

                                                                                                             San Luis Obispo, CA

Sunday March 29, 2009

     6:20am  Woke up.

     8:52am  All three of us are walking the highway to Prado. We left around eight thirty. A state trooped pulled over right before Prado and told us we couldn't walk on the highway. He probably stopped because I was wearing my clown wig and waving at cars.

     12:03pm  Jan just volunteered me some food in the Macintosh store. She gave me a banana cherry muffin. I was checking my email and she asked me if I was the traveler.

     12:08pm  I guess I should elaborate. Sirius took off with his friend who showed up last night. When I got to Prado today, some other dude was using the business computer monitor. After eleven I got a little typing done. Oh yeah, at the Mac store I thought they might be able to help me with my card reader problem so I could get the pictures off my camera for my update. The guy tried, but they couldn't help with that. I pleaded with them, but they'll only let me get one printout, but they suggested I go to Kinko's or something and get some copies made. What a great idea.

     12:47pm  Some guy I that I couldn't understand his name gave me a couple bucks. I appreciate it, bro.
     12:50pm  Briana just volunteered me five dollars when she heard about my cause. I appreciate it, Briana. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                     A book called Wicked. Gregory Mcguire.

                     Pete who lives in the building across the street on Higuera, he saw me and my HOOK A BROTHER UP/SMOKE A BROTHER OUT sign earlier. He ran downstairs to catch a taxi and he saw me. He ran over and kicked me down a little nugget. he told me he liked my sign. 777 Higuera

                     I got smoked out over in the grass by the creek.I came back to Higuera and tried to tell people my story. This guy I had seen before walked up and I offered to smoke him out. I just got kicked down with a nugget. No point of having any if you don't share it. We're going to go for a ride in his car and smoke some weed.

     9:15am  That dude dropped me back on Higuera and I hung out a little more before deciding to start walking to the field. I should've asked him for a ride here, but it was still early. Anyway, I stopped in he Circle K to get ice and had a good little presentation with cute Susie.

                   I still have this burrito to eat I got from Prado today. I'm going to walk to the field and make camp then eat this burrito and smoke some weed.

                   I got to camp about ten or fifteen minutes ago. I've really been slacking on my logging. I feel really ashamed. Screw it though. I am bringing this shit to life. I am blowing people's minds every single day. I'm still going to keep going and do what I do. As for my lack of documenting, people can use their imagination to fill in the gaps. I got a sign to stay too. I need a rainbow beanie, bad. I want to manifest one in San Luis. Kristina, this girl who has a secret crush on me emailed me and told me she was looking for a hat for me. Today I got to type for like maybe two hours at Prado. I am slowly getting it done again. I've been waiting for Spring Break to be over to use the library at Cal-Poly. I have lots of ideas for revisions to my update.

     10:09pm  I'm going to sleep.

Next day..

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