

                                                                                                  Hollister to Greenfield, CA

Thursday March 19, 2009

     5:35am  I woke up around five in the field. I am all damp from the condensation. I guess I'll just have to wait until the sun comes up to dry my stuff off.
     6:05am  I've had such a relaxing morning. The sun is up. I got plenty of sleep last night. I went to bed around eight or something. I waked and baked in my little hidden pocket I found last night behind the fence of this neighborhood in the middle Hollister. I'm going to get up and take pictures now.

                   With that ten dollar bill that beautiful Rebecca gave me yesterday, when she dropped me off I bought some batteries at the gas station. I bought some other stuff too. I spent like thirteen bucks at the gas station. I bought some Buglers and stuff. The batteries were five bucks. Thanks a lot, Rebecca.

                   I forgot to mention, to kill time for the sun to come up this morning I reinforced the little loops that were wearing on my pack. I took pictures of the sewing I did. I hope it works. If those closures became totally unusable I could still keep my pack closed with my CamelBak that's strapped to it. I hope the reinforcements are effective.

     9:47am  I had a relaxing morning in the field. I took plenty of pictures.

     9:50am  I crashed in the field over by the corner of Rajkavich Road and San Juan Road. I'm walking into town.

     10:13am  I stopped at the Hollister Drive In Market and chilled with the Mexicans there. I bought some snacks, some cookies for fifty nine cents. I smoked a cigarette and let them see my shirt and gave them my website. There's no bus to Watsonville, so I'm going to keep going South towards San Luis.

     10:27am  I'm walking San Benito Street and 4th. I spy a Masonic temple. I stopped and took a picture. Hopefully somebody inside saw me taking the picture. I need to find a bathroom.

     10:32am  Kierstin, this girl who was sitting at the bus stop across the street yells across, "Weren't you at Galivan College the other day?" She walked up and told me that her friends had told her all about me. She told me her mom wanted to know who I was. I asked her if she had my website and she said no, so I gave it to her, for sure.

                     San Benito County Vietnam War Memorial.

     11:50am  Billie walked by me and volunteered me some food. I appreciate it, Billie. Everybody gets credit.

     12:25pm  I had a good presentation with this Christian guy. I gave him a hug in the end. He was all, "God stepped down into the world.." I told him, "What? With his imaginary foot? It's not a person."

                   Downtown Hollister

     1:04pm  I came to the 7-11 and I bought a donut. The cashier hooked me up. It cost a dollar fifty and I only had a dollar.

                   I have to make an update. Some more magic happened. Remember I said I went to the 7-11 to hang out there. After I bought my donut I went outside and unloaded my bags to expose my shirt. I gave these two white kids my website and then this one other guy asked me what I was doing. I gave him my website and told him I would tell him my story if he had time. Him and his friend went inside and when they came back out I told them, "Hey, will you give me a ride somewhere? I'll smoke you out. I've got some purple stuff." For sure, they're mobilizing me. Juan Serranos from Mexico is giving me a ride all the way to Salinas! We dropped his friend off and I am telling him my story right now. No accidents, no accidents.

                   I just got dropped off in Salinas about ten minutes ago. That dude hooked me up hard. He liked my stuff so much he even said he might give me a ride all the way to San Luis Obispo. Wow, it was like a dream. He called someone and told me he couldn't in the end, but hey, thought that counts, Juan. I should still get to San Luis today. Just watch.

                   Oh yeah, Juan wanted to buy some of my purple. At first I was hesitant to, I just wanted to smoke some with him. His friend separated what he thought was ten buck's worth and I still had half of the amount left, so I consented. I got a ride all the way to Salinas and I have ten bucks. Doesn't get much better than that. That's bus fare.

                   Don't remember exactly where this was.

     4:36pm  I'm on the 101 onramp.

     5:25pm  I stopped thumbing it and I'm on the bus now. The bus fare was $2.50 and the nice driver let me on for just a dollar. I had asked him for a courtesy ride and when he said no I told him, "Okay, I'll use my last dollar. Oh wait, the bus fare is $2.50? Forget it." The nice driver just waved me on.

     5:35pm  That was beautiful that I ended up scoring a courtesy ride. I got off at the transfer center. I asked some random bus driver if he had change for a five and he told me no. I asked him how much was bus fare to King City and he told me five bucks. Cool, I didn't need any change. Do you see how marijuana was the key? I got that cash for that purple weed I had.

                   What a blessed time.

     6:22pm  Leaving to King City.

     7:35pm  This pretty girl I was talking to at the transfer center before the bus came, she said she was getting off in Greenfield, about ten miles before King City. I pondered for a bit. Hmm, I like the name of that town, maybe I should go there. Green is my favorite color, so I got off in Greenville. I came to the pizza place close to the bus stop. I'm going to go ask them if they have any mistakes.

     7:38pm  Anna and Juana are going to hook me up at the Mexican restaurant. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit.

                   I came to in front of this pharmacy they have here.

                   I just had a fair presentation with this one guy. When I asked him if he was willing to listen he declined. I got to ask him the two favors though.

     8:23pm  I came back to the pizza place. I looked in the window and saw that some people had left three or four slices untouched. I went inside and asked the girl if I could have them. She looked around and told me sure. I went to go grab them and went back to the counter to ask for a box. Then this other girl behind the counter tells me I can't have the leftovers on the table. She was all, "If you get sick we could get sued." I told her, "They're big untouched complete slices." She still said no, and offered to make me a pizza instead. That will do, I guess. I wish they would still let me get those slices off the table too. How wasteful we've become.

                   It's just a personal pan. Oh well, better than nothing.

     8:32pm  After I got hooked up at the pizza place I began to scout around the highway for a camp spot. I found a perfect spot under this tree along the fence behind the shopping center here. I'll take pictures in the morning. I ate the whole pizza they gave me.

     9:15pm  I am crashing out.

Next day..

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