

                                                                                                              Tampa, FL

Sunday March 16, 2008

     8:47am  I forgot to tell you, four hours after I went to sleep Katrina woke me up, "Hey, I got some weed." She made me give her two dollars. I went to her "room" and we smoked. I ate breakfast. I thought I might be able to go back to sleep, but it's Sunday and the church people will wake me up. I got stoned. Wake and bake. Oh, and I met this brother who was crashed out around the corner, Deon. He's from St. Thomas and has a Jamaican accent. I took his picture. Anyway, we're walking to Hyde Park for breakfast. Alright. I'm going to take a shower tomorrow on Monday when they take showers, Katrina told me.

                   Bob Barker soap I found.
     9:59am  I thought I had lost my Make It Happen shirt, but I found it right now. That's awesome.

     1:08pm  Dean and Arlene are out here feeding homeless people at Tyler and Franklin. We appreciate it. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     1:19pm  I came to this feeding they had here. My Irie friend and I came. I've been hanging out with him all morning. Some lady at the CVS had given him five bucks for watching her bike while she went in the store. So we have a little cash for weed. We've been walking around looking to score. Man, I'm totally manifesting shit left and right. Somebody told me about this feeding they were going to have a couple blocks down. This random family feeding homeless people.

                  Pretty girl

                  Oh yeah, Pops, this other homeless man who I met when I first walked to the Gaslight Park, another homeless guy who has a walking stick and he's always at the park in front of the police station. Well, he found one of my worn-out tennis balls and he put it on his stick too. Hell yeah, I am totally impregnating Downtown Tampa with my presence. Good 'ol Victor-effect, hehe.

     1:53pm  I am leaving the bum-feed.

     4:00pm  I just got totally blessed! I saw these two kids sitting at the table in front of the coffee shop, this couple, a dude and a girl. Well, you know me, I walked up to them and hit them up for my story and they were all ears. Odyssey and everything. In the end I loaded up to leave and the girl volunteered me a twenty dollar bill! I forgot that couple's names. I took their picture though.

                  See, I just had to play the patience game. Yesterday I was stressing because I didn't have any money for busfare and no drivers were giving me courtesy rides. I just had to wait it out and I got twenty dollars today for doing my job.

     4:49pm  I am leaving from behind the Greyhound station where they had another bum-feed. You really can't go hungry in this town at all, man. The food is everywhere. Hmm, since I have twenty bucks I'm going to go buy some microcassette tapes. I guess I should get my stuff typed up so I can record over the ones I have.

     5:03pm  I walked back to the CVS, but they ended up being closed. I was going to see if they sold microcassette tapes. Tomorrow I will have a big day of work at the college. I'll get some more food and then I'll ride the bus out to the college in the morning and type all day long. There's a Walmart over by the university transfer center. I'll buy some tapes there.

                  Since downtown is so dead on Sunday I'm going to walk back to the bus station, The Marion Transit Center(MTC) and refill my water bottle. I'm going to go crash out at the church early. I'll wake up at like three in the morning tomorrow. Alright, I'm going to go to the bus station and get some water.

     5:38pm  I walked to the MTC and met up with AJ and his sister. AJ's from California. I'm going to buy ten dollars worth of weed and with the other ten dollars I'll buy some tapes and I'll have busfare to the college tomorrow. I'm going to go out to Brandon and look for Chasity.

     6:39pm  I'm leaving this park where I got a little bit of weed. Not that much, but it's pretty good weed though. I'll have enough for typing-fuel tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for me. I'll ride the bus out to the college and do some typing. It'll be Monday, start of my work week. I'll get caught up on my typing. Oh yeah, and I can buy some tapes at the Walmart too.

                  The park I came to was Tampa Waterworks Park. Now I know of a place I can come and take a nap at. I wish I would've known about it this morning. I'm all tired. I'm going to go to the church and fall asleep right now as soon as the sun goes down.

     6:54pm  I was walking to almost to the highway, which the bus station is on the other side of. I walked up to where these branches come down and always get snagged on my pack when I walk through. I am still waiting for the sun to come down so I can crash, so I took it upon myself to use the saw on my Leatherman and cut those branches so they don't get snagged on my pack anymore. I took pictures, before and after.

     7:22pm  About ten or fifteen minutes ago I got back to the church and made my camp. I'm going to go to bed early tonight. I'm going to eat a peanut butter sandwich I have and brush my teeth and crash.

     8:22pm  Dog-damnit, Katrina came over. She's my neighbor. Her and Mack sleep close to me at the church. Mack walked up and gave her a little weed he got for her since he doesn't smoke. She took a couple hits by herself. I didn't mind, I had my own weed to smoke. Then she asked me if she could bum a cigarette. I said sure, I just bought a pouch of Buglers. I handed her the pouch and let her roll a cigarette. Then she asked me if I had any weed and would smoke her out. I told her I just had a little and that I had to conserve for my typing tomorrow, that I had a big day of work. I want to go score a shower in the morning and then do a lot of typing. Then all of a sudden she disappears with my pouch of tobacco! I yelled at her, but she pretended like she was asleep and ignored me. I can't believe she got so mad at me for not smoking my weed with her, even though she was already high because Mack just gave her some, and she had just smoked it in front of me and didn't offer me any. This crackwhore goes and steals my tobacco! She just doesn't give it back and ignores me. Then all of a sudden I look and she's gone. Mack said she went to go hustle. Fuckin-a! Why does everybody always have to fuck with the guy trying to bring world peace?! Thanks for making my story so interesting you cracksmoker.

                  Ugh, she got mad at me because I didn't smoke her out with my weed. She was even complaining to Mack about it. Hell, she didn't smoke me out with hers. Ugh, she expects everything. She was all, "Give me a cigarette, give me a cigarette." You need to ask for it, bitch. You need to learn the rules.

                  Ugh, fuck this whole coast. When is everyone going to learn? It's so ass-backwards here.

Next day..


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