


San Antonio, TX

Friday March 19, 2004

Wendynshea: Who may I ask are you?
HAHA l MADE IT: my name is victor..
HAHA l MADE IT: i took off walking to the west coast from san antonio texas..i was gone for 2 months
Wendynshea: Do I know you?
HAHA l MADE IT: i did it all with no money and had a great adventure..
HAHA l MADE IT: no, i just did a member directory search
HAHA l MADE IT: i figured if i searced for "publisher" i would get people who like to read..
Wendynshea: Yes and no, I'm a busy Mom trying to get some things done before the kiddos awake. Sorry I don't have time to chat.
HAHA l MADE IT: thats fine, do you mind if i send you my summarized story which you can read at your discretion?
Wendynshea: I'm not a publisher
HAHA l MADE IT: its nothing but the truth..
HAHA l MADE IT: i dont care about the money, im trying to bring some truth out of hiding
HAHA l MADE IT: and save our dying planet
Wendynshea: I'm sorry, please don't send it. I am too busy, and I'm only a "desktop publisher" meaning I do layout stuff.
HAHA l MADE IT: thats fine then, you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
HAHA l MADE IT: have a great day and drive carefully
Wendynshea: Good luck
HAHA l MADE IT: thank you
Wendynshea: Thank you, have a good weekend.

     7:37am  I had a great magical night at Kassie's. We didn't have sex or anything. We just slept together and messed around. She's motivation for the mission. She doesn't want a relationship and I can respect that. It wouldn't be fair to her to have a relationship with me because I am so, hehe, crazy.

     8:16am  I decided to walk to the hospital. Anyway, my recorder is messing up, so I'm going to switch to the other one I have. My backup.

                  Man, I had a glorious time. I have to try really hard not to fall in love with this girl. I might not have a choice in it. In the end, she's a Babylonian. She's got a credit card. She's got an apartment. She's got a job. She just got a new job at the carwash. She's going to school. She just can't be as liberated as I'd need my companion to be. But hey, at least she gave me a little taste. We set the ground rules down from the beginning and we both knew what could and couldn't be done. We were messing around last night. No sexual intercourse though. We were just messing around. Playing with each others genitals. She's just beautiful. She makes me feel so good.

     9:11am  Mike is hooking me up with a cigarette here at the Walmart. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:23am  I got off the 610 and I'm going to walk to my mom's house.

     9:28am  Bob just drove by and yelled, "Fuck you, nigger!"

     11:35am  I am leaving my mom's house. She told me, "You can't help me today. I have all this stuff to do." I told her, "Oh, there's nothing I can do at all? Give me some chores." I cleaned the hell out of the bathroom. Real quick. I cleaned both of them. She hooked me up with like three or four bucks. I'm going to go to Travis Park and smoke some weed.

     12:05pm  I came in the Exxon to get some water. I asked the girl working there, Angel if she smoked cigarettes by any chance. She gave me two! That's very generous of you.

                     Kickass, I got two cigarettes. One for the platform and everything. I'm glad I decided to walk to the woods.

     12:42pm  I ended up on Hetherington. I'm going to see if Dana's home. Maybe she'll smoke me out.

                     Not Hetherington, it was John Barret.

                     I just ran into Mark and Crystal on the way to the Walmart. That girl was like, "Hey, don't you know my friend Rene?" I told her, "Uhh, I know a lot of people. What neighborhood?" She said Babcock North. I said, "Oh, I know everybody in Babcock North.

     1:21pm  I'm at the Walmart now.

     1:30pm  I smoked a cigarette at the bus stop. I saw some guy who works for Perico's Mexican Restaurant, who I've talked to before.  Perico's is on Tezel where it turns into Prue at Bandera.

     1:34pm  This guy complimented my stick at the Walmart.

     1:56pm  I'm over at the bus stop again. I played videogames. I played Coolboarders and a cool mountain bike game.

     2:28pm  I had a great presentation on the 610 on the way up here.

     2:31pm  Mike hooked me up with a cigarette here at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:30pm  I am downtown. I'm going to walk to Travis Park and get me a joint.

     3:37pm  Leonard hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:42pm  I'm at Travis Park. Nobody's got any weed. I walked by and saw these brothers burning. I came over and they're going to smoke a brother out. I appreciate it, guys.

     3:51pm  Not only did he smoke me out, he just hooked me up with all these cookies. Some Stouffers Almond. Thanks, brother.

     4:20pm  I just had the most awesome presentation.

     4:34pm  Moon gave me a cigarette in Travis Park. I appreciate it.

                    I am a happy peace machine.

     4:42pm  I am walking down the sidewalk. I see some guy and he had a NOFX shirt on. I walked up to him and told him, "Excuse me, I want to tell you a story." He had to catch the bus.

     4:45pm  Oh yeah, I just realized today was Friday! I'm going to go to The Riverwalk.

     4:47pm  This pretty girl walked by I smiled and asked her, "Hey, can I tell you a really interesting story?" She said she had a bus to catch. I asked her if she had an email address and she gave it to me. I told her, "Victor Antonio from San Antonio." She said, "I'm from LA."

                   I came to this bridge over the river. I saw a riverboat full of tourists about to go underneath. I waved the peace sign to them all. This little kid gave it back to me and I heard his dad say, "Oh, there's a colorful one."

     5:06pm  Curtis hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Curtis.

     5:08pm  I just talked to these two old people. That dude I got the cigarette off of. I told him, "I'm writing a book, blah, blah, blah and you're in it." I gave him my intro and asked if he'd listen. He said, "We are not willing to listen," and just walked off.

     5:17pm  I got bored of The Riverwalk.

                   Oh yeah, I walked back to Travis Park and bought a hotdog.

     5:44pm  Aaron hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

                   I need to describe to the world exactly what I am doing. I am sacrificing having a stable social life to do this project of mine. And I want one really bad. So I'm going to try real hard to do this.

                   After I do it, then I'll have time.

                   It'll be nothing but devotion.

     6:20pm  I'm just sitting here in Travis Park smoking a cigarette. These two brothers walked by and I hit them up for a story. They said sure. Jeremy and Ryan. Jeremy works at the riverboats downtown. I had asked them before for a courtesy ride and they always told me no. He's going to hook me up. For the cause. This is my town.

                   Tomorrow, Saturday 5-10:30pm. Okay, I'll remember that.

                   I just had the most excellent presentation! It just fell in my lap.

     6:21pm  I just got rewarded for that miraculous presentation I just gave. I really wanted a cigarette but there was nobody smoking at all. On the thing I usually eat my hotdogs on, there's a whole cigarette! I must be doing some good work.

                   Thank you, Love.  Thank you so much for sending me Water Snake who gave me some marijuana. He hooked me up with three or four roaches. I got a good little bowl.

                   Thank you, Water Snake.

                   Had another good presentation. Awesome.

     6:36pm  I am having the most fun in the park. I scare all these birds out of a tree and they all fly around the park and land on a different one. I'm just swinging my stick at them and they all fly away. When they land on the other tree, I walk up to that one and scare them again. I think they're learning now. Not all of them fly away anymore when I swing my stick.

     6:41pm  Haha, the funniest shit. I was trying to scare the birds away. They were pissing me off because they weren't flying away anymore. I picked a twig off the ground, backed up and lunged it at them. And I fell on my ass! It was hilarious. In front of everybody. Everybody's going to be talking about me, hehe.

     6:54pm  Joe hooked me up with a cigarette here in Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:02pm  The driver told me no.

     7:03pm  Mr. 5209 hooked me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:47pm  Domingo hooked me up with a transfer too. The bus driver. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:52pm  Mike gave me a cigarette at the gas station. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:04pm  That dude I bummed the cigarette off, Mike, I don't know if he's homeless or not. I got that cigarette from him and he said, "I remember you. I met you at Crossroads a long time ago." He was all into my story. He told me to look up chaos theory. I'm going to do that.

                   I wrote it down and everything. Things happens for a reason. I met this guy on purpose.

                   Oh, I'm going to see if I can get hooked up at the Whataburger. I forgot. That's why I got off at Louis Pasteur. That's where I talked to Mike. At the Texaco on Louis Pasteur.

     8:11pm  Sean wasn't at the Whataburger. Umm, I can rule out that Whataburger as a future resource now. I gave the manager my line and everything. He told me, "Oh, we can't give out free food." I told him, "Oh well, it doesn't hurt to ask. I'll just go to the Mexican restaurant and get hooked up there." Which is what I'm doing. I'm going to go to the Blanco's Mexican Restaurant.

     8:15pm  I went to the Blanco's Mexican Restaurant and that guy who always hooks me up was working. I asked, "I don't suppose you guys could hook me up again." He said, "Do you want some bud, man?" I said, "Sure!" He was just joking around. He said, "My boss' wife is here." So no food there. I don't know. I'll probably just eat at my mom's house. I'm going to catch the bus to West.

     8:20pm  I got the idea to go down to Quizno's and hit them up there. I don't think I've ever scored there. Quizno's is good.

     8:22pm  They told me no at the Quizno's.

     8:29pm  Jose me dio un cigaro en Datapoint.

     8:30pm  Michael is volunteering a dollar and a cigarette after listening to my story. I appreciate it, brother.

                   That dude I got the cigarette from, Michael, he told me, "You know I really am the Arch Angel. I am publishing my book." I told him, "I'm giving mine away, hehe."

     8:40pm  I bought me a Snicker's Cruncher and came to the bus stop at Datapoint and Fredericksburg. I'm going to wait for the bus. I'm going to eat this thing and smoke a cigarette.

     8:42pm  This guy walked by and said, "Hey, you're the walker?"

     9:03pm  There's the 91, I see the lights. Oh yeah, this is so cool. The bus driver who hooked me up with a transfer tore it off so I got an extra hour. Like a three hour transfer.

                   I'm going to go to West and have some fun there.

     9:06pm  When the 91 pulled up I got on and gave him my transfer. The driver said, "That's right, you better have that. I was about to tell you no." He all thought I was going to ask for a ride. That's funny. They all know me, hehe.

                   Oh yeah, I told him how the last bus driver hooked me up with a three hour transfer.

     9:20pm  I'm at West. Going to get some water.

     9:23pm  Jojo hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it.

     9:55pm  After I smoked the cigarette I bummed at the smoking cabana, I sat down on the bench in the parking lot next to the seven thousand building. I was thinking about asking for rides. I saw these two kids working on their car. I sure enough told them my story and Thomas said he'd give me a ride to Babcock North and he offered to buy me a pack of cigarettes! I appreciate it, brother.

