


San Antonio, TX

Friday January 23, 2004

     12:15am  Anna is hooking me up with the three cents I needed for my coffee. I appreciate it, Anna.

     12:37am  Maria, who was gracious enough to listen to my story gave me an American Spirit. I missed these things. I appreciate it, Maria.

     1:00am  Peter is hooking me up with a cigarette here at the Denny's. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:50am  Maria is giving me another cigarette. Cool. I appreciate it, Maria.

                   And, she's going to give me some chocolate! Badass.

     2:35am  Shit, I've been having fun talking to people at the Denny's.

                   This one guy won't give me a cigarette. He's all noticeably ignoring me.

     2:59am  This Denny's is pretty ignorant. They don't want to donate any gasoline. The manager told me no. So, I'm going to walk to the Jim's across the street and see if they'll hook me up.

     3:03am  I'm walking to Jim's. Across Fredericksburg.

                   Shit, I just almost slipped on my ass.

                   Oh yeah, that manager at Denny's. She all told me, "Oh, I can't give you anything because it's not mine to give." I should've told her, "If excuses were money you would be rich." I should've told her, "That doesn't stop all the other Denny's from hooking me up." Conservative ho.

     3:21am  I just came and talked to the manager at Jim's. I just found out that the Denny's called over here to warn them about me. But, the manager here listened to me and agreed with me, so I don't know. Maybe.

     3:25am  He's going to hook me up! Badass! I'm going to make it a point to go back and tell the Denny's, "Screw ya'll. I got hooked up anyway!"

                    Julio at Jim's is hooking me up. He's not only giving me some food, but he gave me a couple cigarettes too. Screw the people at Denny's. I should go back there and tell the manager, "You greedy bitch. You told on me and I still got hooked up."

     3:30am  I got hooked up at the Jim's. I got mashed potatoes, I got corn, I even got a cookie. To top it off I got an after-meal smoke too. Marlboro Lights.

     4:20am  The dude at Jim's was all into my story. He told me, "Thanks for an entertaining night." I asked him, "Can I hang out here until the buses start running?" Then I'll ride the bus out to my platform in the woods and crash. Right now I'm going to walk back to the Denny's and go laugh at them. I'll tell them, "Haha, he hooked me up anyway! He gave me mashed potatoes and a cookie! He even gave me two cigarettes!"

                   Cool, there's a cop car in front of the Denny's. I'm going to put on a good show.

     4:30am  I went back to the Denny's. The cops were all staring at me. I went up to the waitress. I asked her to do me a couple favors. I said, "Tell your manager that her plan to thwart me didn't work. I got hooked up phat. I got some mashed potatoes, I got some corn, a big cookie and two cigarettes." She all made up some bullshit excuse telling me, "Oh, it wasn't her that told them. It was somebody else that had heard you. They called on their cellphone." I was all, "Yeah right. Like they knew the Jim's phone number offhand." She was all, "I wouldn't lie to you." Whatever. I just told her, "If you see that person again, tell them it didn't work and I got what I wanted . . . just like I always do."

     4:46am  Melinda is hooking me up with a coffee.

                   Melinda is hooking me up with a cigarette too. I appreciate it, Melinda.

                   Sweet, she's giving me two!

     5:17am  Chris just hooked me up with the rest of his French toast. Thanks, brother. Waste not, want not.

     5:32am  I'm at the Crossroads Park and Ride waiting for the first 92. I've figured out duh, I'm going to my mom's house. I'm going to see if I can call her, wake her up and tell her to leave the back door unlocked for me. I'll go to my mom's and do my laundry. I'll have clean socks. I'll take a nap, crash out and head out. That's what I'm going to do.

     5:38am  I caught the 92 going to Medical Center. I'll call my mom and catch the 610 from the hospital.

