

Monday March 25, 2024

11:20am  I am showing Tita my sermon page from a couple of days ago.  What are your thoughts?  

Tita:  Honestly, I don't think they are share-worthy.  I am just pondering about walkers.  Thinking of how my dad used a walker and how this man, who passed on commenting on how he didn't like his walker.  It's sad because it's a symbol of need.  People, as they get older don't want to acknowledge that they are needing support, that they are having balance issues, that they can't stand up anymore.  I can understand it, the ego, the not wanting to admit, because if you admit something it's calling it truth.  

Victor:  Denial.

Tita:  Right, the denial of the fact that they need assistance.  It makes me sad because since when is it bad to be old aged?  Old age is part of life.  

Victor:  It's because being old doesn't generate nearly as much money.  To our evil controllers, the elderly are the most eating of the "useless eaters.'  To the controllers, old people are better off being dead already.  


Tita:  I just think that the ego is more involved than it should be.  With my dad is was blatant denial.  It was, "If I use this that means I an not capable on my own."  He knew he was old, he'd talk about it here and there, but yet, he was in denial.  He wanted to continue walking unassisted.  That's what I am thinking.  I am sure it's not even a cultural thing.  I mean, in certain cultures where death is celebrated like India they have a big party.  Life slows down at sixty.  They give up responsibilities.  They slowly move away from material life and more into spiritual life.  

Maybe it would've been different for my dad if he was Indian.  He would go, "Well, it's time.  This is how life is.  I don't have the strength I used to have.

Victor:  I don't like how religions try to make people welcome death and not deal with the things making life unbearable.  It's total ignorement of the great possibilities left to be explored.  That's why I think all official religions have been compromised.  Limited Hangout

.  Christians for example, basically tell people, "It's going to be nice when you die."

Tita:  Well, anyway, that's a different point, honey.

Victor:  I think it has everything to do with what you are talking about.  See, you are always dismissing what I say.  Why do you think I seldom talk?  BECAUSE YOU RARELY really listen to me.  You always have your preloaded rebuttals ready to shoot down any reply from me.  Fuck that shit.

Tita:  It makes me sad that people won't take the help.  People would rather suffer and be in denial of their own bodies failing.  The dude was mid-eighties when he died.  Nobody should expect to be wholly intact their whole lives.  I have had this talk with this Buddhist teacher, I was telling her about my dad and how he would just refuse to have anything other than perfect health.  He wanted that magic pill.  He was going from one doctor to the other and getting x-rays and going to Mexico.  He spent all kinds of money on doctor's and getting full body x-rays.  

Victor:  He needed some kind of outside authority to tell him he was okay.  

Tita:  And he wanted the magic bullet.  He was like, "Give me something so all my problems can go away."  I would tell him he needed to drink more water, I would bring it to him and he would be all, "No!  I don't want any!"  Yet, he would complain when he couldn't pee, or had problems with constipation.  A big part of it was being stubborn.  Dad was known, most people would tell you that he is stubborn about dumb things, even.  He just wanted his way, even though everyone in the room would try to convince him otherwise.  He just always wanted his way, and that is a feature of people who have mental illness.  They often live in their own world and don't care or have consideration for others, or even take the time to consider anther point of view.  

Whatever it was, it was difficult to deal with, but obviously other people have it, whether or not they have mental illness and I think there is just this deep hatred and abhorrence of accepting that your body isn't meant to last forever.  It is finite.  It's the Soul that is indestructible and immortal no matter what, and will come back and reincarnate and that's why you have people that are really wise, even when they are young, and other people that are new souls that don't really know what's up, they don't know the ropes.  

        So, the soul is immortal, but the body is temporary, and our physical life is temporary.  Yeah, we all want to have a template of perfect health, but for x, y and z reason, most people can't say that they feel perfect, and their knees work every time, and my back is perfect so I can kill myself at work, I'll be fine.  That's ridiculous!  What we do piles up.

