


San Antonio, TX

Saturday March 20, 2004

     10:57am  Let's see, today I woke up kind of late, like around 9 or 10. I didn't do much. I took a shower. My mom said she's going to Callaghan so I hitched a ride. And she gave me five dollars. I asked her for bus fare. I'll get courtesy rides and buy some weed, hehe. Thanks, mom.

                     I'm over here on Fredericksburg and Magic. I'm looking for some water for my water bottle.

     11:03am  I saw some guy at the Warren Inn. I asked him, "Hey man, know where I can buy a joint?" He told me, "Nah, I can sell you some Xanax, though." He asked me, "Do you have a couple cigarettes? I can give you some money for them?" I told him, "That's alright, I don't sell cigarettes." I gave him two cigarettes and said enjoy. He told me me, "I live in 224. Stop by." Cool. Made a friend.

     11:11am  I walked down Oaklawn. I'm walking down Pin Oak. I'm going to see if there's any kids out here I can buy some weed off.

                     No weed. Right now I hopped 410 and I'm cutting through the Super Target they have here.

                     Letter of the day is K and I don't have a K transfer. Damnit, that sucks. Ah, I'll just use one of these dollar bills.

     11:39am  This dude called me, "Hey, come here!" This black dude. He was all, "You don't remember me?" I told him, "Man, I talk to people every day." He told me, "You got me high."

     12:02pm  At the Crossroads Park and Ride this security guard was messing with me. I had scraped a resin hit and was trying to hit my pipe right there on the bench. He came up to me and said, "I got a call." This VIA guy that was in a white truck earlier probably called on me. He saw me hitting my pipe. The security guard comes up to me and asks me, "Do you have any pot?" I told him, "I wish I had some pot." He said, "You weren't smoking pot right here?" I tell him, "No, do you smell it?" He told me, "Empty out your pockets." I laughed at him and said, "I don't have to do anything you tell me to. You're not a police officer." He said, "Well, I'll call the cops." I told him, "Do what you feel you need to. I'm about to get out of here anyway." He told me, "Well, I'll be here for three hours." I said, "Umm, I won't be here for three hours. I'm going to go ride the bus." I told him, "Man, you really don't have anything better to do, do you?" He just walked off, haha.

                     Oh yeah, he told me, "I've seen you around. I know you." I told him, "Yeah, I know. I'm everywhere."

     12:30pm  I got off the 92 in front of the library. I'm going to check my email and see if Kassie has written me.

                     No mail from Kassie, as I suspected.

     1:42pm  The 92 guy didn't give me a ride. I told him, "Ahh, these boots are made for walking." He said, "Yeah, it's good exercise." I told him, "Exactly."

                   Add to my quotes, "I don't celebrate holidays. I celebrate every day."

     3:14pm  I have a really big update to make. I never told you that I came to the library. I scored some weed at Travis park and I came back and checked my email. I spent like a whole hour trying to figure out the day I am on, on my tapes, so I can start logging my stuff again. I am so far behind now. I just finished up at the library. I'm going to look for a cigarette somewhere. I'll walk back to the park. I'm hungry. I'm going to go ask for spare change for a hotdog.

     3:26pm  Joseph Alvarado, the guy I talked to yesterday in the park hooked me up with a cigarette. Two cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:30pm  I forgot to tell you, I ran into Zai. You've read about him already(4-6-03 and 5-16-03). Coincidentally, he's going to Sunken Gardens again! There's some concert or something going on. Alright, I'm following him again.

     3:43pm  This guy asked Zai if anyone had a cigarette. Zai didn't know. Then the guy says, "Wanna buy some weed?" I told him, "Yeah, I was looking for some." I got a dimebag. He had a cross tattoo on the back of his neck. I thought, "Damn, I need to tell this guy my story." I gave him my intro and asked him if he was willing to listen and he said, "Actually no, I don't want to listen."


     3:44pm  Bridgette is hooking me up with a cigarette here in Travis Park. I appreciate it, Bridgette.

     3:52pm  Mr. Chavez is hooking me up with a ride for twenty cents. I appreciate it, brother.

                    It's so crazy that I ran into Zai again and I'm going back to Sunken Gardens. Flashback!

     4:22pm  Roy hooked me up with a cigarette here at the Sunken Gardens. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:29pm  Charlie just hooked me up with a weed bandana out here in the parking lot. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     5:03pm  We came to the smoking spot in the woods right next to the parking lot to smoke some marijuana. What was your name, brother?

                    Nameless: "I'll tell you my name if you don't ever call me brother again."

                    Umm, I'll try my hardest, but I can't make any promises.

                    Nameless: "Well, I ain't going to tell you my name."

                    Okay, well Nameless walked by and we offered to smoke him out. He was sitting there talking to me and I told him something and he dropped all his weed. We went on a hunt for it. We were able to salvage like ninety nine percent of it.

                    I can't believe I don't have a camera today. This sucks.

     5:15pm  It's so cool that I got that marijuana bandana. It's just hanging out of my pocket. I have an addition to my uniform. I'm going to walk around with this thing hanging out of my pocket all the time now.

