


 San Antonio, TX

Saturday March 19, 2005

     5:55am  I woke up around ten minutes ago and took a shit. Man, my feet are sore. I'm not going to walk today. It's resting day. I need some Double A batteries. I can't be typing up my stuff if my batteries are about to die. I don't know what I'm going to do today.

     12:00pm  Oh yeah, I fell asleep again. I slept a lot. I just woke up again. 

     2:15pm  I just finished cleaning up my mom's house. I swept and mopped the living room. I moved all the furniture out of the way like I did last time. It's looks great. And I swept and mopped the kitchen. She only gave me five dollars, though. I'm not going to do the dishes.

     2:35pm  I'm leaving the house. I'm going to go to Bob's and get a nickel sack.

     2:41pm  I just had me a good presentation at the New Territories Park. With these two kids. In the end they told me they would do me both of the favors.

     2:56pm  I think Bob is asleep. Bill was lying there. They had the front door open. I asked Bill if he knew if Bob had any weed and he said he didn't know. I told him I would check back later. I'm going to walk down to Keith's. See if he can score me a nickel sack.

                   Keith didn't have any either. He told me it was all dry. I had gone all the way down Bowen and I'm going to turn left on Laurel Bend. I want to see if I see any kids anywhere.

     3:25pm  Oh yeah, I forgot. I'm over here by Bowen's Drive and Bowen's Crossing I just randomly walked through the ditch. I came out on the street and these three guys were driving around in a white truck. We had seen each other before. I had given them the peace sign. They drove by again and they were smoking a blunt. They gave me a couple hits. I asked them if they knew where I could score a nickel sack and they told me they were trying to get some weed right then. I went, "Oh, can I go with you?" He told me he had to go alone. I told him I had five on it and he said they would come back. I'll wait.

     3:29pm  I haven't smoked a cigarette all day. I'm proud of myself. This is going to be a big challenge for me. Let's see how long I can do it.

                   Haha, the bus came and I got on to "get a schedule." The letter of the day is I.

                   Damn, no I's. I guess today is a day of rest, after all.

     3:42pm  Just right now I was standing on this intersection and these kids drove by. The guy driving the car recognized me, pulled into some street and got out of his car to come talk to me. I told him, "Refresh my memory." He told me, "I met you a while ago. Like two years ago at Marleyfest. And I saw you a couple weeks ago." I got recognized! And I gave him a CD.

     3:48pm  The 610 pulled up. I was telling this one guy my story at the bus stop. Right before, he had walked up and asked me if I had a cigarette. I told him, "No sorry, I just quit today." Since he was waiting for the bus I told him, "Let's see how far I can get." I got a lot out before the bus came. As he steps on the bus I tell him, "Tell your friends. Water my seed." This girl who was on the bus said, "Don't listen to him. He's crazy."

     4:40pm  I was just randomly walking through the neighborhood and I ran into all these kids at Teaberry Drive and Valley Trails. I just had me an awesome presentation in front of eight or nine kids.

     5:42pm  Haha, I was walking away from the group of kids and this cop stopped me. He drove up behind me. It turns out somebody called on me because they had never seen me around. He let me go, though. Told me I wasn't doing anything wrong. Haha, you ain't got nuthin' on me, copper.

                    I had some awesome presentations with that group of kids.

                    How awesome how in all those random turns I took I ended up at that party. I had never checked out that part of the neighborhood before. They were having a concert in the backyard. Right now I'm going to go back by Bob's house.

     6:10pm  I'm just leaving Bob's. Bob got all greedy. He wouldn't even smoke me out. I asked him, "Hey, do you have any weed?" He got all pissed off and said, "Every time you come over here, you get smoked out." He told me, "I'll smoke you out, but you gotta give me something, some money." I told him, "All I have is a five dollar bill. If that's the case, I'm just going to leave, you know. I'll go look for some somewhere else." At first when I asked him if he had any weed he said, "Not for sale." I said, "Will you smoke me out, then?" He snapped, "You smoke me out!" I told him, "I sure would if I had some. You're the source, remember?" He got all defensive and pissed off. I'm just going to stop coming to Bob's then. Screw that. Greed shall be his downfall.

     6:21pm  I walked over to Keith's again. He had told me to come back later.