     10:05pm  What a grand time I am having tonight. I told them they could just drop me off at the bus stop, so they wouldn't have to go too far. They dropped me off on Spring Forest. Oh yeah, this morning Bob drove by and told me FUCK YOU NIGGER!  Hahaha.

                     That guy who offered to buy me a pack asked me, "What kind of cigarettes do you smoke?" I told him, "I don't know. It's all the same nicotine. Surprise me." When he ordered the packs he said, "Two Marlboro Reds 100's." I said, "Shorts, please." I got some Marlboro Reds.

                     That girl who gave me a dollar earlier, I didn't even ask for it.

                     Cool, party at Bob's. Bob just got out of his truck.

     10:38pm  It wasn't a party here. Dude, I just found out that Carlos broke his leg while I was in California! He got all drunk and shit and got in a fight. Some guy fell on his leg and broke it. His femur. Damn. Oh, he won't let me put my offline webpage on his computer. Pussy.

     12:32am  I am leaving Carlos'. I wrote Kassie a really long email. Hopefully, I'll have a good response to it. It's nothing but the truth. I don't know. Check it out:

From: "Victor Antonio"
Subject: Hello dear Kassie
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2004 14:21:37 +0800

Hi Kassie,
     It's me, Victor. It's Friday night and I ended up at my friend Carlos' tonight. I'm looking forward to the five mile nature hike to my mom's house. I think about you all the time. You have no idea how much I needed the recharge you have given me. All this talking to strangers has really paid off. Look what happened after I told you my story at the bus stop. I will never forget that beautiful grin on your face, right before you told me you saw me kicked out of the library at UTSA.
     I am well aware that I am sacrificing a stable social life in pursuit of this dream of mine. I have accepted that. I will get everything I want in due time. I am just way too transient to commit to just one person, for now. As much as I would really like to, I have a world to save. I feel like what I am doing is what's supposed to be done and that's why I have to be the way I am. Sacrifice to benefit the all.
     I have added yet another pre-requisite for my ideal traveling partner. She must not mind my scriptage. It doesn't seem too likely that I will find the girl who will accept my quirks any time soon. Also, to find a girl that would be willing to liberate herself and detach from the system as much as I have is going to be a real toughy, if not nearly impossible. That's why I have to wait for the project to evolve some more. Soon, I will have my pick of companion and I wouldn't be too surprised if the one I pick was a lot like Kassie, hehe.
     Like I say, I am a self-programmed peace machine. A robot. I am going to read off my text files until it happens. That's a promise. I am still waiting to tell the right person my story and have my dreams come true. It'll happen. I just have to be patient. Good things come to those who wait.
     I will consider any suggestion from anyone, but in the end I am playing this game by my rules. I may seem a little egocentric, but I am the only one I can fully trust with this project of mine.
     You are hereby a great contributor to my mission, Kassie. I enjoy your company so much. It's so nice to have someone to love on, especially someone as cute as you. Everyone deserves someone to love on. Even if it's just a warm embrace or a kiss on the cheek once in a while. Just being close to you satisfies me. It is so much more than what I usually get. You make me giddy like a little kid. I am truly grateful. Bless you, Kassie.

     Okay, Kassie. I can't believe it took me this long to email you. I hope this email didn't sound too cheesy and everything is still cool with you and me. Anything you want to tell me just tell me. I want to know how you feel. Please let me know if you need me to back off. I really don't want to smother you. I know I can't play by just my rules when I am not working. I am slowly learning how not to. You have been so much help.

Much love,

- Victor Antonio

"Grief can take care of itself, but to get the true measure of joy, you have to have somebody to share it with."
- Mark Twain

                     I'm walking home. I called my mom and told her to leave the door unlocked. I was thinking about crashing out at the platform in the woods. I'm tired.

     1:56am  I walked up to the Exxon. I saw this dude Adrian who told me he was a walker. I never had a chance to tell him my story. I tried telling him my story now. All of a sudden these cops show up. He tells me, "Actually, I have to count my cigarettes." Oh yeah, he told me I should go to the rainbow gatherings. I told him, "The national in Utah let me down." I told him, "I could wait around. When do you think you could listen to me?" He told me, "Around three." I told him I would tell him some other time.

     2:03am  I'm heading home.

     2:34am  I'm at my mom's house already.

GO TO HELL PUTO: got any weed?
Anesthetized Fly: who are you
GO TO HELL PUTO: im victor
GO TO HELL PUTO: that crazy dude thats gonna get weed legalized with the internet
GO TO HELL PUTO: and bring world peace
Anesthetized Fly: do i know you
GO TO HELL PUTO: wanna read my interesting true story about my walk to the west coast?
GO TO HELL PUTO: and get to know me
Anesthetized Fly: ok then why are you saying if i have bud
GO TO HELL PUTO: i was gonna see if someone could spare a couple hits and smoke me out..
GO TO HELL PUTO: its all a numbers game..
GO TO HELL PUTO: doesnt hurt to ask right
Anesthetized Fly: do you have a pic
GO TO HELL PUTO: no sorry, but i can describe myself
Anesthetized Fly: i guess
GO TO HELL PUTO: 25/m/nw san antonio/6'6"/185lbs/puertorican/german/panamanian/italian
Anesthetized Fly: so how old are you
Anesthetized Fly: i am 18
GO TO HELL PUTO: actually, i was looking through my hard drive today and i found this old picture of my and my exgirlfriend
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont look too much like that anymore..
Anesthetized Fly: ok
Anesthetized Fly: then i dont want to seeit
Anesthetized Fly: where do you live
GO TO HELL PUTO: close to 1604/bandera
Anesthetized Fly: where is at that
GO TO HELL PUTO: umm, a little past leon vallet
Anesthetized Fly: do you have a car
GO TO HELL PUTO: tonight i do
Anesthetized Fly: cool
Anesthetized Fly: what do you look like
Anesthetized Fly: hello
GO TO HELL PUTO: 25/m/nw san antonio/6'6"/185lbs/puertorican/german/panamanian/italian
GO TO HELL PUTO: im in great shape, im a long-distance walker
Anesthetized Fly: ok
Anesthetized Fly: ok
GO TO HELL PUTO: and you?
Anesthetized Fly: what color are your eyes
Anesthetized Fly: i go for the eyes and how you look
GO TO HELL PUTO: shit-brown
Anesthetized Fly: ugly
Anesthetized Fly: sorry
Anesthetized Fly: i am so sexy
Anesthetized Fly: your eyes
Anesthetized Fly: long hair
Anesthetized Fly: a
Anesthetized Fly: big
Anesthetized Fly: ass
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont believe you
GO TO HELL PUTO: prove it
Anesthetized Fly: ok
Anesthetized Fly: ok i will
Anesthetized Fly: and blue eyes
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, i got my moms car tonight..wanna go hang out somewhere?
Anesthetized Fly: yes
GO TO HELL PUTO: cool, what side of town do you live on?
Anesthetized Fly: east side
GO TO HELL PUTO: damn, closer to 410 or 1604?
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, i live on the nw
Anesthetized Fly: where all the black people are
Anesthetized Fly: yes
Anesthetized Fly: i live somewhere down town
GO TO HELL PUTO: well hey, youre very tempting and all, but i dont have enough gas to get to the east side and back
Anesthetized Fly: 514 guff st
Anesthetized Fly: you suck
GO TO HELL PUTO: shit, if i had my own car i would be on my way to tap that ass..i havent had any in like a year
Anesthetized Fly: so can i talk you
Anesthetized Fly: will i am sorry
Anesthetized Fly: do you have a phone
GO TO HELL PUTO: not as sorry as i am
Anesthetized Fly: how sweet
GO TO HELL PUTO: great screen name, by the way
Anesthetized Fly: you do have it
Anesthetized Fly: so can we have sex
GO TO HELL PUTO: i have what?
Anesthetized Fly: notthing
GO TO HELL PUTO: so what about you? gotta pic?
Anesthetized Fly: i dont have one to give you sorry
GO TO HELL PUTO: thats ok, no need to apologize
GO TO HELL PUTO: have no idea how frustrating this is
Anesthetized Fly: why
GO TO HELL PUTO: because i havent score in a year
Anesthetized Fly: ok
GO TO HELL PUTO: i keep telling myself im holding out for a relationship, but hey, im only human right
Anesthetized Fly: so do you work
GO TO HELL PUTO: im writing a book
Anesthetized Fly: if want
Anesthetized Fly: if what
GO TO HELL PUTO: gotmail..
GO TO HELL PUTO: theres the summarized story
Anesthetized Fly: yes
GO TO HELL PUTO: so youre telling me if i could get downtown i might end up scoring?
Anesthetized Fly: yes
GO TO HELL PUTO: in the car?
Anesthetized Fly: yes that is cool with me
GO TO HELL PUTO: wouldnt be with me, its my moms car
GO TO HELL PUTO: wish i had an apartment right about now
Anesthetized Fly: will in my bed
Anesthetized Fly: ok
GO TO HELL PUTO: you live with your parents?
Anesthetized Fly: yes but my mom is that work
GO TO HELL PUTO: how long will she be gone?
Anesthetized Fly: unstill 230
Anesthetized Fly: do you have kide
GO TO HELL PUTO: nope, do you?
Anesthetized Fly: kids
Anesthetized Fly: no
Anesthetized Fly: do you want one
GO TO HELL PUTO: sure as hell not now
Anesthetized Fly: why not
Anesthetized Fly: i do i love kide
GO TO HELL PUTO: i havent stabilized myself yet
Anesthetized Fly: why
GO TO HELL PUTO: oh, so if i come over there, you want me to get your pregnant?
Anesthetized Fly: no
Anesthetized Fly: yes
GO TO HELL PUTO: because i have lots of work to do..
Anesthetized Fly: maybe
Anesthetized Fly: what
GO TO HELL PUTO: read my mail and you'll see
Anesthetized Fly: i did
GO TO HELL PUTO: tell me about then..
Anesthetized Fly: will i cant read it becuase my sister is here
Anesthetized Fly: sorry
GO TO HELL PUTO: how old is your sister?
Anesthetized Fly: why
GO TO HELL PUTO: just wondering
Anesthetized Fly: you what to fuck her to
Anesthetized Fly: she is gay
GO TO HELL PUTO: just wondering if she was a little kid you had to take care of or something
Anesthetized Fly: will my sister is only 17
Anesthetized Fly: hello
GO TO HELL PUTO: well hey, talking to you is just giving me a hard-on, and since i cant get out there..
Anesthetized Fly: will give me your number and i will try to go see you
Anesthetized Fly: hey
GO TO HELL PUTO: umm, no..i should just forget about it
Anesthetized Fly: ok
Anesthetized Fly: are you bored
Anesthetized Fly: will iam
GO TO HELL PUTO: yes, very
Anesthetized Fly: then do you want to go
Anesthetized Fly: hello
Anesthetized Fly: hey you
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont have any money for gas
Anesthetized Fly: will get some
Anesthetized Fly: dont you work
GO TO HELL PUTO: yes, i just dont get paid money
Anesthetized Fly: ok
Anesthetized Fly: will no sex for you
GO TO HELL PUTO: oh well
Anesthetized Fly: oh well
Anesthetized Fly: what
Anesthetized Fly: dont you want some
GO TO HELL PUTO: sure i do

