


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday March 24, 2004

     6:35am  I woke up. I woke up because my mom's alarm, in her room went off. That was weird. Man, I slept great last night. I slept a lot.

     7:14am  This morning I offered to go get some milk for my mom at the Citgo on the corner. She gave me change for bus fare. Then I thought, "Oh yeah, I'm supposed to meet that girl Connie at the hospital at 7:30. She's going to hook me up with some Boosts." I thought I was going to walk to the Walmart or ride the bus or something. I asked my sister Laura if she could give me a ride to the Walmart and she said yeah. I checked the schedule and realized there was no way I was going to be at the hospital at 7:30am. I asked Laura if she would take me all the way there and she said, "No problem." I appreciate it, sis.

     8:00am  My sister dropped me off a while back. Maybe like twenty minutes ago. She dropped me off at University Hospital. Oh yeah, I saw Connie. She told me, "Oh, I forgot to bring that stuff." She didn't get them. I'm going to go smoke a cigarette. Hold on.

     8:02am  Joey is hooking me up with a cigarette at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Letter of the day is H.

     8:13am  James hooked me up with a cigarette here at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:32am  I just got on the bus and there was another driver talking to Mr. Honduras. When I walk up he says, "Hey, I know this guy. He's going to put me in his book." Awesome. I told him, "Yeah, I'm everywhere." Then Mr. Honduras asked me, "Hey, if I give you a transfer will you put me in your book too?" I told him, "You know how it works." Hehe, even before I even asked for a transfer for the cause he gave it to me.

     9:11am  Like I said, Mr. Honduras, who I've been telling my story to the whole time, hooked me up with a transfer for the cause. I appreciate it, brother. He hooked me up last time too.

                   Doc is hooking me up with a cigarette here at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:39am  What was your name, brother? You can make it up if you want. This brother I'm telling my story to. I asked him what he thought the world's greatest problem was and he said, "Pigeons." That's hilarious. He just walked off because he doesn't want to listen to me.

     9:57am  I just had this great talk with this ignorant bible-thumper. He doesn't know shit. He wouldn't listen to me. You hypocrite. Hahaha. It's going to be a surprise, buddy!

                  When I asked him, "Have you always been that ignorant?" He said, "Oh, everybody's ignorant." I told him, "Being ignorant is a choice. Why do you choose to be? It's a choice. You can choose not to be ignorant. Why would anyone choose to be ignorant?"

     10:03am  I saw these people in front of the Home Suites and told them my stuff. They wouldn't listen and wouldn't shut up about the word of God. Jesus this, Jesus that. I had asked them if they would listen to me and she said, "No, you smoke cigarettes and you probably do drugs." I asked her, "Hmm, have you always been so quick to judge?" She said, "Yeah, I go to the library." 

     10:30am  What was your name again, brother? Not only did Tino listen to me and give me his email address, he gave me a cigarette too! Badass. Everybody gets credit.

                      Don't get mad at me. Get mad at everybody else proving me right.

     10:44am  I had some great presentations until the #5 bus came. This one guy gave me a whole pack of cigarettes. This lady listened to me too. She had messed up teeth. I shouldn't talk shit. That's right, I'm going to go to the library and check my email. I have a great time planned. I'm going to catch up in typing up my stuff soon. I'm going to go to SAC every day and type my stuff up. I can eat at the Travis Park church at noon then go type my stuff up some more on a full stomach.

     10:46am  The cutest little homeless dog just came up to me. He's just the perfect little puppy. Man, I want to adopt him, bad.

                      I can't take care of a dog right now. I've got a world to save. I gotta take care of everybody else first. Aww, he's all whimpering at me. Awwwww.

     10:47am  When I was telling that guy my story earlier, I noticed a little caterpillar, an army worm on my shorts. I didn't mess with him. Now, he's crawling up my neck! I got me a pet cater-pillar.

                      Sorry, dog. I can take care of this one.

     11:00am  I tried telling this story to this Holmes guy with a cowboy hat and he didn't listen to me.

     11:03am  I saw the crazy San Antonio Inner Tube Lady. I hit her up for my story, asked her if she'd listen and she said, "No, no. You'd be wasting your time." Have you always been that ignorant?

     11:27am  Dude, I had a good presentation right before I went to The Riverwalk. I saw some guy smoking a cigarette and I told him my story. He wouldn't listen to me all the way, but he told me, "I think you should keep telling your story." To other people, he meant. I told him, "Yeah, somebody's gotta do it." He agreed with me. That was awesome.

                     Oh, and I asked him to do me the favors and he wouldn't do either one. I told him, "As much as I want people to think I'm crazy, I value the ones who don't even more. Thank you."

     12:30pm  I'm having a conversation with this brother right here at Travis Park.

                     Randy: "I met this young man, believe it or not, just in the last couple of minutes, I feel a lot better than I've felt in years. Just the simple words that he's told me has really opened my eyes and I feel better. It's amazing. It's really amazing. I'm glad I met you. I hope that whoever listens to this takes it seriously. Before I met this young man two minutes ago I felt miserable. I feel a lot better now. I'll leave it at that. Listen to this young man."

                      I said, "I'm always glad to be of service. I love making a difference. Hey, don't you gotta be crazy to make a difference?"

     12:40pm  Man, that was just awesome. I made this guy feel a lot better. I am a beam of lights for others to follow. He was all smiles, man.

                      Mr. Real hooked me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother. For the cause.

     1:13pm  I've been here telling Alana my story. She has been listening to me attentively, hehe. She told me that I needed to talk to somebody here at SAC. She's giving me a destination. She's going to show me where this place is. She said I need to talk to Professor Badrich. Isn't that hilarious how that's his name?

                   131 is his room number, so I have to come back here and talk to him.

                   131A in Gonzales Hall.

     1:22pm  Dan hooked me up with a cigarette here at SAC. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:54pm  I'm in the library now.

     3:57pm  Mike hooked me up with a cigarette here at SAC. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:37pm  I am leaving SAC. Man, I got a lot of work done today. I finally typed up what I had been dreading to retype. That day when I went over to Jennifer's and I interviewed her and her dad(1-23-04). I had type it all up once before but lost it when the browser disappeared on a computer glitch(3-4-04, 11:30am).

                   I have to go to the tennis courts to look for tennis balls.

                   No tennis balls anywhere. That sucks.

     6:45pm  I came over to these last courts and I found shitloads of balls. Like six or seven. Awesome. Score.

     6:55pm  I walked over to the bus stop on Cypress and I'm going to catch the 91 or 92. Courtesy ride.

     7:07pm  This cool driver who has hooked me up before is giving me a ride on the 91. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:30pm  Fuzzy offered to buy me a beer on the bus. Cool, I got off and he got me a St. Ides Special Brew. Mixed fruit. Six percent alcohol.

                   I didn't tell you. After me and Fuzzy got off the bus to get some beers, this chick, Fuzzy's wife, they're going to go in the thrift-store. He told me, "Go in at the same time I do, so they'll be looking at you and I can steal me a shirt. I got bored, so I said no and came to wait for the bus to Medical Center. Let's see if I get a courtesy ride. Walk over to Kassie's.

     7:57pm  Andres gave me a cigarette outside the Burger King. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:58pm  Mr. Mouton hooked me up with a ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     8:00pm  I got off the bus. We stopped here at Crossroads for a bit. Now I'm going to smoke that cigarette I got from that guy. That guy had told me, "Hey man, I see you every single day. What are you doing?" I told him my mission-objectives and, "I would tell you exactly how I plan to do this if I wasn't about to get on a bus. I will tell you next time you see me. Because you will see me again. I am everywhere."

                   I'm wearing my Willie Nelson shirt and he said, "I like that shirt." 

     8:40pm  Estela en Alamo Tacos y Gorditas me esta dando gasolina para el estomago.

     8:45pm  I just scored at the taco stand! I tried telling the lady my ideas in Spanish. 

     8:48pm  Albert hooked me up with a cigarette outside of the Data Food Mart. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:05pm  I am in Kassie's apartment complex. I'm going to knock on the door.

     11:03pm  I just left Kassie's. Man, the weirdest shit. She pisses me off. I walked up there and Sabrina answered the door. She let me inside. I told her, "I'm here to get my book." We were sitting there talking and all of a sudden Kassie goes, "Oh, let's watch a movie." They asked me if I wanted to watch a movie. I told them, "Well, if I watch a movie will I be able to crash in the living room?" Kassie told me yeah, sure. I thought, "Whoa, maybe she's thought about it and realized I was right." See, because a while back she asked me, "Victor, what do you want from me?" I told her all I wanted was her friendship. I guess she didn't believe me or something because then later she says, "You should leave." I say, "Well, I wish you would've told me that before the buses stopped running. Remember, it was you who invited me to stay for the movie. You said it was okay for me to crash in the living room. What do you expect me to think? I am just a bit confused here."

                     Anyways, I'll miss Kassie.

                     She was all, "What are you giving people?" I pulled out my tape recorder and told her, "I am giving them credit for proving me right. And for proving me wrong too." Damn, what more do people want?

                     She had a big fat sack of weed and she didn't give me any.

                     If Kassie takes offense to common sense, that's her problem.

                     I shouldn't be down about this, but I can't help being down. She was real pretty.

     11:40pm  I walked to West and Janie and Ashley are hooking me up with a cigarette.

     11:47pm  Ashley hooked me up with a joint! That's awesome! The universe provides.

     12:14am  Not only is Richard giving me a ride, he gave me a cigarette too!

                     Oh, I didn't tell you, when I first got to West I saw Zai working there. I saw these two girls in a green Mustang and one of them was smoking a cigarette. I hit them up for a cigarette and they hooked me up. I told them, "I'm writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read and you're in it." Then I asked them if they had any weed. This girl said, "Yeah, I could hook you up with a little." This girl went to her car got me a fat joint!

                     Hahaha, screw the whole Kassie shit!

                     Sweet, the universe provides. I am doing something right. I'm going to prove her wrong.

                     She thinks my mission is bullshit.

                     I gave Kassie's lighter back. I gave her the needle and thread too. I should've kept the lighter. She's got my Player/Hater one.

                     Oh yeah, I went under the seven thousand building and saw people smoking. I forgot that Earthlink project got out late. These kids were there that were there last time when I got ran out by the security guard. I told them about the song I had sang to him. They recognized me as soon as I walked up.

                     This dude Kevin hooked me up with a ride to Babcock North.

     1:00am  Yuck, I'm at Carlos' and Bob's swinging his dick around in his boxers and wants us to watch. Carlos seems to like it.

     1:02am  I have to recap what just happened. Bob was swinging his dick around in his boxers and I told him, "Andrea told me that you didn't have that big a dick, Bob." I asked him, "Do you know if she's still in town?" Haha, he picked up the phone and called her. She answered and he told her, "Oh yeah, Victor just said that you said that my dick wasn't that big." He like called her to verify. What did she tell you, Bob? Oh shit, he left a message! Haha!

                   Haha, that message is logged. She better erase that answering machine tape. Anyway, he left a message saying, umm, I just told you.

                   Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I'm walking home through the woods. I went through the ditch over by Bob's house which connects to OP Schnabel park under Prue Road. I'm going to walk up the cliffs and go hang out at my hideout. Damn, I wish I had a cigarette. I'll walk up to the Exxon and get a cigarette from the ashtray or ask somebody for one. Yeah.

                   Oh yeah, I don't know if I ever told you. At West, the security guard came up to me and he was all friendly with me. I thought maybe I had talked to him before. He wasn't running me off. He came up to me and I asked him if I could tell him my story. He says, "I've heard about it." I thought, "Whoa, that's cool. He's heard about it." He wouldn't tell me at first but then he says, "Yeah, you talked to my daughters at Sundance last week." Oh wow! Now you see how I was meant to go to Kassie's that night? So I could talk to those kids in the playground. (3-16-04, 9:42pm)

                   He didn't give me any problems or anything. He told me, "Yeah, I talked to the security guards about you." He said one said, "I know who that is. That's Antonio from San Antonio." They know my name!

                   Ha, they call me Antonio from San Antonio.

                   Oh yeah, earlier Kassie said that she felt like I was sucking her in. I was never trying to suck her in. She was just scared she was falling for me.

     1:40am  I cut through all this brush and I'm on a trail now. I'm going to go up to my platform and smoke some weed.

     2:05am  Oh my gosh, I am so scared. I really hope I left my pipe at Bob's house. I'm going to walk all the way over back to Bob's. I don't have my peace pipe on me. I don't know what happened to it. I thought maybe it might have fallen out of my pocket, but I would have noticed that. I'm getting scared. I'm going to walk all the way to Bob's and see if I can crash there. I don't know where I lost it.

                    It sucks, when I got to my platform, not only did I not have any matches or a light, I didn't have my pipe either. This sucks. I'm going to cry.

                    Man, I don't even remember taking it out at Bob's. I didn't smoke anything. This sucks.

                    Maybe I left it in that dude Kevin's car. Hmm.

                    Oh yeah, Bob fell in my love with my Willie Nelson shirt. He offered me money and everything. He was standing there showing off two big bags of weed. He even took me to go show Carlos the shirt. He just loved it.

     2:15am  I'm walking still. I'm going to back and see if my pipe is there and see if I can crash there. Maybe I'll just come back in the morning and look for my pipe.

                   I didn't tell you. I didn't find my pipe at Bob's. This sucks, man. That pisses me off.

     2:20am  I don't know if I told you, but I'm already walking back. It sucks I had to backtrack so much. It sucks that I wasted my time because I didn't find my pipe. That really blows. I'm going to walk all the way to my mom's house. I'm really tired.

     3:23am  I am just now walking up to Bandera Road in front of the Exxon.

     3:45am  I found me a snipe in the ashtray and the dude at the Exxon won't let me borrow a lighter. Dickhead. I'll wait for somebody to show up and ask them for a ride.

     3:51am  Julia just hooked me up with three cigarettes! I appreciate it, Julia.

     3:55am  I am leaving the Exxon. I'm walking home.

