


April 1, 2003



IRC MSG in #metal

     Wow, didn't I say today was going to be better than yesterday?  It was very decent.  They were both badass days.
     Let's see.  I woke up and got on the computer.  I had to use that screen name that I made on Carlos' account, the one that he changed the profile on and uses.  Here, check out his profile:

Name: ask 
Location: San Antonio, I-10 near DeZavala
Sex:      Male
Marital Status: Single and looking 
Hobbies & Interests: girls, drinking, dancing, going out, casual sex -- all of these responsibly.  
Favorite Gadgets: If you find this profile interesting at all, i-m me. If youre prude, just pretend you didnt read the part about casual sex.                  
Occupation: utsa student(sr).  but I can also be a masseuse, sex-slave,etc.., as long as you give it up darling.                    Personal Quote: dont mind my screenname, pal created it and I just changed the profile.  body-9.0, face-8.5(smile9.4), intelligence-9.5,sense of humor-9.0, personality-10, charm-9.8, sexual abilities-9.3(sober), 9.8(2-4drinks), 8.4(6-9drinks).                  

     I logged all the stuff that I did on the computer this morning so check it out.  It's pretty interesting.  I was just sitting there checking my sent mail, when some girl IMs me out of the blue.  I figure she's some slut, so I tell her that I'm the pal who made the screen name, but if she wants to fuck, that I'll tell Carlos for her.  
     As I was sitting there trying to get Carlos laid, he calls me up and tells me to get off his account.  I tell him, "Dude, once you find out what I'm doing you're going to let me stay on it as long as I want.  I'm gonna get you laid dude."  He tells me, "You can't.  You don't know how to talk to girls."  I tell him to just wait and see and tells me to be off in 30 minutes.  I was off in 10 after I sent the conversation to myself so Carlos could read it himself.
     Right when he called me, I get another random IM from some other chick.  So I tell him that I have two possibles for him and to leave me alone.  
     After I talked to the girls and got some possible karma going, I signed off and called Carlos to get on and read the conversations.  In one of the mails I sent him i made the subject, "ok, i want the master bedroom and free rent.", hehe.  I thought, "Maybe Carlos will get lucky soon, so let me walk the 5 miles to their house, I got nothing better to do."    
       Around noon, I finally got my ass of the computer.  I think I deserved a good, lazy day.  I walked all day for the past two days.  After I got off, I walked to the elementary school to catch the bus.  I was running late because I had to go back inside and get my water bottle, and I was having trouble with my key.  I jogged for a little bit, but then stopped.  If I missed the bus I could just walk to the grocery store and catch the bus in an hour.  I got to the stop by the school thinking the bus had already passed.  I went behind the wall they have at the corner and snuck a toke.  All of a sudden, I see the bus coming.  Cool, it was late. 
     Now, today is the first of April and I haven't bought a new bus pass, so I might end up walking anyway if the driver is a dick.  The bus came and I got on.  Mr. Palacios was driving.  I got on and said that I didn't have time to get my pass, but that I was on my way to buy it then."  He waved me on and told me next time I ride, I better have it.  So I'll probably try not to ride it if he's driving.  
     Anyway, when he got to the grocery store all the other buses had already left.  It didn't bum me out.  I decided I was going to walk the couple block's distance down Bandera and go on my nature hike to Bob's.  Before I get to the park, I pass French Creek and decide to walk through the woods there to get to the park, instead of walking to the entrance.  I walked in the woods for about an hour and got lost.  I finally figured out where I was and I was near my cool hideout with the beautiful view.  I went up there and smoked a cigarette and some weed.  Afterwards, I hiked all the way to Bob's house in Babcock North.  I got to his house and knocked on the door.  Bob answered and I went and hung out with him.  From there, I checked the bus schedule and saw that the bus was coming in 3 minutes, but down the street.  I sped-walked, not caring if I missed it.  I saw it zoom by, so I turned around and walked all the way to Andy's.  
     At Andy's I saw Seren's green Camaro, so I went and knocked on the door.  Seren answered and told me that Andy wasn't home.  I told her I had an hour to wait for the bus and if she'd wanna hang out to help me pass the time.  I offered her a hit of weed, but she's due for a urinalysis soon.  So I hung out there and smoked ciarettes for a while.  I was telling Seren about my cool day yesterday and out walks Tyler and his friend.  I offer them a hit of weed and Andy takes us to his backyard.  I let Andy hit my pipe, then I say, "Shit, I forgot.  You're only allowed to smoke on the weekends.  Give me that back."  Hehe, I was kidding totally.  Anyway, the time came for me to walk back to the bus, it was around 6, I think.  It turned out Andy's friend needed to catch the bus too.  So when time came, we both took walking off for the bus stop.  He was walking the opposite direction I was and I told him to follow me, that there's a shortcut to everything.  We walked down Spring Mont where it ended, and you can get to Prue road quick from there.  
     This guy's name was..shit, I forgot it.  Something deck.  Walldeck or something.  He's impressed with the shortcut and we get to the bus stop right before the bus gets there.  When we get on I pull the same line with the bus driver, a different guy.  I tell him I didn't have time to buy my pass and if he can give me a courtesy-ride.  Sho' nuff he did.  When the 605 got to Prue/Cedar park, he got off in front of Parkwood.  On the way there I had been telling him my ideas and I tell him, "Peace brother." when he gets off.
     The bus gets to the grocery store late and the other buses are gone.  It sucked because I wasn't up to walk again.  I walk up to the Goodwill Donation Station.  As I'm walking in front of it, I see the door open so I yell, "Hey Marko."  Sure enough, Marko steps out and shakes my hand.  He tells me that he missed me last Sunday at the Vineyard.  I told him about how great my days had been, and tell him that I plan to show up at the Vineyard next Sunday for sure.  He asked me if I had talked to Autumn again and since I'm bad with names I told him I wasn't sure who Autumn was, but that I hadn't talked to anyone from the Vineyard.  I told him I had invited Jamie to go hiking with me and he told me that was a great idea.  That Jamie and the other guys love hiking.  I can't wait to go hiking with Jamie.  I know sooo many places that not that many people know about, that's just plain walkable.  
     Since I have to eliminate Stacey as a possible traveling partner now, I'm gonna aim for Jamie.  She's 18 too and great.  I met her weeks ago at the Vineyard.  I never got my hopes up with Stacey and she's far away.  I always have a backup plan, in this case a backup-interest.  I guess you can say it's the designer in me.  I'll see what happens.  Shit like this is pretty dynamic and I could change my mind at any moment.
     Marko turns the Open sign around and puts up these cones.  I was ready to take off walking when he asks me where I lived.  I told him about 3 miles away and he offers to give me a lift.  Badass.  
     I get home and my little brother is watching TV and my mom is, of course, on the computer playing her stupid game.  I go into the living room and the headline on a newspaper catches my eye.  It says "Iraq planning another 911.  Iraq wants to bring war to US."  Shit, I grab the paper quick and read the article.  Man, nothing in this world worries me more than bad war news, especially in our modern times.  