Anesthetized Fly: of me
GO TO HELL PUTO: but see, theres the trust issue...
Anesthetized Fly: then
Anesthetized Fly: are you sexy
GO TO HELL PUTO: i would say so..
Anesthetized Fly: what
Anesthetized Fly: so
GO TO HELL PUTO: ive had this damn condom in my pocket for weeks now..
GO TO HELL PUTO: maybe if you lived a little closer
Anesthetized Fly: ok
GO TO HELL PUTO: i would even ask if you can give me some gas cash, but then again..theres that trust issue again
Anesthetized Fly: will to by no sex
Anesthetized Fly: bad
GO TO HELL PUTO: oh well
GO TO HELL PUTO: i guess ill just put it into manual
Anesthetized Fly: ok
Anesthetized Fly: sex
Anesthetized Fly: sex
GO TO HELL PUTO: i can only wish
Anesthetized Fly: yes just wish
Anesthetized Fly: so
Anesthetized Fly: i am so mad that you
Anesthetized Fly: sorry
GO TO HELL PUTO: you didnt do anything
Anesthetized Fly: you are not sorry
Anesthetized Fly: i know
Anesthetized Fly: you did
Anesthetized Fly: but so what
GO TO HELL PUTO: yeah, its all my fault
Anesthetized Fly: yes
Anesthetized Fly: so are you eatting
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, why would you think that?
Anesthetized Fly: yes you are you are eatting me
GO TO HELL PUTO: id give you a damn good tonguing
Anesthetized Fly: so are you palying with your self let
Anesthetized Fly: ok
Anesthetized Fly: i will be waiting
Anesthetized Fly: i wish you were here
GO TO HELL PUTO: i got it out
GO TO HELL PUTO: thinking i might watch a bang bus episode i downloaded earlier
Anesthetized Fly: ok play with it and thing of me
Anesthetized Fly: think
Anesthetized Fly: of me
GO TO HELL PUTO: describe yourself again
Anesthetized Fly: long black hair
Anesthetized Fly: a big ass
Anesthetized Fly: a sexy body
Anesthetized Fly: blue eyes
Anesthetized Fly: and i am all for you
Anesthetized Fly: so are you doing it let
Anesthetized Fly: hello
Anesthetized Fly: hey you sexy thing
Anesthetized Fly: so are you
GO TO HELL PUTO: im leaking
GO TO HELL PUTO: hold on
Anesthetized Fly: are you thinking about me
Anesthetized Fly: when you did it
Anesthetized Fly: hello
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, the cyber thing never did much for me..
Anesthetized Fly: will i can do it better
Anesthetized Fly: will i have to go
Anesthetized Fly: now
GO TO HELL PUTO: i just might go over there
Anesthetized Fly: ok
GO TO HELL PUTO: give me your number
Anesthetized Fly: 710-7939
Anesthetized Fly: that is my cell
Anesthetized Fly: do you know my name
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, tell me
Anesthetized Fly: kristy
GO TO HELL PUTO: ok kristy
Anesthetized Fly: so are you coming over
Anesthetized Fly: hello
GO TO HELL PUTO: im calling your cell
Anesthetized Fly: ok
Anesthetized Fly: hello
Anesthetized Fly: are you going to call me every day
GO TO HELL PUTO: yeah, we're getting married and having 4 kids too
Anesthetized Fly: what
Anesthetized Fly: you want to married me
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, i was kidding
GO TO HELL PUTO: im never getting married
Anesthetized Fly: and why not
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont need a legal, binding contract to stay with someone forever..
GO TO HELL PUTO: if we love each other, whats the point?
GO TO HELL PUTO: marriages cost money and so do divorces
GO TO HELL PUTO: and its a simple fact that over time people can change and sometimes you cant, or are not willing to change with them
GO TO HELL PUTO: why complicate things?
Anesthetized Fly: then why did you say that
GO TO HELL PUTO: i was kidding
GO TO HELL PUTO: you were all, "are you gonna call me everyday?"
GO TO HELL PUTO: like we were married or something
Anesthetized Fly: no but can we
Anesthetized Fly: then you suck
Anesthetized Fly: hello
GO TO HELL PUTO: yeah i do, but do you swallow?
Anesthetized Fly: what
Anesthetized Fly: no
Anesthetized Fly: only if you were my man
GO TO HELL PUTO: you wanna be my woman?
Anesthetized Fly: yes
GO TO HELL PUTO: come be my traveling partner..
GO TO HELL PUTO: and hitch hike around the country with me
Anesthetized Fly: ok
GO TO HELL PUTO: now, you cant mind sleeping outside like under bridges and stuff
Anesthetized Fly: come get me then
GO TO HELL PUTO: and not taking a shower every day
Anesthetized Fly: no i cant do that sorry
GO TO HELL PUTO: man, like 3 bucks would get me over there tonight
Anesthetized Fly: ok
Anesthetized Fly: then come
Anesthetized Fly: so are you
GO TO HELL PUTO: hold on, im trying to get some gas money
Anesthetized Fly: ok sexy
Anesthetized Fly: can i say that i miss you
Anesthetized Fly: yes or no
GO TO HELL PUTO: if you want
Anesthetized Fly: ok sexy
GO TO HELL PUTO: now keep in mind if i come over there and we fuck, no strings attached or nothing
GO TO HELL PUTO: unless, you rock my world
Anesthetized Fly: and i will
GO TO HELL PUTO: im gonna call you
Anesthetized Fly: ok
Anesthetized Fly: you are going to talk to my sister
GO TO HELL PUTO: im not coming over there until i actually speak with you..
Anesthetized Fly: ok
GO TO HELL PUTO: and come to think of it, you havent answered either time ive im a bit wary about the whole thing now
Anesthetized Fly: but can i tell you something
GO TO HELL PUTO: yeah, youre probably not even a chick
Anesthetized Fly: yes i am
GO TO HELL PUTO: tell me something then
Anesthetized Fly: like what
GO TO HELL PUTO: you said you were gonna tell me something
GO TO HELL PUTO: so tell me something
Anesthetized Fly: if i give you my number will you call me
Anesthetized Fly: that was my sister cell
GO TO HELL PUTO: what were you gonna tell me?
Anesthetized Fly: she wont give the phone to me
Anesthetized Fly: that is what i was going to tell you sexy and that am i going to see you
Anesthetized Fly: hello
GO TO HELL PUTO: youre coming to see me?
Anesthetized Fly: no
Anesthetized Fly: but you can forget me
Anesthetized Fly: if you want
Anesthetized Fly: ok
Anesthetized Fly: so bye but call me ok
GO TO HELL PUTO: i thought it was your sisters cellphone
Anesthetized Fly: so can i have you number and i will call you
Anesthetized Fly: your
Anesthetized Fly: hey
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, my mom doesnt want me giving out her number
Anesthetized Fly: whatever
GO TO HELL PUTO: im only living here temporarily, until i prepare for my next trip
Anesthetized Fly: you live with your mom how dump
Anesthetized Fly: ok will late
Anesthetized Fly: bye


HAHA I MADE IT: wanna do it?
Cutiepie4204u69: do what?
HAHA I MADE IT: ya know, it
HAHA I MADE IT: now i know that sounds pretty desperate, but i havent scored in like a year..
HAHA I MADE IT: ive been supposedely holding out for a relationship, but everyone thinks im crazy..
HAHA I MADE IT: and hey, im only human..
Cutiepie4204u69: 'so you just im girls you dont know and ask them to have sex with you?
HAHA I MADE IT: its all a numbers game..just playing the odds..
HAHA I MADE IT: doesnt hurt to ask right
Cutiepie4204u69: uh huh
Cutiepie4204u69: right
HAHA I MADE IT: just an experiment..
Cutiepie4204u69: oh ok
HAHA I MADE IT: hey, ya never know..i might run into a girl whos in the mood too and doesnt want to mess with a complicated relationship..
HAHA I MADE IT: i mean, we're only human right
Cutiepie4204u69: well good luck with your experiment
HAHA I MADE IT: thank you
HAHA I MADE IT: hey, if i send you my story about how i took off walking to the west coast from sa with no money, would you read it?
Cutiepie4204u69: sure
HAHA I MADE IT: there you go, if you like, let me know..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
Cutiepie4204u69: ok ty
HAHA I MADE IT: no problem..

