


San Antonio, TX

Monday March 14, 2005

     4:15am  I just woke up. Oh yeah, last night I came over to Lorenzo's. He was home and he ended up letting me crash.

     4:41am  I have devised a plot. I know that Sam wakes up at five. I'm not on too good of terms with Sam. I'm going to go knock on his door. First, I'll hear if he's awake or not. I'm going to tell him, "Hey Sam, if this is the last favor you do me, please let me make my . . ." See, I've run out of hard drive room on my mom's computer. I don't have enough room to play on, like I want to. She only has a 4gb hard drive. See, since I'm going to start handing out CD's, I can have all my pictures on it! But, I need to make one exe file. I don't have enough room to create the self-extracting exe file on my mom's hard drive. I'm going to ask Sam, "Please just let me make this file, burn it, and then I'll be out of your life forever." I have to wait until five to check.

                   Oh yeah, when I woke up Lorenzo wasn't home. He didn't come home last night. I kind of don't want to leave his place unlocked. I'm all worried about that. Maybe after Sam's I'll just come right back here and see if I can crash out again. I woke up early for a reason.

                   I believe I have salvaged my tape recorder. Remember, the door broke on it not too long ago(3-9-05, after 8:19am). I fixed it. I put a rubber band on it.

     5:01am  I'm going to try Sam's. Oh shit, I forgot my wallet. I'm going back to Lorenzo's and get it.

     5:12am  Sam's awake. I hear the shower going. Cool, cool.

     5:22am  Alright, Sam's shower stopped. I'm going to knock on the door after I give him some time to get dressed.

     5:25am  I waited for Sam to get out of the shower and knocked on the door. He opened the door and I told him, "Sam, I need a really quick favor. I'm not wanting to stay or anything. He had opened the door and peeked his head out. I explained to him the whole situation about my mom's hard drive. He copped this snooty attitude, "Oh, well that's too bad." I told him, "Alright then, I was just eliminating my options. Forget it." He closed the door. Shit, at least I waited for him to get out of the shower. Well, that's alright. No more Sam ever again. I guess I'll go back to Lorenzo's and see if I can fall asleep again.

                   Sam was all laughing, "Good luck on your CD-quest."

     8:30am  Oh yeah, I took a nap. I stayed at Lorenzo's apartment for about an hour until finally I gave up. Screw it, I'm going to go catch a bus. I'll go try and get my CD burned somewhere.

     8:37am  Mr. Garcia was driving the 524 when it pulled up in front of Sam's apartments, in front of Santa Fe. Mr. Garcia hadn't seen me in a long time. I put in seventy five cents in the farebox and he even gave me a transfer. I'm at Crossroads right now. Waiting for the 92.

                   Oh yeah, I'm going to go to Tanya's because I know she has a computer. Actually, I have to go over to my sister's apartments and get a key to my mom's house. That's what I'll do.

                   I just got off at the hospital. I got off at the stop right when it turns in after Melrose Holmgreen. I'm going to check the tennis courts here to see if they have any balls. Right when I got off the bus, I see this dude on a riding lawnmower about to run over a ball in the grass. I yelled at him, "Stop, stop!" and show him the ball on the end of my stick. He went around it for me. Cool, I've got at least one ball. I'll check the trash cans inside the court.

                   Cool, I have two balls now. There was one in a trashcan.

     11:33am  I forgot to tell you. I'm on the 92. I had gone to Tanya's apartment. She wasn't home, but her fourteen year old son let me in. I got on her computer. It's an old 500mhz system like my mom's, but with Windows 98. I wasn't able to copy my stuff over to her computer because the disk messed up or something. I'm going back home to burn another copy. I'll come back tomorrow or something. I just found a long, grey cord on the bus. I'm going to put it on my stick somehow.

     12:00pm  Randy hooked me up with a cigarette at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:28pm  The driver on the 610 let me on. Nice guy. He was all, "This isn't the first time."

     12:55pm  I just had an excellent presentation with Marisa in the back of the bus. I told her my whole odyssey story and everything. She listened to the whole thing. She didn't interrupt me one time. Thanks, Marisa.

                     Perfect timing, perfect timing. I started telling Marisa my story at the hospital, the driver had a wait. My sister's apartments aren't that far from the hospital, but I got to finish my odyssey story. Right when I finished, we were in front of Plaza de Ville.

                     I'm going to see if my sister will let me borrow a key.

     1:07pm  I just left Plaza de Ville. I've walked all the way to Huebner already. My sister was there and she hooked me up with a key! Just like that. She said I could keep it. It has turned into a beautiful day. The sun came out and I'm just going to walk all the way home.

     1:19pm  I am walking down Eckhert passing 6460. I just stopped and took my top layer off.

     1:54pm  I have to make an update. I just got out of Horacio's. I didn't ask for free food. I told her, "All I have is a dollar." She got me a bean and cheese taco. They were about to close, too. I lucked out.

