

                                                                                                              Tampa, FL

Saturday March 15, 2008

     3:41am  Man, I got woken up in the middle of the night from all the partying going on in the street. Bassing lowriders and stuff. I was able to make a snipe-rat and went outside and stood on the corner with my shirt hoping to bum another cigarette. I'm going back to bed now.

     7:54am  I woke up again. I got enough sleep.

     8:50am  Randy hooked me up with a cigarette at the Salvation Army. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:18am  I'm in line here at the Salvation Army. Be sure to look up on the internet about the Tornado that hit Atlanta yesterday.

     10:11am  I ate a big breakfast at the Salvation Army. I'm stuffed. Some meatballs and pasta and cake. I need to get some spare change for world peace. I need some tobacco. I need some weed.

     10:36am  Gaynell hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Hyatt, I think. I appreciate it, Gaynell. Everybody gets credit, thanks.


     10:47am  I had a great presentation with Kevin, who works at the hotel here. I took his picture. He told me about some gathering.

     11:12am  I walked around downtown a little bit. I went to the Sykes plaza and stood there with my shirt on. They're having a big Christian concert. I made my way back to the transit center. I'm going to see if I can to Brandon today, just to be in that town. I want to see Chasity so bad. I miss her so much. She's like the only girl I have truly loved the most. I was with her for four years. I just want to see her again.

                     Police Station

     11:22am  The greedy ass bus driver gave me the 'ol ask-a-supervisor line.

     11:26am  William gave me a cigarette at the transfer center. I appreciate it, William. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:10pm  I'm out here flying my shirt and hook a brother up sign in downtown Tampa! In front of the CVS I met this brother and sister who are traveling together. We walked up to the John. F. Germany library where they wouldn't let me in because my pack didn't fit in their box. I ran into Katrina again. She asked me if she could use my hook a brother up sign(even though she's a sister). I let her put my clown wig on and she went to the stoplight in front of the library and stood there. She hasn't gotten anything. I'm standing here showing everybody my shirt. I'm going to pass out my website. We smoked some weed, hell yeah.

     1:14pm  I'm taking a turn flying my sign.

     1:36pm  Martin gave me a cigarette. He took my website too. You'll be on there when I update it.

     2:09pm  I had a badass time flying my shirt right in front of the library. Ashley and Tyler. Dude, like five people took pictures of me and my shirt. I passed out my website like crazy.

                   I'm over at a Church of God feeding they have. Essie is giving out food to the homeless. That's very generous of you.


     2:15pm  We are still waiting for food. We have to hear all this bullshit preaching before we can eat. What an expensive meal. It's absolutely nothing new. I've heard it all before. It's such an old story.

     3:29pm  After the big bible-thumper feeding they had I met Bob and Pam and asked them if they had any weed. Bob was nice to invite me to smoke. We came to this old, abandoned ampitheatre building right across some canal with some big silver dome on the other side. I'll take pictures of it. We're going to smoke a bowl, hell yeah.

     4:20pm  I just got done smoking with this guy and girl in this ampitheatre. I took pictures. The guy said he would listen to me, but his girlfriend would not stop interrupting. We smoked a couple fat bowls, so I'm going to go find somebody to tell my story to.

     4:52pm  Man, downtown is dead today and it's Saturday. Nobody is here at all. I walked all the way over to the transfer center in hopes of finding someone to tell my story to. I didn't find anyone. I got directed to Footsoldiers, this other bum-feed their having.

     5:24pm  Man, I am so bored with Tampa. I can't wait to get some busfare to get out of here. No drivers give me a courtesy rides anymore. Ugh, all I did today was just walk to and from bum-feeds. I should've gone to the college and typed up my stuff. I want to go to Brandon. I want to manifest Chasity. I miss her so much. I just want to see her one more time.

