


San Antonio, TX

Saturday March 27, 2004

     9:34am  I am leaving my mom's house. I had a good morning. Woke up around 8:30 or so. I took a shower and ate a bowl of cereal. And I'm leaving now. Good morning. Oh yeah, I'm going to go see if I can still buy my pipe at Planet K. Hopefully they'll still sell them. I'm not sure.

     9:35am  I was just walking down my mom's neighborhood and Robert's going to give me a ride! I appreciate it, brother.

     9:42am  That was awesome! I was just walking by real close to my mom's house. This guy just pulled over. He said, "What's up, brother?" He cleaned up the passenger seat and opened the door. He's going to give me a ride to the park so I can go on my nature hike.

     10:04am  I walked to my hideout, my platform in the tree. I was hoping there'd be somebody there smoking weed. Nobody was there. I found a new platform that they're starting to make. It's not in as good a location as the other one. I wonder who is building it and if I can help him/her sometime.

     10:23am  I'm passing the Legalize Herb thing.

     10:36am  I am at the Walmart already. I'm going to score a ride and go to the Planet K and see if they still sell my pipe.

     11:00am  I got off on Bandera and Wurzbach. I'm going to the Planet K. I'm going to go see if they sell my pipe still. If not I'll go buy some other pipe.

                     I need a pipe.

     11:10am  I'm at the Planet K already. I'm go in and see if they have my pipe.

                     Damnit, I couldn't buy my sneak-a-toke. But, I got me a little one-hitter, which I used to carry all the time.

     11:25am  I walked out of Planet K and saw the 534. I gotta run. It stopped at the stoplight and I hauled ass. The nice driver, Mr. Mesa stopped for me.

     11:32am  Some guy I couldn't understand his name on my recording(I think it's Mr. Simonteau) hooked me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:15pm  Mr. Simonteau hooked me up with two transfers with different times. One's for two and one's for twelve. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:25pm  I'm downtown. Man, today's going to be a good day. I can feel it. I can feel it. It's Saturday.

     12:32pm  Turtle offered to smoke me out for a dollar. Phase came along too. We're going to go in the big red dumpster.

     12:51pm  I'm asking everyone for a cigarette at the park, but no one's giving me one. This guy just let me twist a rollie up. I appreciate it, brother.

                     This lady just stopped her car and gave me some food. I got her license plate but couldn't understand the recording. She knows who she is. She pulled up, asked me if I was hungry and handed me all this food. There's a paper on top that says God Loves You. That's very generous her. Just fell in my lap.

     1:35pm  Man, I had a badass presentation with the lady at the buses. When I asked her, "What do you think would happen if all the world leader's got together and smoked some weed?" She said, "Hmm, that's a thought to ponder." She agreed with everything I said. I blew her mind. I had gone to go ask this guy for a cigarette that was next to her. She says, "Oh man, you get around." She said something about Santa Fe. I flipped, I thought she knew me from New Mexico when I was at Santa Fe. She meant Sam's apartments, Santa Fe Place. I told her all about how Sam had gotten all pissed off at me for him being generous to me. And I told her, "My mother lets me rest my feet at her house every night. Like any mother who's son was bringing world peace should. I just sleep there though." Anyway, I told her, "Hey, have I ever told you what I was doing?" She said, "Oh, you started but my bus came." I said, "Can I?" Dude, I told her every story. I blew her mind. It was awesome. I told her, "Tell your friends." She said, "Definitely."

     1:37pm  Dee1 hooked me up with a cigarette over by the Greyhound Station. I appreciate it, brother.

                    Earlier today I smoked out these two brothers that I had talked to earlier. I told them, "Hey, I got two joints in my pocket. Want to smoke one?" We went to the red dumpster. Then somebody working there showed up. He was carrying a ladder. We just stayed there. We didn't move or anything. I asked him, "Hey man, are we cool?" He just gave me a little smirk. We had just finished smoking that joint.

                    I'm back at the park. I'm going to ask where this Caesar Chavez thing is and go hit that. There's supposed to be a big crowd.

     2:06pm  Orvo gave me a cigarette on The Riverwalk. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game. Thanks.

     2:15pm  I just got the idea to go to the riverboats and see if I can get a courtesy ride today. Big crowd today. Saturday. A lot of tourists.

     2:20pm  Laura gave me a cigarette here on The Riverwalk. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     2:40pm  I just had a really good conversation with these old guys sitting down at the bench. They wouldn't listen to me. Proving me right some more. They think I'm all crazy, haha.

     2:46pm  I just came across the statue of San Antonio. It looks exactly like me! He's tall and we have the same nose. It's really weird. The plaque says, "San Antonio - for whom the city and river are named. Gift of Portugal."