     4:28am  I'm at my mom's house already. I'm tired.

arpos hey man
arpos sup
arpos how is west telemarketing
dammit i cant go back until november
dammit no big deal
arpos can you hook up any weed
dammit i dont got any
dammit well i got a little tiny bit left
dammit like enough for a bowl
dammit how much did you want
arpos i dont know
arpos not today i guess
arpos i dont have any money
dammit ok
arpos i am to sell some dreamcast games tonight
dammit you wanna smoke this bowl with me
arpos that i am burning right now
dammit badass
dammit pay for nothing
arpos yeah i'd smoke, chance to meet you too
arpos but i dont drive
dammit what side of town
arpos and i assume you dont drive
dammit hell no
arpos northside
dammit cars are death machines
dammit i live nw
arpos> by medical center
dammit> what apartments?
arpos> not appartmentas
arpos> kenton place
arpos> the little houses
dammit> cinnamon hill
arpos> yeah
arpos> damn you sure know this place
dammit> dude..i was in RIOSA right there for 39 days back in 2000
arpos> yeah i read you emails
arpos> EviLMonkY is to pick me up after like 7 or so
dammit> what are yall gonna do
arpos> so i can try the games out on his dc, and then sell it to them
dammit> cool
arpos> he will probably get me some alcohol
arpos> but i guess
dammit> well i would have to wait until 30 of next hour to go catch the bus
arpos> which bus?
dammit> then it would take me like another 30 to get over there..
dammit> my mom lives over here by braun station
dammit> close to tezel/guilbeau
arpos> 603 goes by here
dammit> yeah
arpos> nah dont worry about it man, maybe we can chill some other day, i would hate for you to go through the trouble
arpos> and i wont even be home after like 7:30
dammit> well, i havent done shit today..rested my feet from all the walking i did this past weekend
dammit> maybe ill go walk around medical center and see what happens
arpos> you are more hyper than i thought
dammit> not hyper..bored
arpos> dude fuck it, if you feel like coming over go for it, we can hung out
dammit> hmm..ill walk around all night and walk over to babcock north and see if my friends will let me crash there
arpos> and then maybe when i get picked up the dude will give you a lift to the bus or something
dammit> if not, just sleep on the back porch
dammit> hmm
dammit> well, gimme your phone number
arpos> 6912567
dammit> because id have to wait a while for the bus to come
dammit> unless
dammit> i walk the mile and a half to the grocery store, where all the buses come at 50
dammit> and by that time it would be 50
arpos> you would have to get off the 603 on cinamon hill and cinamon trail
dammit> eah
arpos> i ride busses all the time lately
dammit> ill call you from riosa
dammit> whats your name bro?
arpos> i'l be here
arpos> armen
dammit> ok cool
dammit> dude i just remembered
dammit> i cant go over there
dammit> im going to laredo tomorrow morning at 5am
dammit> i met this dude at planet k and told him about my trip to cali
dammit> he ends up inviting meto laredo..his company is sending him for some shit
dammit> getting a free motel room
dammit> and ill get free meals and everything
dammit> its gonna be rad
dammit> an awesome chapter in my book
arpos> thats cool
arpos> no problem man
arpos> we can meet some other day

 Atmybst: lol...nice name
Atmybst: yeah I'd read it
GO TO HELL PUTO: cool, give me a minute
Atmybst: if it was written well to hold my attention
Atmybst: who are you because I am not puto lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: my name is victor
Atmybst: and where did you get my name from Victor
GO TO HELL PUTO: i searched the member directory for 'peace'
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
Atmybst: oh lol
Atmybst: where do I go to read it
Atmybst: oh ok
Atmybst: and what made you think I might be intersted in reading this
GO TO HELL PUTO: you had the word "peace" in your profile
Atmybst: but I think I say peace and chicken grease lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: i didnt even look at your profile..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i just typed in peace and it gave me all the profiles that had peace in them
GO TO HELL PUTO: new fangled gadgets eh
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, im gonna go smoke a cigarette
GO TO HELL PUTO: peace sister
GO TO HELL PUTO: read my story
GO TO HELL PUTO: youll like it
GO TO HELL PUTO: its true
Atmybst: ok....I will and get back to you with my comments
Atmybst: because I am a reader anyway
GO TO HELL PUTO: email me at:
Atmybst: is that where you sent the e-mail from
GO TO HELL PUTO: but this account might die any day..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i cant believe its lived this long
Atmybst: well send me an e-mail from that account so I will have it there

 BaddBoyNSATX: i did the same thing
GO TO HELL PUTO: really?
BaddBoyNSATX: yup. i went to the west coast with my girl and got her into porn.. she left me and now is famous.. you can see her on the 99.5 kiss website.. i lived in l.a. and have a story written myself.. lol

GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..

Bi girl in orl: ?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i just want you to read my story..its just harmless text
Bi girl in orl: why
GO TO HELL PUTO: im trying to make a difference..
Bi girl in orl: with that
Bi girl in orl: you gotta sell it come on
GO TO HELL PUTO: you can either read it now, or just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, im doing it all for free
Bi girl in orl: lol
Bi girl in orl: ok what is it
Bi girl in orl: what is the point of it
GO TO HELL PUTO: gimme a minute..
GO TO HELL PUTO: all questions will be answered in the story..
Bi girl in orl: i hate vagueness
GO TO HELL PUTO: patience is virtue..
GO TO HELL PUTO: good things come to those who wait..
Bi girl in orl: what are you some kinda self proclamed profit
GO TO HELL PUTO: if anything..the vagueness just builds suspense and it will make it that much cooler when i finally send it..
GO TO HELL PUTO: nope, im just doing what i feel is right..
Bi girl in orl: um
Bi girl in orl: how old are
Bi girl in orl: you
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, it seems like youre the only response i got this mail's just for you
Bi girl in orl: man, whats your cause just tell me
GO TO HELL PUTO: i have many
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
Bi girl in orl: im gonna strangle you
GO TO HELL PUTO: with today's person will make a huge difference..
Bi girl in orl: damn hippie
GO TO HELL PUTO: don't label me..
Bi girl in orl: hippie
GO TO HELL PUTO: if i am, at least im happy :]
Bi girl in orl: you gave away your clothes you shoud have sold them for money, i lost interest
GO TO HELL PUTO: ignorance is bliss, i guess
GO TO HELL PUTO: suit yourself..
GO TO HELL PUTO: by the way, this IM will be in my book which the whole world will read..
GO TO HELL PUTO: prepare to be labeled yourself..
GO TO HELL PUTO: as ignorant
Bi girl in orl: whoo hoo
Bi girl in orl: maybe if i get off my ass i can sue you
GO TO HELL PUTO: you can't squeeze blood from a stone..
GO TO HELL PUTO: and it wouldnt be would be the truth..
Bi girl in orl: it would still be illegal none the less, and as ignorant as i may seem, am worth that much of your time, and what point of yours would it serve
GO TO HELL PUTO: dont flatter yourself..i have all the time in the world..
Bi girl in orl: you, yourself so offended not to be labeled by someone who knows nothing of you, but yet you seem to care with great affection why is that
GO TO HELL PUTO: and if i just give my book away for free on the internet..those pesky laws will not apply to me...
GO TO HELL PUTO: you can't stop bytes..
Bi girl in orl: for free or not, it doesnt matter
Bi girl in orl: i dont care if you do thats not my point, my point is what or i guess why and what point would it serve
Bi girl in orl: what would be my epitaph
GO TO HELL PUTO: yes, what matters is the medium which i will employ..
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, once again..if you would just read my story, those questions will be answered..
GO TO HELL PUTO: but no, you need everything right this second..or never at all
Bi girl in orl: what would you put next to this text to prove your point
GO TO HELL PUTO: see, that story is just the summary i tell people from memory..i had my mini-cassette recorder with me on my whole journey..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i logged the whole experience, to the detail..
Bi girl in orl: not true, im just weary as anyone in there right mind should be, your asking me to spend a good deal of my time, and i would like to know why
Bi girl in orl: some guy on the internet asks somthing of you
GO TO HELL PUTO: once my book gets out there, it will serve as proof, in black and white that its human-nature to be generous and we dont need money to live..
Bi girl in orl: you should know why
Bi girl in orl: your not a comunist are you
GO TO HELL PUTO: also, that cars are killing the world and have made everybody lazy and impatient...
GO TO HELL PUTO: like i said, dont label me..
GO TO HELL PUTO: im victor
Bi girl in orl: well im ashley, and just about everyone know's that
Bi girl in orl: but people arent going to change
GO TO HELL PUTO: anything is possible ashley..
Bi girl in orl: you cant make people change, they have to change themselves and thats not gonna happen
GO TO HELL PUTO: you gottta start somewhere..
GO TO HELL PUTO: hehe, see i want people to doubt me..
Bi girl in orl: its not gonna work, somthings just wont work
GO TO HELL PUTO: it shall make my victory so much sweeter..
Bi girl in orl: no, your just insane
GO TO HELL PUTO: with the technology today, one person will make a difference..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i want you to think im crazy too..
Bi girl in orl: i take that back, your in a world of delusion
GO TO HELL PUTO: and youre in a world of ignorance..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i like my world better than yours :]
Bi girl in orl: lost in a sea of your own inequities
Bi girl in orl: not true, i am not an ignorant person
GO TO HELL PUTO: teehee..we'll see
GO TO HELL PUTO: then read my story and prove that right
Bi girl in orl: ok, that was gay the teee hee laugh, thats gotta go
GO TO HELL PUTO: or, like i said..just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
Bi girl in orl: ok there buddy
Bi girl in orl: good luck
GO TO HELL PUTO: ok, im sorry..i retract the teehee
GO TO HELL PUTO: wacka wacka wacka..
GO TO HELL PUTO: go ahead, work, waste your life away..
Bi girl in orl: can i hit you with a shovel
Bi girl in orl: please
GO TO HELL PUTO: you dotn have to..
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, ive already had two closed head injuries..i dont need a third...
Bi girl in orl: come on,
Bi girl in orl: how about a rake
GO TO HELL PUTO: hmm, if the price is right, maybe
Bi girl in orl: will that do justice
Bi girl in orl: just one good whack please
GO TO HELL PUTO: hehe, just such a hypocrite...
Bi girl in orl: man, your lost
Bi girl in orl: you need to find yourself
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, its everyone else that is..
GO TO HELL PUTO: you can go your own way..
Bi girl in orl: maybe look in the bottom of a cracker jack box
GO TO HELL PUTO: ta tung ching..
GO TO HELL PUTO: but seriously folks..
Bi girl in orl: you smoked alot of crack at one point in your life didnt you
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, i dont do drugs..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i just smoke weed
GO TO HELL PUTO: which reminds me, brb
GO TO HELL PUTO: ok..since youve caught my attention, would you be willing to listen to my reason if i tell you right here in the IM?
GO TO HELL PUTO: or are you too busy reading the story now?
Bi girl in orl: ok
Bi girl in orl: go for it
Bi girl in orl: let me retort first
Bi girl in orl: damn, your a complete idiot, i had almost thought that maybe you harbored some intelligence but was a bit miss directed, but nope your just a fucking jack ass
Bi girl in orl: ok continue
GO TO HELL PUTO: i like jew :]
GO TO HELL PUTO: what are some common problems you encounter when you have a new idea and youre trying to get it out?
GO TO HELL PUTO: for one, if youre telling your ideas orally you sometimes run into the problem of not remembering the whole story..thus not being as effective as you want..
Bi girl in orl: is this a rhetorical question
GO TO HELL PUTO: because no one is perfect..
GO TO HELL PUTO: yes, dont answer
GO TO HELL PUTO: second, you have IGNORANCE(which youve already displayed)
GO TO HELL PUTO: people are too set in their old-fashioned, lazy ways
GO TO HELL PUTO: deathly afraid of change(even if its for the better)
GO TO HELL PUTO: and they wont even listen to you..
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, i've found a way to jump both of those hurdles with the internet..
GO TO HELL PUTO: what i'll do is run an FTP server off my computer, giving anyone in the world access to my hard drive. only the files and directories i want them to access, of course..
Bi girl in orl: gay porn?
GO TO HELL PUTO: now, on my hard drive i will have a directory with all my ideas..just plain simple text files..
GO TO HELL PUTO: that anyone can read with any web browser..just simple web page...text, no graphics..
GO TO HELL PUTO: they can read them UNCENSORED
GO TO HELL PUTO: at their discretion(they can finish them when they want to)
GO TO HELL PUTO: the whole story will be told every single time..
GO TO HELL PUTO: it seems to me that thats what the internet is for..
GO TO HELL PUTO: its a global-medium, its NOT PART OF THE SYSTEM
Bi girl in orl: how you going to advertise this, and secondly you have to sell them your "product" people these days wont go and search up somthing by them selves
GO TO HELL PUTO: itll be as easy as clicking on a hyperlink..
GO TO HELL PUTO: dont worry about how im gonna do it..just sit back and watch it happen..
Bi girl in orl: no one will read it, and you still have to advertise, youd have more luck on the internet not aol these people are to stupid to go on the web themselves
GO TO HELL PUTO: i plan to educate the idiots first..
GO TO HELL PUTO: here, would you like to see some replies ive received?
Bi girl in orl: replies from what? from who?
GO TO HELL PUTO: replies to my mail
GO TO HELL PUTO: from other people on aol
Bi girl in orl: liberate me
GO TO HELL PUTO: lemme find em
GO TO HELL PUTO: hey, dont you have to be at least a little crazy these days to make a difference?
Bi girl in orl: hey mail me later, im going to sleep but you are interesting so look me up again
GO TO HELL PUTO: willdo, sweet dreams ashley


 BiGmiCkEy415: ok
BiGmiCkEy415: what the hell are you on?
GO TO HELL PUTO: cool, give me a minute
BiGmiCkEy415: an acid trip?
BiGmiCkEy415: that was a pretty random IM you know
GO TO HELL PUTO: i imed the whole room
BiGmiCkEy415: lol
BiGmiCkEy415: why don't you go tell people this in person?
BiGmiCkEy415: people online only care about themselves numbnuts
BiGmiCkEy415: and in general
GO TO HELL PUTO: i answer that question in my story..
GO TO HELL PUTO: all questions
BiGmiCkEy415: ok einstein
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
BiGmiCkEy415: ok
BiGmiCkEy415: nice screen name by the way nutcase...
GO TO HELL PUTO: wacka wacka wacka
BiGmiCkEy415: hey get take some of your medication before you start foaming at the mouth
GO TO HELL PUTO: i say no to drugs...
GO TO HELL PUTO: ever notice how the words "sane" and "same" are so similar?
BiGmiCkEy415: yes
GO TO HELL PUTO: why does everyone want to be the same?
GO TO HELL PUTO: when we are all different
BiGmiCkEy415: i agree
BiGmiCkEy415: nobody is the same
BiGmiCkEy415: it's all an act most of the time
GO TO HELL PUTO: how can a society of different people all follow the same rules?
BiGmiCkEy415: because they know the severe consequences
GO TO HELL PUTO: such as?
GO TO HELL PUTO: what? jail?
GO TO HELL PUTO: ha jail is a joke..
BiGmiCkEy415: it depends on what rule you break
BiGmiCkEy415: have you been in there before to make such an assumption?
GO TO HELL PUTO: in jail, you have a roof over your head, food in your stomach and somebody else is paying for it..
BiGmiCkEy415: yeah while your cell mate is borrowing your ass hole
GO TO HELL PUTO: thats what criminals get..a life free of responsibility..
GO TO HELL PUTO: here, lemme send you another story of mine..
BiGmiCkEy415: why the hell are you IM me with this garbage?
BiGmiCkEy415: let me read this first
GO TO HELL PUTO: ok, take your time
BiGmiCkEy415: everything you send is based on true events that you have experienced?
GO TO HELL PUTO: yes, nothing but the truth..
GO TO HELL PUTO: all my stuff is like that..i just document my life
BiGmiCkEy415: so your whole life you have been roaming the world like a god damn nomad?
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, i had to go through all the experiences that made all the problems obvious to me..
BiGmiCkEy415: why don't you just write a book then instead of going on here?
BiGmiCkEy415: make money
GO TO HELL PUTO: read my mail dude..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i got it all figured out
BiGmiCkEy415: i am as we speak
BiGmiCkEy415: (I had been sending all my ideas to the SF chatroom on  AOL, they were kind of expecting me).  They told me it was $42.  Shit, I only had $37.  I needed  5 bucks.
BiGmiCkEy415: i don't understand that
BiGmiCkEy415: clarify that for me please
GO TO HELL PUTO: what dont you understand about it?
BiGmiCkEy415: aol was expecting you?
BiGmiCkEy415: they were giving you ideas?
BiGmiCkEy415: how the hell did you go on if you were on your journey?
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, i had been bombarding the SF chat rooms with my stuff..
BiGmiCkEy415: oh i see
GO TO HELL PUTO: i had, past tense