                    I think my recorder is dying again. That sucks.

     5:22pm  This guy just came up to me and said, "Man, I've already seen you like three times." I am known.

     5:24pm  This guy Don who was smoking weed with us was dreading the walk to go buy some Dorals. I told him, "I'm always up for some manual-labor/exercise. I'm always glad to be of service." So I took off to buy them for him. Maybe he'll give me one.

                    I'm right here at Mulberry and St. Mary's.

     5:26pm  I'm walking back towards the Japanese Tea Garden. Some Asian lady asked me, "Hey, is the Japanese Tea Garden that far from here?" I told her not at all. Then, I hit her up for my story. I started telling her my story and she went, "Oh, I gotta go to the restroom."

                   That was funny. She probably thinks I'm crazy.

     6:07pm  That's awesome, this little magical hideout at the Sunken Gardens. We have christened this place so many times before. We're just hanging out out here letting the lot fill up with cars and all the Babylonians come in and pay money to watch the show.

                   So why don't they fix that hole in the fence already? It's been there for years, so I've heard. I think they like it there. So that way when there's a show there will be a bigger crowd.

                   Zai: "This is Zai and we're in Sunken Gardens Theatre. Everything is going to go pretty much as scheduled. We're checking it out."

     6:25pm  "We're waiting for the time to feel right, and it's almost there. Umm, we're going to go in the second checkpoint."

     6:36pm  "We are commencing our infiltration."

     7:01pm  Ray is hooking me up with a cigarette outside of Sunken Gardens. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:04pm  Oh yeah, I need to make an update. We got busted trying to sneak in. Just because Zai wanted to look at the crowd down below and he stood up. Security was driving by in a truck right when he stood up. If he had been underneath the bridge with us, the truck would have never seen us. Just because Zai decided to venture out to the look at the crowd we got busted. So we've walked all the way to St. Mary's and Mulberry again.

     7:45pm  I forgot to tell you. I've decided I'm going to walk down St. Mary's all the way to downtown. I'll walk through the strip. St. Mary's Strip.

                   I just passed this thing that said ANTI-WAR at Woodlawn and St. Mary's. I have to come back and take a picture of this someday.

                   I had a great presentation with this guy in front of Hardbody's. I got through my story all the way up to Berkeley in my odyssey. In the end he told me, "I can only do one thing for you." I asked him what and he said, "Pray for you." I told him, "Praise Love." I got his email.

     7:50pm  Michelle hooked me up with a cigarette at The White Rabbit, where they have rock shows. I appreciate it, Michelle. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     8:15pm  Lauri hooked me up with two cigarettes. I appreciate it, Lauri.

     8:25pm  David is letting me into The White Rabbit for free. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Cool, I hit him up. I told him, "Hey man, there is some really important work I have to do with all these kids." He hooked me up.

     9:07pm  I am leaving The White Rabbit. That place got my too loud for me to tell my stories. I'm going to keep walking downtown.

                   I walked up to the Burger Boy. The guy told me they were closed. There was a couple sitting down eating and I asked them if I could tell them a really interesting story. The guy told me, "Nah, we're ok." I told them, "Well, you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does. Have you always been that ignorant?" I just walked off.

     9:30pm  I thought I was walking down St. Mary's, but now I'm on Jones.

                   Hanging a right on Broadway.

     9:45pm  I just walked all the way from White Rabbit on St. Mary's to Travis Park.

     9:50pm  This fight broke out in the park. No aggro in the park!

                    It was a big fight, damn. There was aggro everywhere.

     9:57pm  Sam hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

                   The 92 pulled up. I asked him, "Hey, don't suppose I can get a courtesy ride to the hospital?" He said, "No, I gave you one last week. I'm not giving you one this week." I went, "Alright, next week then." The driver got all mad and said, "No, don't ask me next week. Don't ever ask me ever again!" He shut the door and I yelled at him, "Whatcha going to do, tough-guy?" Hehe.

     10:23pm  Daniel just walked by with leftovers and I went, "Spare any food?" He hooked me up! I appreciate it, man. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     10:35pm  Mr. 6442 hooked me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother.

                      I was thinking of riding the bus to the hospital and then walking all the way to my mom's. Wurzbach all the way down to Bandera. Not only did I get hooked up with that food. I shared it with these street kids who think I'm full of shit. Just practicing what I preach, I told them. When I got to the park I had gone to this one kid who's always wondering about my project. I told him how I had just walked all the way from The White Rabbit and how they let me in for free, but then it got too loud for me to tell my story so I had to go. He asked me, "Where are you headed?" I told him, "Wherever the bus that gives me the courtesy ride goes. If you don't plan anything, you don't get let down." I thought there wasn't any more 91's. I thought I was going to have to walk all the way from Medical Center to my mom's. Then bam, a 91 shows up. I picked up my stuff and went to walk to it. Sure enough, the driver let me on. Proving myself right at every single turn. .

                      It's going to happen soon.

     10:37pm  I was just looking down and I found a snipe on the bus! Badass. Like half a cigarette. Thank you, Love. Man, everything is going right for me.