     6:00am  The 610 was due at 55. I hope I didn't miss it. I just remembered that I hadn't called my mom. I ran inside and used Kati's calling card. I called my mom. I told her, "Mom, I can't talk that long. I have to catch the bus. Can you leave the back door unlocked so I can come over and do my laundry?" She said sure. Sweet, I've got a haven to crash at.

     6:04am  Yeah, there's the 610. I didn't miss it. How can it be so late this early in the morning. There's no traffic.

     6:56am  I just got dropped of at Old Tezel and Guilbeau. I'm going to walk to my mom's from here. A little less than a mile. I'm going to try to score me a cigarette at the Citgo first.

                   I'm going to go behind the carwash here and take a piss. I gotta piss so bad.

     7:10am  I am at my mom's.

     8:17am  I was thinking about Sam in the shower. Dude, when I first showed up at Sam's the first thing I said was, "How long am I welcome to stay here?" He told me as long as I wanted. And he's calling me a liar? He's the liar. It's like he's blaming me for him being generous. Sam needs to take responsibility for himself. He was the one being generous. He was the one who let me stay there. It was him who offered to cook me meals. It's all him who was being nice. It was him who was lonely. Stupid hermit. All you do is stay home all day and all of a sudden a friend showed up and you shower him with generosity. Then he blames it all on me? Hypocrite.

     8:26am  I'm going to crash out.

     11:49am  I woke up at my mom's. I called West already, but nobody is answering. I'm kind of worried about West now. I'm thinking Steve might be a dickhead and make me wait thirty days. Or maybe he'll make me wait a shitload longer. I don't know. I'll call later on. Maybe I should just show up there and talk to the branch manager.

     1:32pm  Stephanie hooked me up with a cigarette outside of the Citgo on Old Tezel/Guilbeau.

     2:10pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. My twin sister Laura got home and agreed to take me to the bus stop at the Citgo. I saw these kids playing hackie sack outside. I tried to tell them my story, but they had to go, or something. I caught the bus. I just got off impulsively at Bandera and Eckhert. I'm going to walk to the Amenity computer place and see if they'll give me any money for my computer parts. I still have a couple cases and a 1.2ghz AMD Athlon Thunderbird motherboard.

                   I stopped in this auto tint place. They wouldn't listen to my story. They were busy working. I'm going to walk to Amenity and see if they'll give me anything for this RAM I have in my bag.

     2:32pm  This Amenity place might have closed down. I don't see them anywhere.

                   Oh shit, I walked by it earlier. ACS. Amenity Computer Shop. How could've I walked right past it?

     2:52pm  I went into the ACS place and the manager told me they didn't buy used parts. He told me everything they had was new. I asked him if he could refer me to a place that bought old parts. He told me I could go to Allgen on Dezavala. Screw that place. One time I got spooked out there. I had given them my story to read and this one dude got all weird about it. I had gone back and the one guy started motioning me to the door. I had gone to the Walmart and called him. I asked him what was the matter and he told me, "Nothing. You can come back and print some more copies of your story." I told him, "Okay, I'll be right there," and caught the bus home. Screw that. I got all paranoid. Anyway, I'm not sure what I'll do. I'm going to walk to Bandera and bum a cigarette somewhere. Oh yeah, I called West from the computer shop. They said, "Nah, you're going to have to wait thirty days." Oh well.

     2:54pm  John just hooked me up with like four or five cigarettes! I appreciate it, brother.

                   I walked by some truck bedliner place on Eckhert and this guy, I asked for a cigarette and he gave me five of them! He gave me the rest of his pack.

     3:05pm  I'm waiting for the bus. I hope it comes soon. I checked the schedule. It's supposed to be here at 05. I saw the bus going in the other direction. I think they run every hour. It's gotta go all the way around and then come back. Oh yeah, I told that guy who gave me all those cigarettes my mission objectives. I asked him if he was willing to listen and he told me, "I have to work right now, but you're going to make a lot of people happy if you do that." Damn straight.

     3:08pm  Yeah, the bus is right there. Cool.