BiGmiCkEy415: hey this is very funny...
BiGmiCkEy415: i was just starting to motivate myself in life, thanks for the e-mail
BiGmiCkEy415: makes me appreciate life more and work harder for things i need
BiGmiCkEy415: you there?
GO TO HELL PUTO: im sorry
GO TO HELL PUTO: i was sending out my stuff
GO TO HELL PUTO: my email makes you appreciate life more?
BiGmiCkEy415: yes
GO TO HELL PUTO: wow kickass
BiGmiCkEy415: and i was thinking about the same thing when you sent it to me
BiGmiCkEy415: just a coincidence
BiGmiCkEy415: i was another junk mail
GO TO HELL PUTO: weird wacky stuff
BiGmiCkEy415: yes
BiGmiCkEy415: i wouldn't mind taking a voyage like this though
BiGmiCkEy415: but it takes brass balls
GO TO HELL PUTO: whats stopping you?
BiGmiCkEy415: my mind
GO TO HELL PUTO: smoke some weed, hehe
BiGmiCkEy415: i wasted 1 1/2 years after i finished high school
GO TO HELL PUTO: open your mind
BiGmiCkEy415: i wasn't ambitious at all
GO TO HELL PUTO: do you a wife/kids/car/girlfriend?
BiGmiCkEy415: car
BiGmiCkEy415: i turned 20 last month
GO TO HELL PUTO: cool, you can always come back for that..
BiGmiCkEy415: i used to walk everywhere like crazy
BiGmiCkEy415: i want to the mountains for a week
GO TO HELL PUTO: perfect
BiGmiCkEy415: it was insane
GO TO HELL PUTO: go back
GO TO HELL PUTO: go somewhere else
BiGmiCkEy415: walking is healthy and gets your mind off of things
GO TO HELL PUTO: right on
BiGmiCkEy415: but i don't know
GO TO HELL PUTO: hey, im gonna go get some gasoline for my stomach, brb
BiGmiCkEy415: i want to start college in june though
BiGmiCkEy415: i don't wanna be real old getting a degree you know
GO TO HELL PUTO: traditional schools only teach you how to be like everybody else..
GO TO HELL PUTO: not only do you remember the stuff out of the books(if youre lucky because the shit stays in the books)
BiGmiCkEy415: yeah but without a degree, will i work for $5 an hour my whole life?
BiGmiCkEy415: i know
GO TO HELL PUTO: you are also programmed with the professor's bias' and opinions.
GO TO HELL PUTO: which arent necessarily right
BiGmiCkEy415: but i need an education to make more money
GO TO HELL PUTO: if theres anything i need/want to know..i learn it on my own..
GO TO HELL PUTO: isnt that what the internet is for?
BiGmiCkEy415: i don't give a shit about the education itself
BiGmiCkEy415: yes
GO TO HELL PUTO: doesnt mean jack shit
BiGmiCkEy415: it does when you are trying to have a roof over your hrad
BiGmiCkEy415: head*
BiGmiCkEy415: i don't want to be like a gypsy
GO TO HELL PUTO: if you find yourself without a home..go traveling..
GO TO HELL PUTO: go let shit happen
BiGmiCkEy415: yeah i will try
GO TO HELL PUTO: well dude, im gonna go eat
GO TO HELL PUTO: peace brother
GO TO HELL PUTO: drive carefully
BiGmiCkEy415: how old are you anyways?
BiGmiCkEy415: oh i see
BiGmiCkEy415: still young
BiGmiCkEy415: where do you live now?
GO TO HELL PUTO: at my mothers temporarily
GO TO HELL PUTO: she thinks im crazy too
BiGmiCkEy415: lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: but the guilt would never let her kick me out..
GO TO HELL PUTO: im gonna plan for my sequel-trip..
BiGmiCkEy415: so you will keep travelling until the end of time?
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, i might find somewhere i like and settle down for a year or two
BiGmiCkEy415: ok
GO TO HELL PUTO: i want to find me a traveling partner/girlfriend
BiGmiCkEy415: well those are hard to find
GO TO HELL PUTO: then i'll really be the happiest man in the world..
BiGmiCkEy415: have you had many gf's?
GO TO HELL PUTO: when i get my global-voice...ill put out the word on the web
GO TO HELL PUTO: describe my ideal girl
GO TO HELL PUTO: nah..ive usually stuck to myself
GO TO HELL PUTO: ive only had one real girlfriend..i was with her for 4 years
GO TO HELL PUTO: but she thinks im crazy too...
BiGmiCkEy415: that's cool
BiGmiCkEy415: when did that end with her?
GO TO HELL PUTO: just after i wanted to break up with her though..
GO TO HELL PUTO: a little over a year ago..
GO TO HELL PUTO: her loss, totally
BiGmiCkEy415: oh i see
BiGmiCkEy415: like me
BiGmiCkEy415: late bloomer right?
GO TO HELL PUTO: right on
GO TO HELL PUTO: hungry late bloomer
BiGmiCkEy415: i see you like water
BiGmiCkEy415: well i drink 1-2 gallons a day
BiGmiCkEy415: not tap though
GO TO HELL PUTO: dude, youre more ready for a good trip than most people i know..
BiGmiCkEy415: excellent story
GO TO HELL PUTO: thank you
BiGmiCkEy415: yeah i love adventure
GO TO HELL PUTO: and thats just the summary i tell people from memory..
BiGmiCkEy415: and i am open minded
BiGmiCkEy415: so where is part 2?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i have 12 cassettes full of details
GO TO HELL PUTO: you didnt get it?
BiGmiCkEy415: i have been having visions the past few years bro
BiGmiCkEy415: ok it's here
BiGmiCkEy415: brb
BiGmiCkEy415: aol sucks
GO TO HELL PUTO: ive never had a vision..
GO TO HELL PUTO: yeah, thats why i dont pay for it..
GO TO HELL PUTO: and when you dont pay for it, you can have screen names like this one
BiGmiCkEy415: good
GO TO HELL PUTO: blatent sn violations..but i dont give a shit
BiGmiCkEy415: how do you not pay for it?
BiGmiCkEy415: well i am very big on saving money also
GO TO HELL PUTO: i crack peoples passwords..
BiGmiCkEy415: especially with the gas prices now
GO TO HELL PUTO: dumb people who have easy to guess pw's like aol123 and password
BiGmiCkEy415: oh and under their account you create a screen name for yourself?
GO TO HELL PUTO: ride the bus
BiGmiCkEy415: i see
BiGmiCkEy415: yeah fuck the gas prices now
GO TO HELL PUTO: fuck cars
BiGmiCkEy415: i pay so much insurance for a shitty old car
BiGmiCkEy415: i have to bust my balls to pay just for the gas
GO TO HELL PUTO: if you get hurt in a bus accident, which wouldnt be too likely, your hospital bills would be paid for by the bus company
GO TO HELL PUTO: insurance is one big scam
BiGmiCkEy415: i have blown so much money on shit these past few years
BiGmiCkEy415: yes
BiGmiCkEy415: and buses are more safe
GO TO HELL PUTO: and they keep you active..
BiGmiCkEy415: yes
GO TO HELL PUTO: mentally too..
BiGmiCkEy415: i have taken them all my life
BiGmiCkEy415: they also help you learn the city good as hell
BiGmiCkEy415: cheape
GO TO HELL PUTO: right on
BiGmiCkEy415: cheaper*
GO TO HELL PUTO: sell your car
BiGmiCkEy415: save a shitload of money
GO TO HELL PUTO: with that money, prepare for your trip
BiGmiCkEy415: if i had a career i can make that money quick but i'm young
BiGmiCkEy415: yeah i know
GO TO HELL PUTO: umm..theres always telemarketing
BiGmiCkEy415: i bet you know all the tricks to saving every penny huh?
BiGmiCkEy415: maybe
GO TO HELL PUTO: even though its an evil business..its serves its purpose
BiGmiCkEy415: i want to cancel my cell phone this month when the contract expires also
BiGmiCkEy415: yes
GO TO HELL PUTO: cell phones are for the lazy
BiGmiCkEy415: well if you think about it, it's only good for emergencies
BiGmiCkEy415: but they have knew ones out
BiGmiCkEy415: where you only pay for the minute you use it
GO TO HELL PUTO: thatd be cool, id hardly ever use it
BiGmiCkEy415: same here
BiGmiCkEy415: i fucking never use a minute
BiGmiCkEy415: stupid mistale
BiGmiCkEy415: mistake*
GO TO HELL PUTO: well dude..i am delighted to hear i had a positive effect on somebody today..i'm gonna go get all stoned in the back yard and come back and type up some chapters
GO TO HELL PUTO: good luck dude
BiGmiCkEy415: lol

BiGmiCkEy415: hey are you back yet?
GO TO HELL PUTO: yeah, im listening to my cassettes and typing it up
GO TO HELL PUTO: wishing i had a cigarette
BiGmiCkEy415: i really enjoyed it bro
GO TO HELL PUTO: thats awesome
GO TO HELL PUTO: ive got some other stories if you want me to send
BiGmiCkEy415: i have to go now but i will see you later
BiGmiCkEy415: go ahead and send
BiGmiCkEy415: you better not fuck with my account though
BiGmiCkEy415: because i know where you live

BiGmiCkEy415: ok good
BiGmiCkEy415: Hey
BiGmiCkEy415: Nice stories
GO TO HELL PUTO: thanks, you read em all?
BiGmiCkEy415: yes
BiGmiCkEy415: very interesting
GO TO HELL PUTO: here, ill send you a couple days out of my journal
BiGmiCkEy415: wait
BiGmiCkEy415: i am busy doing something else
BiGmiCkEy415: hey are you german by the way?
GO TO HELL PUTO: you can read them whenever
GO TO HELL PUTO: last name is gruber
BiGmiCkEy415: yes
BiGmiCkEy415: i know
BiGmiCkEy415: it's a german last name
BiGmiCkEy415: what's the other half?
GO TO HELL PUTO: puertorican/german/panamanian/italian
BiGmiCkEy415: oh i see
BiGmiCkEy415: cool
GO TO HELL PUTO: i was born in puerto rico, moved to san antonio when i was 3
BiGmiCkEy415: i'm italian/puerto rican/spanish
BiGmiCkEy415: and russian


 BluSky1949: and you would like me to read it because you just want to share it?
GO TO HELL PUTO: that's all, just harmless text
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont believe in money
GO TO HELL PUTO: the story truly is of global-importance..
BluSky1949: are you a ghost writer?
GO TO HELL PUTO: what does that mean?
GO TO HELL PUTO: its not that i know how to write..i know how to live..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i just document my life..
BluSky1949: how do you live without money?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont plan anything..i just let things happen..
GO TO HELL PUTO: nothing but the truth
GO TO HELL PUTO: its simple..
GO TO HELL PUTO: we make ourselves rich by making our wants few..
BluSky1949: a ghost writer is someone that writes anonymously
BluSky1949: you are young?
GO TO HELL PUTO: and unfortunately, until i phase money out..i still realize that i must use it..just as little as possible..
GO TO HELL PUTO: and a lot of my needs are met with generosity
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, i dont mind having my name on my writings
GO TO HELL PUTO: but i dont care if someone steals long as the end result is the peace..
GO TO HELL PUTO: ill be happy
BluSky1949: ghostwriter...write a supposedly factual account entirely from imaginatiom
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, i dont rely on my imagination for my stuff..
GO TO HELL PUTO: honesty is the best policy.
GO TO HELL PUTO: on my trip i had my mini cassette recorder with me..i have the whole experience logged
BluSky1949: great
GO TO HELL PUTO: what im sending out is just the summary i tell from memory
BluSky1949: i'm 53
BluSky1949: i sing to the wind
GO TO HELL PUTO: easiest book in the world to write..i just had to let shit happen
BluSky1949: i give my songs to the air
GO TO HELL PUTO: it will serve as proof, in black and white..that its human-nature to be generous and that we dont need money to live
BluSky1949: shit hapens, forrest gumpy
BluSky1949: happens
GO TO HELL PUTO: because it's my job to make humans elite..
BluSky1949: dont fall in love with me..i've had a hard days night
GO TO HELL PUTO: this species ain't your fucking industry
BluSky1949: oooohhh you said fucking
GO TO HELL PUTO: sticks and stones right
BluSky1949: puto go tohell
BluSky1949: lol
BluSky1949: burn yer fanny
BluSky1949: awwww puto
BluSky1949: forgive this tired old crone
GO TO HELL PUTO: forgiven
BluSky1949: do you like lyrics?
BluSky1949: music?
GO TO HELL PUTO: ahh, never been too creative of a person..
BluSky1949: Leo's Lyrics Database - Featuring the greatest search engine ever!
BluSky1949: just click the link
GO TO HELL PUTO: im kinda busy saving the world right now..
GO TO HELL PUTO: ill be sure to save it though
BluSky1949: ok puto...fight the good fight i was a fighter too

BluSky1949: well, young warrior i'm reading and i'll e mail you ok?
GO TO HELL PUTO: thank you :]
BluSky1949: iliketo write too...would you like a painting? a postcard i made?
GO TO HELL PUTO: that would be nice
BluSky1949: okeedokee
BluSky1949: ok puto...sent
GO TO HELL PUTO: thats really cool
BluSky1949: did you get it already?