HAHA I MADE IT: wanna have sex?
Denise42676: wtf?
HAHA I MADE IT: yeah, i know i sound desperate..but i havent scored in like a year..
Denise42676: wow, sounds like a problem
HAHA I MADE IT: ive been supposedely holding out for a relationshipm but everyone thinks im crazy
HAHA I MADE IT: hey, im only human
Denise42676: vic is that you?
Denise42676: dork! lol
HAHA I MADE IT: dee, i shouldve known
HAHA I MADE IT: im gonna use my whole "dont hurt to ask" and get laid
HAHA I MADE IT: damn, im all blushing..
Denise42676: just might work
Denise42676: damn it almost worked on me, i was intrigued
Denise42676: hahaha
HAHA I MADE IT: its all a numbers game..
HAHA I MADE IT: just playing the odds
Denise42676: still in cali?
HAHA I MADE IT: hey, im gonna save the world..i deserve to get laid already
Denise42676: lol.........good luck with that
HAHA I MADE IT: gotmail
Denise42676: thanks
HAHA I MADE IT: its a pic of my monster schlong
HAHA I MADE IT: haha, just kidding
Denise42676: lol......see, teasing me again
Denise42676: bastard
HAHA I MADE IT: hey, i dont suppose youd wanna smoke me out?
Denise42676: shit i would if i had some
HAHA I MADE IT: thats cool, thanks anyway
HAHA I MADE IT: i IM people at random with that shit too
Denise42676: lol
HAHA I MADE IT: trying to get stoned

GO TO HELL PUTO: common sense will tell you that if you ignore someone, they eventually get bored and stop..
GO TO HELL PUTO: so why keep responding?
DJNRGSATOWN: hey dude what i tell you leave me the fuk alone!
DJNRGSATOWN: cause ya leaving me stupid shit i dont want to hear so what if ya walk!
GO TO HELL PUTO: but no, you have to keep making it fun for me..
GO TO HELL PUTO: and iming me back..
DJNRGSATOWN: sukere fuk you all people got problem there not perfect what make you so fuking perfect? just cause you walk ya happy ass?
GO TO HELL PUTO: haha i got you all riled up..
GO TO HELL PUTO: haha i manipulated your emotions with my computer!
GO TO HELL PUTO: take that!
GO TO HELL PUTO: put that in your cornpipe and smoke it..

ExtasyRosexox: how did your day go Victor
GO TO HELL PUTO: better, i walked up to the gas station and bought some cigarettes..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i did some thinking too..
GO TO HELL PUTO: how was yours?
ExtasyRosexox: yeah what about
ExtasyRosexox: it was ok
GO TO HELL PUTO: im thinking im not gonna go through with it, i was just thinking with the wrong head again..
GO TO HELL PUTO: im gonna keep holding out for a girlfriend..
ExtasyRosexox: go through with what
GO TO HELL PUTO: itll be worth it..
ExtasyRosexox: oh that
ExtasyRosexox: good for you
ExtasyRosexox: your a nice guy and you deserve a good girl
GO TO HELL PUTO: thank you
GO TO HELL PUTO: as do you
GO TO HELL PUTO: but guy, of course..
ExtasyRosexox: no not me
ExtasyRosexox: i've had my share of mistakes
GO TO HELL PUTO: we all have..
GO TO HELL PUTO: learn from them and move on
ExtasyRosexox: stuff i just can't ever change
GO TO HELL PUTO: leave them in the past, where they belong..
GO TO HELL PUTO: its never too late to become what you mightve been
ExtasyRosexox: what if the past is still recent and it still hurts
GO TO HELL PUTO: there are appropriate occasions for ignorance, that is one of them..
GO TO HELL PUTO: just try not to think about it..
GO TO HELL PUTO: ignore it
GO TO HELL PUTO: worrying is like paying interest on a debt you may never owe..
ExtasyRosexox: I wish I could be like you and wait on the good things to come along but i just don't feel deserving of those things
GO TO HELL PUTO: thats not mine..i cant take credit for such a truthful quote
GO TO HELL PUTO: who cares if you deserve them or not, if they come, enjoy them like you do deserve them
GO TO HELL PUTO: they wouldnt come at all, if you didnt deserve them at least a little
ExtasyRosexox: certain things have turned into a cold hearted bitch, I am a very sweet person, don't get me wrong. But when it comes to a man caring about me I back away
GO TO HELL PUTO: its when you lose all hope, that you really stop living..
ExtasyRosexox: i have lots of friends and I trust them, but I don't want them to see me as meek emotional mess.
ExtasyRosexox: i feel like if I could confide in someone i wouldn't have to carry this burden
ExtasyRosexox: i think shrinks are dumbasses and they have problems of thier own as do everyone else
GO TO HELL PUTO: shrinks are high-paid brainwashers..
GO TO HELL PUTO: how can they think they know how to fix everyones problems, when no two are the same?
ExtasyRosexox: exactly
GO TO HELL PUTO: my mom got a masters in pyschotherapy...
GO TO HELL PUTO: yet she teaches special ed at a high school
GO TO HELL PUTO: what a waste huh
ExtasyRosexox: really
ExtasyRosexox: sorry if I said anything offensive but its how i feel
GO TO HELL PUTO: i will listen
GO TO HELL PUTO: you said nothing to offend me..
GO TO HELL PUTO: actually, if you want a real hard challenge..try and offend me..
ExtasyRosexox: whos mary
ExtasyRosexox: not me
GO TO HELL PUTO: my bad..
GO TO HELL PUTO: two head-injuries..
GO TO HELL PUTO: (universal excuse)
ExtasyRosexox: ok
ExtasyRosexox: well
ExtasyRosexox: In the last I'd say it been a year. I had a bad breakup, promiscuity, rape.
ExtasyRosexox: I've had a bad year
GO TO HELL PUTO: whoa, im so sorry
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont see how guys can rape..
ExtasyRosexox: its ok
GO TO HELL PUTO: i mean, if i ever get that horny, i can always put it into manual..
ExtasyRosexox: this guy had no probloem
GO TO HELL PUTO: how can anyone enjoy themselves when the other isnt?
ExtasyRosexox: my boyfriend left me when he lost his job, we never argued or anything. He felt less than a man. He said he didn't deserve me. He was on probation for something he did when he was a teen. He provoked probation, got thrown in jail. I was hurt. He'd write but it wasn't the same as having hime there. I used sex as a way to null my pain and when i realized that wasn't the path i wanted to take, I tried to turn things around. I just dated a few guys. I started holding back on even kissing on the first date.
ExtasyRosexox: i went out with a guy that worked as a guard in the juvenile detention center. he said he forgot something at his house and i went in what was suppose to be a few minutes and he pulled a gun on me. I fought but he shoved the barrel under my chin and I went limp.
ExtasyRosexox: i had to be obediant because I wanted to live.
GO TO HELL PUTO: oh my gawd
GO TO HELL PUTO: thats just terrible
GO TO HELL PUTO: its over with..
GO TO HELL PUTO: case closed..
GO TO HELL PUTO: its in the past...leave it there
ExtasyRosexox: it makes mke not trust men
GO TO HELL PUTO: you should be more worried about today and tomorrow..
GO TO HELL PUTO: im not surprised, but you cant generalize all men for what one did
GO TO HELL PUTO: when everyone is different..
ExtasyRosexox: i feel like such a coward because i didn't turn him in
ExtasyRosexox: but i was afraid
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, did you learn anything from that?
GO TO HELL PUTO: would you be better prepared if it were to happen again?
GO TO HELL PUTO: dont see it as a fuckup, see it as a learning experience..
GO TO HELL PUTO: we all make mistakes in our lives..
ExtasyRosexox: stay away from prison staff
GO TO HELL PUTO: mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life..
GO TO HELL PUTO: another quote thats not mine
ExtasyRosexox: right
ExtasyRosexox: man I haven't told anybody
ExtasyRosexox: it feels weird
GO TO HELL PUTO: you can trust me rose..
GO TO HELL PUTO: dont you feel a little better now?
ExtasyRosexox: For some reason I feel like I can
ExtasyRosexox: yes i do
GO TO HELL PUTO: we all need to vent sometime..
ExtasyRosexox: a quote of yours?
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, just a fact of life..
GO TO HELL PUTO: rose, will you excuse me while i go indulge in my addiction and smoke a cigarette?
ExtasyRosexox: 0of course, maybe i'll do the same
GO TO HELL PUTO: come on, everyones doing it..
GO TO HELL PUTO: dont you wanna be cool???
ExtasyRosexox: follow the leader
GO TO HELL PUTO: brbin10min

Filthyfillup6996: pretty cool story bro
GO TO HELL PUTO: this one chick thinks i made it all up
GO TO HELL PUTO: Lilhuerta69: i think that story is bulllshit
Filthyfillup6996: oh well fuck her
GO TO HELL PUTO: hehe, yeah i dont give a figgity-fuck
Filthyfillup6996: so when are you planning your next trip
GO TO HELL PUTO: when i follow through and save the world, she'll see
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont know..i dont plan anything..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i just play things by ear
GO TO HELL PUTO: i let them happen
Filthyfillup6996: it was all spur of the moment ?
GO TO HELL PUTO: whenver the time is right
Filthyfillup6996: bad ass
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, there was minimal planning
GO TO HELL PUTO: like i knew i wanted to go west..
GO TO HELL PUTO: like that garage sale was totally on the fly mom wanted me to organize my shit in the garage..
GO TO HELL PUTO: and i just said fuck it
Filthyfillup6996: how old are you ?
Filthyfillup6996: kool
GO TO HELL PUTO: here, want some of the chapters that i recorded on my mini cassette recorder?
Filthyfillup6996: so how long was your trip ?
GO TO HELL PUTO: that story i sent out was from memory..
GO TO HELL PUTO: 2 months
GO TO HELL PUTO: it felt like an eternity though..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i was having so much fun
Filthyfillup6996: what have been the other respoces to your story
GO TO HELL PUTO: ill show you
Filthyfillup6996: haha
Filthyfillup6996: i guess she dosent smoke
GO TO HELL PUTO: lol no shit
Filthyfillup6996: ofcourse people offer weed
GO TO HELL PUTO: its human-nature to be generous..especially with weed
Filthyfillup6996: i dont smooke anymore but most people dont like to smoke by themself
GO TO HELL PUTO: right on
Filthyfillup6996: i know i didnt

HAHA I MADE IT: wanna have sex?
Fizzy2087: sur why not
Fizzy2087: sure
HAHA I MADE IT: now i know i seem desperate..but hey..i havent scored in like a year..
HAHA I MADE IT: ive been supposedely holding out for a relationship..but everyone thinks im crazy...
HAHA I MADE IT: and hey, im only human right
Fizzy2087: yea
HAHA I MADE IT: now are you being serious, or just teasing?
HAHA I MADE IT: how old are you? side of town?
Fizzy2087: 17/se u
HAHA I MADE IT: im in great shape, im a long-distance walker
HAHA I MADE IT: hey, if i send you my true story about how i took off walking to the west coast from sa with no money, would you read it?
HAHA I MADE IT: its really interesting
Fizzy2087: ok
Fizzy2087: age?
Fizzy2087: o ok
HAHA I MADE IT: do you have a pic?
Fizzy2087: no u
HAHA I MADE IT: gotmail
Fizzy2087: ok