                     I have to thank this driver for mobilizing me. I forgot what his name was. 6442, I think.

     11:06pm  I am at West Telemarketing now.

     11:16pm  Man, West is all dead. I started walking towards Babcock North.

     11:22pm  This Dominos delivery guy just drove up at a stop sign. I asked him, "Hey, can you give me a ride to Babcock?" I thought he said yes, so I tugged on the door handle. He said, "Oh no, I can't. If I get caught I'll get fired." I told him, "Well, drop me off before you get there then." He said, "No, man. I can't." Greedy ass.

     11:28pm  The Dominos guy I just told you about, he came back. He said, "Hey man, do you want a ride?" I appreciate it, brother.

     11:30pm  That was awesome! That guy came back and picked me up. Cool.

                      I wasn't even expecting that. He brought me up to Babcock. He didn't have time to listen to my story, but I got his email address.

                      Praise Love. Thank you, Love.

                      I had a great presentation with that guy. Intro at least. His email address is That's a badass screen name, if that's really it.

                      I'm going to walk to the Papa John's and see if I get hooked up there.

                      Papa John's is closed. The doors are locked.

                      Let's see if the Subway is still open at the Chevron. Get me a soup or something.

                      Nope, Subway's closed.

     11:57pm  I am at Carlos' house. Carlos and Bob are home.

     2:32am  I'm leaving Bob's. There were some other friends of theirs there. I asked Bob, "Think I can have that tray of shake in the garage?" He said, "Let me look at it." Then I asked him, "Got any dishes I can do? Any chores?" I swept and mopped both the kitchen and the bathroom floor. I did all the dishes too. He hooked me up with four cigarettes total for the night and a big chunk of weed.

                    Sweet, I've got some weed for tomorrow.

                      Anything is possible and you have to start somewhere. I started two years ago.

     2:48am  I stopped here on Bennington Court and Talbot Square and I switched out my tennis ball.

     3:16am  I'm at my platform now. I'm going to smoke a cigarette and smoke some weed. I've had a good night.

     3:32am  I'm getting down from the platform. I'm going to walk home now.

                   See, with all the other girls I've talked to, they have a really big problem with all my scripts. Man, I want you to get to know me. I'm telling you the truth. It just doesn't change. I want you to know me.

                   I want everybody to know me.

                   If you read my stuff, you will then know me.

     3:36am  I just realized I don't have my mission-bag! I must've left it up on the platform. That sucks.

                   Now I have to backtrack.

     3:40am  I'm back at the tree. I'm going to see if my mission-bag is still up there.

                   Okay, got my mission-bag. I'm up walking again.

     4:00am  I'm at the entrance to the park. I'm going to cross the street to the Exxon. I see a guy inside. Maybe he'll listen to me.

     4:10am  AJ hooked me up with a slice of pizza at the Exxon. I appreciate it, brother. It's good. I asked him, "Will you lend an ear tonight?" He said, "Tonight's not a good night. We're all busy."

     4:43am  I'm just now getting to my mom's house. Home sweet home. Oh yeah, my mom brought me home three pairs of boxers today. Cool.

Adelita72: hey you...................................
Adelita72: what you doin?
GO TO HELL PUTO: nothing, you?
Adelita72: nothin just here getting ready to make dinner
GO TO HELL PUTO: like a good woman
Adelita72: yup
Adelita72: lol
Adelita72: so what did you do all day?
GO TO HELL PUTO: rode the bus around, found out i couldnt go back to work at west until november
GO TO HELL PUTO: i was all bummed out
GO TO HELL PUTO: so i just got on a random bus
GO TO HELL PUTO: and my day got so much better
GO TO HELL PUTO: cool things happened
Adelita72: why what happened?
GO TO HELL PUTO: umm, you can read about it when i type my book up
Adelita72: awwwwwwwwww
GO TO HELL PUTO: but, i need some weed to do that..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i need to open my mind
Adelita72: i dont want to wait till then
Adelita72: lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: all those reports and dissertations ive written were written when i was stoned
Adelita72: ah i see
GO TO HELL PUTO: ok, if you want to hear about it now, got 10 bucks so i can buy a dimebag?
Adelita72: well thats good to know
Adelita72: lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: so you see, its not a drug..
GO TO HELL PUTO: its our natural magic..
Adelita72: yea ahaaaaaaaaaaa
Adelita72: lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: do you smoke weed?
Adelita72: nopeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
GO TO HELL PUTO: would you if it were legalized and recommended?
GO TO HELL PUTO: honestly
Ade1lita72: yup
Adelita72: i guess
GO TO HELL PUTO: everyone would
Adelita72: but i tried it once and it didnt do anything
GO TO HELL PUTO: so why do you go along with what the law says?