BluSky1949: good

 CadetDu5018: Why do you need me to read it?
GO TO HELL PUTO: im trying to spread some truth, its harmless text
GO TO HELL PUTO: no downloads
GO TO HELL PUTO: you can either read it now, or delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
GO TO HELL PUTO: your choice
CadetDu5018: What's the story about (in a nutshell)?
GO TO HELL PUTO: gimme a minute and ill show you
GO TO HELL PUTO: patience is virtue..
CadetDu5018: So how did I become the lucky audience?
CadetDu5018: That's a long minute.
GO TO HELL PUTO: i searched the member directory for 'peace'
CadetDu5018: Yeah, I'm probably not the wrong person to talk to about that. I'm Pro War.
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
CadetDu5018: How long did you walk everyday?
CadetDu5018: On average.
CadetDu5018: So you're telling me in your story you didn't really walk at all.
GO TO HELL PUTO: i walked more than lazy drivers..
GO TO HELL PUTO: and i rarely even had to ask for a ride..
CadetDu5018: There's a difference between that and 2000 miles.
GO TO HELL PUTO: generosity picked me up..
CadetDu5018: No offense but I thought some of the stuff you wrote I strongly disagree with. I'm very anti-Berkley and you had just reinforce my bias towards that school.
GO TO HELL PUTO: great, they dont want your kind there anyway
GO TO HELL PUTO: keep playing your role
CadetDu5018: Hahaha...I was at least respectful in repsonding to you. You have just reinforced another negative bias of mine. Liberals are asses.
GO TO HELL PUTO: only to tight-assed conservatives..
CadetDu5018: I'm not, that's your assumption.
GO TO HELL PUTO: well prove me wrong..
GO TO HELL PUTO: go ahead, work, waste your life away
CadetDu5018: Hey, I believe the great thing about America is that you can believe whatever you want, so I'm not going to say that you're wrong or right, it's just your opinion.
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont have to, neither does anyone else
GO TO HELL PUTO: but you imply your thoughts..
GO TO HELL PUTO: with your comments
CadetDu5018: How you live your life is up to you. Some ppl's work is their life.
GO TO HELL PUTO: if not yell them loud and clear when you say youre pro war
GO TO HELL PUTO: killing only leads to more killing, plain and simple..
CadetDu5018: I'm pro war, but I don't need to protest that. Killing is not as same as murder, get that stright.
GO TO HELL PUTO: forgiveness is divine...nobody needs to die..
GO TO HELL PUTO: you get that straight
CadetDu5018: So if I attacked you and beat the crap out of you, you wouldn't use a gun in self defense?
GO TO HELL PUTO: if i did, it would be a shot to the leg or something..
GO TO HELL PUTO: but i would try my hardest not to shoot at all
CadetDu5018: A shot in the leg could cause me to bleed to death.
GO TO HELL PUTO: the chances of you dying are much less than a shot to the heart..
CadetDu5018: True, but the possibility exist. You may have to kill me in self defense. You're saying ALL killing is wrong. Is it?
GO TO HELL PUTO: there's a better way to do it, find it
CadetDu5018: So if a criminal broke into your house, threatening your life, what would you do?
GO TO HELL PUTO: id say he can have anything he wants..
GO TO HELL PUTO: possesionss never meant anything to me..
CadetDu5018: And if he wants your wife?
CadetDu5018: Your children?
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, i'm never getting married or having that question doesnt apply to me..
GO TO HELL PUTO: but lets say he wanted my girlfriend(if i had one)..sure i would try and protect her..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i would try my hardest to immobilize him without killing him
CadetDu5018: Say killing is wrong. Hitler invaded other countries. The only way to stop him was to wage war and kill his soldiers. But killing is wrong. What do you think the results would have been if we didn't overthrow Hitler?
CadetDu5018: Victor, how old are you?
GO TO HELL PUTO: these countries we are fighting with are only jealous of america..
GO TO HELL PUTO: because theyre not as modern as us...
GO TO HELL PUTO: because america is the land where people got together..
GO TO HELL PUTO: now, dont you think if we turned the other cheek and forgave them and helped modernize them like us..
CadetDu5018: You're avoiding the arguement.
GO TO HELL PUTO: that they would feel indebted to us and stop making nukes?
CadetDu5018: No.
GO TO HELL PUTO: of course you wouldnt, youre a damn conservative..
CadetDu5018: I have common sense. Listen to yourself.
CadetDu5018: We were the first and only nation ever to use nukes, what makes you think the rest of the world will suddenly stop making weapons that may deter us?
GO TO HELL PUTO: we cant blame an entire nation for how their leaders think..its not like they all support them..
GO TO HELL PUTO: and we are a nation of diversity..we are the whole world basically
GO TO HELL PUTO: one big melting pot
CadetDu5018: And you refer me as a "damn conservative." What is wrong w/ being conserative? America needs a balance. I could easily label you as a crazy liberal.
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, this conversation will go nowhere..and ive got a world to rescue from ignorance like yours..
GO TO HELL PUTO: you wont have to do a thing, just watch it happen
GO TO HELL PUTO: and if you think im crazy, know that its only because i want you to..
CadetDu5018: What, are you going to turn into a terrorist?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i also want you to doubt me..
GO TO HELL PUTO: itll make my victory that much sweeter
GO TO HELL PUTO: when i win
CadetDu5018: And what is it when you win?
CadetDu5018: Legalize pot?
GO TO HELL PUTO: world peace
GO TO HELL PUTO: that will have something to do with it..
CadetDu5018: What not be a human shield in Iraq? That may help push for peace.
CadetDu5018: In fact I hear hospticals there calling your name.
GO TO HELL PUTO: just be content in your ignorance until it happens..
CadetDu5018: I hope there will be peace, but how are you going to achieve it?
GO TO HELL PUTO: read my story, it answers everything
CadetDu5018: Should I just follow you to my death? Read some theories on why anarchy doesn't work!
GO TO HELL PUTO: im not an anarchist..
GO TO HELL PUTO: im not a communist
GO TO HELL PUTO: im not a socialist..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i am victor
GO TO HELL PUTO: dont label me
CadetDu5018: Oh my bad, that explains everything.
GO TO HELL PUTO: what i preach is not communism
GO TO HELL PUTO: what i preach if freedom
CadetDu5018: We have freedom, it may not be total freedom but total freedom would mean I could push your lights out and not have to face any consequences. How would you like that?
GO TO HELL PUTO: you know what my model is for this freedom i envision?
CadetDu5018: Al Quada?
GO TO HELL PUTO: the pirated software scene on the internet, where everything is free already and has been since the birth of the internet..
GO TO HELL PUTO: you can download new movies still in theaters and watch them at home
GO TO HELL PUTO: for free
GO TO HELL PUTO: i had windows xp months before it was even released
GO TO HELL PUTO: for free
CadetDu5018: Ok...and if things were free why would anyone bother to make more of it?
GO TO HELL PUTO: its an accepted companies will spend way much more money tracing and litigating offenders than theyre already making off the people paying for it legitimately
GO TO HELL PUTO: its not cost-effective to them, so they just ignore it
GO TO HELL PUTO: so, what im gonna do is just tell everyone
GO TO HELL PUTO: massmail detailed instructions on how to get free shit online
CadetDu5018: That's fine. Just watch that line between freedom of speech and breaking the law.
CadetDu5018: Victor, how old are you?
GO TO HELL PUTO: you cant stop bytes, plain and simple
CadetDu5018: The 70s is over and it failed. Why start it again?
GO TO HELL PUTO: because nothing has changed..we are all still human beings
GO TO HELL PUTO: but we are abusing everything now
GO TO HELL PUTO: all in the name of money..
CadetDu5018: Some of the richest people in the nation are liberals, why don't you ask them why they don't abandon money?
GO TO HELL PUTO: wouldnt you work for free if all your needs were already taken care of?
GO TO HELL PUTO: so you wouldnt be bored at home all day
GO TO HELL PUTO: provided you had a job you enjoyed
GO TO HELL PUTO: more people than not tell me yes when i ask them that question
GO TO HELL PUTO: now, its the young generation, 25 and younger..that dont think im crazy and think im on to something..
CadetDu5018: But would they actually? Most people don't have good work ethics. What makes you think they will if they have everything?
GO TO HELL PUTO: weve learned from our parents mistakes..
GO TO HELL PUTO: and are tired of our parents killing our world..
GO TO HELL PUTO: now, theres more of us than there are of them..
GO TO HELL PUTO: its just simple evolution..
CadetDu5018: Do you truly believe all the stuff you're saying?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i didnt say everything, just their needs
GO TO HELL PUTO: work for your wants and be independant..
GO TO HELL PUTO: dont rely on anyone else but yourself..
CadetDu5018: That's what most people do already.
GO TO HELL PUTO: theres a shortcut to everything..
GO TO HELL PUTO: if that were only true, there wouldnt be a gaping hole in the ozone layer
GO TO HELL PUTO: and poverty
GO TO HELL PUTO: and war
CadetDu5018: What does that have to do w/ anything?
GO TO HELL PUTO: people are dependant on cars..
GO TO HELL PUTO: which are dependant on aol
GO TO HELL PUTO: oil i mean
GO TO HELL PUTO: which is dependant on money..
GO TO HELL PUTO: which is the root of all evil, just like they say
GO TO HELL PUTO: maintream society isnt independant at all
CadetDu5018: Money has been around since the dawn of civilization, it serves as its role.
GO TO HELL PUTO: theyre slaves to money
GO TO HELL PUTO: its unecessary
GO TO HELL PUTO: and i prove it every day
GO TO HELL PUTO: since i walk so much, whenever i get hungry ill go into any restaurant in town and ask to speak to the manager...
CadetDu5018: And when do you think we'll have this world peace of yours?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i tell them, "hi, my name is victor and im a long-distance walker. i was just wondering if you care to donate any gasoline for my stomach. if its a big problem and you cant afford it, dont worry about it. im sure the next place i walk by will be generous and help me out"
GO TO HELL PUTO: like 99% hook me up
GO TO HELL PUTO: which just goes to prove that it is human-nature to be generous..
CadetDu5018: When there is enough resources.
GO TO HELL PUTO: and that there is an acceptable loss every company figures into their finances that makes it ok not to always charge for it..
GO TO HELL PUTO: money is just a game
GO TO HELL PUTO: we are a society of abundance..
CadetDu5018: Why don't you goto the middle east and talk some sense into the Arabs?
GO TO HELL PUTO: so much is wasted
GO TO HELL PUTO: my travels just might take me there someday
GO TO HELL PUTO: but hey, im going to go indulge in my addiction and smoke a cigarette
GO TO HELL PUTO: and take a hit or two
CadetDu5018: Roger that, have a good life.
GO TO HELL PUTO: ill be back if youd like to continue this sharing of opinions..

GO TO HELL PUTO: drive carefully

Subj: Re: victor's true story, part 2
Date: 3/17/2003 6:01:24 PM Central Standard Time
From: cechel704

hey real good screwy story but good.reply if you want.

GO TO HELL PUTO: want some other stories of mine?
GO TO HELL PUTO: all true
cechel704: YES
GO TO HELL PUTO: cool, give me a minute
cechel704: FIRST ON NET


 Crazzymex05: why did you send it to me i didn
Crazzymex05: t
Crazzymex05: say u can
GO TO HELL PUTO: fine, just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
Crazzymex05: what is so bad about that?
GO TO HELL PUTO: bad about what?
Crazzymex05: about the story
GO TO HELL PUTO: its all good
Crazzymex05: how?
GO TO HELL PUTO: read it and find out
Crazzymex05: no
GO TO HELL PUTO: ignorance is bliss, i suppose
GO TO HELL PUTO: youll hear about me sooner or later
Crazzymex05: i will never hear from you cuz i really don't care about anything you have to say
GO TO HELL PUTO: just wait and see
Crazzymex05: just wait and see what?
GO TO HELL PUTO: im not gonna tell you
Crazzymex05: how is ur story so important?
GO TO HELL PUTO: all your little questions will be answered..
Crazzymex05: how do i know its not a virus in the email
GO TO HELL PUTO: its just harmless text, no downloads..
Crazzymex05: ight
GO TO HELL PUTO: but right now im busy saving the world, so im gonna turn my ims off..

Crazzymex05: bye

 Daytona Bch Girl: deleted it, bye
GO TO HELL PUTO: your loss hooch
Daytona Bch Girl: I'll live
GO TO HELL PUTO: not as long though..
Daytona Bch Girl: go bug someone else LOSER
GO TO HELL PUTO: you idiot, want me to teach your ignorant ass how to turn off your ims?
GO TO HELL PUTO: dont you know complaining wont do shit?
GO TO HELL PUTO: you have to actually do something about it..
GO TO HELL PUTO: talk is cheap
Daytona Bch Girl: putting you on ignore, bye, bye LOSER

