


San Marcos to San Antonio, TX

Saturday March 29, 2003           

     10:03am  Damn, I'm getting all paranoid again. I woke up for breakfast, ate and crashed out again because I didn't get to sleep until after midnight last night. I woke up again at ten and tried calling my mom's number. Still didn't work. I tried calling AAA bondsman but they didn't accept my call either. I kind of remembered how the last time I got a hold of them they answered the phone and said, "Hi, Victor," without me even leaving a recording of who I was. My mom is supposed to come bail me out today. I don't know when but if she doesn't show all day I'm going to freak. There shouldn't be any reason she wouldn't unless the feds got to her. Remember, I'm paranoid. I would rather die than continue living as a prisoner. Keep in mind the freedom I experienced recently. I will never get used to being locked up.

     11:00am  Yeehaw! I got my lunch tray and sat down to eat my pizza. All of a sudden I hear someone call my name on in the intercom. "Victor, get your stuff ready." Man, what a relief. I yell back, "Can I eat eat first?" Everybody else started laughing at me. Hey, the pizza looked good and I was hungry, damnit. I ended up giving a slice to Ralph and eating the other one quick. They told me to get all my stuff like my mattress, cup and spoon, and towel. I grabbed my journal which was now ten pages and grabbed my Robin Hood book too. They opened the door and I stepped out. This dickhead cop started shouting orders at me to get out. I asked him if I could keep the book and he said, "Of course not. Get your own books." It's not like anyone else read them and they were donated books anyway. That cop just had a little wee-wee or something.
                   I walked down the hall and the oinker commanded me to put the mattress down where other mattresses were stacked. He had me sit out by the main holding tanks where I was when I was first put in jail. Another, more pleasant officer went to go get my clothes and stuff. He came out with a big bag with my belongings. Just the clothes I was wearing when I was put in jail was in the bag along with my wallet and stuff. My blue sleeping bag was in there too. No rucksack, no Adidas bags, no CD player, no CD's, no recorder and cassettes, no pocket-calendars. All my good shit was gone. The officer told me that it seems the deputy had put things aside and he wasn't there right then. He gave me the deputy's name Officer Hall and told me to call Monday and that I should get my stuff back. I'm thinking it's all being investigated. I better get my shit back.
                   This guy came over and handed me a check for fifty five dollars, the amount of cash I had on me when I got booked. I asked some lady if my mom was there waiting for me and she told me she didn't think so. Hmm, who else would bail me out? No one was there but they proceeded doing the paperwork for my discharge. "This is weird," I thought. The lady asked me who Robert and Carlos were and I asked her if they were the ones that bailed me out. She told me no, that I had put down their names as someone to contact. She asked me if I could call them to come pick me up. I told them I could, but that their phone didn't accept collect calls. I then asked her, "Well, can I leave walking?" She said sure. I gathered the contents of my wallet and grabbed the big plastic bag and just walked out of that place. Wow, freedom felt great! I sure did miss it.
                   I didn't know what the hell I was going to do. I figured I would find some place to cash my check and make some phone calls at a payphone. I even considered walking to the outlet mall to go buy my wallet, hehe. Right as I walked out of the police station I hear someone calling out, "Vincent!" I turn and see this old Mexican dude at his van. I ask him, "Do you mean Victor?" and walk over to him. He says yes. I ask him, "Who are you?" He says he's a bail bondsman and that he's been waiting an hour for me. Whoa, weird huh. He tells me that my mom is at his office. Cool, perfect timing, mom. I get in his van and we drive to his office that was walking distance from the jail. I saw my mom's car and we parked and got out. My mom came outside of the office and gave me a big hug. I'm still weirding out. We go inside and my mom's made friends with the lady inside who gives her a good deal on my bail, only two hundred dollars because she speaks Spanish, like my mom. She has me sign all these papers and tells me that I will have more than one court date. All this time I thought I would only have to wait until May first and then I could take off traveling again, but maybe not. It's going to suck if I have to stick around in San Antonio for like six months. If that's the case I'll figure something out. Fuck the system.
                   So my mom and I leave. I ask her if she minds going to the outlet mall to get my wallet. My mom, of course asks me if I'm hungry and I tell her yes but that I wanted to buy a pack of cigarettes first. I hadn't smoked in about a week. She says okay and we stop and this convenient store. I pull out my journal and give it to her to read while I smoke my cigarette. I bent over the first part where I talk shit about her and tell her not too look at that part. I get out and smoke a cigarette. I come back to the car and my mom hands me my stack of papers without even finishing it. She's upset and tells me she doesn't need to be insulted any further. Wups, I forgot there was still more in the story where I talked shit about her. I tell her, "Mom, it's what really happened. This guy pulled a gun on me and everything." She took it back and read it even though she didn't want to. I smoked another cigarette and got back in the car. She had read past the point of where I go to jail so I take it back and we take off towards the outlet mall. We end up going the wrong way and I see a sign pointing towards Wimberley. I tell her that I can get my wallet some other day and if we could go look for my walking stick, that it was probably on the side of the road where the cop left it.
                   So off we go towards Wimberley. I couldn't remember exactly what road it was on but I knew we took 12 to get there. We drove for a while and I saw 2325. That looked familiar so I told my mom to turn. Turned out to be the wrong road and we ended up near Blanco, about fifty miles from San Antonio. We just drove home after that. Well, that's about it. Wow, this should be an interesting chapter.