GO TO HELL PUTO: think for yourself
GO TO HELL PUTO: see, nobody gets stoned their first time..
Adelita72: cause it didnt do anything for me
GO TO HELL PUTO: you have to smoke enough to activate the receptors in your brain
GO TO HELL PUTO: try it again, youll be pleasantly surprised..
Adelita72: ah i dont think so
Adelita72: babe
GO TO HELL PUTO: ok, your loss
Adelita72: aiight 

BChick97: youre stupid
GO TO HELL PUTO: what are you basing that on?
BChick97: you
GO TO HELL PUTO: what exactly though?
GO TO HELL PUTO: come on, explain yourself
BChick97: nm
BChick97: nm
GO TO HELL PUTO: thats what i thought
GO TO HELL PUTO: now i have something to base your stupidity on..
BChick97: whatever little kid
GO TO HELL PUTO: youre the one calling me stupid like a little kid..
GO TO HELL PUTO: what? you want my lunch money too little girl?

I big jefe l: ..........
I big jefe l: are you serious?
GO TO HELL PUTO: completely
I big jefe l: why would you do such a thing?
I big jefe l: meaning walk from san antonio to california
GO TO HELL PUTO: to prove for a fact we have two legs for a reason, and its not to push the gas and the brake
GO TO HELL PUTO: and i just didnt have anything better to do..
I big jefe l: ....i see.
I big jefe l: sounds like you are some sort of activist.
GO TO HELL PUTO: cars are killing the world and have made everybody damn lazy
GO TO HELL PUTO: and impatient
GO TO HELL PUTO: im victor, thats the only label i need
GO TO HELL PUTO: im just trying to live up to my name..
I big jefe l: i see.
I big jefe l: why such a sn?
GO TO HELL PUTO: because im not paying for it
I big jefe l: lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: i havent paid for aol since 97
GO TO HELL PUTO: its not worth a dime
I big jefe l: good for you
I big jefe l: i agree it isnt worth the skrill they ask for.
I big jefe l: thats why im planning on switching over to cable.
GO TO HELL PUTO: smart move
GO TO HELL PUTO: aol has a knack for making things really a lot of dumb motherfuckers get on aol
I big jefe l: eh, its all on that and hearsay
I big jefe l: one fool gets with dumb broad online
I big jefe l: tells his buddy - etc etc etc. vice versa with females.
GO TO HELL PUTO: right on
I big jefe l: then you got teenagers etc.. - thats whats really keepin it alive in my opinion - all of these 'features' they offer aint worth jack shit. theyre easily obtainable anywhere on the net.
GO TO HELL PUTO: hell, most come with windows already
I big jefe l: ahahaha
I big jefe l: yea
GO TO HELL PUTO: back at this telemarketing place i used to work at, i used to be on this aol project selling tons of bullshit programs..
GO TO HELL PUTO: they had one that emptied your recycle bin for you!
GO TO HELL PUTO: and got rid of your temporary internet files!
GO TO HELL PUTO: big waste of programming
I big jefe l: i bet you sold lots of shit to these idiots online who dont know any better.
GO TO HELL PUTO: but hey, theres a sucker born every minute..
I big jefe l: exactly.
GO TO HELL PUTO: dude, i was top performer the second i hit the floor
I big jefe l: im not the one to go take advantage of people, but i hear you.
GO TO HELL PUTO: yeah, its an evil business, telemarketing
GO TO HELL PUTO: revolves around lies and deceit
GO TO HELL PUTO: temporary job ONLY
GO TO HELL PUTO: ive already worked at this one place 15 times
GO TO HELL PUTO: never longer than 3 months
I big jefe l: yea.. not to mention annoying, relentless phonecalls
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, thing is every outbound project is a scam
I big jefe l: that telezapper shit works though
GO TO HELL PUTO: if the deals were so good..people would be calling you
I big jefe l: yea... thats why i when i get a telemarketer on the phone and i dont immidiately tell em to fuck off etc, i like to fuck with them... so they get a taste of how fucking annoying and aggravating it can be to get those fucking phone calls.
I big jefe l: i know they are merely doing their job, but the purpose is to get recorded so that their supervisors hear it. fuck em, fuck all that telemarketing shit.
GO TO HELL PUTO: just tell them to remove you from their calling list..
GO TO HELL PUTO: by law, they have to if asked
I big jefe l: oh i the end of the phone call. and thats AFTER i give em a piece of my mind.
I big jefe l: fuck em, theyre gonna try to waste my time in some scam, ill have my fucking way while im on the phone.
I big jefe l: and THEN ill make them remove me.
GO TO HELL PUTO: hell, they probably dont give a damn
GO TO HELL PUTO: theyre on the clock
I big jefe l: im sure they dont.
GO TO HELL PUTO: i used to love when people cussed me out..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i would be EXTRA nice to those people..
I big jefe l: hahaaha
I big jefe l: what an asshole
I big jefe l: hahahahahaa
GO TO HELL PUTO: "oh i am sooo sorry sir. if you by any chance were to change your mind..please feel free to give us a call back at 1-800-???-????
GO TO HELL PUTO: "you have a terrific day sir and drive carefully"
I big jefe l: man
GO TO HELL PUTO: pisses them off even more and i cant get in trouble for it
I big jefe l: im sure you prolly gave someone a heart attack off that shit.
I big jefe l: thats worse than cussing em out.
I big jefe l: aye
I big jefe l: you like hondas/rice rockets?
GO TO HELL PUTO: are death machines..
I big jefe l: oh yea.. forgot about you.
I big jefe l: damn man
I big jefe l: those emails are like hours long
GO TO HELL PUTO: read em when you have the time
I big jefe l: aiight
GO TO HELL PUTO: just keep in mind theyre of global-importance