GO TO HELL PUTO: its about damn time

 DestinyRayne8321: so
GO TO HELL PUTO: hello :]
DestinyRayne8321: you gave a whole speech about how we have two legs and they are not meant for pushing the gas and brake pedals...and then you got a ride to every single place that you went. your whole point was that you WALKED everywhere, but you didnt walk anywhere
GO TO HELL PUTO: i walked sooo much on my trip...
GO TO HELL PUTO: further that most would be willing to..
GO TO HELL PUTO: the only reasons i accepted rides, was because i didnt pay for them..
DestinyRayne8321: you paid for your first bus trip lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: it was in the best interest of ALL humanity, that my journey was expedited.
GO TO HELL PUTO: yes, but not with money i worked for..
GO TO HELL PUTO: like i say in my mail, that unfortunately, until i phase money out..i still realize i must use it, just as little as possible. i live in the same system you do(as fucked up as it is)
GO TO HELL PUTO: when i get my hands on money, i save it like crazy
DestinyRayne8321: yeah
GO TO HELL PUTO: im all about the compensatory-stragies..
GO TO HELL PUTO: im always looking for the shortcuts..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i just make up for stuff
DestinyRayne8321: i see
DestinyRayne8321: what do you have against money and working hard?
DestinyRayne8321: it seems to me that youw ork hard for what you want. so whats wrong with people working at a job for nice homes and stuff? its really no different
GO TO HELL PUTO: im working harder than anyone i know..
GO TO HELL PUTO: and im not doing it for money =
GO TO HELL PUTO: yes, but why do people want what they dont need?
DestinyRayne8321: why do you decide that they dont need it though?
GO TO HELL PUTO: because i live in the same world that they're ignorance is killing
GO TO HELL PUTO: that makes it my business
DestinyRayne8321: i just dont think that thats what ruining things. but i guess thats my opinion
DestinyRayne8321: but...i think drugs are part of whats ruining people, and you talked about smoking weed through your entire story.
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont do drugs..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i just smoke weed
DestinyRayne8321: thats considered a drug
GO TO HELL PUTO: why do you think marijuana is a drug? because what the law says? you should really start thinking for yourself..
DestinyRayne8321: no i do think for myself and its not because of the law
GO TO HELL PUTO: is it just a coincidence that two naturally-occuring things in this world, humand and marijuana, have a certain reaction when you put them together?
DestinyRayne8321: its because it slows you down and causes health problems, and it makes you unclear
GO TO HELL PUTO: is it just a coincidence we have THC receptors in our brains?
DestinyRayne8321: yes but humans and cocaine have a certain reaction when you put them together too. so do humans and bears.
GO TO HELL PUTO: its here for us to use, in moderation and responsibly like anything else..
DestinyRayne8321: moderation cant mean daily
GO TO HELL PUTO: dont you think if all the world leaders got together and smoked a big fat joint, that all our problems would dissapear?
GO TO HELL PUTO: hey, they didnt call them peace pipes for nothing...
DestinyRayne8321: if people drink daily, they are considered drunks. so what does that mean for people who smoke weed every day?
DestinyRayne8321: no i dont think that at all
GO TO HELL PUTO: who are you to judge what moderation is?
DestinyRayne8321: are you any better judge of what moderation is?
GO TO HELL PUTO: weed and alcohol are two different things..
DestinyRayne8321: no they arent
GO TO HELL PUTO: you cant even begin to compare the two
DestinyRayne8321: they both distort your thinking
GO TO HELL PUTO: alcohol is man-made
GO TO HELL PUTO: weed grows out of the ground
DestinyRayne8321: its made of natural things
DestinyRayne8321: so does tobacco
GO TO HELL PUTO: yes, but there is huma-intervention involved in its processing
GO TO HELL PUTO: you cant go out in a field and pick some barley and get drunk
GO TO HELL PUTO: have you ever smoked weed?
DestinyRayne8321: of cigarettes? its not any more healthy if you just smoke a tobacco plant
DestinyRayne8321: yes i have
GO TO HELL PUTO: i compensate for my bad habits..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i walk and drink water
GO TO HELL PUTO: if you take care of the body, it takes care of itself..
DestinyRayne8321: so do i...theres still a good chance that ill die from smoking
GO TO HELL PUTO: what's life without a little risk?
DestinyRayne8321: its still not good for people though.
GO TO HELL PUTO: let them decide for themselves..
DestinyRayne8321: thats my whole point
GO TO HELL PUTO: and how can one thing be considered bad for everybody?
GO TO HELL PUTO: when everyone is different
DestinyRayne8321: who is lung cancer good for?
DestinyRayne8321: or dead brain cells?
GO TO HELL PUTO: you cant generalize
DestinyRayne8321: or cirrhosis?
DestinyRayne8321: im not
DestinyRayne8321: its reality
GO TO HELL PUTO: it's good for ignorant people who dont stay active and healthy
DestinyRayne8321: what does ignorance have to do with scientific facts?
GO TO HELL PUTO: every person out there has their own individual reality..
DestinyRayne8321: you can be smart or stupid, cancer doesnt care
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, im guessing i will live over 100 easy..
DestinyRayne8321: wont we all? lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: i havent been sick one time since my car broke down 4 years ago..
GO TO HELL PUTO: not once..
DestinyRayne8321: thats good. and tomorrow when you go for a walk, you couldg et hit by a bus
GO TO HELL PUTO: chances are i wont, i know what side of the street to walk on..
GO TO HELL PUTO: im not saying its impossible..
GO TO HELL PUTO: just that the odds are in my favor..
DestinyRayne8321: good cuz its not
DestinyRayne8321: why in your favor and not the guy who got hit by a bus yesterday?
GO TO HELL PUTO: because that guy was probably walking with his back to traffic
DestinyRayne8321: LOL so much assuming
GO TO HELL PUTO: and i wont be..
DestinyRayne8321: what if the bus driver is drunk?
GO TO HELL PUTO: because ive had to learn the hard way which side of the road to walk on..
DestinyRayne8321: ive ridden with a few of those before
GO TO HELL PUTO: so many "what if's"
DestinyRayne8321: yeah but thats life
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, we can all design our own realities..
GO TO HELL PUTO: why dont we?
DestinyRayne8321: not completely though
GO TO HELL PUTO: the majority is just lazy and chooses to conform
GO TO HELL PUTO: most dont even try at all
GO TO HELL PUTO: they just go with the flow
DestinyRayne8321: i can design my own reality that im god if i want to, but if i walk the streets saying that, one day im gonna get put in the mental hospital.
DestinyRayne8321: and i can make my reality a world without AIDS, but if i have unprotected sex with everyone, one day im gonna be in trouble.
GO TO HELL PUTO: we are all products of our decisions..
GO TO HELL PUTO: just choose them wisely and you wont end up anywhere you dont want to
DestinyRayne8321: no we arent

GO TO HELL PUTO: sure we are

 DO YOU NEED JOE: thanks, I'm going to read it
GO TO HELL PUTO: thanks a bunch
GO TO HELL PUTO: for not being ignorant
GO TO HELL PUTO: like a lot of other people
DO YOU NEED JOE: yeah, most people on the net are grouchy I like to read stuff anyway, so this is good timing
GO TO HELL PUTO: perfect

GO TO HELL PUTO: weird, wacky stuff

 dorothyb1875: why?
dorothyb1875: you sound crazy lol
dorothyb1875: you gave away all your stuff ? and walked to ca?
GO TO HELL PUTO: dont you have to be at least a little crazy these days to make a difference?
dorothyb1875: yeah dont get in peoples cars when they offer you a ride
GO TO HELL PUTO: whats life without a little risk?
dorothyb1875: know how many stories ive heard from people in lynn even MEN saying they got a ride from some guy who tried stuff on them?
dorothyb1875: then again... im from Lynn so
dorothyb1875: I guess you have a point
dorothyb1875: whats a courtesy ride?
dorothyb1875: imagine if they had those here?
GO TO HELL PUTO: a free ride on the bus
dorothyb1875: yeah but do they give them to anyone or just you?
dorothyb1875: hey did you really do all this stuff?
GO TO HELL PUTO: yes, nothing but the truth
GO TO HELL PUTO: in san francisco, i saw people loading into the bus when the back doors opened...and nobody gave a shit
dorothyb1875: what do you mean for free?
GO TO HELL PUTO: meaning nobody had to pay bus fare..
dorothyb1875: really?
dorothyb1875: awesome
dorothyb1875: I always want to go somewhere by myself on the bus. but I never have the money
GO TO HELL PUTO: doesnt hurt to ask..
dorothyb1875: yeah but you can only ask for so much
dorothyb1875: its like ok 5 bucks only 35 more to go
GO TO HELL PUTO: if one driver doesnt let you on for free, just get off and ask the next driver..
GO TO HELL PUTO: its all a numbers game..
dorothyb1875: which person here looks like a sap?
GO TO HELL PUTO: its human-nature to be generous..and you can almost count on it
GO TO HELL PUTO: hehe, here in san antonio, since i walk so much..whenever i get hungry ill walk into any restaurant and ask to speak to the manager..
dorothyb1875: every time I ask people for something they say what are you gonna give me?
dorothyb1875: being peverted lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: i tell em, "hi, my name is victor and i'm a long-distance walker. i dont suppose you would care to donate any gasoline for my stomach so i can keep walking? if it's a big problem and you can't afford it, don't worry about it. i'm sure the next place i walk by will be generous and help me out."
dorothyb1875: long distance walker?lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: like 99% of places hook me up
dorothyb1875: thats a good line
dorothyb1875: the word generous is tthe best part
GO TO HELL PUTO: it's true..honesty really is the best policy..
dorothyb1875: it sounds like if they dont give it to you, then they are being greedy
GO TO HELL PUTO: right, i kinda guilt them into giving me good
GO TO HELL PUTO: exactly
dorothyb1875: know what I did once?
dorothyb1875: I never told anyone this
dorothyb1875: when I got evicted from my apt,
dorothyb1875: I went into Boston
dorothyb1875: into a huge skyscraper
GO TO HELL PUTO: hehe, i got evicted from my apt too, on purpose though..
dorothyb1875: I was all dressed up like I worked there
GO TO HELL PUTO: whoa badass
dorothyb1875: and I hid on the top floor and spent the whole night in a luxury room overlooking Boston and the whole state of ma.
dorothyb1875: It was the best view ever
dorothyb1875: I felt like a nut though
GO TO HELL PUTO: type up that story and send it to me..
dorothyb1875: noone knows I did that
GO TO HELL PUTO: ill put it on my site
dorothyb1875: no way lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: change names if your paranoid
dorothyb1875: I dont want everyone knowing I did that
dorothyb1875: but in a sick way it was fun
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, seeing as how every conversation i have will be on my kinda dont have a choice
GO TO HELL PUTO: unless, of course, you really really want me to exclude ours..
dorothyb1875: dont do that
GO TO HELL PUTO: but hey, like i said..honesty is the best policy
dorothyb1875: yeah but dont be evil about it
GO TO HELL PUTO: i wouldnt be..
GO TO HELL PUTO: dont be ashamed of the truth..
dorothyb1875: Im not
GO TO HELL PUTO: then why do you care if everyone knows you did that?
dorothyb1875: its my business
GO TO HELL PUTO: are you ashamed of your business?

dorothyb1875: WHy do you think its fun to ride around with no money?
dorothyb1875: I have to ask you this
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont think, i prove it with my journey..
dorothyb1875: lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: i had the time of my life..
GO TO HELL PUTO: didnt cost me a penny
dorothyb1875: what made you decide to do all this?
GO TO HELL PUTO: go ahead, work, waste your life away
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, lots of things..
dorothyb1875: one night outside is enough for me...
dorothyb1875: didnt you worry about where you were gonna take showers and sleep?
GO TO HELL PUTO: the more you know the less you need..
GO TO HELL PUTO: we make ourselves rich by making our wants few..
GO TO HELL PUTO: hehe, im a big quoter...if you havent noticed..
dorothyb1875: so if you were sneaking on the bus in san fransisco. where did it take you for free??
GO TO HELL PUTO: i didnt sneak on the bus
GO TO HELL PUTO: i asked the drivers for courtesy rides..and they waved me on
GO TO HELL PUTO: i said that i had seen people sneaking in the back door..
dorothyb1875: oh do you come from a small town?
GO TO HELL PUTO: nope, san antonio, texas
GO TO HELL PUTO: well over 1 million people
dorothyb1875: I cant picture San Francisco people sneaking on the bus being that interesting to put it in my book
GO TO HELL PUTO: what? you dont think that me pointing out that people were getting free rides on the bus, has any relevance on my story about getting rid of money and making everythign free?
dorothyb1875: getting rid of money?
dorothyb1875: you just drove around leeching and conning people
dorothyb1875: no wait walking
dorothyb1875: with a stick!
GO TO HELL PUTO: i didnt con anyone..
GO TO HELL PUTO: when i give people the choice to tell me no, helping me out becomes their decision..
GO TO HELL PUTO: im not twisting anyones arm..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i give people the chance to feel good about themselves..
dorothyb1875: well then what do you want to call it, hustle, leech ,beg?
GO TO HELL PUTO: and it just proves, for a fact..that we don't need money to live
dorothyb1875: how old are you?
GO TO HELL PUTO: im not a an asker
GO TO HELL PUTO: an acceptor
GO TO HELL PUTO: the only thing i beg for..
GO TO HELL PUTO: is to differ..
dorothyb1875: well then send me some money, youll feel great
GO TO HELL PUTO: i just might be in the position to soon..but you would have to deserve it..
GO TO HELL PUTO: and right now, i dont think you do
dorothyb1875: lol
dorothyb1875: yeah right
GO TO HELL PUTO: "An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come."
- Victor Hugo