HAHA I MADE IT: age/sex?
HAHA I MADE IT: wanna do it?
HAHA I MADE IT: i know that sounds a bit desperate, but i havent scored in like a year..
HAHA I MADE IT: im supposedely holding out for a relationship, but everybody thinks im crazy...
HAHA I MADE IT: hey, im only human..
GARCIALUZ4: so what are you telling me
GARCIALUZ4: where are you from anyway? age plz.
HAHA I MADE IT: care to break my year-long dry spell?
HAHA I MADE IT: 25m, san antonio
GARCIALUZ4: hispanic or what? sorry, i live in brownsville...used to live in san antonio
HAHA I MADE IT: 25/m/nw san antonio/6'6"/185lbs/puertorican/german/panamanian/italian
HAHA I MADE IT: yeah, its old though
HAHA I MADE IT: ok sent..
HAHA I MADE IT: do you have one?
GARCIALUZ4: well, i hope you don't ask for's like 2 years old
HAHA I MADE IT: too late i already did..hehe
GARCIALUZ4: nice...:-)
HAHA I MADE IT: thanks, its like a year old
GARCIALUZ4: u don't loook 25 look older...
GARCIALUZ4: are you chatting with other girls too??
HAHA I MADE IT: yeah, just turned 25 on groundhogs day
GARCIALUZ4: shame on you if you are!
HAHA I MADE IT: nope, youre the only one right now
HAHA I MADE IT: consider yourself honored..
GARCIALUZ4: eres muy joven....entiendes el espanol?
HAHA I MADE IT: fue mi primer lenguaje
GARCIALUZ4: wow...que padre...y en que trabajas o que haces con tu tiempo?
HAHA I MADE IT: naci en puerto rico y nos mudamos a san antonio cuando tenia tres..
GARCIALUZ4: let me try to send you a pic..
HAHA I MADE IT: estoy escribiendo un libro..
GARCIALUZ4: sorry..i might to scan it again...can't find it under my documents...your email address would be the same as your screen name or is it different?
HAHA I MADE IT: well, this account could die any day
HAHA I MADE IT: is my permanent email
GARCIALUZ4: sorry was supposed to read...i might have to scan it again........i think i was typing too fast.
HAHA I MADE IT: do you remember the filename of the pic?
GARCIALUZ4: i'll add you to my buddy list :-*
HAHA I MADE IT: so where is brownsville?
GARCIALUZ4: conoces a brownsville?
HAHA I MADE IT: żcerca de mejico?
GARCIALUZ4: sorry...brownsville in in the rio grande valley. the southern most tip of texas...right next to the border. i'm actually like 10 miles or so from mexico. weird huh?
GARCIALUZ4: and you live in sa right?
HAHA I MADE IT: thats right
HAHA I MADE IT: well, since you cant find your about a description?
GARCIALUZ4: i love sa...i really miss brothers left last night back to sa....
HAHA I MADE IT: this is a very ignorant town..
HAHA I MADE IT: i miss the west coast..
GARCIALUZ4: i have spring break all week and i might go over there but not sure yet
GARCIALUZ4: the west coast?
HAHA I MADE IT: gotmail
GARCIALUZ4: yeah...i have to read it tonight though...a little long but sounds interesting.
GARCIALUZ4: hold on
HAHA I MADE IT: read it at your discretion..
HAHA I MADE IT: its a story of global-importance..
GARCIALUZ4: sorry...but i have to know i have 3 kids and they keep me busy....but email me later if you want..;-)
HAHA I MADE IT: have a great day
GARCIALUZ4: you too

HAHA I MADE IT: wanna do it?
Latina3203: do what
HAHA I MADE IT: you know, it
HAHA I MADE IT: i know i sound desperate, but i havent scored in like a year.
HAHA I MADE IT: ive been supposedely holding out for a relationship, but everyone thinks im crazy..
HAHA I MADE IT: and hey, im only human..
Latina3203: how old are u
Latina3203: thats funny
HAHA I MADE IT: im just doing an experiment..
HAHA I MADE IT: its all a numbers game, just playing the odds
Latina3203: do u have a pic
HAHA I MADE IT: yeah, but its old
Latina3203: thats ok
HAHA I MADE IT: gotmail
HAHA I MADE IT: did you have one?
Latina3203: yes
Latina3203: got mail
HAHA I MADE IT: hey, if i send you my story about how i took off walking to the west coast from sa with no money, would you read it?
Latina3203: sure
HAHA I MADE IT: there you go, if you like, let me know..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
HAHA I MADE IT: honesty is the best policy..
Latina3203: ok well do
HAHA I MADE IT: so what side of town do you live on?

Lilhuerta69: i think that story is bulllshit
GO TO HELL PUTO: its nothing but the truth..
Lilhuerta69: okay
Lilhuerta69: well thats pretty damn crazy
GO TO HELL PUTO: see, i had my mini cassette recorder with me the whole time
GO TO HELL PUTO: do you want me to send you a few chapters ive already typed up?
GO TO HELL PUTO: what i sent out was just the summary from memory
Lilhuerta69: uh huh sure ya did
Lilhuerta69: uh huh sure
Lilhuerta69: um how old are you
Lilhuerta69: hahah that story to me is bullshit
GO TO HELL PUTO: check your mail..
Lilhuerta69: i am
GO TO HELL PUTO: i have like 12 cassettes full of details..
GO TO HELL PUTO: just havent typed it all up
Lilhuerta69: hahahah your weird
GO TO HELL PUTO: dont you have to be a little crazy to make a difference these days?
GO TO HELL PUTO: wacka wacka wacka
GO TO HELL PUTO: the smart man backs his shit up, no?
Lilhuerta69: you dont have to lie about everything
Lilhuerta69: people jusr dont offer weed
Lilhuerta69: *just
GO TO HELL PUTO: the did to me
Lilhuerta69: uh hub sure they did
GO TO HELL PUTO: hehe, seems too good to be true, huh
Lilhuerta69: yeah uh huh sure
GO TO HELL PUTO: ahhh, you just cant handle the truth..
Lilhuerta69: nope cause you lied you know you did
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, my book will be proof, in black and white, that we dont need money to live..
Lilhuerta69: uh huh sure whatever
GO TO HELL PUTO: this im will be in my book
Lilhuerta69: okay whatever 

M0Nk3Ymarie: victor?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hallo :]
M0Nk3Ymarie: 'ello
M0Nk3Ymarie: how are you?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: got any marijuana marie?? i havent smoked in like 3 days..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: in cali i was smoking every day
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: im bored
M0Nk3Ymarie: lol...i told you i quit
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: thats how i am
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: oh yeahhh
M0Nk3Ymarie: lol
M0Nk3Ymarie: sorry i couldn't help you out
M0Nk3Ymarie: besides...SA is really dry i hear
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: especially if you dont believe in money
M0Nk3Ymarie: lol
M0Nk3Ymarie: when are you ganna head outto the east coast
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i dont know..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you know me and not planning things
M0Nk3Ymarie: i don't think it'll be as cool as Cali though
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: theres nice people everywhere
M0Nk3Ymarie: true
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ill have to be more conservative though..
M0Nk3Ymarie: true
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: like i cant go around talking to everyone about my i didnon the west coast
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: but i bet if theyre young, theyll listen
M0Nk3Ymarie: what the tabaco companies do...."Rack them in when they're young!"
M0Nk3Ymarie: my parents are getting more and more ignorant and shallow
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: their whole generation..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: my moms the exact same way
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i cant stand living here
M0Nk3Ymarie: loll....sorry
M0Nk3Ymarie: i is my mom
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: theyre a bunch of lazy asses
M0Nk3Ymarie: yup

HAHA I MADE IT: wanna do it?
Oralyfixatedxoxo: do what
HAHA I MADE IT: you know, it..
HAHA I MADE IT: i know i sound desperate, but i havent scored in like a year..
Oralyfixatedxoxo: what is it
HAHA I MADE IT: ive been suppposedely holding out for a relationship, but everyone thinks im crazy..
Oralyfixatedxoxo: how old r u
HAHA I MADE IT: but hey, im only human..
Oralyfixatedxoxo: ok
Oralyfixatedxoxo: baby I' m older than u
HAHA I MADE IT: wanna break my dry spell?
HAHA I MADE IT: how much older?
Oralyfixatedxoxo: 36
HAHA I MADE IT: you still should have all the right equipment..
Oralyfixatedxoxo: better than u know
HAHA I MADE IT: and im just dying to see you live up to that screen name..
Oralyfixatedxoxo: where r u
HAHA I MADE IT: 25/m/nw san antonio/6'6"/185lbs/puertorican/german/panamanian/italian
HAHA I MADE IT: if i send you my story about how i took off walking to the west coast from sa with no money, would you read it?
Oralyfixatedxoxo: yes
HAHA I MADE IT: there you go, read it when you have time..
HAHA I MADE IT: its pretty interesting, so ive been told
Oralyfixatedxoxo: is it erotic
HAHA I MADE IT: its just the truth
Oralyfixatedxoxo: ok
Oralyfixatedxoxo: i will read it
HAHA I MADE IT: thanks
Oralyfixatedxoxo: uw
HAHA I MADE IT: so, did you have a pic?
Oralyfixatedxoxo: do u
Oralyfixatedxoxo: i don't
Oralyfixatedxoxo: u here in san antonio
HAHA I MADE IT: gotmail
HAHA I MADE IT: yes, nw
Oralyfixatedxoxo: ok
HAHA I MADE IT: how about a quick description?
Oralyfixatedxoxo: 5' 7 155lbs long brn hair brn eyes
HAHA I MADE IT: what side of town do you live on?
Oralyfixatedxoxo: ne
HAHA I MADE IT: i live nw, close to 1604/bandera
Oralyfixatedxoxo: ok
HAHA I MADE IT: so how about it? wanna play?
Oralyfixatedxoxo: yes but u give me ur #
HAHA I MADE IT: ok, im temporarily living at my moms
HAHA I MADE IT: when would you call? 