As a massage therapist I could tell that when people had problems and tightness in certain body parts had to do with what they did day-in and day-out.  See, I don't think this was even worth recording, or at least keep a private journal just for us that you don't post on your blog.

Victor:  Today in our proofreading you can tell me what you want me to exclude.  Please just keep reading the sermon page.

Tita:  Hmm, his body betraying him.  That's what dad would say.  Sorry, it just gets to me because I experienced it with dad for years.  Okay, scroll down.  Ha, THE DEVIL!

Victor:  Ha, yeah I got the link to that Seinfeld clip, HAHA.  


Around here Tita had accidentally broken her glasses on of the legs snapped off.  She could wear them with only one leg but they slanted badly on her face.  I suggested she get me some twine or something, and she brought some fishing line.  I simply tied one end to in between the lenses and cut the length long enough to go around the back of her head.  I wasn't sure what the other end would be secured to, but she tried it on and figured she could wrap it around her ear and it worked!

Tita:  I don't agree with some of your turquoise footnotes.   I think we do need a guiding force and it is the god within.  It is our intuition, but if we say there is no god or that we don't come from anything, we come from the mother earth if nothing else.  You want to be mean.  You call it LOVE.

Victor:  I just want people to stop calling it god.  I want them to say Love instead.  I want them to recognize that there is a huge difference between the two.  god conjures up the vengeful bearded man in the clouds that we need to fear disobeying.  god isn't good at all!  god is a trick! god is the devil!  he wants us to die!

Tita:  You are kind of just being contrarian.

Victor:  No!  I AM NOT!  You are by saying I am!  :P  It only seems like that to you because we live in an inverted world!

Tita:  If you choose to live in that world.

Victor:  But you choose to live in that world, in your past. The past is done if enough people just choose to stop supporting it like you still do.  Why the fuck would you still try to live in the world we need to forget about?  You are choosing poorly!  Fucking duh!

Tita:  With me everything is good, everything is right.

Victor:  That's the exact bullshit I am talking about!  Because, is it really?  NO!  If everything was right already the world would be balanced and the wealth distributed equally.  Come out from under your rock.

Tita:  It's in a process of becoming.

Victor:  A process that you are slowing because you can't divorce your past.  Do you think that it's fine to ignore things that are obviously wrong because you think it's part of the process?  It is part of the process, a part we should be well beyond already!  WHY THE FUCK IS IT TAKING SO LONG?!  It really sounds like you are endorsing, supporting the dark side.

Tita:  They say everything is perfectly imperfect.  That doesn't mean we don't want to change it, but as of right now if we keep on resisting and getting angry at everything that's bad and wrong, and the pussy bankers etc, we are going to be in their world.  We are going to be down and depressed.

Victor:  I will be thoroughly laughing my ass off while I shit on all of them!  You can be sad and depressed if you choose.

Tita:  If we focus on the negative we are going to live in that timeline and life is going to be a struggle, rather if you see things the way I do then everything is already in perfect harmony.  

Victor:  And THAT is the motherfucking problem right there, because everything sure AF IS NOT in perfect harmonious order.  

Tita:  It is how it is.

Victor:  Fuck you!  I hate that fucking cop-out!  IT IS HOW WE CAN CHANGE IT!  If you want to stay living in what is, then just keep thinking that is all it is.  BUT NOT WITH ME BY YOUR SIDE!  I AM GOING TO MAKE THAT ONLY CONSTANT CHANGE!

Tita:  You are lacking peace and acceptance of what is.

Victor:  ONLY BECAUSE WHAT IS ISN'T WHAT COULD BE!  Finding peace and acceptance in what is has never brought change!  Those are faulty instructions, which do not fucking work!  Like I told Charlie, how can you expect such a weak tactic to work?  It's such a resigning phrase. 

Tita:  The point is to be okay inside of yourself.  I am just talking about how I feel about your opinions.  I am not telling you to change them, baby.

Victor:  I would prefer to be in the company of others who are in alignment with my opinions.