                   YEAH!! Hehe, what an awesome night I've had. I asked my mom if I could borrow her car to go check my PO box because I was bored. Earlier tonight Bob called me and asked me some questions about hooking up the CD burner I leant him. I told him it would be better if I was there but he told me he was leaving and to come by tomorrow. My mom brought home some popcorn chicken from Sonic and we were eating at the table. The phone rang but by the time my mom answered it they had hung up. She told me it was from Carlos' house and I assumed it was Bob with another question. Right before I left to go check my PO box at Dezavala I called Bob to see what he had called for. He had another question and I told him I was just going to drop by and if he was there I would fix his computer and if he wasn't I would go check my PO box. I told him I would bring a copy of my story I had just written up so he could read it when he had time. I put my story on disk and jumped in my mom's car.
                   Bob's house was on the way to my PO box. I drove for about two minutes and realized I had forgotten the key to my mailbox. I turned around and went back to my mom's to get it. I thought, "Damn, Bob probably won't be there now." I leave my mom's again and drive the five miles over to Bob's. To my surprise his Blazer was still in the driveway. I park and walk up to the house and knock on the door. Bob was in the living room ironing his jeans and he tells me to come in. I go inside and tell Bob a condensed version of my story. We go to the garage and I ask Bob what would he have done. He told me the first thing he would have done is ask the guy to show him a badge. Bob told me I could sue this guy, that he kidnapped me at gunpoint. He tells me I could sue him and be living in his house and piss on the lawn whenever I wanted. It then hit me. I'm sitting on a good lawsuit. I'm going to get paid.
                   Furthermore, I recorded the guy's license plate into my tape recorder and the police still have my cassettes. I'm going to get all my shit back. Even if the police don't give me my cassettes back, I could still go identify the house I pissed in front of. It wasn't that long ago. I remember there was a big wall in front of it.
                   For the icing on my cake, this lawsuit is also going to give my ideas major publicity. Looks like the medicine woman was right. I am going to bring balance to this world. Me, Victor Antonio.

Next day..