HAHA I MADE IT: got any weed?
P3pp3rann: I wish
HAHA I MADE IT: so do i
HAHA I MADE IT: hey, do you like to read?
P3pp3rann: sometimes you?
HAHA I MADE IT: nah, i prefer to write..
HAHA I MADE IT: can i send you my true story?
P3pp3rann: cool i love writing
HAHA I MADE IT: its really interesting, so ive been told
HAHA I MADE IT: badass
HAHA I MADE IT: and you like to smoke
HAHA I MADE IT: lets get married
P3pp3rann: sometimes no to often though
P3pp3rann: :-P
P3pp3rann: My name is Crystal what is yours?
HAHA I MADE IT: im victor
P3pp3rann: Hi how old are you?
P3pp3rann: Hey!!! Sorry I got kicked off
P3pp3rann: wow
HAHA I MADE IT: what side of town do you live on crystal?
HAHA I MADE IT: how old are you?
P3pp3rann: southwest i'm only 16
HAHA I MADE IT: want to read my true story?
HAHA I MADE IT: its pretty interesting
P3pp3rann: sure
HAHA I MADE IT: there you go
P3pp3rann: k
P3pp3rann: wow!! that's pretty cool
HAHA I MADE IT: you read it all?
P3pp3rann: yup
HAHA I MADE IT: now that wasnt the first time i tried going west..
HAHA I MADE IT: the first time i didnt even get out of texas
HAHA I MADE IT: here, ill send you that story
P3pp3rann: really?
P3pp3rann: ook
HAHA I MADE IT: gotmail
P3pp3rann: yup hold on
P3pp3rann: those are some crazy stories!! I g2g I'll be back laters
P3pp3rann: bye!!!

Giz4u: wanna have sex?
Pamela3163: idiot
Giz4u: hey, it doesnt hurt to ask right..
Giz4u: its all a numbers game, just playing the odds
Pamela3163: thats horrible
Pamela3163: what are you. 18?
Giz4u: ya never know, i might run across a girl whos in the mood too and doesnt want to mess around with a complicated relationship..
Giz4u: sex feels good to all of us, we're only human
Giz4u: and im 25, by the way
Pamela3163: and you'd have sex with someone you just met over the net?
Giz4u: im usually not this desperate, its just been like a year for me...
Pamela3163: big deal
Giz4u: ive been holding out for a relationship, but only human
Pamela3163: well the net is no place to go
Giz4u: since when does it hurt to ask..
Pamela3163: its dangerous
Pamela3163: and your just asking for trouble
Giz4u: now, ive never done it before...and i would have to meet the person before i made my final decision..
Giz4u: and hey, condoms are like 99% effective at blocking stuff
Pamela3163: oh my god, are you sure you're not a teenager?
Pamela3163: you seem very naive
Giz4u: i seem very human..
Giz4u: and you seem very judgemental..
Giz4u: but hey, everyones different right
Pamela3163: i am just smart about things. plus, i work in the medical field and i've seen too much to just say "go ahead, do something stupid?"
Pamela3163: take care of yourself
Giz4u: you too, drive carefully
Pamela3163: dont go crazy because its been a year
Pamela3163: big freakin deal, you know
Giz4u: hey, dont you get urges now and then?
Pamela3163: its not something you need to live
Giz4u: i know, but whats life without a little risk?
Pamela3163: its great, dont get me wrong, but dont just jump into something crazy because its beena while
Pamela3163: that kind of risk you can do without
Giz4u: well, everyone thinks im crazy to start off with, im just doing an experiment..
Giz4u: to prove that it doesnt hurt to ask..
Pamela3163: do you realize the type of women that would actually answer yes are just the ones that you shouldnt get within ten feet of?
Giz4u: how can you be so sure?
Giz4u: i mean i was in a 4 year relationship..i know theres a big difference between having sex and making love..
Giz4u: thats why ive held out for a whole year..
Pamela3163: if a girl is going to say yes to some guy shes never met, imagine all the yes's shes dsaid before and to whom
Giz4u: yeah, thats what the condom is for..
Pamela3163: why are guys so dumb?
Giz4u: even though i hate condoms..
Giz4u: hey, its not like guys are the only ones screwing around
Pamela3163: there are sooooo many things that can go wrong. and sooo many things that a condom wont even stand a chance against
Giz4u: well it sure decreases the chances..
Pamela3163: dont be dumb. go rub one out and then go meet a nice girl somewhere
Giz4u: rub one out?
Giz4u: like i said...everybody thinks im crazy for my great ideas..
Giz4u: can i send you my true story? its pretty interesting..
Pamela3163: great ideas?
Giz4u: yeah, ive got some big plans
Giz4u: i just got back from the west coast..
Giz4u: i went on an odyssey..
Giz4u: i took off walking the day after christmas..
Giz4u: from san antonio
Pamela3163: go on
Giz4u: now, i had my mini cassette recorder with me the whole time
Giz4u: ive got the whole experience logged
Giz4u: easiest book in the world to write..i just had to let shit happen
Giz4u: i did it all for free
Giz4u: when i finish typing up my book, it should server as proof-positive, in black and white..that we dont need money to live..
Pamela3163: that i know is true
Giz4u: and that we have two legs for a reason
Giz4u: and its not to push the gas and the brake
Giz4u: and that cars are killling the world and making people lazy and impatient
Giz4u: i also plan to get marijuanan legalized and chill everybody out
Giz4u: -n
Giz4u: with the internet..
Giz4u: ive got it all figured out..
Giz4u: :]
Pamela3163: legalization should start in the medical field
Pamela3163: concentrate on that, then see where it goes
Giz4u: dont you think if all the world leaders got together and smoked a fat joint..that all our problems would just dissapear?
Giz4u: hey, they didnt call them peace pipes for nothing
Giz4u: not only do i plan to get it legalized...but recommended as well
Pamela3163: it will take a good 10 years of research after its legalized for med. research before it could or would ever be considered legal for us
Giz4u: hehe, anything is possible...and ya gotta start somewhere...
Pamela3163: yes you do
Pamela3163: its a long haul though
Giz4u: with the technology today, one person will make a difference..
Giz4u: i just cant find anything better to do
Pamela3163: college?
Giz4u: if you want to be like everybody else, go to college..
Giz4u: if you want to be yourself, learn it on your own
Pamela3163: there is nothing that says you cant do both
Giz4u: but why waste your time and money?
Giz4u: colleges are just cloning factories
Pamela3163: i got my degrees so that i could have a career that i enjoyed doing
Pamela3163: and now i play and get paid
Giz4u: yeah...would you do it for free though?
Giz4u: money doesnt mean shit
Giz4u: thats what college is all about
Pamela3163: alot can be done without money
Pamela3163: but power is another thing
Pamela3163: and with money comes power
Pamela3163: people respect m and my decision, they see those degrees on my wall and suddenly I am an expert
Pamela3163: of course i knew much of what i do now before i had them, but no one listened because i wasn't schooled
Pamela3163: so you pay the price, get your degrees
Pamela3163: hang them on your wall
Pamela3163: and with that you realize that you can go anywhere and do anything that you dreamed of before
Giz4u: sorry im on the phone
Pamela3163: but now people listen, now they suddenly think your super intelligent
Pamela3163: whether you use the degrees or not they give you unlimited bargaining room
Giz4u: ok
Pamela3163: ok, well, i have to get going now. need part of a manual written by this afternoon. going fishing.
Giz4u: sorry i was on the phone
Pamela3163: thats ok
Giz4u: do you mind if i send you my stuff?
Giz4u: the smart man backs his shit up..
Pamela3163: no, go ahead
Giz4u: cool
Pamela3163: i'd enjoy reading ti
Pamela3163: go out, enjoy the day
Pamela3163: bye
Giz4u: ok, thats the bulk of dont mail this sn, its kinda stolen..
Giz4u: i hate paying for stuff..
Giz4u: :]
Pamela3163: ah yes
Giz4u: if you want to email me, write me at
Giz4u: ill be sure to save your address and send you my book(for free) when i type it up 

PlayamanThepimp: hey u seem pretty cool so ur goin on my buddy list cause i g2g
HAHA I MADE IT: cool, i got more good stuff too
HAHA I MADE IT: peace brother
PlayamanThepimp: cool
HAHA I MADE IT: oh, this sn could die any day..
HAHA I MADE IT: here, ill IM you from my aim sn
PlayamanThepimp: k
HAHA I MADE IT: accept that IM
HAHA I MADE IT: its not a porn IM
PlayamanThepimp: k coo
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: put this one on your list..its DLCK not DiCK
PlayamanThepimp: how old are u
PlayamanThepimp: shit im only 15 but who gives a fuck u tyte
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: its you young kids world im trying to save
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you guys are the future
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: somebodys gotta do it
PlayamanThepimp: lol
PlayamanThepimp: well i g2g

Reigning825: you r not worthy of a response
GO TO HELL PUTO: except that one right
Reigning825: yup
GO TO HELL PUTO: its amazing how people can resent you for being happy..
GO TO HELL PUTO: its not my fault your miserable..
Reigning825: be happy all you want, but your ignorant too
Reigning825: you don't know me..
GO TO HELL PUTO: how am i ignorant?
Reigning825: you want to take away all the things we need but still want to reap rewards.... not possible
GO TO HELL PUTO: thing is, we dont need those things
GO TO HELL PUTO: why do you want what you dont need?
GO TO HELL PUTO: hey, i want you to do me a favor..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i want you to one, think im crazy...
GO TO HELL PUTO: and also
GO TO HELL PUTO: i want you to doubt me..
GO TO HELL PUTO: itll make my victory so much sweeter..
Reigning825: don't think youre crzy just stupid
GO TO HELL PUTO: elaborate
Reigning825: not worth it
GO TO HELL PUTO: yeah, thats what i thought..
GO TO HELL PUTO: good thing, because youd just end up making yourself look stupid..
GO TO HELL PUTO: and this conversation will be in my book
GO TO HELL PUTO: so you best quit while you think youre ahead..
Reigning825: cool cause i'll be on your mind and i'll never think of you again
GO TO HELL PUTO: you wont be on my mind, just in my book
Reigning825: cool

Excerpt from San Antonio room on AOL. This is where I got the Victor the Liberator idea.