Tita:  I am not saying I am not in alignment with you.  I am just saying you are being a Negative Nancy.  

Victor:  No, I am being pissed off.  

Tita:  See, now you are contradicting yourself.  You say that it doesn't have to be difficult if you beieve in love instead of god.  So if you believe in love then that ignores all of the bad shit that's happening?  

Victor:  No!  There wouldn't be bad shit if all this time we believed in HUMAN LOVE instead of the INHUMANE god we are supposed to trust, LIKE IT SAYS ON EVIL MONEY TO!  If enough people had learned these lessons all the bad would've been avoided.  SO MY BLOG IS HERE TO TEACH FREEDOM FROM BAD SHIT!

Tita:  And then you said that god designed it that way...

Victor:  Maybe you haven't noticed, but I THINK GOD IS THE DEVIL!  I am not saying god doesn't exist.  I am just saying the truth, that god IS NOT GOOD!  LOVE IS GOOD!

Tita:  God gives us free will and free choice.

Victor:  NO!  god gives us the ILLUSION of free will and choice, strongly peppered with FEAR.  

Tita:  Then when he says that we no longer live in the world that god designed and you say we sure as fuck do.  Now you are saying that god does exist.

Victor:  STFU with you're not getting it!

Tita:  Why do you get so angry?

Victor:  Because you are not on my side when you are like this.  You are against me.  

Tita:  Okay, keep going.  You are saying you have a point.  Go ahead and express it.  

Victor:  If you haven't noticed by now, I am against god.  ¡Me cago en dios!  Why can't you get it in these points I am making that we need to stop having faith in god because he is the opposite of good?  Do you think god is good?  It sure as hell seems like you do still.  

Tita:  God is EVERYTHING.  God is energy.  God is goodness.  

Victor:  god is a three letter word that has replaced LOVE!  You sound just like a Christian.

Tita:  I don't care about Christians.

Victor:  You are one of them and you, like them, need to learn this very important lesson.  It's the exact great deception by the devil that it talks about in the bible, hiding in plain sight.  You are one of the many that have been deceived.

Tita:  But you have to say, first you said that god designed it that way.  First, you say there is no god and then you say he designed it.

Victor:  I did not say there is no god.  I SAID THAT GOD IS THE DEVIL!  Why is that so difficult to comprehend?  

Tita:  They are not cohesive, your ideas.  You are more Christian than I thought.  You have bonded to your mom and dad's theories.

Victor:  I have fucking not!  You are dumb to think that.  Whatever the source of our reality, god is not good for us!  god is only good for bankers.  god is a trick, it's a hoax by the pussy bankers because fewer people are easier to control.  Duh.  

Tita:  So you are saying that the creator, not jesus christ, because that's what christians believe, that jesus came to redeem us.  That he's the son of god and god is a figure that lives up in the sky.

Victor:  That's all part of the trick, yeah.

Tita:  So the person who created the universe is the devil?  Is that what you are saying?  So you and I were created by the devil is what you are saying?

Victor:  No! No PERSON made us.  god did not make us!  LOVE did and LOVE IS NOT GOD, is what I am saying!  Damnit, I did not intend for this to become a huge lecture.  Keep reading and no commentary!  

Tita:  Okay, well keep going then!  But I understand what you are saying now.  You are saying that whenever christians say god that that's actually the entity known as the devil.  I am understanding much better.  I am listening 100%.  I get it now.  

Victor:  Why the hell has it taken so long?  It's not that complicated.  I kind of don't believe you.  

Tita:  You are confusing.  Like your dad, he doesn't understand you, because your blog, your website, it's not consistent.  It doesn't provide a clear idea of what you think.  He gets confused and so do I.  On the same points, and you want to keep with that confusion, but now I get it.  Now I am understanding what you are saying.  I am getting it much better now.  Scroll down, honey.  If you don't want to make it clear, then I'll keep going, scroll down.  

Victor:  The reason it's not all clear is so that the ignorant ignore it like they have been programmed to and only open minds digest my blog.  