                   I'm walking to the Citgo on the corner of Eckhert and Bandera. I'm going to go bum a cigarette somehow.

     1:57pm  Stephanie hooked me up with a cigarette at the Citgo. I appreciate it, Stephanie. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:13pm I've decided I'm going to hike Leon Creek. I'm not going to go towards the park. I'm going to go the other way, underneath Bandera. I'm going to take a left underneath Bandera. A little Northwest.

     2:25pm  I'm not that far. I can still see Bandera Road over there. I went up this hill to go around this pond that had formed. I'm going to keep walking the creek. Hehe, I've got on these ankle socks too. There's a noticeable tan line on my ankles. I hope I don't get chiggers.

     2:37pm  I just went through some hole in the barbwire fence. I'm on somebody's property. I hope nobody sees me. This is turning out to be a really cool hike. I'm passing this abandoned building that I've been to before.

     2:39pm  Came out on Mainland in front of the Crossing at Quail Creek.

                   I walked down this one street. Los Olas Blvd, I think. It ended up dead-ending, so I turned around walked back and gave these guys the peace sign. Some guy washing his driveway. When I walked back again he asked me, "Do you got any weed?" I told him, "Yeah, you want to smoke?" He told me, "We're already high." They didn't have a cigarette.

                   Oh yeah, I read on the Rider Reader on the bus today that they're bringing back the 605 route. They're having all these improvements to the bus system May 30th.

                   It's about time that they realized it was a mistake that they took that route off. I miss my Braun Station buses.

                   I ended up on Coral Springs. I didn't keep going on Mainland. I'm going to turn on Silent Oak.

     3:13pm  I've been walking Silent Oak this whole time.

     3:19pm  I just found me some snipes on the ground. I'm going to sit down and smoke them.

     3:25pm  I just got up from my 3:20 break, hehe. I sat down at the ditch and smoked some weed. I smoked a couple snipes I had. Hmm, there's a gummy bear. I should pick it up and eat it.

                  I picked it up and wiped it off. It was on the street. I was contemplating eating it, but ahh, screw that. It was on the street.

                  Cool, a state trooper just saw me talking into my tape recorder. He turned and went down some street right when he saw me.

     3:28pm  Walked Silent Oak all the way to Tezel Road. I'm going to turn right when I get there.

                    I'm not going to turn right. I'm going to keep going straight on Silent Oak. Entering the Estates of Northwest Crossing.

     3:33pm  Turning left on Andtree. Hmm, I vaguely recall seeing that street name before and thinking it was missing the S for Sandtree. I can look that up when I get home(2-13-04, 6:40am).

     3:37pm  Marsh Creek turns into Sidbury Circle.

                   7123 on this street, Sidbury Circle. It's an ugly-ass house. I wouldn't be surprised if nobody lived in it.

     3:42pm  I just passed Dover Ridge. I'm going to keep walking straight.

     3:48pm  Turning right on Brookway for no reason whatsoever.

     3:52pm  I ended up on Old Tezel. I'm going to do a loop. I'll take a left and another left and go down Bowens. I might go to Bo's. I'm going to walk to the Citgo and get something to eat. Cool, I can go to the one close to my mom's house.

     4:00pm  Joey hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Citgo. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     4:38pm  I'm getting to Bo's. I heard some people in the backyard. I hope he sells me a dimesack. My feet hurt. I've been walking all day.

     4:44pm  I am leaving Bo's. He didn't have any weed. They were playing washers in the backyard. Interesting little game.

     4:47pm  Check out this blessing right now. I left Bo's and I was walking down Middlepoint. All of a sudden, this Puertorican brother I had talked to on the bus, he walked by and hooked me up with some food! I appreciate it, brother. I'm hungry.

                   What a glorious blessing I just got. I got the idea to walk over towards Keith's and see if he had any weed he could sell me. I could've gone straight on Point's Edge, but I decided to turn on Middlepoint. Then some guy recognized me and said, "Hey, what's up, Boricua?" He ended up hooking me up with some food! He gave me a Jumbo Jack and order of hotwings too! What a blessing. Thank you, Love, thank you.

                   I walked all the way to the Citgo on Dover Ridge and ate. I wanted an after-meal smoke. I had two fives in my wallet, so I bought me a pack of cigarettes. I guess I'm not going to score any weed. I bought a pack of Marlboro Lights. The cashier was this pretty older lady. She told me, "You look familiar." "You've probably seen me walking around," I told her. She said, "No, I've seen you walking around, but you also look like someone I know. I have seen you walking around, though."

     6:20pm  I am leaving the Citgo. The EZ Mart.

     6:23pm  Haha, I just got on the 610. I ran for it and he let me on. I put fifty cents in the farebox and told him it was all I had. Mr. 6539 said, "It's eighty cents." I told him, "Come on, just to the Citgo. Umm, usually I don't have anything." He told me, "Have a seat."

     6:39pm  I am getting to my mom's house. Hmm, Rosie's truck and my mom's car are in the driveway. Nobody's home though.

Next day..

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