I big jefe l: ..aiight

GO TO HELL PUTO: got any weed?
Iamtrue210: 5-0
Iamtrue210: UNDER COVER CO[
Iamtrue210: BYE
GO TO HELL PUTO: come get me, want my address pig?
Iamtrue210: NO BYE
GO TO HELL PUTO: thats what i thought

GO TO HELL PUTO: got any weed?
Icheer4mavs: how much do u need
GO TO HELL PUTO: any you can spare..
Icheer4mavs: i have about a dime
GO TO HELL PUTO: i also plan to eliminate money, get everyone out of debt and get rid of cars in big cities and save the ozone layer..
GO TO HELL PUTO: can i send you my stuff? ive got it all figured out..
GO TO HELL PUTO: the smart man backs his shit up
Icheer4mavs: awesome
GO TO HELL PUTO: like i said, any you could spare dude..
Icheer4mavs: yea... send it to
GO TO HELL PUTO: nobodys paying me to do every little bit helps..
GO TO HELL PUTO: im going to prove that its human-nature to be generous and that we dont need money to live
GO TO HELL PUTO: cool, its on the way..
Icheer4mavs: thanks
GO TO HELL PUTO: thank you
GO TO HELL PUTO: so youll hook a brother up?

GO TO HELL PUTO: still there?

nah i dont have any
GO TO HELL PUTO: thanks anyway
Max Powers11: cool
GO TO HELL PUTO: and you can get away with smoking, just compensate for it
Max Powers11: ?
GO TO HELL PUTO: just walk and drink water
GO TO HELL PUTO: sell your car and ride the bus
Max Powers11: lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: every aspect of your life will improve..

GO TO HELL PUTO: i shit you not

GO TO HELL PUTO: got any weed?
GO TO HELL PUTO: what makes you think that?
GO TO HELL PUTO: what? just because its illegal?
GO TO HELL PUTO: do you think alcohol is good for you?
MLopez210: NOPE
MLopez210: NOT AT ALL
GO TO HELL PUTO: but its legal
GO TO HELL PUTO: what gives?
MLopez210: FOR ENGLISH 4
GO TO HELL PUTO: and what did you find?
MLopez210: SENIORS RULE!!!
MLopez210: IT'S ALL ABOUT 03!!!!
MLopez210: BAD STUFF
GO TO HELL PUTO: all schools suck
GO TO HELL PUTO: even yours
GO TO HELL PUTO: anything can be abused, even the natural stuff
GO TO HELL PUTO: just dont abuse it..
GO TO HELL PUTO: everything in moderation
MLopez210: DROP OUT HUH?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i graduated from marshall
GO TO HELL PUTO: i know, i went there..
GO TO HELL PUTO: oh yeah, well there's lots of sluts at your school!
GO TO HELL PUTO: put that in your cornpipe and smoke it..
GO TO HELL PUTO: the one you go to
GO TO HELL PUTO: you stupid bitch
MLopez210: WHICH ONE?
GO TO HELL PUTO: you dont know what school you go to?
GO TO HELL PUTO: youre fucking dumb
GO TO HELL PUTO: you stupid little girl
GO TO HELL PUTO: you dont know what i know..
MLopez210: SCHOOL*
GO TO HELL PUTO: haha youre so fucking dumb you cant even spell bastard right
GO TO HELL PUTO: stupid little girl
GO TO HELL PUTO: bastered
MLopez210: POT HEAD
MLopez210: LOL
MLopez210: POT HEAD
MLopez210: HA
MLopez210: HA
MLopez210: HA
MLopez210: HA
MLopez210: HA
MLopez210: HA
MLopez210: HA
MLopez210: HA
MLopez210: HA
MLopez210: HA
GO TO HELL PUTO: what? you dont think i can stop you?
MLopez210: HA
GO TO HELL PUTO: keep doing it

GO TO HELL PUTO: haha youre gonna get logged off for sending IMs too quick..

MMDLMT 6: Your welcome
MMDLMT 6: What is your name
MMDLMT 6: micne is MAry
MMDLMT 6: I am single mom age 40
GO TO HELL PUTO: im victor
GO TO HELL PUTO: nice to meet you mary
MMDLMT 6: Hi Victor
MMDLMT 6: where do you live?
MMDLMT 6: adn how old are you?
MMDLMT 6: adn are you marreid single divrced?
GO TO HELL PUTO: san antonio,tx
GO TO HELL PUTO: im single, everyone thinks im crazy
GO TO HELL PUTO: and it probably wouldnt be a good idea to get a girlfriend until after i save the planet..
MMDLMT 6: Yeah me too Why do they think you are crazy?
MMDLMT 6: How old are you?
GO TO HELL PUTO: people might try to kill me or ones close to me
GO TO HELL PUTO: because i know more than them
MMDLMT 6: I see. YOU are quite young arnt you?
MMDLMT 6: so you still have time to save the planet
GO TO HELL PUTO: its never too late to become what you mightve been..