Damnit, I don't know how many times I need to say this.  NOBODY HAS TO DIE.

- victor

     Let's see.  My mom got on the computer tonight and played her dumb game for hours, so I went for a walk.  I didn't have any cigarettes or money so I walked up to the Texaco on 1604/Bandera, bummed some cigarettes and hung out with my friend Matt who works there.  When I got there, he was just leaving and the shift-replacement had come in.  Some black guy who I've told my ideas to before.  He sees me asking someone for a cigarette and tells me he has a pack of Doral Lights in his car that I can have.  Badass.  I went to the bathroom to take a piss and admired myself in the mirror, hehe.  When I returned he hooks me up.  To the Victor go the spoils again.  I asked him if I had told him my ideas before and he told me yeah.  "You're the world peace guy.", he told me.  Awesome.  San Antonio knows me.
     I walked all the way back to my mom's house and my mom was still on the computer.  She said she had been waiting for me to go to sleep.  Bullshit mom, because even after I came back to the room and lied on the bed, she stayed there wasting herself on that game still.  

Why don't people just tell the truth?  Just the facts ma'am.

- victor

     Oh yeah, the time is now 1:29am.  I signed on IRC and went to the #sanantonio channel.  I noticed that I was on nick 'ween'.  "dammit" was taken.  i /whoised dammit and messaged the guy:

dammit on #shs-j @#zoinks

<darnit> say brother, can i get back on my nick please?
<dammit> um no
<dammit> hu u?
<darnit> i usually use dammit for a nick
<dammit> ok...
<darnit> you'll let me get back on?
<dammit> ya...ill use darnit
<dammit> hahahahahahaha
<darnit> do i sense some sarcasm?
<dArnt> no
<dArnt> ya dnt
<darnit> thank you brother
<dArnt> ya welcome bro

     Oh yeah, I was talking to Becky-Ann and had to reset.  I told her to save the conversation for me because my computer was frozen.  I need to see if she's still online.  Hold on.

Ok, she was and she sent it to me.

I'm going to bed.  It's 2:25am.  peace

Amberdinni: damnnnnnn you think pretty highly of
Amberdinni: what ya been up to?
HAHA I MADE IT: that is sooo not my profile..
Amberdinni: lol
HAHA I MADE IT: see, when i got back i made this sub account on my friend carlos' account..
HAHA I MADE IT: and his unoriginal ass liked this sn so much..
HAHA I MADE IT: that he changed the profile
HAHA I MADE IT: Personal Quote: dont mind my screenname, pal created it and I just changed the profile.
Amberdinni: i didnt know if that meant you or not
Amberdinni: well your buddy sure thinks highly of himself lol
HAHA I MADE IT: yeah, i'm guessing he's compensating for a small penis or something
Amberdinni: lol
Amberdinni: so whats the latest in the Victor Files
HAHA I MADE IT:  give me a minute
Amberdinni: you spend more time in jail than anyone i knowlol
HAHA I MADE IT: it's all in good fun though..
HAHA I MADE IT: i take fun with me everywhere i go..
HAHA I MADE IT: i'm going to go for my bowl of cereal and smoke a cigarette to the yummy left-over cereal milk
Amberdinni: ok
HAHA I MADE IT: brbin10minorless