LosingDiscretion: you see...I'm corporate America
LosingDiscretion: and your the liberator
LosingDiscretion: its my job to stop you
LosingDiscretion: your no match for the Great Satan of Radio
LosingDiscretion: we're located in the quarry market
LosingDiscretion: well we have 100% the billboards in town and 67% of the total US radio market, not to mention 35% of the television stations working for us
LosingDiscretion: thats only here Victor
LosingDiscretion: you will not succeed
LosingDiscretion: ah, the force is strong with this one

LosingDiscretion: none the less, he'll soon find

HAHA I MADE IT: got any weed?
Seanmdb420: ill sell it to you
Seanmdb420: but i aint vbringing it toyou
Seanmdb420: is this who i think it is?
HAHA I MADE IT: victor
Seanmdb420: yea
HAHA I MADE IT: where do you live again?
Seanmdb420: s w side
HAHA I MADE IT: tell me a landmark closeby
Seanmdb420: ingrim
HAHA I MADE IT: ingram mall?
Seanmdb420: yea
HAHA I MADE IT: i can go there
HAHA I MADE IT: hey, can i get your number dude
Seanmdb420: my phone fucked uplast night
Seanmdb420: and the att&t store istn open for me to get a new one
Seanmdb420: today
HAHA I MADE IT: damn, can you give me directions over there?
Seanmdb420: my # is 865-4080
HAHA I MADE IT: but its not working?
Seanmdb420: you have map quest
Seanmdb420: the service works but the phone its self is broke
HAHA I MADE IT: yeah, i can look it up online
HAHA I MADE IT: is it really complicated to get there?
HAHA I MADE IT: because i kinda know the area
Seanmdb420: nope
HAHA I MADE IT: apartments?
Seanmdb420: na
Seanmdb420: house
HAHA I MADE IT: hmm, what street
HAHA I MADE IT: and ill be on my way, my moms gonna let me take her car
Seanmdb420: brookvalley
HAHA I MADE IT: house number?
Seanmdb420: i dont have a home #
HAHA I MADE IT: i meant like address
Seanmdb420: oh
Seanmdb420: 7306 brookvalley
HAHA I MADE IT: ok, will you be home for a while?
Seanmdb420: yea bout an hour
HAHA I MADE IT: cool, let me look it up and ill head out
HAHA I MADE IT: umm, can you just give me quick directions?
Seanmdb420: 410 to ray ellison
HAHA I MADE IT: damnit forget it dude
Seanmdb420: exit go right
HAHA I MADE IT: my brothers taking the car
Seanmdb420: lol
Seanmdb420: what luck

HAHA I MADE IT: got any weed?
SmallBuBBles83: and u?
HAHA I MADE IT: nope, wishing i did..
SmallBuBBles83: silly
HAHA I MADE IT: hey, do you like to read?
SmallBuBBles83: play girl mag.
SmallBuBBles83: and u?
HAHA I MADE IT: nah, i prefer to write..
SmallBuBBles83: well aleast u can read
HAHA I MADE IT: well, in that case..want to have some safe, clean sex?
SmallBuBBles83: thats a go quality
HAHA I MADE IT: i havent scored in like a year
SmallBuBBles83: silly
HAHA I MADE IT: ive been supposedely holding out for a relationship..
HAHA I MADE IT: but everyone thinks im crazy..
HAHA I MADE IT: and hey, im only human ya know
SmallBuBBles83: what do u look like
SmallBuBBles83: ur an animal
HAHA I MADE IT: rawrrrr..
HAHA I MADE IT: 25/m/nw san antonio/6'6"/185lbs/puertorican/german/panamanian/italian
HAHA I MADE IT: im in great shape, im a long-distance walker..
HAHA I MADE IT: i have a pic, buts its like a year old..
SmallBuBBles83: can i c?
HAHA I MADE IT: sure, one second
HAHA I MADE IT: let me paste it into an email real quick
SmallBuBBles83: k
HAHA I MADE IT: what side of town do you live on?
HAHA I MADE IT: argh, everybodys getting laid but me
HAHA I MADE IT: because everyone thinks im crazy
HAHA I MADE IT: did you have a pic?
HAHA I MADE IT: well damn

SpFaN68: i have a question
SpFaN68: you say we dont need money to live... yet the people that helped you had money
GO TO HELL PUTO: true, but i didnt work for it
GO TO HELL PUTO: they helped out of generosity..
SpFaN68: yeah but in some way you did work for it
SpFaN68: you asked
GO TO HELL PUTO: now unfortunately, until i phase money out..i realize i still have to use it..
GO TO HELL PUTO: just as little as possible
GO TO HELL PUTO: and when i give people the choice to tell me no, helping me out becomes their decision..
GO TO HELL PUTO: im not twisting their arms..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i give people the chance to feel good about themselves..
SpFaN68: if you would never had met those people or had help from anyone.. your journey might have been really different
GO TO HELL PUTO: yes, and i was prepared for that possibility..
SpFaN68: now if your story was like...
SpFaN68: everyone shit on me
SpFaN68: and i followed them back to their house and beat them
SpFaN68: took their shit and pawned it
SpFaN68: i woulda believed it
SpFaN68: and felt it
SpFaN68: lol

HAHA I MADE IT: got any weed?
Tagger787: naw
HAHA I MADE IT: ok, just wondering
HAHA I MADE IT: hey, if i send you my true story about how i left walking for california with no money, will you read it?
Tagger787: mmmm.....i dont know?
HAHA I MADE IT: its pretty interesting, so ive been told
Tagger787: ok
HAHA I MADE IT: if you like, let me know..i got plenty more good free non-fiction..
Tagger787: ok
HAHA I MADE IT: honesty is the best policy..

HAHA I MADE IT: wanna do it?
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: what
HAHA I MADE IT: yeah, i know i sound desperate...but i havent scored in like a year..
HAHA I MADE IT: ive been supposedely holding out for a relationship, but everyone thinks im crazy..
HAHA I MADE IT: hey, im only human
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: and u want me to do it with you
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: no fucking way
HAHA I MADE IT: just an experiment, its all a numbers game..just playing the odds..
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: no thats okay
HAHA I MADE IT: hey, if i send you my story about how i took off walking to the west coast from sa with no money, would you read it?
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: i dont know
HAHA I MADE IT: its really interesting, so ive been told..
HAHA I MADE IT: just harmless text.
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: ok fine
HAHA I MADE IT: there you go, if you like, let me know..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
HAHA I MADE IT: honesty is the best policy, right
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: yeah
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: so be honest with me
HAHA I MADE IT: im an open book
HAHA I MADE IT: literally, im writing a book about my odyssey..
HAHA I MADE IT: i had my mini cassette recorder with me the whole time..
HAHA I MADE IT: i logged the whole experience..
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: are u really desperate or is that just a way to meet people
HAHA I MADE IT: easiest book in the world to write, i just had to let shit happen
HAHA I MADE IT: like i said, its one of my experiments...just trying to prove that it doesnt hurt to ask..
HAHA I MADE IT: ya never know..i might find a chick whos in the mood too and doestn wanna hassle with a relationship..
HAHA I MADE IT: hey, we're only human right
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: right
HAHA I MADE IT: now, im not saying i would fuck just anyone..
HAHA I MADE IT: im just setting the pretense for the meeting, in the end, i would still have to be attracted to the person somewhat
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: in what way
HAHA I MADE IT: just overall..
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: in the physical and personality sense
HAHA I MADE IT: personality can shape physical attraction..
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: so what r u saying looks dont matter to u
HAHA I MADE IT: like, i might not think a girl is that physically attractive..but if shes got an attractive mind, it makes a huge difference..
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: oh
HAHA I MADE IT: dont get me wrong, if i meet up with a girl and i really dig her, ill pursue something more than sex..
HAHA I MADE IT: and itd be kinda cool to know first-hand we are compatible sexually
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: ok dude
HAHA I MADE IT: i was in a 4 year relationship..i know for a fact theres a difference between just fucking and making love..
HAHA I MADE IT: as cheesy as that sounds..
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: ok so wich one do u prefer
HAHA I MADE IT: if i had the choice, the latter..but you have to have a certain synchronicity with someone..that you cant find just anywhere..
HAHA I MADE IT: and its even more rare to come across someone you click with like that on aol
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: whose that
HAHA I MADE IT: whos who?
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: the part when you said that it is even more rare to find a person on aol that you click with
HAHA I MADE IT: i didnt have any particular person in mind when i said that..
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: oh okay make me feel like a dumb ass you could have atleast made something up so i wont feel so fucking stupid
HAHA I MADE IT: please dont get offended.
HAHA I MADE IT: i didnt mean anything by that..
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: its okay

WlDrOcKaNgEl69: so how old r u
HAHA I MADE IT: im 25..
HAHA I MADE IT: and ive gotten in the habit of not making stuff up, ever
HAHA I MADE IT: like i said, honesty is the best policy
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: thats good to hear
HAHA I MADE IT: if you dont lie, you dont have to remember shit
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: that is true
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: so victor
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: what other adventures have u been on
HAHA I MADE IT: ill show you
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: how
HAHA I MADE IT: gotmail
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: dude that is not showing me that is telling me
HAHA I MADE IT: well, its kinda hard to show anyone anything on aol..
HAHA I MADE IT: if i wouldve had a camera, then maybe
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: well u see u just lied to me
HAHA I MADE IT: but, i like drawing pictures with words..
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: just kidding dude
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: take a joke please
HAHA I MADE IT: if you want a challenge, try to offend me
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: i will read it later if u dont mind
HAHA I MADE IT: sure, at your discretion..
HAHA I MADE IT: i got lots more stuff
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: alright i love people that put up a fight
HAHA I MADE IT: really, i hate fighting
HAHA I MADE IT: im pretty passive, unless it means a lot to me..
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: i did not mean it that way
HAHA I MADE IT: how old are you anyway lori?
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: i am only 18
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: but u kept writing to me so i had to talk to u
HAHA I MADE IT: hey, i didnt twist your arm..
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: no but you kept pushing the send button
HAHA I MADE IT: so do you
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: okay fine bye
HAHA I MADE IT: sorry if i pissed you off..
HAHA I MADE IT: or are you joking again?
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: dude take a joke you need to calm down alittle
HAHA I MADE IT: well, its hard to note sarcasm on aol..
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: well that is me i am nothing but sarcasm so deal with it
HAHA I MADE IT: ok, i love a sense of humor
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: ok
HAHA I MADE IT: people always take shit way too seriously
HAHA I MADE IT: and worry about stupid shit
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: yeah your one of them
HAHA I MADE IT: how do you know im not being sarcastic when you think im being serious?
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: because
HAHA I MADE IT: hey, do you burn?
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: what
HAHA I MADE IT: ok, let me be politically-correct..
HAHA I MADE IT: do you smoke marijuana?
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: no i dont smoke
HAHA I MADE IT: come on, everyone else is doing it..
HAHA I MADE IT: dont you wanna be cool??
HAHA I MADE IT: well damn, i was gonna go score a blunt and i dont like to toke by myself..ill find somebody though
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: and if everyone else was jumping off a fucking bridge you want me to go fucking stand in line well sorry i am a leader not a follower
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: well go ahead and findsombody i aint fucking stoping you
HAHA I MADE IT: lol and you think i take things seriously
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: shutup that wasnt funny
HAHA I MADE IT: hahaha
HAHA I MADE IT: haha you should be a canadian!
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: what
HAHA I MADE IT: ta tung ching
HAHA I MADE IT: get it? canadian, comedian
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: okay whatever
HAHA I MADE IT: see, now youve left me wondering about your attitude now..
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: what do u mean
HAHA I MADE IT: i think, "she just told me she's always sarcastic, but she doesnt put a hehe or a smiley face after what she says, so hmm, i just dont know"
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: dude you dont need to know because it just is not important
HAHA I MADE IT: yeah youre right..fuck it
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: so ur mad at me now
HAHA I MADE IT: i hate you
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: okay bye that is all i wanted to know
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: were u serious when u said that
HAHA I MADE IT: no, i wouldnt give you that honor..
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: oky so what is ur answer yes or no
HAHA I MADE IT: no, i wasnt being serious..
HAHA I MADE IT: i was just kidding
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: okay
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: well dude i will talk to u laterz hopefully i am going to sign off now
HAHA I MADE IT: ok lori, have a great sunday
HAHA I MADE IT: and drive carefully, if you do
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: okay u to victor
HAHA I MADE IT: peace sister
WlDrOcKaNgEl69: bye 