Rach7073: Hey there
Rach7073: I e-mailed your stuff to a friend of mine

Auto response from SUCK A DOGS DlCK: I am away from my computer right now.

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: sorry, i had to get the phone
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: what friend?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: thanks for helping me spread the word
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: the hippie chick from OR?
Rach7073: no no
Rach7073: its my friend Ryan
Rach7073: he knows that guy Darrell that hit you he said
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: darrell didnt hit me, he was driving the car i was in in my first wreck in 2000
Rach7073: oic
Rach7073: but he does find it a bit hypocritical that you rely on the internet so much
Rach7073: I don't know
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: how is that hypocritical?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: the web is my vehicle
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and it's not like i pay for it or anything
Rach7073: true
Rach7073: ok well you aren't talking to me
Rach7073: whats up
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: im so sorry rachel
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i got distracted proofreading my paper
Rach7073: its ok...I thought you were mad at me or something
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: no, not at all
Rach7073: oh thats ok
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hey, today i went back to west to see when i could start working there..
Rach7073: I am going to be getting to bed though and I wanted to tell you goodnight
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i had already gone through the application process and waited and shit
Rach7073: and what did they say?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: well see, they had told me that i didnt qualify for this internet project i
wanted because i had walked out of some training classes
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: but that i still qualified for regular outbound
Rach7073: hey you have to download this song. it is by G love and special sauce and it is
called baby's got sauce
Rach7073: oic
Rach7073: well thats cool
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: well, i go back today..and they end up telling me i dont qualify for jack shit
Rach7073: Victor you have to get that song
Rach7073: it is so cute
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: so, now that im not gonna get a gonna go all gung-ho on spreading the word
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i got an idea to make some money too
Rach7073: that sucks
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i added this to the end of my story
Rach7073: cool cool
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: *** Ok, everyone else just bitches about all our problems and since complaining won't do shit, they'll never go away. Well, I feel it is my job to make humans elite. This species ain't your fucking industry. I'm actually doing something about it.

Unfortunately, until I phase money out I still recognize that I must use it, just as little as possible. Now, when I've had the good fortune to get my hands on some, I noticed that my projects moved much faster. I don't need money, but it helps. Therefore, I am going on my hunch about how it is human-nature to be generous and asking for donations. So if you would like to help me help everyone, feel free to send me any you can spare. Consider it a loan. I will pay you back by saving our dying world. Somebody's gotta do it. ***

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: my address:

Victor Gruber
P.O. Box 690991
San Antonio, TX

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: goodnigh
Rach7073: well good luck getting money
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: thanks
Rach7073: but are have to tell me right now if you are going to get that song
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: its downloading as you type
Rach7073: and
Rach7073: thank you!
Rach7073: lol
Rach7073: let me know if you like it
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: okie doke
Rach7073: there is also this guy out of austing named jack johnson and he sings a song called
Fortunate Fool which is cool too
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hehe i always type austing too
Rach7073: well I am off to bed ....take care and till next time
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: sweet dreams rachel
Rach7073: oh my gosh I didn't even realize that I did that
Rach7073: hehe crazyness
Rach7073: you too victor
Rach7073: take care
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you too sweet-tits..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: im just joking rachel
Rach7073: lol, did you just say "sweet tits"
Rach7073: lol
Rach7073: ehh its cool, it made me laugh
Rach7073: but I am out....
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: peace sister