dorothyb1875: that is ridiculous
GO TO HELL PUTO: hehe, you'll see
dorothyb1875: so youre making a book about being a bum and doing drugs with hippies?
GO TO HELL PUTO: with today's technology, one person will make a difference..
GO TO HELL PUTO: and i dont do drugs, i just smoke weed
dorothyb1875: I hate those greasy backpack guys at South Station saying they need only FIVE more dollars for thier ticket home
GO TO HELL PUTO: i don't panhandle..
GO TO HELL PUTO: panhandling is for bums who need money
GO TO HELL PUTO: i have made myself as independant from money as possible..
dorothyb1875: oh I forgot you just con for food and bus tickets
GO TO HELL PUTO: i get shit anyway
GO TO HELL PUTO: now, my email campaign has been pretty successful..people are emailing me back telling me that money is on the way..
GO TO HELL PUTO: my po box should just fill up
GO TO HELL PUTO: then, will you listen? since money talks so much
dorothyb1875: you just said you dont need money
GO TO HELL PUTO: and since ill have money i didnt work for...i plan to be very generous with it..
GO TO HELL PUTO: but like i said..
GO TO HELL PUTO: only to those who i feel deserve it..
GO TO HELL PUTO: not people like you, who doubt the power im going to harness soon..
GO TO HELL PUTO: im going to bring the truth out of hiding
dorothyb1875: power you are going to harness?lol
dorothyb1875: rofl
GO TO HELL PUTO: thats right, the internet...its a global-medium and IT'S NOT PART OF THE SYSTEM
GO TO HELL PUTO: you can't stop bytes, plain and simple
GO TO HELL PUTO: you know what my model is for this freedom i envision?
GO TO HELL PUTO: the pirated software scene on the internet..
GO TO HELL PUTO: where everything is free already and has been since the birth of the internet..
GO TO HELL PUTO: you can download new movies still in theaters and watch them at home, the day they come out sometimes
GO TO HELL PUTO: for free
GO TO HELL PUTO: hell, i had windows xp months before it was even released...
GO TO HELL PUTO: for free
dorothyb1875: GO TO HELL PUTO: now, my email campaign has been pretty successful..people are emailing me back telling me that money is on the way..
GO TO HELL PUTO: now, its an accepted underworld. software companies will spend a lot more money tracing and litigating each offender than theyre already making from everyone paying for it legitimately..
GO TO HELL PUTO: its not cost-effective to them, so they just ignore it..
GO TO HELL PUTO: so, what im gonna do is just tell everyone
GO TO HELL PUTO: yes and when my box fills up with cash, that will only serve as the epitome proving my theory on generosity..
dorothyb1875: you seem obsessed with the word "Free"
GO TO HELL PUTO: and ill be sure to document that experience and tell everybody about it..
dorothyb1875: its like what can I leech today off people
GO TO HELL PUTO: hehe, everyone will feel my contribution..
GO TO HELL PUTO: including you
dorothyb1875: of?
GO TO HELL PUTO: world peace
dorothyb1875: yeah ok
GO TO HELL PUTO: i want you to do me a couple of favors..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i want you to think im crazy, if you dont already.
dorothyb1875: yeah ok grow a long beard ,get your walking stick,organize a cult, dont shower, live ina fucking tee pee
GO TO HELL PUTO: i want you to doubt me too..
GO TO HELL PUTO: itll make my victory so much sweeter..
GO TO HELL PUTO: my name isnt victor for nothing..
dorothyb1875: I think you have a major personality disorder
GO TO HELL PUTO: ever notice how the words "sane" and "same" are so similar?
GO TO HELL PUTO: why does everyone want to be the same when we are all different?
dorothyb1875: why dont you just leave everyone alone and stop trying to get little tid bits from everyone around you?
GO TO HELL PUTO: why dont you mind your own business and not worry about me?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i can go my own way..
dorothyb1875: did your mommy and daddy ignore you too much growing up?? too bad, get over it grow up
GO TO HELL PUTO: now, its only human to resent that which you cannot become..
GO TO HELL PUTO: come, get happy
GO TO HELL PUTO: im not special..anyone can do what i do
dorothyb1875: lol go do some acid in your tee pee
GO TO HELL PUTO: like i said, i dont do drugs..
GO TO HELL PUTO: you simple follower..
GO TO HELL PUTO: wouldnt you like to think for yourself, for a change?
dorothyb1875: that whole thing was about drugs
GO TO HELL PUTO: no it wasnt
dorothyb1875: I bet you call people man and dude
GO TO HELL PUTO: sometimes..why?
dorothyb1875: it isnt freeing to wear deodorant and bathe
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, i do bathe when i need to..
dorothyb1875: maybe you can make free soap from tree bark
GO TO HELL PUTO: sometimes i skip a day or two, but only because i dont need to
GO TO HELL PUTO: nobody does..
dorothyb1875: I love bothering you
GO TO HELL PUTO: and what did people do before deoderant existed?
GO TO HELL PUTO: oh dont flatter yourself....
dorothyb1875: the smelled
dorothyb1875: I guess
GO TO HELL PUTO: if i didnt want to continue this conversation, i would turn off this IM
GO TO HELL PUTO: but, this conversation will serve as evidence to how ignorant the world is..
GO TO HELL PUTO: so keep on incriminating yourself..
GO TO HELL PUTO: the whole world will read this IM
dorothyb1875: who gives a shit?
GO TO HELL PUTO: no me, thats for sure..youve made it so easy
dorothyb1875: Youre a geek trying to pretend your this cool hippie
dorothyb1875: more people look at my website than yours
GO TO HELL PUTO: hehe, and youre just jealous because im right and youre wrong..
GO TO HELL PUTO: things change
dorothyb1875: wow amazing
dorothyb1875: I am so jealous of your walking stick
GO TO HELL PUTO: you might be persuaded to get one soon..
dorothyb1875: lol
dorothyb1875: no way I wouldnt carry a fucking stick
GO TO HELL PUTO: youre just a trendy aoler...
dorothyb1875: lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont expect you to understand
dorothyb1875: youre just trying to hard not to be one
GO TO HELL PUTO: its too much for your simple mind to handle..
dorothyb1875: which makes you see through
dorothyb1875: good one.
dorothyb1875: im so offended
GO TO HELL PUTO: hehe, i bet you pay for that account..
dorothyb1875: yeah im not a leech
GO TO HELL PUTO: its only wrong if you get caught..
GO TO HELL PUTO: see, aol has this knack for making shit realllly easy..
GO TO HELL PUTO: which attracts a lot of stupid motherfuckers..
GO TO HELL PUTO: aol IS NOT the internet..
dorothyb1875: true
dorothyb1875: but, I still think walking around the country with a stick conning people is just what it is
GO TO HELL PUTO: how am i conning anyone? im being completely honest
dorothyb1875: walking around witha stick is not THAT GREAT
GO TO HELL PUTO: dont knock it till you try it sister
GO TO HELL PUTO: youre just mad because you have to work for your nice things..and people just give me stuff out of the kindness of their hearts
GO TO HELL PUTO: like i said..go ahead, work, waste your life away..i'm not gonna
dorothyb1875: actually youre alot like me, but for some reason youre worse
GO TO HELL PUTO: if im gonna work hard, its either gonna be for myself..
dorothyb1875: theres something about you that annoys me
GO TO HELL PUTO: im not going to support one person, or a corporation..
GO TO HELL PUTO: fuck that
GO TO HELL PUTO: its simple envy...whether you want to admit it or not..
GO TO HELL PUTO: but hey, to the victor go the spoils right
GO TO HELL PUTO: if you know how to do it, more power to ya..
dorothyb1875: ENVY
dorothyb1875: lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: yeah, but youll never admit it
dorothyb1875: what do I envy?
GO TO HELL PUTO: youre too proud of your lazy ways to think any different
dorothyb1875: about you?
GO TO HELL PUTO: the fact that people just give me stuff
GO TO HELL PUTO: that i dont have to worry about a damn thing
GO TO HELL PUTO: that i got it ALL figured out..
dorothyb1875: how old are you?
GO TO HELL PUTO: just turned 25 on groundhogs day
dorothyb1875: lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: i was living with the hippies in oregon on my birthday
GO TO HELL PUTO: it was great
dorothyb1875: when did you leave Texas?
dorothyb1875: lol
dorothyb1875: rofl
GO TO HELL PUTO: the day after christmas..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i spent two months traveling
GO TO HELL PUTO: and learning
dorothyb1875: who were you living with before that?
GO TO HELL PUTO: san antonio
dorothyb1875: do you have family?
dorothyb1875: that you like?
GO TO HELL PUTO: yeah, but they all think im crazy too
GO TO HELL PUTO: but i forgive them, they dont know better
dorothyb1875: lol
dorothyb1875: oh ok
GO TO HELL PUTO: speaking of which, im gonna go take a chower..
GO TO HELL PUTO: have a great day dott
GO TO HELL PUTO: drive carefully
dorothyb1875: I dont have a car im trying to be like you
dorothyb1875: :-P
GO TO HELL PUTO: right on sister
GO TO HELL PUTO: cars are death-machines, plain and simple..
dorothyb1875: lol thats not why I dont have a car I dont have a car cuz the everett cops took it away
GO TO HELL PUTO: haha sucker
GO TO HELL PUTO: why are you in such a hurry?
GO TO HELL PUTO: patience is virtue..
dorothyb1875: no they are sexually harassing me
GO TO HELL PUTO: good things come to those who wait..
dorothyb1875: I hate them
GO TO HELL PUTO: see, now if you didnt have a car...none of this would be happening
GO TO HELL PUTO: fuck the police anyway
dorothyb1875: well it was my first car it was a convertible
dorothyb1875: it was nice too
GO TO HELL PUTO: theyre all killers
dorothyb1875: I know
dorothyb1875: literally they are
dorothyb1875: they are like anal nosy retards
dorothyb1875: they have horrible tempers
dorothyb1875: and no common sense
GO TO HELL PUTO: do you like punk rock?
dorothyb1875: no I dont hate it
dorothyb1875: but I dont love it
GO TO HELL PUTO: can i send you a song?
dorothyb1875: lol ok I dont have to send you a money order for it do I?
GO TO HELL PUTO: its a really good one, about cops
dorothyb1875: look up my page, copkilleroink
GO TO HELL PUTO: hell, i got it for not gonna charge anyone
dorothyb1875: I dont go on that screename much only when they harass me and im mad about it lol
dorothyb1875: well thank you for that
GO TO HELL PUTO: for what?
dorothyb1875: where is the song?
GO TO HELL PUTO: oh yeahh

GO TO HELL PUTO: i am my own god..
GO TO HELL PUTO: no one elses..
GO TO HELL PUTO: ok, so i guess i shouldnt go through the trouble of uploading this song..
dorothyb1875: ok ive had enough Im walking to the store yes WALKING
GO TO HELL PUTO: and what brought on that outburst?
dorothyb1875: I know youll be proud for me and the ozone..
GO TO HELL PUTO: you know it
dorothyb1875: but I wont be bringing a stick or sneaking on the bus
dorothyb1875: bye
GO TO HELL PUTO: hehe, i love you too sister

GO TO HELL PUTO: walk carefully

 Ez8 4023: uh no
GO TO HELL PUTO: fine then just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
Ez8 4023: you got it bro
Ez8 4023: so about the year 2054 we will all know about it
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
Ez8 4023: i said i did not want you crap story
GO TO HELL PUTO: like i said, delete it wait to hear about it..

GO TO HELL PUTO: do you ask for all that porn mail you delete every day?

Flirts2xs: yea id read it
GO TO HELL PUTO: cool, give me a minute
Flirts2xs: ok
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
Flirts2xs: ok how old r u and did u wriute that or is it like a true life thing
GO TO HELL PUTO: im 25..and i lived it, i swear
Flirts2xs: alright
GO TO HELL PUTO: nothing but the truth..
Flirts2xs: alrighty
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..

Auto response from Flirts2xs: Getting the cleaner stuff for my timbs brb dont move lol*kay*

 GMannent: r u spam or sumthin?
GO TO HELL PUTO: just trying to spread some truth
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont want any money
GMannent: if u say so
GO TO HELL PUTO: im trying to eliminate money and bring world peace..
GO TO HELL PUTO: with the doesnt mean shit to me
GMannent: how r we gonna get things witout money?
GO TO HELL PUTO: wouldnt you work for free if all your needs were already taken care of?
GO TO HELL PUTO: so you wouldnt be bored at home all day..
GO TO HELL PUTO: provided you had a job you enjoyed
GMannent: like thats gonna happen
GO TO HELL PUTO: i am going to prove that it's human-nature to be generous and we dont need money to live..
GO TO HELL PUTO: hey, anything is possible.
GO TO HELL PUTO: ya gotta start somewhere..
GO TO HELL PUTO: just watch
GO TO HELL PUTO: ill do all the work
GMannent: but money is not evil
GO TO HELL PUTO: i beg to differ..
GO TO HELL PUTO: if things didnt possess a monetary-value, would people steal?
GO TO HELL PUTO: and even if they did..the stolen items could be replaced easily if everything was free..
GMannent: yeah, they steal life everyday
GO TO HELL PUTO: so why would anyone steal?
GMannent: cuz its the train of thought
GO TO HELL PUTO: i'm only trying to expedite human-evolution..
GMannent: if sumthin was rare, they would steal it to say its theres
GO TO HELL PUTO: before its too late and we end up killing ourselves
GO TO HELL PUTO: read my story if you care to be enlightened..ive got a lot of work to do..
GMannent: ok then, but who r u?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i'm a person, just like you
GO TO HELL PUTO: but ive got better things to do..

GMannent: aiight then

 Grniz8180: good morning
GO TO HELL PUTO: hello :]
Grniz8180: how are you?
Grniz8180: im 22
Grniz8180: :)
GO TO HELL PUTO: where do you live?
Grniz8180: virginia
Grniz8180: u sent me your story the other dady
GO TO HELL PUTO: let me check my logs
GO TO HELL PUTO: nope, didnt save that convo
Grniz8180: we didnt talk that long u were busy

GO TO HELL PUTO: im really sorry, i got busy again

 Its only me1967: u therre
Its only me1967: where u from
GO TO HELL PUTO: san antonio, texas
Its only me1967: kool
GO TO HELL PUTO: i was born in puerto rico, moved to sa when i was 3
Its only me1967: i was born in puerto rico too
Its only me1967: in ponce
GO TO HELL PUTO: cool, born in bayamon, raised in vega baja
Its only me1967: kool
Its only me1967: well gutta go byeeeee
Its only me1967: thanks fo the email
Its only me1967: gunna go read it byeeeee

GO TO HELL PUTO: peace brother

 JayFeliXXX: dude whats your problem?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont have problems, whats yours?
JayFeliXXX: im paranoid....
JayFeliXXX: and no one believes me
GO TO HELL PUTO: maybe i can help
GO TO HELL PUTO: have you read my story?
JayFeliXXX: not completely i have it saved tho
JayFeliXXX: im writing a story as well about the REAL revolution!
JayFeliXXX: care to hear about it?
GO TO HELL PUTO: mail to
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont have time now, i gotta save the world
JayFeliXXX: maybe we could work together?
JayFeliXXX: im trying as well
GO TO HELL PUTO: send me an email dude
JayFeliXXX: why?
JayFeliXXX: your working for them arent you?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i work for no one
GO TO HELL PUTO: but myself..or everybody
JayFeliXXX: ah ha i knew it
GO TO HELL PUTO: just me
JayFeliXXX: im a mercenary
JayFeliXXX: they must be stopped!!
JayFeliXXX: their army is too large now!
GO TO HELL PUTO: just a matter of time dude..check out my story
JayFeliXXX: send me the addy
GO TO HELL PUTO: its in my story


Subj: Re: victor's true story, part 2
Date: 3/17/2003 3:18:10 PM Central Standard Time
From: Jmartin1968

cool story good luck to u victor thanks for sharing, John Martin

Subj: Re: victor's true story..
Date: 3/17/2003 8:54:28 AM Central Standard Time
From: Johnyblalze 2001

if that is a true story not saying it is not but if it is then that is one hell of a story

Subj: Re: victor's true story, part 2
Date: 3/17/2003 10:44:50 PM Central Standard Time
From: Karisakay247


GO TO HELL PUTO: you rang?
Karisakay247: yah
Karisakay247: so asl
GO TO HELL PUTO: 25/m/nw san antonio/6'6"/185lbs/puertorican/german/panamanian/italian
Karisakay247: dang your tall and do u have any mor religion
GO TO HELL PUTO: religion?
Karisakay247: german/italian that kind of stuff
GO TO HELL PUTO: nope, thats all
Karisakay247: o
GO TO HELL PUTO: i was born in puerto rico, moved to sa when i was 3
Karisakay247: ok
Karisakay247: whats your name and do have a pic
Karisakay247: brb victor
Karisakay247: here
Karisakay247: ah sorry but i got to go but can i put u on my buddy list
Karisakay247: thx
Karisakay247: r u gonna b on 2morrow
GO TO HELL PUTO: most likely
Karisakay247: me to or the next but bye
Karisakay247: later sweety

Karisakay247: bye

 LeonFlet: I do not understand your question, or point. could u reword it, plz?
LeonFlet: You may be interested: I'm a writer & an AOL mentor for writers. You can get to my online column of 50+ articles of tips for writers by clicking on Tips on Fiction & Nonfiction Writing. Articles there cover selling your manuscripts, agents, editors, formats, and much more. I have 17 published books & 800+ published articles, so far. If you have questions re writing, publishing, I might answer for you, please do not hesitate to ask me; email is most reliable. Tks!

GO TO HELL PUTO: can i send you my story? all questions will be answered..its just harmless text with nothing to download
LeonFlet: k. sure. tks.
GO TO HELL PUTO: give me a minute
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
LeonFlet: k. what's the significance of ur s/n?
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, since i dont tend to pay for the accounts i use, my favorite past time has become making very offensive sn's
GO TO HELL PUTO: just for the mere shock-value..
GO TO HELL PUTO: ive had some doosies
LeonFlet: why? what values are there in that 4 u ?
GO TO HELL PUTO: comic-relief
LeonFlet: for whom?
LeonFlet: gross = comic????????? ! ! ! !
GO TO HELL PUTO: yeah, im weird..i know
LeonFlet: k. enjoy. bye.