HAHA I MADE IT: better?
HAHA I MADE IT: i just got out of jail..
AmberJem84: OoOh no
AmberJem84: for what?
HAHA I MADE IT: it sucked big time
HAHA I MADE IT: got time for another story?
AmberJem84: lol umm..... well i am in the middle of geettin ready to go if u wanna send it to me ill read it later for now tell me the short version
HAHA I MADE IT: i have taken a devestating blow
HAHA I MADE IT: i've lost so much..i'm even thinking about quitting
AmberJem84: damn man why did u get arrested?
AmberJem84: hmm what have u lost?
HAHA I MADE IT: everything hard drive with all my documents and shit
HAHA I MADE IT: ahhh, it's way too much to condense right now, i'll get to work typing it up..
HAHA I MADE IT: in jail, i kept a daily log that will explain everything
HAHA I MADE IT: you know me and my documenting
AmberJem84: damn that sux but what exactly happened?
AmberJem84: lol no doubt
HAHA I MADE IT: i was walking on my way to austin...i had to take a leak so i did next to this telephone pole
HAHA I MADE IT: thought nothing of it, hoped nobody say me..
HAHA I MADE IT: walked for a couple more hours
AmberJem84: uhh huh...
HAHA I MADE IT: then all of a sudden, this truck pulls over..
HAHA I MADE IT: i get happy thinking someones gonna give me a ride
HAHA I MADE IT: this hick jumps out and starts yelling at me and tells me to drop my walking stick
HAHA I MADE IT: i back up and say what did i do?
HAHA I MADE IT: he grabs his gun and points it at me
HAHA I MADE IT: and tells me to drop it
HAHA I MADE IT: i do, he tells me to get on the ground and give him something with my name on it
HAHA I MADE IT: i do, then he tells me to get in his truck
HAHA I MADE IT: and drives me a couple miles back the way i came, and tells me to get out and walk in the other direction
HAHA I MADE IT: he tells me, "next time you take a piss in somebodys lawn, make sure it isnt mine"
AmberJem84: what?!??! a cop so wait how did u get arrested?
AmberJem84: damn what a dick
HAHA I MADE IT: he told me, "if i see you walking east again youre getting an ass beating"
HAHA I MADE IT: and drives off
AmberJem84: wow
HAHA I MADE IT: i walk in the direction he tells me to for about 10 minutes
HAHA I MADE IT: then all of a sudden, police
HAHA I MADE IT: bam, they get me for possesion of marijuana, less than 2 ounces
AmberJem84: whoaaa holly shit
HAHA I MADE IT: the minute that hick dropped me off, i shouldve ditched my weed
HAHA I MADE IT: i felt real dumb
AmberJem84: how long were u in jail what happened?
HAHA I MADE IT: 6 days
HAHA I MADE IT: it sucks..the pigs kept all my good shit
HAHA I MADE IT: my army bag with all my clothes in it
HAHA I MADE IT: my hard drive with ALL my stuff on it..
HAHA I MADE IT: and most importantly, all 16 cassettes that i had logged my west coast adventure on
HAHA I MADE IT: the pigs said they were gonna investigate all that stuff
HAHA I MADE IT: even though they had nothing to do with the marijuana charge..
HAHA I MADE IT: once the pigs see that i'm trying to get rid of money, theyre gonna hand it over to the feds
HAHA I MADE IT: the feds are gonna think im a commie
HAHA I MADE IT: i'll be up shit's creek with a turd for a paddle..
HAHA I MADE IT: sooo much wasted
HAHA I MADE IT: i'm almost ready to give up
AmberJem84: oooHhH man yeh i dunno u do have some explainin to the da
AmberJem84: i hope it goes well just think positive
HAHA I MADE IT: now i gotta wait around for my court date and shit..
AmberJem84: damn man thats rough
HAHA I MADE IT: leave the country..
HAHA I MADE IT: i'm thinking canada or something
HAHA I MADE IT: i know that sounds harsh, but i'm all fucking paranoid now..
AmberJem84: liten i just got busted with a bigger charge lemme aqsk u something ...have u beenn busted b4?
HAHA I MADE IT: argh, this is what i get for making perfect sense
HAHA I MADE IT: well, kinda..but i had it all dismissed, lemme email you some other stories of mine
AmberJem84: yeh i know the intelligent peopel in the world that spread knowledge get assisinated and shit
AmberJem84: ok ill look tomarrow though
HAHA I MADE IT: oh shit, ALL my stuff if on my hard drive
HAHA I MADE IT: damnit damnit damnit
AmberJem84: u may get it back ya know u should go
HAHA I MADE IT: should go where?
AmberJem84: just say u were doing a project
AmberJem84: to court
HAHA I MADE IT: yeah, i just might...but i'm sure theyll have made copies of it
HAHA I MADE IT: i will
HAHA I MADE IT: the fuckhead deputy's got all my traveling stuff
HAHA I MADE IT: he even ditched my walking stick
AmberJem84: fuck them so where are u now?
HAHA I MADE IT: i feel naked without that
HAHA I MADE IT: i guilted my mom into bailing me out
HAHA I MADE IT: my mom thinks im crazy too..i hate it here
HAHA I MADE IT: i shouldve never left the west coast..
HAHA I MADE IT: fuck the police
AmberJem84: so u are home w/ your mom?
AmberJem84: yeh im moving to florida
HAHA I MADE IT: i  had already set my manhattan destination and everything, but east scares me now..
AmberJem84: in 10 days
HAHA I MADE IT: really?
HAHA I MADE IT: what part?
AmberJem84: yeh
AmberJem84: palm beach county
HAHA I MADE IT: on the way to manhattan, i was gonna stop in tampa bay and visit my exgf and dog stuart
AmberJem84: awwwww
AmberJem84: ill brb im tryin to get ready and talk
HAHA I MADE IT: ok, i'll chat at you later..go get ready
HAHA I MADE IT: and have fun
AmberJem84: i will and u take care ok dont run away without saying good bye
AmberJem84: :-)