Rach7073: night

Semper Fi Jag 2B: spare any what?
GO TO HELL PUTO: marijuana
Semper Fi Jag 2B: no, I don't do that
GO TO HELL PUTO: can i send you my stuff?
GO TO HELL PUTO: would you if it were legalized and recommended?
GO TO HELL PUTO: be honest
Semper Fi Jag 2B: mabe, I don't know
GO TO HELL PUTO: dont you think if all the world leaders got together and smoked some weed, that all our problems would just dissapear?
GO TO HELL PUTO: hey, they didnt call them peace pipes for nothing..
Semper Fi Jag 2B: for a while, but then new ones would occur
Semper Fi Jag 2B: what if they started doing dumb stuff while they were high though?
GO TO HELL PUTO: dumb stuff like what?
GO TO HELL PUTO: weed doesn't make you dumb
GO TO HELL PUTO: it makes you happy
GO TO HELL PUTO: and you know what they say
GO TO HELL PUTO: if it makes you happy
GO TO HELL PUTO: it cant be that bad..
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol, I dunno
GO TO HELL PUTO: its our natural magic..
GO TO HELL PUTO: can i send you my stuff?
Semper Fi Jag 2B: sure go ahead
GO TO HELL PUTO: the smart man backs his shit up..
GO TO HELL PUTO: one second
Semper Fi Jag 2B: you seem like a cool guy
Semper Fi Jag 2B: ughhh
GO TO HELL PUTO: read it when you have time
Semper Fi Jag 2B: I hate when guys are all like, so you wanna chat
Semper Fi Jag 2B: and then are like so how much do you weigh, what's your chest size
Semper Fi Jag 2B: it gets on my nerves
GO TO HELL PUTO: those are the ones that cant score in the real world..
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol yup
GO TO HELL PUTO: sad thing is, that there are girls on here that are looking for guys like that..
Semper Fi Jag 2B: my answer is always the sme
GO TO HELL PUTO: its truly pathetic..
Semper Fi Jag 2B: same*
GO TO HELL PUTO: you shouldnt answer them at all
Semper Fi Jag 2B: "you should ask my bf"
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol and he asked if I was faithful to him
Semper Fi Jag 2B: and I said yes
Semper Fi Jag 2B: so he was like ok bye
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, its all a numbers game...all that dude has to do is keep at it..and hell score eventually
GO TO HELL PUTO: people are real stoooopid on aol..
Semper Fi Jag 2B: ohh, but since I didn't wanna tell him my weight, or chest size, he was like "so you're one of those fat chicks huh?"
GO TO HELL PUTO: just ignore that dude
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol, but it was fun meeting you
GO TO HELL PUTO: or next time someone asks you, tell them, "yeah, i weigh 400lbs, wanna play?"
Semper Fi Jag 2B: can I put you on my bl?
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lmao
GO TO HELL PUTO: not this sn..
Semper Fi Jag 2B: hmmm why not?
GO TO HELL PUTO: its a sub account i made off of someone elses account..
GO TO HELL PUTO: fuck paying for aol
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: it could die any day
GO TO HELL PUTO: here, ill IM you from my aim sn
GO TO HELL PUTO: now, be sure to accept it, it's not a porn im
Semper Fi Jag 2B: ok

Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: see, since ive been living off of other peoples accounts for so long, my favorite past time became making really offensive screen names..
Semper Fi Jag 2B: well can I add this one on to my bl?
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: shit that if people report will get the account killed
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: but i dont give a fuck
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: sure, but its DLCK
Semper Fi Jag 2B: ok, well I'm out, I have to go
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: have a great day
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: drive carefully
Semper Fi Jag 2B: keep in touch ok, you seem very cool
Semper Fi Jag 2B: you too
Semper Fi Jag 2B: ok
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: well gawrsh
Semper Fi Jag 2B: ohh and my name is Eliana by the way
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: = blushing on all 4 cheeks
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: im victor
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol
Semper Fi Jag 2B: nice to meet you Victor
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: how big are your tits eliana?
Semper Fi Jag 2B: omg
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hehe, totally just kidding
Semper Fi Jag 2B: I know
Semper Fi Jag 2B: well Bye
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: peace sister
Semper Fi Jag 2B: talk to you soon hopefully
Semper Fi Jag 2B signed off at 5:15:38 PM.

