


San Marcos, TX

Monday March 24, 2003

                   Okay, today is Monday the twenty fourth. I just caught up on my writing, kind of. I was told I could talk to the detectives about my hard drive and cassettes. I asked the guard when could I talk to the detectives and he told me he would let me know, so I can assume he doesn't give a shit. I have been logging my life for over a year now and if I lose my journal I will be devastated.

                   Today hasn't been too entertaining. I have found that writing is the best way to kill time. They let us out to play basketball today, but since I suck at basketball I just paced around the small court. I kept track and on my hundredth pace the guard came to get us. The rest of the guys have been glued to the TV all day. I hate TV. It's just a big waste of time. If I had a treadmill at home, maybe I'd watch TV. 

                   We are in the TB mass-cell right now. When you first get to jail, they give you a shot in the arm and they have to observe you for three days to make sure you don't have tuberculosis. Tomorrow, I should join the general population.

                   Okay, from now on I'll be logging with a time stamp:

     4:59pm  Just finished dinner. I was hungry too.

     5:06pm  Just talked to guard and asked for a request form to talk to a detective.

     5:11pm  Got request form. Wade is going to help me with it. Working on crossword with this other guy.

     6:37pm  Finished request form. John offered to switch cells with me, nice guy.

     7:08pm  Finished writing up copy of request form for my records.

     7:45pm  Finished taking shower. Going to bed.

Next day..

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