 Lilhuerta69: noy ou stupid reatrd i already read that dumb ass story
GO TO HELL PUTO: i revised it
Lilhuerta69: it still sux
Lilhuerta69: its pretty dumb nobody hands out free weed buddy
GO TO HELL PUTO: what? do you like smoking by yourself?
Lilhuerta69: no but nobody hand out free weed
GO TO HELL PUTO: obviously you haven't been to the west coast..
Lilhuerta69: okay your already sending me your stupid story again
GO TO HELL PUTO: hell, i got some free weed yesterday in travis park
GO TO HELL PUTO: just because no one gives you shit, doesnt mean i dont get what i want
Lilhuerta69: shit i wont smoke weed until i know its some bad ass weed
GO TO HELL PUTO: its only human of you to be jealous of that which you can never be..
Lilhuerta69: shut the hell up
Lilhuerta69: i get whatever i want
GO TO HELL PUTO: its ok..i forgive you
Lilhuerta69: forgive me for what
GO TO HELL PUTO: for being a dumbass
Lilhuerta69: your fucked up
Lilhuerta69: :'(
Lilhuerta69: you can make somebody cry
GO TO HELL PUTO: good, you deserve it
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont give a figgity-fuck
Lilhuerta69: damn your fucking rude as hell
GO TO HELL PUTO: youre the bitch calling me dumb
GO TO HELL PUTO: if you cant take the heat get your ass out of the kitchen
Lilhuerta69: well sorry :'(
GO TO HELL PUTO: im on a mission..
Lilhuerta69: okay that was dumb
GO TO HELL PUTO: i am though
GO TO HELL PUTO: and its ignorant people like you who dont believe in generosity that get in my way the most..
Lilhuerta69: okay whatever loser buh bye
GO TO HELL PUTO: later bitch

Lilhuerta69: lata

 MadDog98584: well do u have a bf?
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, im not gay
MadDog98584: o shit im sorry bro
MadDog98584: wrong
MadDog98584: person
MadDog98584: sorry
MadDog98584: do u have a gf?
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, everyone thinks im crazy
MadDog98584: why?
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
GO TO HELL PUTO: because i make perfect sense..and people cant handle it
MadDog98584: what are u talking about?
GO TO HELL PUTO: check out my story, it will answer any question
MadDog98584: explane ur self
MadDog98584: why are u sending me that ?
GO TO HELL PUTO: all questions are answered in the mail
GO TO HELL PUTO: or just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
MadDog98584: why dont girls like u?
GO TO HELL PUTO: because im different
GO TO HELL PUTO: and i dont care if im different either
GO TO HELL PUTO: im not a freak or anything
MadDog98584: like how retarded handicaped or aloner
GO TO HELL PUTO: i look normal
GO TO HELL PUTO: i just like to walk instead of drive
GO TO HELL PUTO: i only drink water
MadDog98584: ur not deformed
MadDog98584: and eat oatmeal?
GO TO HELL PUTO: oatmeal is good
GO TO HELL PUTO: gotmail, when people learn ive had head injuries..they automatically assume im crazy..
MadDog98584: yea
GO TO HELL PUTO: but i have totally recovered from them, they were excellent learning experiences..
MadDog98584: o man i know how u feel man i tell a girl i have a huge cock and they think its my dick but no i do have a huge cock on my farm
GO TO HELL PUTO: huh huh huh

MadDog98584: ya and if i tell then i have a huge one eyed snake they think its my penis again but i do have a one eyes bone constructor

 Marisol79110: hello
Marisol79110: where from?
Marisol79110: cute s/n
Marisol79110: r u there
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
Marisol79110: oic
Marisol79110: r u in Sanantonio now?
Marisol79110: i'm in Texas also
GO TO HELL PUTO: really?
Marisol79110: I'm in Lubbock
GO TO HELL PUTO: hmm, whats that close to?
Marisol79110: que edad tienes?>
Marisol79110: lol
Marisol79110: Lubbock is a major
GO TO HELL PUTO: naci 25 el 2 de februero(if thats how you spell it)
GO TO HELL PUTO: i know..but west or east?
GO TO HELL PUTO: cumpli no naci
Marisol79110: i'm at the base of the panhandle
GO TO HELL PUTO: oh cool
Marisol79110: so how do you find people to send this too?
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, usually i just pull up the places list and ask all the city rooms..
GO TO HELL PUTO: but tonight i did a member directory search for 'peace'
Marisol79110: what is this story all about?..i mean why?
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, with the internet i plan to eliminate money, make everything free, get everybody out of debt and
GO TO HELL PUTO: bring world peace
GO TO HELL PUTO: get rid of cars in big cities and save the ozone layer
GO TO HELL PUTO: get marijuana legalized and chill everybody out..
GO TO HELL PUTO: ive got it all figured out..
GO TO HELL PUTO: and if you think im crazy, just know its because i want you to..
GO TO HELL PUTO: itll just make my victory that much sweeter
Marisol79110: lol
Marisol79110: wow...even save ghe ozone layer huh?
Marisol79110: lol
Marisol79110: well best wishes
Marisol79110: what is your name?
GO TO HELL PUTO: somebodys gotta do it..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i'm just trying to live up to my name..
Marisol79110: i wnat to now it if i ever see you on 10 most
Marisol79110: j/k
GO TO HELL PUTO: i wont hurt a fly
Marisol79110: mucho gusto Victor
GO TO HELL PUTO: igualmente marisol
Marisol79110: how old did you say you were?
Marisol79110: you IM'd a friend of mine and he was bumped when he opened your mail
Marisol79110: strange
Marisol79110: r u there
Marisol79110: so is this a true story
GO TO HELL PUTO: nothing but the truth
GO TO HELL PUTO: i just turned 25
Marisol79110: wow......i read just a little of the 1st part but it sounds like a nice adventure
Marisol79110: all for a good cause
Marisol79110: i'm 40
GO TO HELL PUTO: like i said, somebodys gotta do it..
Marisol79110: uh-huh
Marisol79110: do you come on line much
GO TO HELL PUTO: only to save the world..
Marisol79110: so am i'm keeong you
Marisol79110: keeping
GO TO HELL PUTO: not really
Marisol79110: oic...
Marisol79110: so do you think it will save whats about to happen in 24 hours?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont think so
GO TO HELL PUTO: but it might stop it once its started
Marisol79110: uh-huh....well i hope it does somthing...your so passionate about it
Marisol79110: well Victor it was my pleasure tohave met you...have aq goodnight..and place me on your buddy lost and keep in contact
Marisol79110: will you?
GO TO HELL PUTO: sure thing
Marisol79110: g, night.....mmuuuaaahhhh bye
Marisol79110: best wishes
Marisol79110: and good,uck
GO TO HELL PUTO: buenos nachos :]
GO TO HELL PUTO: thank you
Marisol79110: <<<<< sending you my rabitts foot...lmao
Marisol79110: nachos?

Marisol79110: ok

 Marsan77: who are you?
GO TO HELL PUTO: my name is victor
Marsan77: how old?
Marsan77: and youre a writer?
GO TO HELL PUTO: im a liver..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i document my life..
GO TO HELL PUTO: nothing but the truth...
GO TO HELL PUTO: honesty is the best policy
Marsan77: ok.. a writer then
Marsan77: its all perception
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..

Marsan77: k

 MCatFly: Not interested, but congrats on scamming the system. You should be proud.
GO TO HELL PUTO: fine then, just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
MCatFly: lol....just like I hear about every other scam every day. Thanks
MCatFly: I make money the legal way
GO TO HELL PUTO: go ahead, work, waste your life away..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i get stuff anyway
GO TO HELL PUTO: and i dont break any laws
MCatFly: lol.....My life is great. I make great money and get what I want. And in 20 years, I wont be crying in my beer
GO TO HELL PUTO: i get what i want without money and i dont drink
GO TO HELL PUTO: we make ourselves rich by making our wants few..
MCatFly: Don't preach at how someone should live their life, cuz if your way was the right way, everyone would do it
GO TO HELL PUTO: soon they will be
GO TO HELL PUTO: and ill have all you doubters feeling real dumb
MCatFly: Well AOL Iming isn't the right way to get your message accross then
GO TO HELL PUTO: if you only knew how fast i could do it..
MCatFly: Why are all those real estate gurus on TV for the past 20 years? If they got so rich "their way" why are they seeling their system?
MCatFly: If Amway is so great, why aren't any Amway exec's in the Forbes 500?
GO TO HELL PUTO: im bringing the revolution with me..
MCatFly: why tell other people? Either its a pyramid, or you need finacial backing.

GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..

 MeowMixx2205: i dont think that i would... i am very busy
GO TO HELL PUTO: read it at your discretion then..
GO TO HELL PUTO: whenever you find the time
MeowMixx2205: ok
GO TO HELL PUTO: no rush
GO TO HELL PUTO: cool, give me a minute
MeowMixx2205: alright then
MeowMixx2205: ok
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
MeowMixx2205: alright
MeowMixx2205: well so far its good
GO TO HELL PUTO: thank you
MeowMixx2205: its funny
MeowMixx2205: "jesus is lord sticker"
MeowMixx2205: was that guy a big red neck?
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, he looked like some skinny stoner
GO TO HELL PUTO: he didnt smoke though
MeowMixx2205: lol, well i suppose thats no good?
GO TO HELL PUTO: it was a lot of good to me..
GO TO HELL PUTO: hell, what wouldve taken me 3 months he cut into a day
MeowMixx2205: lol, thats good!
MeowMixx2205: so you actually did do all of this?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i promise..i had a tape recorder on me the whole time..i got it all logged to the detail
GO TO HELL PUTO: i just have to type it up
MeowMixx2205: awsome
MeowMixx2205: your story is a good one
GO TO HELL PUTO: thank you
MeowMixx2205: you sure did smoke a lot of weed
GO TO HELL PUTO: freeeeee weeeed..
MeowMixx2205: lol
MeowMixx2205: you got really lucky there
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, i dont believe in luck..just some great coincidences..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i was just playing the odds right
MeowMixx2205: yeah you sure were
GO TO HELL PUTO: thing is, anyone can do it..
GO TO HELL PUTO: it's not rocket-science
MeowMixx2205: yeah
MeowMixx2205: i used to live in LA
GO TO HELL PUTO: all i saw of LA was downtown..i crashed at the homeless place for the night
GO TO HELL PUTO: i was in LA long enough to be offered some crack, hehe
MeowMixx2205: yeah, thats good?

MeowMixx2205: LA is where all of the columbian drug lords send their cronies

 PoIsOnMETALhead: lmao
PoIsOnMETALhead: thats fucking funny dude
GO TO HELL PUTO: what is?
PoIsOnMETALhead: the story
GO TO HELL PUTO: you think im crazy?
PoIsOnMETALhead: nope
PoIsOnMETALhead: im on prozac
GO TO HELL PUTO: damn, i want you to though..
PoIsOnMETALhead: im the crazy one
GO TO HELL PUTO: hehe, say no to drugs
PoIsOnMETALhead: oh please thats normal
GO TO HELL PUTO: just smoke weed
PoIsOnMETALhead: drugs are gay
GO TO HELL PUTO: then get off prozac
PoIsOnMETALhead: im psychotic lol
PoIsOnMETALhead: i have to
PoIsOnMETALhead: those are good drugs
PoIsOnMETALhead: not BAD drugs like weed,coke,etc...
GO TO HELL PUTO: weed isnt a drug
PoIsOnMETALhead: i know its an herb
PoIsOnMETALhead: but its used as a drug
GO TO HELL PUTO: dont you think if all the world leaders got together and smoked a big fat joint..
GO TO HELL PUTO: that ALL our problems would just dissapear?
PoIsOnMETALhead: lmao
PoIsOnMETALhead: i am anarchist
GO TO HELL PUTO: hey, they didnt call them peace-pipes for nothing
GO TO HELL PUTO: i am me..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont label me..
PoIsOnMETALhead: i hate the govt
GO TO HELL PUTO: i plan to murder the government...
GO TO HELL PUTO: we can govern ourselves..
PoIsOnMETALhead: sweet
PoIsOnMETALhead: ill help
GO TO HELL PUTO: read my stuff
GO TO HELL PUTO: oh wait, you already did right
PoIsOnMETALhead: yeah

GO TO HELL PUTO: hold up, i got more

 SApHiReStAr82: okay
GO TO HELL PUTO: cool, give me a minute
SApHiReStAr82: u better not be sending me a virus
GO TO HELL PUTO: just harmless text
SApHiReStAr82: ok
GO TO HELL PUTO: no downloads or anything
SApHiReStAr82: well y me?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i asked the whole room
SApHiReStAr82: ok
SApHiReStAr82: lets go
GO TO HELL PUTO: and youre as good as anyone, if not better
SApHiReStAr82: gee thanks
SApHiReStAr82: =)~
GO TO HELL PUTO: no problem
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
SApHiReStAr82: can i tell u bout it later?
GO TO HELL PUTO: sure you can
SApHiReStAr82: k
GO TO HELL PUTO: read it at your discretion..
GO TO HELL PUTO: just keep in mind its of global-importance..
SApHiReStAr82: alright
SApHiReStAr82: im sure reading would explain that statement
GO TO HELL PUTO: just a tad
SApHiReStAr82: ;-)


 Sexyandsweet26: u really did that
GO TO HELL PUTO: cross my heart
Sexyandsweet26: taht is weird i have never heard anything like that
Sexyandsweet26: so wher are you from
GO TO HELL PUTO: san antonio
Sexyandsweet26: im in killeen texas
Sexyandsweet26: i think its cool
Sexyandsweet26: are u there
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
Sexyandsweet26: there you go on what
Sexyandsweet26: ia m just trying to have a conversation with you
Sexyandsweet26: i just think its cool
GO TO HELL PUTO: gotmail
GO TO HELL PUTO: im sorry, im a bit busy saving the world right now..
Sexyandsweet26: ok
GO TO HELL PUTO: here, put this sn on your buddylist
Sexyandsweet26: why since youa re not going to talk to me anyways
GO TO HELL PUTO: whatever
Sexyandsweet26: what the hell was that suck a dogs dick
Sexyandsweet26: i did not say anything to you wrong
GO TO HELL PUTO: its my screen name
Sexyandsweet26: thats funny
GO TO HELL PUTO: sho' nuff
Sexyandsweet26: aight just put me on yur buddy list
Sexyandsweet26: ill holla later