Semper Fi Jag 2B: hey Victor!
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hallo :]
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: im sorry, i forg..oh yeah danielle
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: whats going on
Semper Fi Jag 2B: noooo
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: im really sorry
Semper Fi Jag 2B: wrong name...
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: my bad
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol, it's Eliana
Semper Fi Jag 2B: it's ok
Semper Fi Jag 2B: brb
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ok eliana, thats a prettier name anyway
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: if you say danielle in spanish, it sounds like a guys name
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: your name is bilingual, and thats cool
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol ok
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: did you get a chance to read my story?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i sent it to you right
Semper Fi Jag 2B: yeah you didn, but I just got back, and no I haven't read it yet
Semper Fi Jag 2B: did*
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ok, just wondering
Semper Fi Jag 2B: so have you been online this whole time?
Semper Fi Jag 2B: since I letf?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: my lazy mom kicked me off to play one of her stupid games that little kids could master in a day
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: shes addicted to wasting her time..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: her whole generation is
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol ay all mean!
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: people don't deserve respect just for their role in what if she's my mom..she's still damn ignorant
Semper Fi Jag 2B: damn you're all mean!
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: doesnt mean i dont love her..but hey, its the truth
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: turth might hurt sometimes, but you cant ever change it..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you can only hide from it and ignore it
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: if you choose to
Semper Fi Jag 2B: how old are you Victor?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i turned 25 on groundhogs day....
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: february 2
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: aquarius
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hehe, i like it that you call me victor..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: all the lazy asses from aol call me vic
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: vic sounds like some greasy italian dude in a pizzeria..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: "heya vic, toss me 'nuther one of them pizza-pies"
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ok, that was dumb
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol it was funny Vic
Semper Fi Jag 2B: j/k
Semper Fi Jag 2B: Victor*
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol you dont act 25
Semper Fi Jag 2B: you act like my age
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: how old are you?
Semper Fi Jag 2B: I turned 17 in feb
Semper Fi Jag 2B: the 8th
Semper Fi Jag 2B: aquarius
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: that's because i am on your level..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i dont worry about stupid shit like other people my age..
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and you guy's are the ones who don't think i'm crazy
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: it's all the old people that think i belong in a state hospital..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: it's just simple evolution if you ask me..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: now, the kids know better than the parents
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: we've learned from their mistakes..
Semper Fi Jag 2B: yup
Semper Fi Jag 2B: ditto
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and a lot of shit is obvious to us, but theyre ignorant to the truth..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and slowly killing our world..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: when their dead, we'll still be around..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: now, i may be wrong, but arent there more of us than there are of them?
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol parents?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: more kids than there are parents
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: younger people i mean
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: modern people
Semper Fi Jag 2B: hmm yeah
Semper Fi Jag 2B: but soon, we'll be the old ones....
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i say let's start a movement around the world
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: lets have all us kids revolt against the old folk..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and take control of this planet
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: we will have peace
Semper Fi Jag 2B: no, I love my parents
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i dont mean kill them, just accept the fact that we know better
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and theyre doing everything wrong
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol @ killing them it looked funny when I just looked up, and saw that
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: now, i might sound hypocritical because im always preaching to everyone to accept people who are different, but it's when that difference is killing the world we all live in, that i have a problem with it..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: havent read any of my stuff, have you?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you probably think im some lunatic..
Semper Fi Jag 2B: no, I think you're cool
Semper Fi Jag 2B: remember I told you that...
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: yeah, but that was before i started ranting like a lunatic..
Semper Fi Jag 2B: ehh, its all good though
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hey, do you like weezer?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and im talking pre-sellout weezer
Semper Fi Jag 2B: weezer who?
Semper Fi Jag 2B: brb
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: the band
Semper Fi Jag 2B: hey if I send you email, do I send it to this email address?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: no, send it to
Semper Fi Jag 2B: ok brb
Semper Fi Jag 2B: k you got mail
Semper Fi Jag 2B: ughh, I gained so much weight, I looked all fat
Semper Fi Jag 2B: ohh well
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: mines on its way
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: do you exercise?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: like to walk?
Semper Fi Jag 2B: now I do
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: drink water?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: like to hike?
Semper Fi Jag 2B: cuz I'm tryin to lose weight
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: all you have to do is walk..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: it's that simple
Semper Fi Jag 2B: yeah it's like this....
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you don't need to diet and not pig out..if you walk, you get away with so much stuff
Semper Fi Jag 2B: I would always watch the way I looked, and stuff, and be all pretty
Semper Fi Jag 2B: and then....
Semper Fi Jag 2B: I got a bf
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: what happened?
Semper Fi Jag 2B: and I didn't realy care what I looked like that much anymore, cuz he took up most of my time, and I started to not excercise
Semper Fi Jag 2B: and eat out more, and I gained more weight, so now I'm trying to lose it
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: tsk tsk
Semper Fi Jag 2B: what what?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: im joking
Semper Fi Jag 2B: ohhh
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i know how you can lose it
Semper Fi Jag 2B: hmmm
Semper Fi Jag 2B: how?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: walk and ride the bus around town
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: go exploring
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: we got two legs for a reason, and its not to push the gas and the brake..
Semper Fi Jag 2B: there isn't a bus here that gos around town
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: cars have made everybody lazy
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: where do you live?
Semper Fi Jag 2B: Seguin
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: oh wow, i didnt know
Semper Fi Jag 2B: south east of SA
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i thought you were in san antonio
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: how far south?
Semper Fi Jag 2B: like 30 miles
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hmm...possible destination for one of my walks..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i could do that in a couple days
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: im gonna walk up to austin soon
Semper Fi Jag 2B: realy?
Semper Fi Jag 2B: I'm reading your email as we speak/type
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: cool, i was gonna tell you to already
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hey eliana, would you excuse me while i go smoke a cigarette?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: yeah, youll have time to read my badass story
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i hope you have as much fun reading it as i did living it..

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: brbin10minorless
Semper Fi Jag 2B: ok
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ok, im black...
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: err..-l
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol
Semper Fi Jag 2B: I'm not even half way trough your story...
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hehe, whatta ya think so far?
Semper Fi Jag 2B: its one of the most interesting emails I've read
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: wow, thanks..
Semper Fi Jag 2B: it seems like you realy enjoy what you did!
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: oh yeah...i had the time of my life..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: all for free
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol, I wish I could do something like that
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: anyone can
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol @ the spirits got your back, that sounds cute!
Semper Fi Jag 2B: hey well I need to go Victor
Semper Fi Jag 2B: I'll finish reading your awsome emails later ok
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ok eliana, you have a good night
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: whenever you can spare time
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: just keep in mind their of global-importance
Semper Fi Jag 2B: you too, talk to you more tomorrow k
Semper Fi Jag 2B: adios Victor
Semper Fi Jag 2B: night

Semper Fi Jag 2B signed off at 9:22:22 PM.

SwshrBlwr: u m or fem?
SwshrBlwr: sorry, i dont smoke
GO TO HELL PUTO: would you if it were legalized and recommended?
SwshrBlwr: no comment
GO TO HELL PUTO: thats cool, i know your answer
GO TO HELL PUTO: if you wouldnt, you wouldve just said no..

SwshrBlwr: whateva u think




Next day..

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