                   I'm at Rivercenter Mall now. Walking The Riverwalk in the mall. Cool, girls.

     2:50pm  Chip hooked me up with a cigarette by the mall on the river. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:59pm  What's your rank? Airman Basic Navarre. He saw me with my stick and asked me, "Do you hike a lot or something?" I went into my presentation. He wants to spit some lyrics.

                    Navarre: "Floating in space all got into the same place just trying to find a simple peace of mind but without the time for me to bust a rhyme you get confused so then I fuse together not mine and the weather this little game to take away your brain on the train and try the magic carpet ride to the heavens the highest I'll take away your fright it begins with the end the moves start again so the end will begin to take away your frights bring you to new heights it's heaven it's love it's all of the above two turtle doves fitting like gloves we take the place gliding through outer space floating without a trace to the people that we seen the places that we've been yet here we are all bouncing again to the rhythm the music it all makes you sick when you chomp on the roll and begin to feel slick you pick up your feet to stomp to the beat does the trying multiply your thoughts but why it's the grab the slab the foundation that you have they've woven it tight but something's not right the world that we live in it tugs at your soul now listen to the music as the story unfolds it now listen to the music as the story unfolds. it is so that as you get old you give into the stories that's told you forget about what we explain and the music that was once thought insane it's not the drug that's eating your brain though it feels like it's scratched you know that it is attached to the song I been playin' all along now listen to the beat after the gong as we turn this shit up all night long."

     3:05pm  Susie gave me a cigarette here on The Riverwalk. I appreciate it, Susie.

                   That was an awesome presentation I had with that military guy. He sang that song and everything. I was meant to come here. I'm going to stay here for a long time. At the Five and Dime. This is my spot on the river.

     3:14pm  I'm talking to Navarre again. What's the story?

                   Navarre: "The story is that, before I came into the air force I was living with this hippie. She's actually a doctor. Before she got her doctor's degree she was working at a medical clinic on an Indian Reservation. When she was younger she had been on the farm and everything. Now, she owns 800 acres out in Paradise. She's going to be setting up with her money that she gets from her practice and the hospital she works at, she's going to be trying to set up a small community for people to live at for free. She has cattle that she uses for beef. She's got like seven refrigerators full of stuff. She never goes to the store ever. She has all of her own chickens and grows her own vegetables out of a garden. She has 7 children that she supports by herself. She saves all her money for her ranch payments so she can eventually just live for free off 800 acres. Elizabeth Rohr. Her husband is an evil person. He tried getting her for cruelty to animals because of her, uh, I guess you can say, ideas that aren't exactly meeting the norm standards of what society believes nowadays. She's awesome."

                   Sounds like my kind of lady.

     3:16pm  Scott is telling me about this book. What was it again?

                   Scott: "It's called The Biggest Secret by David Icke. You won't be able to find it in many places. It takes everything from people who have PHD's, through ancient documents, hieroglyphs, ancient tribes in Africa, Chinese to governments, world power, space, everything that's scientific. It references it and kind of ties it all together into one big story and explains exactly what the world is all about. It talks about Aliens. Just all kinds of stuff. It's a pretty heavy book.

     3:22pm  I saw some guy sitting down with a laptop on The Riverwalk. I went up to him and said, "Hey, can I tell you a really interesting story?" Which I probably couldn't have because the music was playing. He started shaking his head as soon as he saw me.

     3:24pm  Patrick is hooking me up with a cigarette at the mall. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:43pm  I had a great presentation right now. They were smiling the whole time.

                   I talked to this one guy over here reading a comic. I asked him if I could tell him a really interesting story. He looks at me and tells me no. I asked him if he's always been that ignorant and walked off.

                   All the people walking by I am telling, "Welcome to San Antonio."

     3:45pm  I had this good presentation with this pretty girl. She actually listened to me. She still wouldn't give me her email address. She said, "There's a lot of evil on there."

                   I just found me a cigarette on the ground. Badass. A full cigarette. Man, I'm having some good presentations on The Riverwalk.

                   I ran into Elva! I'm walking down Alamo Plaza in front of the Alamo. She told me, "I was the first person to stand on the yellow thing." I went, "What yellow thing?" She told me that they needed people over there to help them hold up some thing. Really? Where? I want to help. So, I'm going to go to Houston Street and see if I can volunteer.

     4:03pm  The cutest thing, this little dog playing with my tennis ball. I told him, "I can spare a ball for you." I took an extra one out of my bag and gave it to him.

                   Oh yeah, they're going to make an Alamo movie. That's really cool.

                   And I'm going to download it for free! Haha!

     4:25pm  I came over to Travis Park. Phase is giving me some food! Thank you, brother. I appreciate it.