                     Here's the profile Carlos had on the screen name I made on his account:

Name: ask
Location: San Antonio, I-10 near DeZavala
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Single and looking
Hobbies & Interests: girls, drinking, dancing, going out, casual sex -- all of these
Favorite Gadgets: If you find this profile interesting at all, i-m me. If youre prude, just
pretend you didnt read the part about casual sex.
Occupation: utsa student(sr). but I can also be a masseuse, sex-slave,etc.., as long as you give it up darling.
Personal Quote: dont mind my screenname, pal created it and I just changed the profile. body-9.0, face-8.5(smile9.4), intelligence-9.5,sense of humor-9.0, personality-10, charm-9.8, sexual abilities-9.3(sober), 9.8(2-4drinks), 8.4(6-9drinks).

                     Haha, yeah it kind of sucks having that lame profile, but I think I'm going to send out my ideas with it, hehe. I have decided today I should rest. I walked all day for two days now. I deserve to relax a little. I wanted to go talk to my ex-stepdad. He's a lawyer too and I want to see what he tells me.

                     The time is twelve twenty nine right now and I just got up to answer the phone. I saw that it said "out of area" on the Caller-ID, so I knew it was a telemarketer.

                     Okay, the time is now one thirty one. I just remembered I was supposed to call Hayes County PD and talk to that dickhead deputy that kept all my stuff. I had the seven digit number and wasn't sure of the area code. It's 393-7896 and I need to speak with Deputy Hall. I tried dialing the number without an area code, in case it was a local call. I got some dude's answering machine. Now I kind of remembered the Austin area code to be 512, but I wasn't sure. I tried it and sure enough, it worked. I told the guy who answered, "Hi, my name is Victor Gruber and I was just in your jail not too long ago. Deputy Hall put aside some of my property and I need it back. Is he available?" The guy told me to hold on and came back to tell me he was in training today, or something. I asked him when would be the next time he was available and he told me to call back Friday after six. So that's what I'm going to do.

                     I had been thinking about catching the bus to talk to my ex-step dad who's a lawyer, but I'm hungry and I want to eat something and smoke a cigarette, so I'll wait until next hour.

                     Oh yeah, back to my friend Carlos.  While I was on on the screen name I started getting random Instant Messages from girls.  There was only one reason they would IM anybody with a profile like that.  Sluts.  Let me show you the conversations.

SEXi Chels 17: a/s/l/p
HAHA I MADE IT: are you iming me because of my profile?
HAHA I MADE IT: because i'm the pal that made the screen name
HAHA I MADE IT: if you want to fuck, i'll tell carlos..
HAHA I MADE IT: so, whatta ya say?
HAHA I MADE IT: carlos works out and he's all buff
HAHA I MADE IT: and what the girls tell me, he'll fuck your brains out
HAHA I MADE IT: just some nice safe, responsible fun
HAHA I MADE IT: hey, we're only human, right?
SEXi Chels 17: lol what lol sorry i was talkin to sister
HAHA I MADE IT: and it would be the coolest shit in the world if i got my friend carlos laid through aol..
HAHA I MADE IT: actually, he just called me right now to tell me to get off his account
SEXi Chels 17: ok
HAHA I MADE IT: i told him, "dude, i'm going to get you laid. let me stay on as long as i want."
HAHA I MADE IT: he told me, "you can't get me laid. you can't talk to girls."
Auto response from SEXi Chels 17: WENT TO GO SEE MY NEW NIECE AT HOSPITAL :)
HAHA I MADE IT: he told me to give him 30 minutes
HAHA I MADE IT: would be awesome if i got carlos a 17 year old to fuck off aol..

Meccahinih0e: NOPE THATS OK
HAHA I MADE IT: you don't even know what he looks like
HAHA I MADE IT: he's a stud
Meccahinih0e: I'LL TAKE UR WORD FOR IT
HAHA I MADE IT: did you have a picture?
Meccahinih0e: YES
HAHA I MADE IT: send it
HAHA I MADE IT: which one are you?
HAHA I MADE IT: Okay, what side of town do you live on so i can tell carlos?
HAHA I MADE IT: then why did you IM me?
HAHA I MADE IT: don't you want to fuck?
Meccahinih0e: YES WHO DOESNT
HAHA I MADE IT: if you do, carlos does too
Meccahinih0e: UMMMM NOPE
HAHA I MADE IT: so why not let him plug it in?
HAHA I MADE IT: if it fits, stick it in, right?
HAHA I MADE IT: well, you never know. what if ya'll have a lot of fun together and end up getting married
HAHA I MADE IT: because the sex was so good
HAHA I MADE IT: what better way to see if someone is compatible than to fuck their brains out?
HAHA I MADE IT: i'm going to go smoke a cigarette..just think about it
HAHA I MADE IT: doesn't that make perfect sense?
HAHA I MADE IT: maybe down the road he won't need to use a condom and you guys have a kid
HAHA I MADE IT: you just never know, shit's crazy like that

    Next day..

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