


San Antonio, TX

Thursday March 10, 2005

     8:52am  The next morning. I woke up around seven or eight. I got up. I didn't eat anything. I scraped out some resin out of my pipe. I've got a bowl. I haven't hit it yet. I want to start my garden, but I don't have any gloves. I found the hoe and I was going to clear out an area for the garden, but I need gloves. I'm going to get blisters if I till up the ground with no gloves.

     10:43am  I never told you. I'm taking off walking to the Shell station on 1604/Braun. I won't be wandering too far from home today. Today is a day to rest my feet. I won't be walking as much. I'm going to get a cigarette and maybe I'll score some free food somehow.

     10:00am  I'm walking up to the Shell. Let me check the ashtrays for cigarettes. I've got a little resin ball left and I'm going to take a hit of weed.

     10:22am  I had a good smoking session at the Shell station. I didn't talk to anybody, but my friend Wes hooked me up with a hotdog. I knew I was going to score food somehow. I ate a hotdog and smoked some snipes out of the ashtray. I'm walking down Leslie Road now. I'm going to walk all the way to the Walmart. Maybe, I'm not sure.

     10:32am  I walked by the Wild Animal Orphanage. I saw some kid smoking a cigarette. I went up and asked him for one. He didn't have another one, but he said, "What's up, San Antonio Walker." He told me, "Remember, we picked you up on Spring Time." He was with those kids who had been there with me to see that cat get run over(1-25-04, 7:35pm). He was with them.

     10:48am  I stopped here on Leslie Road. I got some really good resin hits out of my pipe. I didn't think I had any hits left. I had like three or four of them.

     10:55am  Mike hooked me up with a cigarette.

     10:56am  Ha, what a bunch of damn ignorant kids. I walked by the animal orphanage and some kid recognized me. He was doing community service with these other dudes. I had walked up to them and said, "Hey, do you guys need any help? I work for free. I'm bored." They told me I had to ask Ron, but he wasn't there. I went back to them and tried to put on my presentation. I didn't even get to tell them my mission objectives before one kid was interrupting me. I told them the world's greatest problem was ignorance and just then one guy walked off saying, "I ain't going to hear this." Dumbass kids. Then this black dude told me, "You probably should be on your way." Oh wait, there's a creek.

     11:14am  Man, what a great little adventure this turned out to be. I've been hiking on this dry creek-bed off Leslie Road.

     11:35am  I walked the ditch a little bit until I saw some powerlines coming up. I climbed up the hill and I'm right behind all this Babylon, this evil urban sprawl that has overtaken the countryside out here. Houses as far as the eye can see. I'm going to walk through this neighborhood. I am meant to be out here today.

     11:37am  I just entered Babylon. I found an opening in the fence. I'm going to sit down and smoke a cigarette.

     11:44am  I ended up on Wildhorse Pkwy. Walking South right now.

                     Passing the future homesite of Dean H. Krueger Elementary School.

                     Ugh, all this destruction. I hate this part of town. It's blatant rape. Damn clear-cutting all the way. There's no nature left. No nature at all. All houses now. It sucks!

                     I walked along this ditch and I am in some marsh now. Still walking South. Along the powerlines. That's what I'm aiming for.

                     I hopped over this fence by the powerlines. I ended up on somebody's property. Some office. I am going underneath 1604 right now. I'm going to keep going along the creek. Damnit, there's a barbwire fence. Should I jump it? Should I crawl under it?

                     Wow, there's nothing like exploring new woods.

     12:30pm  There's some awesome trails out here. I've never been out here before.

                     There's a lot of hoof prints out here, horses.

     12:46pm  I stumbled onto a ditch and I'm going to go up into some neighborhood now.

                     The street I'm coming up on is Candle Bend.

                     Whoa cool, there's Bowen Drive. This must be where Bowen Drive ends. At least I know where I am.

                     I ended up on Bowen Drive and I passed this dude in his garage. He called me over and I had met him before. His name is Keith. I had met him a while back ago at a 610 bus stop. I had smoked him out.

     12:55pm  I'm leaving Keith's. 9559 Bowen. He told me to come back by around two thirty and he'd smoke me out. I'm going to walk around and find some other kids to tell my story to.

     1:04pm  Josh hooked me up with a cigarette walking to the Citgo. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:09pm  I had a great presentation with Josh. What's your email address?

     1:27pm  Josh has a story. What's up? Josh: "I started out here in San Antonio. I got a plane ticket and went into Oklahoma City just to see a girl. While I was on the plane, there were these two army guys and they were sitting behind me. They were going to run a beer booth at Oktoberfest. I was chilling with them on the plane. We got there and I only had enough money for two days for the hotel. I stayed there for two days partying at Oktoberfest. They hooked me up with free beer and everything. I moved out at noon from the hotel. I just grabbed my bag and started walking. I had gotten a job the first day I had gotten into town. This girl had told me, "Hey, you can crash at my place." So I crashed at her place for a little while. It wasn't working after a week, so I just headed off with my duffel bag again. Then I was walking to the gas station to get a pack of cigarettes and this magazine crew approached me saying, "Hey, we travel the United States and we sell magazines. I noticed you were toting a bag and we're about to leave." So I got on that magazine crew. Then I got left in Colorado Springs. Then I ended up running into an old buddy of mine that I went to school with down here. We went up to Garden of the Gods. The first night I was there it was Holloween Night. I went to this goth club and this girl picked me up and took me to Garden of the Gods. We smoked out and everything else. It was pretty cool. She asked me what I was doing and everything and I told her I was just chilling. She let me stay at her place for a couple months. Then I moved in with my buddy. Then I left again because I had never seen California. I started heading out and I got to Denver. I started walking for a little while. I eventually got to California. See, I had been dating this one girl for like 2 years. I knew she lived in Denver, but I had no idea where she was or anything. When I got there, she hooked me up with busfare to California. I went to LA. LA wasn't as friendly. I did run into some people who hooked me up with busfare back here."

                   I had me a great presentation right now. We came over and stood in the shade and Josh listened to my whole odyssey.

     1:50pm  I didn't tell you. I'm walking towards Bo's house now. I have to wait until two thirty before going back to Keith's. I'm walking to Bo's house to see if he's home.

                   I'm at Bo's.

                   Nobody is home at Bo's. There's two trucks here, but nobody is home.

     2:15pm  I'm just randomly walking down street in this neighborhood.

     2:18pm  I ended up on Laurel Bend.

                   I came back and Keith is washing this car. He gets paid for washing people's cars.

     3:47pm  Man, that was awesome how I just popped out of the woods in the neighborhood today and some guy recognized me. I walked around the block to kill time and I walked back. Then these two black dudes in a Mustang showed up. I sat down on the curb and told them my story. They were all interested. They took off, but they'll be right back and I'm going to tell them my odyssey. This one guy in the back was nodding his head up and down the whole time. He was saying, "Exactly." We smoked a fat blunt, so I'm all stoned now. It sucked, I had to scream my story over the music. I got it out, though.

     4:14pm  I'm all high now because we smoked some more. I'm going to walk around the hood and find somebody to tell my story to.

     4:28pm  I was walking down this street and I passed 9327. I saw this little cat on the sidewalk. I ran up on him trying to scare him. He darted off, but he came back real quick. I quickly sat down on the ground and cooed him over. He almost jumped in my lap! I gave him a good five minute scratching session. I gave him some lovin'.

     4:45pm  I stopped on the corner of Bowen's Drive and Boughwood. All of a sudden I spot this rainbow kite flying in the air. I'm looking at it right now.

     5:10pm  I am home. I cut through the neighborhood. I didn't go straight down Old Tezel.

Next day..

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