     3:10pm  My good friend Mr. Cardenas is hooking me up with a ride. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:25pm  Raul, I told my story to on the bus and he hooked me up with some Mexican food. How awesome! That's very generous of you, brother.

     3:51pm  At the hospital I ran into Angel. My old friend from West. She came up to me and said, "Richard?" I told her, "No, Victor." That's so awesome. I'm famous. (Angel giggled in the background.)

     4:10pm  Mr. Washington won't give me a ride.

     4:20pm  I ran into Angel and we jumped on the 604. We're on Medical close to Horizon Hill. Umm, I'm going to go say hi to my friend and see if he'll smoke me out. I forgot his name. Anyway, Angel is real pretty. She's got a kid, though. Well, not though, it doesn't matter. I just think she's pretty.

     4:21pm  I got off at Horizon Hill and Medical. I came to the Diamond Shamrock here and got some water. I'm going to go see if my friend Tony Montana, umm, I don't remember his name is there(12-28-03, 1:52pm). Maybe he'll smoke me out.

                   Angel knew me back when I worked at West and cleared out that trail.

     4:30pm  I just got off the bus and went over to my friends apartment. I was hoping he would smoke me out. Right when I knocked on the door he was on his way outside to smoke a joint! How perfect is that? The universe provides.

     4:44pm  Robert's friend just gave me a couple roaches! Badass!

                   Right when I was walking to Robert's I saw the girl who lived upstairs from her place outside with a baby. While I was smoking with Robert he told me that I should go tell her my story. Well, when we were finished smoking the girl came outside and I hit her up for a story. Her name is Jennifer.

     5:37pm  Jennifer is telling me a story.

                   Jennifer: "About ADD and all the nifty, fun things that go with it. So here's what happened. I'm 6 years old and I'm at school. They're like, "We notice that Jennifer can't sit still. She must have ADD. Surely she must." So they hauled my ass off to the psychiatrist. These two psychiatrists, I don't remember their names, stick me in this room. The room is completely dark, but it's backlit by this halogen light. They stuck me in this chair and hand me a picture of Snoopy in a doghouse. They say, "Jennifer, I want you to just sit here and just look at this picture of Snoopy. Don't look away. Don't do anything." They stick electrodes all over my face and the top of my head."

                   Victor: "That sounds like torture. How traumatic. That whole process."

                   Jennifer: "It was awful! Do you know how hard that shit is to get out of your hair when you're washing it? It was horrible. I'm 6 years old and I'm sitting here looking at this picture. There's nobody in the room with me, but they're measuring my brainwaves in another room. So every time I look away from the picture they know. This voice will come on the intercom and go, "Jennifer, look back at Snoopy." I'm six years old and I'm thinking, "Fuck Snoopy. I'm never going to watch Peanuts ever again. I'm not going to read the comics, I'm not going to watch the Christmas special. I'm 24 years old now. I'd still like to slit his wrist. I'm going to find Charles Schultz and kill him!"
                   I get out of there and they show me all these measures of my brainwaves and crap. I'm six years old and I'm all, "It's two sheets of squiggly lines, but I'm glad you guys got what you needed." They were all, "Now I want you to look Jennifer, now look. There's almost no activity on the left side of your brain, but the right side is off the map. You were daydreaming that whole time." Now, I can remember being six and I don't know how the fuck you get so jaded when you're six, but I'm like, "I'm six. Did you want me to sit and think about Snoopy the entire hour? Because you didn't say that. You just told me to look at him. There's a difference."
                   From that point on I saw Dr. Larry Carbahal, Dr. Odio, I can't remember all of them. I got administered IQ tests at every one I went to. The worst thing you can do to a kid is know their IQ. It's horrific. It's horrible. They gave me the Cabrini Green Test. Man, I could give you that test right now. I know every question on it. By the time I was done taking the test, my first IQ score was 146. By the end of it I had a 178. I'd taken that one test so many times. IQ tests are a measure of how much you can memorize. Look, it worked, guys. Good for me.
                   The last psychiatrist I saw, and this goes back to your manic-depression."