Sexyandsweet26: good luck

 Sjdragon16: you did all this?
GO TO HELL PUTO: yes, nothing but the truth
GO TO HELL PUTO: actually, thats just the summary i tell from memory..
Sjdragon16: really.
GO TO HELL PUTO: i had my mini cassette recorder the whole time
GO TO HELL PUTO: ive got it all logged
Sjdragon16: kool
GO TO HELL PUTO: i have about 12 tapes full of details..
GO TO HELL PUTO: just have to type them up
GO TO HELL PUTO: easiest book in the world to write...i just didnt plan shit and let things happen
Sjdragon16: not bad...hold ^ need to finish reading part 2
GO TO HELL PUTO: take your time dude
Sjdragon16: hey you passed through my town
Sjdragon16: El Paso
GO TO HELL PUTO: know where that bar is?
GO TO HELL PUTO: blue agave
Sjdragon16: not really. El Paso's pretty big
GO TO HELL PUTO: but hey, im gonna walk up to the store and bum some cigarettes
GO TO HELL PUTO: peace brother
Sjdragon16: do u which side of town?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i live in nw san antonio
Sjdragon16: PeAcE OuT dude. hey
Sjdragon16: you think i'm a guy or a chick?
GO TO HELL PUTO: doesnt matter, im not online trying to score anyway

Sjdragon16: kool me neither

 Sk8erboiAE1977: FUCK YOU
GO TO HELL PUTO: fuck you
GO TO HELL PUTO: fuck you and the nigger whore that bore you
GO TO HELL PUTO: you wont show me shit pussy
GO TO HELL PUTO: talk is cheap
GO TO HELL PUTO: back your shit up
GO TO HELL PUTO: do it already then..
GO TO HELL PUTO: quit talking
GO TO HELL PUTO: dont say youre going to do something when youre not willing to
GO TO HELL PUTO: the smart man backs his shit up..
GO TO HELL PUTO: want my address?
GO TO HELL PUTO: 10707 nw ih 10 #108
san antonio, tx
GO TO HELL PUTO: youre right bitch

GO TO HELL PUTO: i shouldnt be wasting my time on your punk ass

Sk8terchiklet: hey u
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hi becky ann :]
Sk8terchiklet: i have not won the lotto yet
Sk8terchiklet: i will tis my goal
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: its all good
Sk8terchiklet: ::riases little hand in air::
Sk8terchiklet: so wats up?
Sk8terchiklet: typed out anymore stories/
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i typed up some days off my recorder
Sk8terchiklet: cool
Sk8terchiklet: i will help u type them if u want when i go over there
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: when are you coming down?
Sk8terchiklet: the end of april
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: two months away huh
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i might be out traveling
Sk8terchiklet: yeap
Sk8terchiklet: u can mail me ur tapes n when u get back they will be typed out
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: no, the tapes i use as a foundation..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i dont lie, but i elaborate and remember stuff
Sk8terchiklet: i see
Sk8terchiklet: either way
Sk8terchiklet: im gonna be there
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: thatd be cool :]
Sk8terchiklet: u need someone to type em i do it
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: any support helps, especially if its in real life..
Sk8terchiklet: yes real life support
Sk8terchiklet: sadly my support of life is sleeping and i must get to that immediatley for i work o yes i work i go help people turn on their tvs cause they just dont understand the concept of U HAVE TO PUSH THE TV BUTTON TO CONTROL THE T.V. THE SAT. BUTTON CONTROLS THE SATELLITE DOYYY
Sk8terchiklet: people are stupid
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: for now..
Sk8terchiklet: ah i get paid to help
Sk8terchiklet: yesh
Sk8terchiklet: well im off to bed i will see u when i see u
Sk8terchiklet: ttyl take care
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: goodnight, sweet dreams becky ann
Sk8terchiklet: night
Sk8terchiklet: u too doy i forgot ur name again
Sk8terchiklet: jason?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: victor
Sk8terchiklet: damn
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: im the winner remember
Sk8terchiklet: ah yes
Sk8terchiklet: byes

Sk8terchiklet signed off at 2:03:09 AM.

SnrtHuntr2: hey hon! I've NOT forgotten about U, just been BUSY!! I''ll get to your stuff soon tho!
GO TO HELL PUTO: its okay :]
GO TO HELL PUTO: ive been real busy too
GO TO HELL PUTO: my email campaign has been pretty successful
SnrtHuntr2: spring break for my house apes here!
GO TO HELL PUTO: im planting the seed..
SnrtHuntr2: glad to hear it!
GO TO HELL PUTO: nothing can stop freedmo now..\
GO TO HELL PUTO: freedom
GO TO HELL PUTO: here, let me send you my revised story..
SnrtHuntr2: freedom????what's THAT????? kids home ALL WEEK!
SnrtHuntr2: hehehee
SnrtHuntr2: ::::tosses Pluto a cold beer:::::
GO TO HELL PUTO: i added some things to my email
GO TO HELL PUTO: when i talk to people in berkeley
SnrtHuntr2: kewl! probably not this week hon, but next week for SURE!
GO TO HELL PUTO: at your discretion..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i also need to find someone who knows spanish real well to translate it for me
GO TO HELL PUTO: hell, any other language
SnrtHuntr2: if I ask U to resend, don't be offended.......steve case PO'd at me right now!
GO TO HELL PUTO: ill send out my lifesaving story as much as it takes
SnrtHuntr2: you did GOOD hon!
GO TO HELL PUTO: thats all i know how to do :]
SnrtHuntr2: lucky U! I just do the best I can, & muddle through the rest of life!
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, even though i know how to do good, i slip sometimes..
GO TO HELL PUTO: but hey, to err is human right
GO TO HELL PUTO: i never let speed bumps get me down..theres always a brighter side
SnrtHuntr2: to err is human........ to ADMIT IT is a MIRACLE!
GO TO HELL PUTO: right-on sister
SnrtHuntr2: just got some GOOD news!!! ALL IS FORGIVEN!
SnrtHuntr2: had a bad case of foot & mouth disease the other day.........
GO TO HELL PUTO: what happened?
SnrtHuntr2: said something to a child I NEVER should have........ wasn't meant at all, but parents called me in front of my dh, so that started its own war.......
SnrtHuntr2: no worries,........ at least I dont' get violent when I get bombed!
SnrtHuntr2: was a single comment. & as far as I'm concerned, not to mention another friend, the parents made WAT hell & gone too big a deal about it........
GO TO HELL PUTO: dont you have them over-reactors
GO TO HELL PUTO: always making things so much more complicated than they should
SnrtHuntr2: yuppers! what REALLY got me tho, was that they called me on it in front of my hubby, so I got DOUBLE the trouble!
SnrtHuntr2: yuppers! made me feel 10yo!
SnrtHuntr2: gonna go after this........ time for some Celtic music & ME TIME!

Auto response from GO TO HELL PUTO: I am away from my computer right now.

SnrtHuntr2: C ya later hon! take care of you!
GO TO HELL PUTO: bye bye

SnrtHuntr2: catch ya later hon!

 SugrDadyslilgrl: mice... about 3/4 way doen trying to read it and chat
GO TO HELL PUTO: read it when you have time, no rush
SugrDadyslilgrl: were they hippies or a rainbow colony?
GO TO HELL PUTO: you mean nate and vivian?
GO TO HELL PUTO: they were hippies
GO TO HELL PUTO: everyone told me about the rainbow kids and the gatherings, but i didnt run into any rainbow people at all...
GO TO HELL PUTO: but, yesterday i went to this church in san antonio and finally made contact with the local chapter here in san antonio
GO TO HELL PUTO: i left them a printout of my story
SugrDadyslilgrl: how old are you?
GO TO HELL PUTO: hehe, i spent my 25th birthday at the hippies trailer..
SugrDadyslilgrl: funny how all the helpers were weed smokers
GO TO HELL PUTO: coincidence?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i think not
SugrDadyslilgrl: you and me both.. I am starting a local movement promoting legalisation
SugrDadyslilgrl: figure with ybor theres plenty of pro potters
GO TO HELL PUTO: not only do i want to make it legal, but recommended too
SugrDadyslilgrl: to think how it would lower the use of legal buzz providers.. aka.. benzopenziodes and antidepressants
GO TO HELL PUTO: not to mention, alcohol
SugrDadyslilgrl: the real killer
GO TO HELL PUTO: and we all know how good prohibition works..
SugrDadyslilgrl: yeah, from Pa.. as a kid they tried that with liquor... everyone just drove to nj. to get it..
SugrDadyslilgrl: great story..
SugrDadyslilgrl: send it to hightimes
SugrDadyslilgrl: I am sure they would pub it.
GO TO HELL PUTO: great idea
SugrDadyslilgrl: Aleixa-Dawn here... friends call me Lexi or dawn
GO TO HELL PUTO: hello, im victor
GO TO HELL PUTO: just trying to live up to my name..
SugrDadyslilgrl: Nice to meet you
GO TO HELL PUTO: likewise
SugrDadyslilgrl: did you visit monroe county at all? I believe thats where it was legalised already in cali
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, i dont think so..
SugrDadyslilgrl: so what made you ask me to read it out of curiousity?
GO TO HELL PUTO: just going down the list
GO TO HELL PUTO: you were in the chatroom
SugrDadyslilgrl: ahh... cool... thought it might have been the money minded sname
SugrDadyslilgrl: lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: see, since i know my keyboard shortcuts, i haul ass at sending out my stuff
GO TO HELL PUTO: so, since ive gotten back from my trip..ive been sending my stuff out all over aol..
GO TO HELL PUTO: planting the seed..
SugrDadyslilgrl: meooww... do you have a self pic?
SugrDadyslilgrl: if the seeds are so ripe... sow em eveywhere
GO TO HELL PUTO: yeah, buts its like a year old..
SugrDadyslilgrl: familiar with the phraze?
GO TO HELL PUTO: thats what ima gonna do..
SugrDadyslilgrl: gearge washington... speaking of hemp cultivation
SugrDadyslilgrl: ;-)
GO TO HELL PUTO: good ol george
SugrDadyslilgrl: awww cute, see the resmblence your son has to you...jk... nice pic
GO TO HELL PUTO: yeah, he thinks he's human..
GO TO HELL PUTO: but my bitch exgf(who thinks im crazy now) stole him away to florida....
SugrDadyslilgrl: want me to steal him back?
GO TO HELL PUTO: oh yesh!
SugrDadyslilgrl: sent ya my ugly mug
GO TO HELL PUTO: actually, i plan to get him back after i finish up this project..
GO TO HELL PUTO: once i can afford to settle down
SugrDadyslilgrl: ????????
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dunno
GO TO HELL PUTO: just thinking that youre a very pretty shouldnt be in the sex-industry
GO TO HELL PUTO: see how evil money is?
SugrDadyslilgrl: lol... not in the industry,,, did some modeling in the past though... it was a part of restoring esteem... went from 245 pnds to 107
GO TO HELL PUTO: did you lose the weight?
GO TO HELL PUTO: and thats not modeling, the porn plain and simple
GO TO HELL PUTO: now, dont get me is cool and all
SugrDadyslilgrl: dancin walkin, chasin my 3 sons
GO TO HELL PUTO: good job..walk the pound off

GO TO HELL PUTO: secret to life

 Superia2002: cool!!!
GO TO HELL PUTO: badass, gimme a minute
Superia2002: so....who r u?
GO TO HELL PUTO: my name is victor
Superia2002: hi victor
Superia2002: so, old r u?
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
Superia2002: oh ok
Superia2002: and how did u get my screen n ame?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i imed everyone in the room
Superia2002: oh ok
Superia2002: how come?
GO TO HELL PUTO: im planting a seed
Superia2002: what seed?
Superia2002: i want to plat a seed
GO TO HELL PUTO: the seed where true freedom will grow..
Superia2002: oh
Superia2002: cool;
Superia2002: and what is your definition of true freedom?
GO TO HELL PUTO: umm, where money doesnt exist..
GO TO HELL PUTO: and the goveernment isnt in your business
Superia2002: cool, and how are we going to accomplish that??
GO TO HELL PUTO: with the internet
Superia2002: but money will always exist..
GO TO HELL PUTO: read and all questions will be answered
GO TO HELL PUTO: anything is possible..
GO TO HELL PUTO: and you gotta start somewhere..
GO TO HELL PUTO: its the root of all evil, just like they say
GO TO HELL PUTO: read my story, if you want to be enlightened
Superia2002: umm well can u send it again??
Superia2002: thanx
GO TO HELL PUTO: thank you for reading it
Superia2002: well how bout i can help??
GO TO HELL PUTO: just read it
Superia2002: oh ok
Superia2002: but i dont want money to be all gone cuz i like to go shopping and buy stuff
GO TO HELL PUTO: go ahead, work, waste your life away..
GO TO HELL PUTO: and you'll still be able to get what you want
Superia2002: i dont work
Superia2002: i just spend
GO TO HELL PUTO: who's money?
Superia2002: other peoples
Superia2002: lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: so youre already living free..wouldnt it be cool if everyone could?
Superia2002: uh huh...but its impossible for everyone to spend someone elses money
GO TO HELL PUTO: thats why we got to get rid of money
Superia2002: but then theres no more malls
Superia2002: :(
Superia2002: then what am i gonna do?
Superia2002: i know!!
GO TO HELL PUTO: yes there will be
Superia2002: how
Superia2002: if theres no money how can there be malls?
Superia2002: or anything else for that matter
GO TO HELL PUTO: i say everybody keep their same job, as long as they enjoythem
GO TO HELL PUTO: just do it for free
GO TO HELL PUTO: wouldnt you work for free if all your needs were already taken care of?
Superia2002: then the economy would crash
GO TO HELL PUTO: it wouldnt be needed
Superia2002: if all my needs were taken care of then i wouldnt work at all
GO TO HELL PUTO: your lazy ass would pay for it in the end..
GO TO HELL PUTO: be independant and dont rely on anyone else..
Superia2002: ok, dont call me u dont know me
GO TO HELL PUTO: if you dont work at all, then youre lazy
GO TO HELL PUTO: job or no job
Superia2002: no, cuz i dance and exercise and keep my body healthy therefore im not lazy
GO TO HELL PUTO: i bet youre a stripper right
Superia2002: eww no
Superia2002: i dance hip-hop and jazz
GO TO HELL PUTO: and where do you get your money?
GO TO HELL PUTO: be honest now..
Superia2002: um, mostly my man, sometimes my mom
GO TO HELL PUTO: and what would you do if they didnt have money to give you?
GO TO HELL PUTO: you dont see how youre dependant on other people?
Superia2002: its works for me
GO TO HELL PUTO: only because someone else is willing to, but will they be there forever?
GO TO HELL PUTO: and if your sources were to go away, what would you do then?
Superia2002: find new ones
GO TO HELL PUTO: you will never be happy as a dependant your whole life..
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, at least not as happy as me.
Superia2002: lol
Superia2002: im extremely happy
GO TO HELL PUTO: im happier
Superia2002: u dont knw that
GO TO HELL PUTO: read my story and see how happy i am
Superia2002: how?? u still have government and money still exists
GO TO HELL PUTO: and will be

GO TO HELL PUTO: things change


Next day..

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