Justified110702: hey whats upup imed a long time ago and then e-mailed me your story i just wanted to say that was pretty cool  
HAHA I MADE IT: not much, just got out of jail
Justified110702: it what's up u imed me******  
Justified110702: what!!!!!!!!.......why  
HAHA I MADE IT: big bullshit, i'll type up the story later..
HAHA I MADE IT: posession of marijuana, less than two ounces
Justified110702: ok oh  
Justified110702: thats stupid to get caught with that  
HAHA I MADE IT: i was just walking down the street
HAHA I MADE IT: ill send you the details when i get it typed up
Justified110702: ok cool...i do have you on my buddy list  
Justified110702: i'll let you get back to whatever you were doing and all talk to u later  
HAHA I MADE IT: peace brother/sister
Justified110702: i'm a girl  
HAHA I MADE IT: the cops took everything, my hard drive with all my documents and shit..all my traveling gear
HAHA I MADE IT: even my walking stick
HAHA I MADE IT: i took one devestating blow..
HAHA I MADE IT: might even quit my mission..i am not a happy camper
Justified110702: were you taveling...... and why did the take your hard drive  
HAHA I MADE IT: i was walking to austin from san marcos, texas
HAHA I MADE IT: and i always have my hard drive on me when i'm traveling
Justified110702: for what  
HAHA I MADE IT: so i'll have all my files on me
Justified110702: oh ok cool  
HAHA I MADE IT: and i can hook it up to any computer
HAHA I MADE IT: and access them
HAHA I MADE IT: where are you from?
Justified110702: from chicago il but soon i'll be moved to lansing il  
HAHA I MADE IT: cool, just wondering
HAHA I MADE IT: hey, what all did i send you?
HAHA I MADE IT: and since i dont have my hard drive anymore, can you forward my mail to
Justified110702: part 1 and part 2 of when you traveledto cali  
Justified110702: i sent both of them to my grandma and my uncle  
HAHA I MADE IT: what did they think?
HAHA I MADE IT: send them to everyone you know..
HAHA I MADE IT: help me help everyone
Justified110702: your name is victor right  
Justified110702: well my grandma said it was cool  
HAHA I MADE IT: so what happened on november 7, 2002?
Justified110702: my daughter was born  
HAHA I MADE IT: just wondering
Justified110702: thats cool  
Justified110702: you'll have to send them back to me cause i deleted them  
HAHA I MADE IT: thats the thing, i lost my hard drive..
Justified110702: when you can if you can send them again  
Justified110702: ok cool  
HAHA I MADE IT: im gonna go smoke a cigarette
HAHA I MADE IT: brbin10min
Justified110702: ok later  

MnLuda: I read your story
MnLuda: It was really interesting
HAHA I MADE IT: there's more to come, i just got out of jail
MnLuda: for what?
MnLuda: posession?
HAHA I MADE IT: you guessed it
MnLuda: nice job
MnLuda: if you're ever in Minneapolis, I'll smoke you up.
MnLuda: tha'ts mn
MnLuda: probably a little out of the way..
HAHA I MADE IT: i dont know..all i need is a destination..i might get there eventually
MnLuda: lol
MnLuda: we went down by the mississippi and smoked forever off one bowl
HAHA I MADE IT: i just got out of jail today..i guilted my mom into bailing me out..
HAHA I MADE IT: im dying to toke
HAHA I MADE IT: but now i have to stick around for a couple of months for court and shit..
MnLuda: Well if you fall off the horse, you have to jump right back on.
HAHA I MADE IT: that's right..but it's gonna be tough...they got my army rucksack, my hard drive, all 16 cassettes i had logged my west coast adventure on..
HAHA I MADE IT: i'm sure theyre gonna give it all to the feds
HAHA I MADE IT: i'll be up shit's creek with a turd for a paddle
MnLuda: good luck
HAHA I MADE IT: thanks, i'll need it
MnLuda: I gotta split
HAHA I MADE IT: peace brother
MnLuda: peace



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