     6:05pm  John hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   AJ's sister

     6:58pm  Daniel hooked me up with a cigarette here at FootSoldiers feeding. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:23pm  The brainwashing continues. All these people talk about is god. They think God is a person. "Let him come into your life." It's not a person! When will we ever learn? LOVE, that's all it is. This pretty girl who impressed me playing the keyboard, I went up to her and told her she rocked on the keyboard. She told me, "Thanks for coming out tonight. God bless you." I told her, "Praise Love. It's all we need."
                   Oh yeah, I've got all these signs to walk to Brandon. I want to go to Brandon because Chasity might live there. Then I ran into some other kid who said he was going to walk to Brandon tonight. I asked him how we was getting there and he surprisingly told me he was going to walk. I told him I would walk with him, but I would most likely pass him up. Man, I miss Chasity so much. I just want to see her one more time. She was the girl I loved the longest. For four years I was with her.

                   Live music

                   Thumbs up

     9:12pm  Oh yeah, I found out that Brandon is only nine miles away. Hop, skip and a jump. I was about to start walking to Brandon but hey, there's a St. Patrick's Day parade going on right here! I just need to make an appearance with my shirt. Oh yeah, and I had some great publicity at this bum-feed. I was just walking around the whole time and everyone was staring at my shirt. I was passing my website out left and right. I took pictures and stuff. Everybody knows that I am doing something. Awesome.

     10:27pm  Bob hooked me up with a cigarette at the St. Patrick's Day parade!

     10:48pm  What a crowd. Man, I am having such great publicity here at the parade. What a surprise! Everybody has been taking my picture and I am passing my website out like crazy.  Some couple.

                   Holy shit! I ran into Son, who I met in Arcata and Haight Street in San Francisco! Hell yeah! I wish I would've taken his pictures, of his tattoos on his arms and everything. He said he would come back.

     11:13pm  Johna hooked me up with a cigarette at the parade. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     12:02am  Some cartoonist guy volunteered to draw me! He said, "You certainly are a character."

     12:07am  Mark is the cartoonist that came by and he drew my picture for free. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.


                     More people

     12:22am  Dude, I just ran into Gonzo, another guy who recognized me! I met him at the White Buffalo Farm in Paonia, Colorado.
     1:01am  Lisa gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Lisa. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Girl I gave a flower to.

     1:07am  Jeanette and Gina just hooked me up with some money. I told them I wasn't doing this for money, just for the cause, but they hooked me up anyway.

     2:01am  Another day at the office for me. I'm going to walk home and crash at the church. I won't get that much sleep because they'll wake everyone up at six.

     2:23pm  I am walking a hell of a long way back to the church. Dude, I am only going to get like three hours of sleep when I get there. Tomorrow is Sunday  morning so there will be church there and they'll wake everyone up. It sucks. I gave out my website so much. Umm, I need a friggin' shower. I haven't taken a shower since Panama City at Kim's house. I've walked like over a hundred miles since then. I just feel dirty giving girls hugs and shit. I'm not going to get that much sleep tonight. I don't know what to do. This sucks. I was really hoping I would see Chasity tonight. I'm almost crying. I want to see Chasity. It's just a shame that I am this close to her and she's still ignoring me. It's been so long. I miss her so much. I want to see her again and I was hoping I would at the parade. I did run into a lot of ignorance today. I was yelling at people who ignored me hardcore. "Man, NOBODY wants world peace! That's right, be afraid! Be afraid! What? Are you scared?!" One girl yelled at me, "I love your shirt! I love weed!" As soon as I offered her my website she walked off. I yelled at her, "Talk is cheap!" I was hoping some girl would invite me over to her place so I could take a shower. Oh well, right now I'm walking all the way down 7th to Marion. Such a long way. At least I learned about another busy strip. Where they had the parade is technically Ybor City. Tomorrow is Sunday and the buses aren't running out to Brandon tomorrow. I might end up walking out to Brandon even though I haven't taken a shower. I just want to go to sleep now. I've had a long ass day of work today. I gave out my website like crazy tonight. I had to stop and cut out two whole sheet's worth of havethisbook.coms because I ran out. One hundred each page.

     3:07am  I walked all the way back to the church. I'm going to crash out for three hours, that's it.

Next day..


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