                   Victor: "It's the content you remember that's important. Not the fact that you can do it."

                   Jennifer: "Exactly. That's all it's testing. It's like, "I'm going to give you a picture of seven triangles. Make a pattern with them. So basically, according to this IQ test, if I lived somewhere and my job was quilting I would be a genius. That's what it is.
                   When I was thirteen, the last psychiatrist I saw, my parents were in the middle of a divorce. I got diagnosed manic-depressive. They wanted to put me on lithium. I'm thinking to myself, "Okay, I'm 13 years old. My parent's are going through a divorce. I'm going through puberty the like of miscarrying Satan's baby. What do you want from me? Do you want me to walk in here and be, "Heyyyy, punk fuckin' rock. I haven't been to a psychiatrist in three days. Missed ya." No, I'm not going to walk in here like that.
                   I got put in Charter Real for being manic-depressive. I went there and that shit was fantastic! I've never done so many drugs in my life! I stayed in Charter for a while, which is ironic because my best friend that I used to do drugs with got herself turned in, because she missed me. So they put her in Charter with me. The only thing you learn in Charter is how to sneak drugs in. Like, you wrap them up really good and you put them in your shampoo. They don't check your shampoo. You take your shampoo to your room, take your drugs out of your shampoo, there you go. Want to smoke pot in your room? Turn on the floor AC, cover it in baby powder, go in the bathroom and turn on the shower and hold the pipe up to the vent. That's what you learn in Charter.
                   Like, I remember Creative Time in Charter. Like, I'm 13 and "manic-depressive" so I'm at that age where it's like, "What can I do that would make people think I was crazy?" So we go to art time and I made macaroni pictures of people hanging from trees.
                   Then I figured out what you did half way through it. Which was, "I don't really want to be in Charter, so to not be in Charter I've got to not make macaroni pictures of people hanging from trees. This was around the time when I was really thinking I was punk rock and it was like anarchy and fuck the man.
                   The thing with ADD. You see, I don't keep a train of thought. It's a bent spoon. You can have that saying if you want. I'll tell you what it is in a second. It's everybody's favorite saying in the world once I explain it. But, you know, the thing with ADD. Like I said, I got put on Ritalin when I was six. I can remember them giving me like a half pill of Ritalin when I was a kid and I would sleep for eight hours. From like 11am to 7pm. That's all you can do when you're on Ritalin, sleep. The times it didn't make you fall asleep, it was like, "Hey Jen, you're mom died." I'd be all, "Damn." "Hey Jen, you won the lottery." I'd go, "Cool." That's what it does to little kids. It's effectively like, "You know what. I don't want my little kid to act like a little kid. I want a six year old adult."
                   Think about it. Did you hear about stuff like ADD or obsessive compulsive syndrome or any of this shit like 30 years ago? It's all created by man. You were either crazy or not crazy. You were one of the fucking two. I have never in the past ten years have I see a society like this. My stepfather goes to 13 different 12-step meetings a week. He goes to NA, AA, Al-anon, Nicotine Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, Love Addicts Anonymous and Sex Addicts Anonymous. He goes to these meetings.
                   We got into a discussion maybe a year and a half ago about my ADD. The next day I walk into his house and he has downloaded 40 pages on ADD. He comes up to me and says, "I think I know what it is. I think I have ADD." I was all, "Jesus Christ Robert, if I had said I thought I had a multiple personality disorder you would've found some reason that you have it too. That's just what he does. That's his thing. In the past 10 years I can't believe how obsessed society has become with not being "right"."

                   Victor: "Check out my food(I pull out a can of Two-Cal out of my bag). I've been stealing these from University Hospital for around 3 years."

                   Jennifer: "Haha, my mom and dad work at University Hospital."

