

                                                                                                             San Jose to Gilroy, CA

Monday March 16, 2009

     5:47am  I just woke up. I might be leaving San Jose this morning. Yesterday I spent all day on the computer practically. I formatted in the morning, went and downloaded the right drivers at the MLK library, then came back and finalized the reinstall. I set the password for it as password. The password hint says, "It's password."

     6:08am  I woke up this morning with seven hours of sleep. Nobody else is awake. I am ready to go. First Christian Church serves breakfast at eight. I am going to take off now. Thank you so much Sarah for providing me with all these resources in San Jose. I got all my typing done and am caught up. I am going to get out of here today.
     7:02am  I am leaving from the house. What a great welcome I had to San Jose. I'm going to walk to breakfast now. I proofread my stuff and everything. All I have to do now is add the pictures and then go back to San Luis.

                   When I was walking back to the house from the library, I found a fourteen ounce Nalgene bottle in the grass right in front of the orange tree. I am walking now.

                   I am so thankful for this orange tree that has kept me alive recently.

     8:02am  I walked to 1st Street, where the lightrail runs and some buses stop. I asked a driver what was the furthest South I could get on the 101 on a city bus. He told me I had to catch the 68 to Gilroy. Let's see if I can get a courtesy ride.

                   I just had an awesome presentation with Simon right now. I am on my way to Gilroy right now. Sarah gave me $1.65 in change, which was enough to get on the bus, even though I was ten cents short. I am on my way to Gilroy now.

     8:35am  I never mentioned, when I walked over to the First Christian Church, over by the library I saw Coco, cool, around 7:30 or so. I asked her if they were feeding breakfast at eight. She said not today, on Tuesdays. I'm going to sit out in front of the church and eat an orange.

                   Coco was nice enough to send some dude outside with a bowl of cereal and a package of Trader Joe's yogurt covered pretzels for me. Luckily, in the trash can I found a fruit-top cake someone had thrown away still in its plastic container. I figured it was in the trash because of all the fruit on top, so I flipped it upside down and just ate the cake from the bottom up, leaving the fruit. I have food, so I'm on the Gilroy bus right now.

     10:04am  I just got off the bus in Gilroy. I might hang out in town. I might go to the onramp.

     10:17am  I came to the food mart, the Chevron here. The greedy Mexican girl wouldn't let me fill up my bag with ice. Some guy came out of the bathroom and tried to leave and the girl told him, "Oh, you're not going to buy anything?" The guy felt bad I guess because he bought something. What a good little slave she is.

     10:19am  Sweet, I'm crossing over the railroad tracks here and I found a Nutrigrain bar!

                     Vickie was nice enough to let me get some ice in my bag at the Arby's in Gilroy. I appreciate it. The girl at the Chevron told me I had to pay.

                     I should be a little more explanatory. I walked all the way to 101. I saw a bum flying a sign in the median. Sweet, I can spread the word here. I came to the onramp and tagged the pole. I'm going to thumb it until the bum leaves and then I'll go spread the word to traffic.

                     I'm all resinated. I just smoked the resin from that purple stuff I had gotten.

                     I'm going to go take a shit. I got tired of thumbing it. After I take a shit I'm going to spread the word at the stoplight here in front of the stores.

     2:22pm  This brother just pulled over and gave me a blunt! Way to support the cause!
                    Dude, right after I take my last resin hit I get hooked up with a blunt. How perfect.

                    I just got a dollar for no reason. They guy wouldn't accept my website.

                    This cop came and talked to me and said he got a complaint about me. Hehe, probably from somebody I called ignorant when they ignored me. Truth hurts. He told me I couldn't fly my sign, even though that bum had been here all morning. Anyway, I am packing up and leaving. I got two bucks for cigarettes.

                    Steven gave me some change for some cigarettes. I appreciate it, Steven. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

     3:00pm  I've been hanging in front of the 7-11 for a little bit. All these school kids got out of school and I passed out my website a lot. Everybody was talking about my shirt. I'm going to walk into town now.

     3:05pm  I had gotten bored so I decided I'd walk back into town. I walked and saw some back dude crossing the street. When he was within earshot I offered him my website and told him it was about peace through marijuana. He tells me, "I sell weed. Do you wanna smoke?"

                 Welcome to Gilroy, Victor! Hell yeah! I had a badass presentation with Jay. I told him the important part and the Note From the Rich and everything. He told me I made him think. That's music to my ears. Just doin' my job. My mission is coming along great. I am very happy. Jay hooked me up with a couple nuggets for the cause.

                 It's awesome in how the random neighborhood I ran into Jay. We smoked close to Glendy Ct and Glendy Dr. He even kicked me down some little nuggets for the cause. I'm going to try and score at the Carls Jr.

     4:02pm  Badass, the Mexican dude at the Carl's Jr. on 10th Street is going to hook me up. Right now I'm trying to find some park.

     4:08pm  I just got to Christmas Hill Park.

     5:25pm  I am leaving the park. At first I stopped at the front where there were a lot of kids and parents playing baseball with tennis balls. I didn't see any stoners anywhere. Oh yeah, before I got to the park I had gone in some liquor store to buy a snack. Some dude saw me and complimented my shirt. I gave him my website and everything and he told me I should go to the park. I walked all the way to the park. At first I stopped at the front by the baseball fields and ate. Then this car drove by and honked at me and it was that guy from the liquor store. I noticed them driving to the back of the park so I got up to explore. Yup, I found the cool kids. I walked up to them and told them, "I have half of a blunt and I really need someone to smoke it with." I played with the idea of telling them my story, but alcohol was very present. The guy from the liquor store had been buying a beer. I opted not to tell my story because they were all drunk. That's what the
website is for. I took a picture of them. Anyway, I'm going to walk into town, or try to get out of town. I don't know.

     6:57pm  walked the levee, the walking trail and just got to a street. Oh yeah, earlier while I was walking I found a Power Bar snack on the ground. The package had a small hole in the corner, but I didn't care and grabbed it anyway. It didn't have any ants of nothing. Right now I sat down on some bench and ate it. I had a good smoking session.

     7:00pm  I am leaving from the bench. There's a university here.

     7:25pm  Coming up on Gilroy Sports Park. I saw all these kids jumping their BMX bikes off dirt hills at the entrance. I walked up to them and gave them my website. They would've listened to my story, but I see the highway in the horizon and gas station signs.

     7:58pm  After a long, arduous trek I have arrived at the Garlic Farm truckstop. Hmm, I think I see a homeless lady sitting down holding up a big sign. Can't make out what it says, but there's power in numbers!

                 Monica, that homeless lady I was talking about, just volunteered me some food that somebody gave her. Thanks, I'm hungry. I really appreciate it, Monica. Everybody gets credit.

                 Monica's sign says Homeless and Humiliated. Shit, she should be proud.

                 Mike just walked up and handed me a five dollar bill! I appreciate it, Mike. Everybody gets credit. Come here, give me a hug.

     9:43pm  I didn't tell you, I already found my campspot for the night. Monica, that homeless lady told me that there was a twin size mattress behind the pallets. It took me a bit, but I found it. I put my tarp down and made my bed. I'm going to crash now. I'll take pictures in the morning. Oh yeah, before I came looking for the mattress I went to the Jack in the Box and bought me two burgers. The pretty girl in there hooked me up with some fries too.

Next day..

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