     4:28pm  I asked Will in Travis Park for a cigarette and he hooked me up. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:30pm  It was badass. I came to get a drink of water and I saw an apple and some pudding just sitting there. Oh cool, I'm getting presents. Thank you, Love. Just fell in my lap. Cool, I still have that utensil kit Chasity gave me. I can use the little spoon.

                   It's kind of cool how that food just fell in my lap earlier. Which just goes to prove the fact that I am meant to be downtown tonight. I was contemplating leaving and going to West and seeing if I get smoked out. Then I got some weed. I came downtown for a reason today. There is this huge crowd of people downtown.

     5:13pm  I'm walking around. Oh, I didn't tell you, they're opening the Alamo movie. They're like interviewing actors and stuff. I want to download it. I'm just walking back and forth amidst the crowd. Making myself known.

     5:24pm  I came to the Nix hospital. They usually let me use the restroom. I came and asked the lady if I could use the restroom on the seventeenth floor. "There's one on the sixth," she told me. Alright, cool.

     5:46pm  Daniel hooked me up with a cigarette at the corner of Mesa and Commerce.

     6:42pm  David hooked me up with change for a hotdog. I appreciate it, brother. Over here at Travis Park.

                    I got fifty cents. I just need a dollar now.

     6:45pm  Rene hooked me up with a whole dollar for my hotdog. I appreciate it, Rene.

                    The guys at the hotdog stand are hooking me up with a chilidog for $1.50. They're usually two dollars.

     7:00pm  There's all these black birds back in the park. I'm chasing them around the trees. Swinging my stick at them.

     7:13pm  Robert hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:22pm  Mr. Martin let me on. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:45pm  I got off the 92. I'm going to go over to Sam's. I have some requests for him. I'm going to ask him to download the Alamo movie for me. Smoke him out too. I got some weed.

                   Oh, I didn't tell you. Remember I told you how earlier in the park I had found that apple and pudding. Like it was just sitting on the bench. Right now on the bus, right when it stopped, I heard a big rolling on the floor. I reach under my seat and I pull out another apple! A big thick juicy apple. It was rolling around on the ground, but it doesn't seem that bruised at all. It's a quality apple. I thought, "Cool, that's the second apple that's fallen in my lap." I'm going to go to Sam's, rinse it off and eat it. Waste not, want not.

                   It doesn't seem like Sam's home. That sucks. Sam never goes anywhere besides work. He's a hermit. He's probably at work.

     8:05pm  Tom hooked me up with a cigarette here at the Diamond Shamrock in front of Sam's apartments.

                   Wait no, Tom and Katie gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, guys.

     8:55pm  Katie hooked me up with another cigarette. I appreciate it, sister.

     8:55pm  Tom gave me some weed! Awesome. He's like, "Here, put that in your book." Dude, I had a good little session in the grass here. Over at Santa Fe Place Apartments. They listened to me. I had hit them up for a cigarette at the gas station. I hit them up for a story and Tom suggested we go sit in the grass. Katie said, "I really want to hear your story, Victor."

                    It's going to happen soon!

                    The girl was all concerned with hygiene and stuff. She had asked me, "Do you carry those little Wet-naps? Do you have some?" They went across the street to the gas station and they bought some for me. They came back and brought it to me. Cool, I'll put them in my bag.

     9:38pm  I walked all the way to Crossroads Park and Ride. From the Santa Fe Apartments. Man, I am having a really magical night. I talked to those kids who bought me a twenty four ounce beer. I'm still kind of tipsy. I walked to Crossroads Park and Ride hoping it would be open so I could go in and take a piss. The black dude security guard with the albino markings on his hands saw me and said, "Hey man, what's going on?" I told him, "What's up, brother. I'm going to use the restroom real quick." "Man, this is your house," he told me.

                   He knows what I'm doing.

     9:42pm  Arthur, the security guard I was telling you about, he hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:55pm  The inbound 92 pulled up going downtown, which isn't the one I want to take. I asked the driver if he could hook me up with a transfer. He said, "I already gave you one today."

     10:23pm  Mr. Reid is hooking me up with a courtesy ride. Awesome.

     10:47pm  Mr. Reid even gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

                      I had told Mr. Reid, "Hey, I don't suppose I would be pushing my luck if I asked you for a spare cigarette?" He tells me, "Man, what are you talking about? You're not bothering me." He hooked me up with one.

     10:51pm  What was your name, brother? Mitchell hooked me up with a transfer. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:55pm  At the hospital the 91 finally came and I got on it with my transfer. 

     11:05pm  I'm at West already. It's Saturday. I don't think anybody's here this late.

     11:15pm  Nobody's here anymore. I'm going to start walking home.

     11:53pm  I just walked to the Papa John's on Babcock/Prue. Man, it's so late. About a five mile walk home from here. seven miles total from West.

Next day..

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