                   Victor: "See, I was University Hospital for my second head-injury in 2000. I got hooked on that Boost stuff. Like you drink one and you're not hungry anymore. It's everything you need and nothing you don't. So, after I got out of the hospital and I was out riding the bus telling people my story, I would always ride the elevator up to the 6th floor. The bus terminal connects with the hospital. I would ride up there and go say hi to my old therapists. I would tell them, "Hey, can I go snag a Boost?" They said sure and I would walk into the nourishment room and grab one. Well, they didn't know this, but I just kept using the pretense of going to say hi to them, walk into the nourishment room and just fill up my pockets. I would grab like 5 or 6 each time and just walk out of there and back down to the buses. They would just assume the patients were consuming them and order more(for me).
                   But, the day before yesterday was the end of an era. I was walking out with 5 in my bag and this group of doctors walked by. One lady told me, "Are you raiding our fridge again?" I told her, "No, I just came to say hi to Gabe." She just told me, "Well, you can't go in there." I told her, "Alright, later," and turned around and kept walking. I had just snagged 5 of them and I was really hoping she wouldn't notice the bulges in my bag.
                   Gabe and the therapists knew what I was doing the whole time. When I would show up he'd be, "Oh, you're here for a drink, Victor?"

                   I showed Jen my cool Player Hater lighter.

                   Jennifer: "You know Bush strikes me like, I listen to him, I actually watched the state of the union address. I'm listening to it and it seemed like his dad gave him a list of chores and if he doesn't do it he's not going to get his allowance. That's what it looked like to me. It seemed like they accidentally mixed up this state of the union address with an old one. It happens sometimes, like back in the thirties. Back when we were a theocracy still.
                   As far as Clinton goes. Did you watch his sex trails? I had to chew gum to keep my head from reaching back and eating my fucking brain, with some of the stuff that was being said.

                   Victor: "Bill Clinton was the realest president we have ever had. He cheated on his wife and he smoked weed. Just like every other Tom, Dick and Harry out there."

                   Jennifer: "There's a couple things I have thoughts on. You see, to me, all of this is for Jen's amusement. If it's funny, great. The way I look at it on two separate things. First of all the people's major concern was, "How are we going to look in foreign eyes?" I think to myself, "They have harems." The only thing they want to know is why he's sleeping with the dumpy girl in the beret? You're the fucking president. Walk your ass to Hugh Heffner's house."

                   Victor: "Look at all the surpluses. Look at the economy when Clinton was president. What better man to take his place then his right-hand man who is already used to his system? It's not like he got re-elected on accident. Gore won the popular vote hands down. It was that electoral college bullshit."

                   Jennifer: "I voted for Nader. I voted for Nader because I didn't like either of them. I thought, "Well, wouldn't it be cool if he did get us five percent and he got federal funding and then we really would have three parties?"

                   Victor: "I'm going to murder the government. We can govern ourselves."

                   Jennifer: "This is my thoughts on Clinton's sex thing. I felt I had to chew on something or my mouth is going to reach back and eat my head. I'm watching this and I'm thinking some of these people, their heads are so far up their ass they're wearing their body like a hat. I'm watching it and he said, "I didn't have sexual relations with this woman, but I got head." Literally, I have never in my life heard so many times out of Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather, these respectable news people the word, "Oral sex." I thought that was great. I thought it makes the news look wild to see Dan Rather look straight at the camera and go, "Do blowjobs count?" Then I thought to myself, "Of course they count." Unless I missed that day at school. Like there was some day at school where the principal came on the load speaker and said, "We're going to have fish sticks for lunch today, and by the way, BJ's don't count."
                   He's not the first president who got caught cheating on his wife. He was just the first person we cared about. I don't know why. We fucking found out that Hoover wore women's dresses and we didn't care. He was at home in pretty lace panties. It doesn't matter. Your private life is your private life. I don't care if Clinton wanted to fuck a jelly donut. As long as he doesn't do it on my clock."

