

                                                                                                             San Luis Obispo, CA

Sunday March 22, 2009

     6:06am  I woke up around four thirty or so with only five hours of sleep. I went to bed around eleven thirty, I think. Last night I didn't feel like walking all the way out to the shelter. They might not have let me in anyway. Last night I was just busy passing out my website on Higuera Street until around eleven or so. I was wondering where I was going to camp. A long time ago when I walked out to the Madonna Mall to go fly a sign, across the street from the Madonna Inn I noticed a big field where 101 enters and exits. I saw all these homeless people camping there with tents and stuff. So that's where I came last night, in the drizzle. I strung up my big tarp and made a tent. At like four in the morning it started raining real hard. A lot of my stuff got dampened. I took my last hit of weed and I found some tobacco. I can't wait for the sun to come up. Almost.
     8:02am  I didn't tell you, I walked in the rain all the way to The Prado Day Center. I'm hanging with all the homebums at the bus stop on Prado. I hope I can get a courtesy ride back into town after the day center. I'm waiting for the sun to come up so I can hang my stuff up. It's all damp.

                   I need stakes. My makeshift tent worked last night for five hours, I guess. Then the gale force winds started. I need some stakes bad. I guess five hours is enough. I woke up and got my shit packed up.

     12:39pm  At the day center I hung up all my stuff in the sun and dried it out. Jerry is being nice enough to let me roll a cigarette. I appreciate it, Jerry. Everybody gets credit.

     3:00pm  I just got off the bus on Higuera. I took out the trash for some bus tokens today. I should ride the bus to the shelter tonight. I didn't get that much typing done on the business computer. I only got five hours of sleep last night so I was drowsy to begin with. Sitting at the computer typing up my stuff makes me drowsy too. I tried to take a nap. I could go to Cal-Poly where I have internet access, but I'll wait to go a day when I got enough sleep the night before.

     6:03pm  I have a good update to make. This cool black dude Cap, who I had met at the shelter last time I was here and told him my story, he invited me to smoke. We walked over to this studio place where he's staying. His friend Triple X has a computer and mixing equipment and they make rap music here. They're getting evicted tomorrow. Triple X was down to listen to my story. Odyssey and all. It seemed like he really enjoyed it. He leant a great ear and was an excellent listener. I'm hungry. I'm going to manifest some leftovers somehow.

                   Pacific and Broad. Triple X is letting me leave my heavy pack at his place and I'm going to go for a walk to try and manifest some food. I'm going to go to the 7-11 first and get some ice.

     7:02pm  I'm telling these three kids that were hiking down Higuera my story. Benjamin hooked me up with a rollie. I appreciate it, brother.

                   I came back to the studio and James, a friend of Triple X bought me some snacks. Thanks for feeding the peace machine.

     7:26pm  I just had the most ignorant encounter with Triple X's landlord who lives in the unit next to his. I was sitting outside smoking. I saw the other tenant, the guy who lived next to Triple X, I didn't know he was the landlord yet. He said hello and I told him I was a journalist and had a really interesting story. He told me I should get my stuff in video if I want to reach a lot of people. Surprisingly, he asked me if I wanted to tell it on camera right then. He invited me into his apartment and I sat down and he got the camera ready. I started my presentation after I gave the whole presentation-not-conversation clause and asked him if he was willing to listen. He said yes. Not too long after I start he starts asking me all these stupid questions and trying to interview me. I reminded him that I was trying to tell him a story and he got all put off saying it was his show. I told him I wouldn't have even started unless he had agreed to listen..and he had. This guy is all ignorant and brainwashed. Good little slave. He was asking me all these off-topic questions like what do I want from San Luis Obispo. I told him I wanted to get my website updated and FIND PEOPLE WHO WILL LISTEN. I just want to tell my story. I asked him permission and he said yes, that he would listen, but then he didn't. That makes him a liar, doesn't it? His name is Kevin. I was just testing him anyway. He flunked.

                   These guys weren't ignorant like Kevin.  They want world peace.

                   I'm going to walk to the field now. It's not raining. Hopefully it won't rain anymore. I'll sleep with my big tarp just over me not strung up or anything, just in case.

     8:05pm  I am already at my camp in the field. Same place I camped last night.

Next day..

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