

                                                                                                              Tampa, FL

Friday March 21, 2008

     7:51am  I woke up around seven. I got six and a half hours of sleep last night. I've had such an awesome welcome to SFU. Matt's cool as hell. He let me crash last night. He did it for the cause. I wonder what's going to happen today. I just have a couple more days of typing before I am caught up.

     9:45am  I'm all stoned. Matt left to work at the school driving the student bus. It's cool, he let me stash my pack in the laundry closet again, so I'm free today. I can walk around. I don't know what I'm going to do today. I'm going to do a lot of typing again. Alright, I'm going to the library.

     10:13am  I get lost every single time I walk through this campus. I need a campus map so bad. I walked Holly all the way to Bruce B. Downs again. I passed the library. I'm doubling back now.

                    USF Magnolia is the street I was supposed to turn on.

                     Bird by pond

     10:31am  At long-last I made it to the library. I'm going to smoke a cigarette outside. I'm wearing my green Liar Bush shirt that some kid gave me in San Antonio on the bus. I forgot his name, but I can look it up.

     10:36am  I went inside.

                     I'm taking a lunchbreak.

     12:29pm  I am done with my lunchbreak. I took a hit of weed and I'm going to get back to typing.

     1:02pm  Matt got an hour and a half break from driving the bus. I was hanging out with him for a while, but I'm going to go back inside and do some more typing. Duty calls. He hooked me up with a little nugget this morning and I gave him a hit of weed.

     3:46pm  I am leaving the library. I'm already on March 8 in my typing. I'm going to smoke a cigarette and then I'm supposed to meet Matt at his place around six. I'm really hungry. Matt gave me thirty five cents this morning so I'm going to go to the Bull Market and get a Ramen. I'm going to eat and meet him at his house at six.

     4:07pm  I smoked a cigarette outside the library then I overheard this guy with a Jamaican accent talking about marijuana and peace. I went up to him and told him I had a story that was right up his alley. He gave me permission to talk at first, but then he started saying stuff like I had one minute left. In the middle of my story he told me, "You should be a Christian." Anyway, I gave him my website and everything. Good presentation. Like four kids listened to me.

     4:27pm  I walked to the Bull Market and bought me a Ramen. I'm eating it right now.

     5:15pm  I came to the Bull Market and ate some Ramen outside. I still have like forty five minutes to wait. To kill time I sat down in front of the store and sewed up my hat again.

     5:24pm  I'm just sitting down in front of the Bull Market and Bobby volunteered me some change. I appreciate it, Bobby. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot. Check out my website.

                   I was just sitting out in front of the Bull Market waiting for six. I was just sitting there sewing my hat and smoking cigarettes. This one black dude in a truck, he came up to me and said, "Hey man, will you give me a dollar?" I told him that I didn't have a dollar, that I hated money. I even told him, "It's the root of all evil. Haven't you heard?" He was surprised I said I hated money and said, "It can be used for good too." Then not too long ago, this other black dude walked out and asked me if I needed some money. I told him, "I guess, sure if you can spare it. I could use another thirty cents for a Ramen noodle cake." He dug in his pocket and he couldn't find his change. I told him not to worry about it, thanks anyway. That it was the thought that counts. Then he found the change in his bag and gave me eighty five cents. I went inside and I bought two more Ramens. Man, everyone is so quick to judge on the East Coast. Oh well, at least I got more food.

     5:39pm  Yarisa just volunteered me some food. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     5:42pm  Hell yeah, I was still sitting there waiting and this other girl volunteered me some food.

     5:48pm  Man, I am just standing out here. I'm not doing anything. I'm not asking for shit. I'm just waiting for six. I'm not a bum. It's a total illusion.

     5:49pm  These kids pulled up and one was wearing a NOFX shirt. I thought I'd hit those kids up for my story for sure, when they came out. They came out and I did. I said, "Only because you're wearing a NOFX shirt." They didn't have time but they happily accepted my website and said they would sign my guestbook.

     7:42pm  I have to make an update. Ryan, who lives right behind the Bull Market. See, Matt eventually showed up and brought me over to Ryan's apartment. I had a superb presentation with Ryan and he ended up volunteering me an awesome blue rain poncho with its own pouch. Oh yeah, Matt just gave me a new hat too! My hat was dying, the one I was sewing in front of the Bull Market. We're walking to some art show at the college right now. I'll take pictures.


                   Ryan and Me

                   Not sure

     7:54pm  Ryan asked me earlier if I needed anything. I've taken pictures of how messed up my cargo shorts are and I've sewed them up more than once. I asked Ryan what size waist he wears and he wears a thirty, just like me. I could probably wear a twenty eight by now. He said he had some cargo shorts I could look through.

     9:27pm  We came to that art show and I met beautiful Victoria. She just told me that there is forty thousand people at this school. That's amazing. It sure is big enough. Everytime I walk through the campus I get lost. I can never find the library.

     9:38pm  Right now this girl came up to me and said, "Dude, I saw you in Ocala!" Stacy: "It's okay if you don't remember me because I remember you and that makes it even better." It's okay, I can look it up(3-12-08). Where did I meet you at? Stacy: "You were standing in front a Pilot gas station and I was getting gas and you saw my Grateful Dead tag on my car and you asked me if I was heading South and I told you no, that I had just gotten back from Langarado. You gave me a slip of paper with your website."

     10:25pm  I was hanging out in front of the art show they have at the school. They've got a keg, so everybody's drinking. Beer totally effects my storytelling because my story is pretty attention span intensive. Anyway. Chuman, Alex and Jeff were there. Chuman saw my shirt and he just invited to smoke me and everyone else out. Hey, can I take a picture?

     10:58pm  Matt and I were walking in the cold. Erin and Alissa were nice enough to give us a ride so we won't have to walk in the cold.

     11:49pm I just found out that today was Good Friday. 

Next day..

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