21pm  I've decided not to walk to the hospital to catch the last 610 home. I walked into the apartments on Bluemel. The ones that connect to Woodtrails. Mission Station, I think they're called. I'm going to take the pet trail to Woodtrails and look for people to tell my story to. I'm all stoned.

     7:26pm  Still in Mission Station I walked by and this girl stepped outside looking for her cat or something. I hit her up for my story and she listened. What was your email address?

                   I had a great presentation right now. Some girl who had kids and everything. Her daughter had come out when I started my introduction. After I told her I was going to get marijuana legalized and asked her if she was willing to listen, she told her daughter to go inside. I gave her my whole platform, but then she had to go. Good job, Victor. I'm walking through the pet trail right now. Almost to Woodtrails.

     7:41pm  I just walked to the Data Food Mart on Gardendale.

     7:42pm  Becky hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the laundromat.

     7:52pm  Juan en La Taqueria Datapoint me esta dando gasolina para mi estomago. Te lo agradezco, Juan. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     8:08pm  I am having this great presentation in front of the taqueria stand. I'm talking to Bobby and Christine, telling them my story.

                   First I got hooked up with two tacos at Taqueria Datapoint. Then I got to tell my story to this couple who had walked up. We sat down on the bench in front of Avant Hair Salon. They listened to my whole odyssey. On my way to save the world.

                   I'm walking through Fairways Five. I wonder if JP still lives here.

                   Ahh, I walked by and looked inside the window. The place looks all fancy and cleaned up. JP doesn't live here anymore.

                   I walked down Fairhaven and I'm going to go knock on my friend Robert's door. At The Fountains of San Antonio Apartments.

                   I came to see if Robert still lived here. I didn't see any lights on inside. Then I remembered that girl Jennifer who lived upstairs(1-23-04, 5:37pm). I wondered if she still lived there. I went up and knocked on the door. Sure enough she was home. When she opened the door I said, "Does Jennifer still live here?" Her jaw dropped and she said, "Oh my god, I remember you." She invited me in and it smelled wonderfully of marijuana. She introduced me to her boyfriend and I'm going to tell him my story.


     9:18pm  I've had some damn good presentations tonight. A very productive day. I had a great presentation with her boyfriend. They smoked me out rowdy. They both went to IHOP right now. Jennifer wanted pancakes. I'm walking. I'm going to walk to University Hospital and catch the last 91 to West for the seven mile nature hike home.

                   I was going to cut through the hospital then I spotted some young dude wandering around. I went up to him and hit him up for my story. He asked me if I knew a way to get to the VA. I told him I knew just the way, that we would take the interesting route. He wouldn't listen to me much. We walked over to his hotel room. His dad is in the VA hospital doing physical therapy and the VA pays for the hotel room. So he just stays in that room not doing anything all day. I asked him if he would want to go hiking with me. Umm, I don't think the buses pass anymore to West. Shit.

     10:32pm  I was taking my layers off and John walked by and hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     Be sure to include the, "The whole Jesus, Bible, God story is the translation of Love..." into my story. That part.

     11:13pm  It's about time I made an update. I wasn't sure what I was going to do. I got bored at that guy's motel. I was going to try and catch the last bus, but I knew I had missed it. I used to phone at the Blockbuster on Medical. I called my mom, but no one answered and I hate leaving messages. I got the idea, "Hmm, I'm going to crash in a field in Medical Center somewhere. I've always wanted to do that." So that's what I'm doing. I'm looking for a spot to camp right now.

     11:29pm  I changed my mind. I started walking in these woods right here, behind the CTRC building. I couldn't find a suitable campsite, so I'm going to walk to the woods behind Chapel Ridge on Snowden.

                     I walked to the Subway across the street from El Pollo Loco on Babcock, close to Wurzbach. I was going to go hit up the guy inside for free food, but some lady is ordering right now. I'm going to wait until she leaves. It's a Mexican guy, so my chances are high.

                     Damnit, he locked the door. He's not going to let me in. Ahh, forget it. Maybe I'll just go find a place to crash in the woods.

     12:00am  I finally found a good camp right here in this empty lot between Snowden and Wurzbach. I'm going to crash out. My feet hurt.

Next day..

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