     6:24pm  Haha, I just went over to Keith's house. Some lady answered the door. Some Mexican lady. She said, "Who are you?" I told her, "I'm Victor." I asked her if Keith was there and she said no. I told her, "Well, can you tell him I came by?" She got all pissed off. All of a sudden, Keith pops his head out the door and says, "Hey, what's going on?" I told him I was still looking to score some weed. He told me that his homeboys had to call him back and he didn't know when. I told him, "Alright, another day I guess." Then the lady told me, "This is my house. I own this house." I told her, "Does that mean I can't come and knock on your door ever again?" She told me, "No, you can't." I told her, "Thanks for making my story so interesting." She had asked me, "What do you do?" I told her, "I tell people my story. Want to hear it?"

     6:35pm  I walked back up Bowens and turning left on Middlepoint.

                   It was weird. I was just weaving around, not going anywhere and I ended up at this house again. The one with all the kids.

     7:24pm  Let's see, I ended up hanging out with these kids. I ended up back at that house. Gage is supposed to meet somebody for a ride at Brauchle Elementary. We're going to get some weed somehow.

     7:47pm  I ended up on Hidden Bow and Hidden Iron. That's where we got a ride to.

     7:55pm  What were your names again? Travis, Gage and Dennis are smoking me out in the garage of this abandoned house. What was your emails? and and

     9:45pm  We just wandered down Timber Path. We passed by Knowlton Elementary School. We're still waiting on some weed. We're going to get some weed later on.

     11:00pm  What's your name? I'm telling Andrew my story while we are waiting for the weed. What was it?

     11:10pm  I saw these random kids walking down the street over by Cliff Path and Cliff Way. What was your email?

                     What was your name? I'm telling Elena and all these other people my story here at this house we just smoked weed at. Oh yeah, we scored. What's your email address, Elena?

     12:10pm  This kid was telling me about their friend who walked all the way from Oregon to San Francisco. Then I got the idea to ask these kids for some double A batteries, since mine are going to die any day now. I could've bought them with the five dollars I got from my mom, but I put in for marijuana. Ryan hooked me up with four batteries! My batteries were going to die. And I can't scrounge for any more change at my mom's.

     12:50pm  Ryan wants to make an entry. Ryan: "Big John rolls the best joints. They hit so hard that we call them Tyson's."

                     Big John: "I quit smoking weed. I just roll Tyson's now. There's three different kinds of hits in my joints. There's a jab, a haymaker and a knockout. And it knocks me out every time. Uhh, I'm not even sure what grade I was in. All I know is that the first time I got stoned I went to see The Waterboy the first day it came out. I'm seventeen now. Shit, when did The Waterboy come out? It's 2005. 1997. That's when I started smoking weed. I'm seventeen right now and it's 2005. So umm, eight eight years ago. I was nine years old smoking a joint. By the time I was eleven I was the joint-rolling king! I was recognized all over the Westside. I was the pride of the Westside. Shit, all these people smoking, that's nothing. Everybody compared their joints to mine. I would fucking buy like two ounces. No, fuck that. A QP every week and it would be gone by the next week. Like three years ago me and my homie. There was three people. Me, my friend Caesar and Jeremiah. We had an ounce and smoked it all in one night. By the time I was rolling my last joint, while I was rolling it I tripped out and had a straight-out panic-attack. I was freakin' out, man. I didn't know what to do. I thought I was dying. I didn't think it was real. I didn't think I was real. That's how stoned I was. I thought I was just a figment of somebody's else's imagination."

                     Victor: "How long has it been since you smoked weed?"

                     Big John: "I smoked weed like two days ago. The same thing happened. That's why I quit. But, it's been like a thousand days since I smoked weed. Out of three weeks, two weeks of it I was in the fucking mental hospital and I was hallucinating. I saw Eric Cartman from Southpark on my chest. I saw the fucking seven dwarfs at the hospital. The first day I got to the hospital they fucking hooked me up with tranquilizers because I was going nuts. That's all I gotta say about that."

     1:22am  I'm telling Jonathan my story. What was your email?

     2:55am  I'm going to crash in these people's house. I've been telling my story all night. Nonstop. I had so many kids to tell my story to. This one kid who had been telling me all day how my plan was impossible, he told me a minute ago, "I appreciate that you're doing this." And right now, before I came to sleep he told me, "If I never see you again, I just wanted to say good luck."

Next day..

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