XxToNice4YouxX: interesting
GO TO HELL PUTO: thank you
XxToNice4YouxX: congrats on your adventure
GO TO HELL PUTO: you should see when i type up my book finally
GO TO HELL PUTO: here, wanna see some chapters ive already typed up?
GO TO HELL PUTO: straight from my cassette recorder..
GO TO HELL PUTO: honesty is the best policy..

CAHCito: hey
GO TO HELL PUTO: whats up
CAHCito: heey catch me upo on you
CAHCito: what happened to your computer job
GO TO HELL PUTO: ok, let me see if i can find the dissertation
CAHCito: oh no
CAHCito: no more dissertations
CAHCito: just a quick summary
CAHCito: im more intrested in you as a person then your mission really, i have always been
GO TO HELL PUTO: i wrote it up before i left
GO TO HELL PUTO: i write things down so i wont have to remember them
GO TO HELL PUTO: compensating for my memory deficits..
CAHCito: you change your memory deficiets
GO TO HELL PUTO: i told someone in cali that ive never had a headache and they said its because i log everything
GO TO HELL PUTO: and i dont have to remember shit
CAHCito: i see
GO TO HELL PUTO: ahh, its a universal excuse..
GO TO HELL PUTO: victor, why didnt you clean up the kitchen??
GO TO HELL PUTO: head injuries mom
CAHCito: any i dont work at cafe anymore
GO TO HELL PUTO: where do you work?
CAHCito: heh im a securtiyguard
CAHCito: i ride around in a little car and listen to books on tape all night
GO TO HELL PUTO: youre a rent a cop
GO TO HELL PUTO: books on tape
CAHCito: yea i play guitar and pray whatever for 10 hours a night
CAHCito: alot of alone thinking time
GO TO HELL PUTO: you should be pacing
CAHCito: pacing?
GO TO HELL PUTO: yeah, always be moving
GO TO HELL PUTO: youre a security guard
CAHCito: i do get walk to stay alert
CAHCito: but i get to keep to myself in my own heasd if you know what i mean
CAHCito: wheb did he stop talking?
CAHCito: did you ever meet roxanne?
GO TO HELL PUTO: roxanne?
CAHCito: yes i met her in october maybe a lil after or before i met you
CAHCito: i started working at the cafe in september
GO TO HELL PUTO: if i saw her, i might recognize her
GO TO HELL PUTO: then again, ive had two head injuries..
CAHCito: hmm anyway i had got really xclose to her
CAHCito: nbut that all ended recently
GO TO HELL PUTO: had to?
CAHCito: i did i mean
CAHCito: hey that too im 25 now too
GO TO HELL PUTO: cool, happy birthday
CAHCito: whens your birthday?
GO TO HELL PUTO: groundhogs day
CAHCito: ah mine was the 8th
CAHCito: 5 years till 30 victor
GO TO HELL PUTO: yeah, it really really sucks
GO TO HELL PUTO: i feel so old
CAHCito: nah ots great your life is getting closer to ending
GO TO HELL PUTO: not mine, im gonna live over 100 

GO TO HELL PUTO: do you like to read?
MsK SciencE: hmm. i got somethin like that not too long ago
MsK SciencE: or i think it was haha i did it
MsK SciencE: that you?
MsK SciencE: whyd you walk so far?
MsK SciencE: you just bored or what?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i was on a mission
MsK SciencE: oh yeah to do what
GO TO HELL PUTO: ok sent, read it when you have time..and if you like, i got tons more non-fiction..just ask
MsK SciencE: i was gonna do somethin like you
GO TO HELL PUTO: check it out, the story will answer any question you might have
MsK SciencE: i was gonna split to europe and leave all my shit behind
GO TO HELL PUTO: ill go to europe someday
GO TO HELL PUTO: hell, i got a whole world to explore
GO TO HELL PUTO: for free
MsK SciencE: well its pretty cheap to go now
MsK SciencE: its only 200 bucks for a one way ticket
GO TO HELL PUTO: i wont fly
GO TO HELL PUTO: im sure theres a boat i can catch over there right
MsK SciencE: im pretty sure
GO TO HELL PUTO: patience is virtue.
MsK SciencE: eh..
MsK SciencE: im a lazy fuck
MsK SciencE: im ready for renewal of life though
GO TO HELL PUTO: the whole world is
MsK SciencE: im sick of it here
GO TO HELL PUTO: start walking
MsK SciencE: fuck no
MsK SciencE: trains suck too
GO TO HELL PUTO: and just leave
MsK SciencE: i gotta take my sequencer and both hdds
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, im saying train for a journey
MsK SciencE: oh
MsK SciencE: how so
GO TO HELL PUTO: i had my hd in my rucksack the whole time
GO TO HELL PUTO: practice walking
GO TO HELL PUTO: and just take off
GO TO HELL PUTO: dont hitch hike
GO TO HELL PUTO: someone will pick you up eventually
MsK SciencE: so what kinda shit you have now?
MsK SciencE: since you gave away all your crap?
GO TO HELL PUTO: just what i need
GO TO HELL PUTO: and i got some cool stuff in cali, for free
MsK SciencE: what triggered all this?
GO TO HELL PUTO: ive had two closed head injuries..
GO TO HELL PUTO: here, ill send you the stories
MsK SciencE: howd those happen?
MsK SciencE: your right these stories are pretty intresting
MsK SciencE: im readin your true story
GO TO HELL PUTO: gotmail
MsK SciencE: hey my aunt lives in humbolt county
GO TO HELL PUTO: hehe, and thats just the summary i wrote from memory
MsK SciencE: weed cap of the united states
GO TO HELL PUTO: ive got some chapters typed up from my mini cassette recorder i had the whole time
GO TO HELL PUTO: oh yeah..i got smoked out every day in humboldt
MsK SciencE: if i were gonna road trip id need at least an oz or more of weed
MsK SciencE: so you ever run outta water?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i had my nikken magnetized water bottle with built in filter
MsK SciencE: oh those are tight
MsK SciencE: Our mountain sounds tight
GO TO HELL PUTO: i could drink any water safely
MsK SciencE: id like to live there
GO TO HELL PUTO: oh was like a fantasy
MsK SciencE: you get laid at all?
GO TO HELL PUTO: nope, i had brought 3 condoms, just in case..
GO TO HELL PUTO: but i didnt have time to get laid
GO TO HELL PUTO: i was either sleeping or moving..
MsK SciencE: hmm..
MsK SciencE: shoulda brought some porn
MsK SciencE: id bring at least a mag
GO TO HELL PUTO: umm..i had my hard drive..
MsK SciencE: heh
MsK SciencE: so why didnt you stay with all these hippies?
MsK SciencE: smoke weed all day and just chill?
GO TO HELL PUTO: So now, I am back in San Antonio. Why didn't I stay in California? Because not everywhere else is like the west coast, but it can be damnit. It needs to be.

MsK SciencE: hmm. you cant change the world you realize that
MsK SciencE: theres too many people that are set in their own ways already
GO TO HELL PUTO: anything is possible dude..and you gotta start somewhere..
GO TO HELL PUTO: with today's technology, just watch one person make a difference..
MsK SciencE: your probably gonna die tryin
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, i take comfort in the fact that if i am will only expedite my mission..
MsK SciencE: WERD.
GO TO HELL PUTO: imagine the publicity ill receive...because im not doing anything wrong..
GO TO HELL PUTO: everyone will want to know what the guy who died for the world wrote..
GO TO HELL PUTO: it would be totally worth it
GO TO HELL PUTO: plus, fawn said the spirits got my back..
MsK SciencE: those people are probably pretty fried
MsK SciencE: im sure they are nice
MsK SciencE: all these towns youve been to ive been to as well

MsK SciencE: i have family all throughout northern cali
MsK SciencE: so its pretty cool hearin someone else thats been there
MsK SciencE: hehe so you pretty much bartered your way through this whole trip?
GO TO HELL PUTO: didnt even have to do that..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i just got shit..
MsK SciencE: i fell you and all but i cant let go that easily
MsK SciencE: feel*
GO TO HELL PUTO: oh, and i sent you some detailed chapters that i had recorded and typed up
GO TO HELL PUTO: im writing a book
GO TO HELL PUTO: easiest book in the world to write..i just had to let shit happen
MsK SciencE: i have a bunch of crazy ass stories too i just havent typed em out
GO TO HELL PUTO: do it, before you forget em
MsK SciencE: yeah i do smoke quite a bit
MsK SciencE: nobody fucked with you at all?
MsK SciencE: tried to rob your shit or anything?
GO TO HELL PUTO: not at all
MsK SciencE: tight
GO TO HELL PUTO: hey dude, im gonna go catch the bus..
GO TO HELL PUTO: have a good day dude
MsK SciencE: you should put your cassette recordings up
MsK SciencE: oh ok take it easy
GO TO HELL PUTO: drive carefully
MsK SciencE: ill read these stories
MsK SciencE: i will 


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