                   Victor: "It's all about freedom and personal liberty. I don't fuck with you, don't fuck with me."

                   Jennifer: "As long as it's a consensual jelly donut. As long as the donut is of age and wants it to, haha. I look at everything for my amusement. I watch the news and I watch people making bid deals about nothing. Like, I was watching this thing about the Catholic sex scandals and stuff. You know, we don't ask a lot out of the Catholic church anymore. Now, we used to, but not anymore. We used to ask them to run the world, but you know what, we're not asking the Catholic church for guidance. We don't ask the Catholic church for God. We just ask them not to fuck our kids, for Christ's sake.
                   I can say that in all fairness because I went to Catholic school my entire life. From the day I went to Kindergarten to the day I graduated high school. I went to a Catholic school where you can still be spanked. I'm like 17 years old getting spanked. My mom doesn't even spank me."

                   Victor: "Back when I was going to elementary school at Twin Oaks here in San Antonio. I had been playing with some truck some other kid brought. I wasn't paying attention, so the teacher took me out in the hallway and spanked me. I freaked out and I walked all the way home. That bitch came to my apartment and tried to pull me out from underneath the bed. Man, my mom had her job when she found out. She lost her job."

     6:35pm  Jennifer is going to hook me up with a little nug of weed. Thanks, sister. She had just bought a twenty sack.

     8:29pm  Ed hooked me up with some pasta. He listened to my story too. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:48pm  I'm here talking to Ed, Jennifer's dad. He's got a story about University Hospital.

                   Ed: "I was a trauma x-ray tech in the emergency room. One night I saw nine gun shots in 14 minutes come through there. I called home and told them not to go outside. That there was a war going on out there. We were telling people with gunshots to the upper chest, "Shut up, we'll be with you when we can."
                   This one guy ate his fucking eye. He reached in with these two fingers and his thumb, shoved them in there, yanked the son of a bitch out, left the optic nerve dangling, looked at it with the eye that he had left and ate it. I just had to know why. I had to talk to this guy. I asked him why he did it and he said, "If I get a chance, I'm going to eat the other one too." I asked him, "Well, did you chew it or did you just gulp?" He said, "Yeah, I chewed it. It was kind of like an oyster." The skin had a tough, rubbery membrane. It's hard to swallow. I just kinda looked at him and said, "Dude, we're not looking eye-to-eye on this." I couldn't resist it, it just came out. Then, he tried to bite his own tongue off and eat it. That's when we had to sedate him."

                   Jennifer: "They had a guy go in there and swear he was Rocky Raccoon and that he had to get back to his forest."

                   Ed: "Those are a dime a dozen. We had one guy come in there thinking he was a VIA bus. Man, we had a guy who saved his own shit and he would make little sculptures out of it. It's a nuthouse at times."

                   Jennifer: "It's fantastic. I could go in the trauma room and watch if I wanted to see it. Dad would call me up and say, "Jennifer, do you want to come watch the carnage?"

                   Ed: "It's a war zone. There's a really serious underbelly to San Antonio that most people don't see. It's wild. It can be a blast at time, but the reason I left was because I saw just more things that any one person should have to see in a lifetime. How did Tom Avery used to say it, "I'll live in a log, drink muddy water and eat armadillos before I'll do that again." Man, that's nothing. There was all kinds of foreign objects in people's rectums. There was a guy who used a nailgun on his penis. Several nails."

                   Ed: "Here's the real reason I don't work at the hospital anymore. A 6 year old boy who's dad had just gotten out of prison. He went home and accused his mother of cheating, picked that 6 year old boy up over his head and slammed him on the floor and then jumped up and down on his head. At that moment I said, "I am through."

                   Victor: "Oh my god. All this in San Antonio? I am shocked."