Tita read a lot more.

Tita:  Don't you understand?  Why would you want people to keep going if they are miserable?

Victor:  Oh, so forget trying to find ways to cure them, right?  Just let them die and go to god so they won't suffer anymore?  Forget about their healing, it's way too much trouble, right?  Mercy killings are still killings!  I guess we don't love the elderly enough to make things better for them.  They've lived enough.  Out with the old, right?  I kind of agree, but not really.  Out with inhumanity!

We have been held back from our self-healing potential!  I am pissed the fuck off that old people die prematurely.  There is the possibility of being healed of every disease in existence!  But only if enough people wake up!  THAT'S THE ONLY WAY WE WILL DESERVE IT!  We need to earn such a gift, collectively!  Then the switch will be flipped, and bam!  The world will be in balance!

HOSPITALS AND CHURCHES ARE IN THE LUCRATIVE BUSINESS OF SHORTENING LIVES!  Only because we allow it by ignoring it!  So let's pay attention!  It's a small price for freedom!

Tita:  If you are driving a bad car, wouldn't you rather let it die than pushing and pushing it.  Wouldn't you feel a sense of mercy that it is out of it's suffering? 

Victor:  What if I found out, by magic somehow, that there was a way to magically and automatically fix all the issues my car had.  Dream a little with me, please.  Let's just say that the miracle car cure existed, but just hadn't been found and was being kept secret by GM, because then their planned obsolescence, multi-faceted death machine, health-compromising money-making scheme would be obsolete.  

Let's say just the year before you had a car that you loved dearly, but you let it die because you couldn't find the right mechanic and it was too much trouble to be worth it.  Then this miracle car cure comes on the scene.  Wouldn't you wish you would've tried harder to make the car you loved last as long as possible?  Wouldn't it be nice if you hadn't lost your beloved chariot just because you were told that it was better off dead, and you believed it and acquiesced?  Just sayin'.

Tita:  But you had no knowledge of how to fix your car.  You tried everything.  Sandy tried everything.  Bob's doctors tried everything.  

Victor:  You think the medical field tries everything to save their patients?  No!  They are only looking at the bottom line, which is worth more to them than human lives.  Doctors and hospital are there to take lives, not save them.  Why do you think they make so much more money than most other people?  GOD/THE DEVIL IS IN CHARGE!  NOT LOVE!  So no!   I don't believe everything was tried.  If everything was truly tried Bob might still be alive!  Christians don't believe anything is possible like I do.  BY DESIGN!  BY FAULTY PROGRAMMING!  ON PURPOSE!  THEY DON'T WANT US TO LIVE LONGER!  THEY WANT US TO DIE!  CHRISTIANITY IS A DEATH CULT!

Tita:  What does the nice pastor have to do with that? 

Victor:  Don't you see how he is helping to spread the bullshit?  He is a mouthpiece.  He's an assistant of the cult!  

Tita:  "Christians want people to die, not live.  It's a hoax."  You think they are part of a hoax?

Victor:  I do!

Tita:  Oh my god.  Why do you think he's in on it?  He's not big pharma.  He's just a pastor.  He's just a dude who knows his family because of bible study.  He is an innocent bystander.

Victor:  He has been deceived.  If he doesn't know it himself yet, I am letting him know.  He preaches bullshit and false hope.

Tita:  But you can't say..

Victor:  I can say whatever I want.  I am free to.  

Tita:  Honey, I am just trying to point out the flaws in your thinking.  If you don't want me to, I am sorry I am doing it.  

Victor:  If I don't want you to, what?  Finish your sentence.

Tita:  If you don't want me to point out the flaws in your thinking I will stop.  Do you want me to stop?  

Victor:  I never wanted you to start.

Tita:  Don't be mean.

Victor:  Because you never finish. 

Tita:  You sound like Darcy.  "Deceiver!"  "In the name of Archangel Michael I rebuke you!"  "You are the devil!"  


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