                   Jennifer: "That's nothing. You never heard what happened in Brownsville? In Brownsville they found a couple that had decapitated a 6 week old, their year and a half old and their 3 year old. They cut their fuckin' heads off, put them in a garbage bag, closed the garbage bag, put it at the foot of their bed and left it there. That's why they got caught.
                   Here's the thing. Susan Smith, she's the one who drowned her kids. I mean, it's wrong, but it's a sad way to do things. I mean, I can understand when she said she was really depressed, but you know it doesn't make it right. How angry do you have to be to cut your kids head off."

                   Umm, that's enough of that conversation. I used a whole lot of tape on Jennifer and Ed. Thanks, guys.

     9:00pm  I came out of Jennifer's house and my buddies who live downstairs, Robert and the gang are down here. His friend had told me earlier that he had this hat at home he wanted me to have. He actually brought it for me. It's a badass hemp hat. His name's Ronnie. I appreciate it.

     9:30pm  I just left. Man, I had fun at those apartments. Jennifer listened to me a lot. She talked a lot too. We got really into each other. She's got a kid. I really don't think there's a possibility of anything more than a friendship there.

     9:50pm  David, in front of the Blockbuster on Medical/Fredericksburg gave me two cigarettes! Badass.

                   I had a good presentation at the Blockbuster and I got this girls email: Abby0478@yahoo.

     10:05pm  Sean at the Whataburger Limited is hooking me up. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:23pm  Man, that was awesome! I called that shit right before it happened. When I walked up to the Whataburger I thought to myself, "Man, it would be so cool if I got hooked up with a combo." I sure as hell did. They even asked me if I wanted a drink. I told them no, that I had my water, but I thanked them anyway.

                     Oh yeah, and I blew that dude Sean's mind. He came and sat down outside so he could listen to me. His email is thegreathorneddevil@yahoo.

                     Sweet, this is a fat burger. Double meat with bacon.

                     Mmmmm. It was delicious. I'm not hungry at all one bit.

                     I even have an after-meal smoke because that guy gave me two earlier.

     10:47pm  I'm crossing Fredericksburg, over by Medical. This one girl stopped for me to cross. Just to be nice. That reminds me of Arcata. That was nice of her.

     10:50pm  I'm over at the bus stop in front of the Wingstop on Medical. I saw a 91 coming from downtown going to the hospital. It should be here any time headed to West Telemarketing. I'm going to go to the Huebner Jim's and see if I can talk to people there. I'm at bus stop #85596.

     10:55pm  Ugh, I just made a big mistake. Hold on, I'm going to go talk to this girl real quick.

     11:02pm  Remember how I said I was going to go talk to that girl? Well, she recognized me! She goes, "Hey, it's the hippie dude!" I asked her, "I've talked to you before?" She told me yeah, at West. I asked her, "Did I ever tell you what I was doing?" I ran off my platform and she nodded her head up and down the whole time.

                     Planting the seed.

     11:07pm  Chad is hooking me up with a cigarette at the gas station here on Fredericksburg/Datapoint.

                     Oh man, he gave me three!

     11:10pm  I just scored five cigarettes off that dude. I didn't even ask him. I was just telling my story.

                     I'm walking to the Quizno's Sub shop and see if they'll listen to me. Ahh, I'm going to keep walking.

     11:39pm  I'm sitting here in front of the Subway on Wurzbach smoking a cigarette. There's some guy at Tiffany's Cabaret, the strip club across the street, changing out the marquee. I'm going to go over there and talk to him. Tell him my story.

                     I went across the street and talked to that guy in front of the strip club and immediately offered him a free cigarette. Somebody else came up and started distracting him. I'm going to keep walking.

                     I'm going to go to the EZ Food Mart, this Habib store and go talk to somebody there.

                     Since that guy gave me so many cigarettes I've been giving them away. I've got two left.

     11:51pm  I didn't talk to anyone at the Habib-mart. Actually, I saw this girl sitting in her car and asked her, "Hey, can I tell you a really interesting story?" She listened to me. What a great day. Now I'm walking to the Baker Street Pub.

Next day..

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