

Modesto, CA

Wednesday March 29, 2023


     Today I woke up at nine thirty and did all the dishes.  My beautiful girl cooked up some delicious Mexican style rice last night and we feasted.  She had to rinse the rice real good because it had little dead bug carcasses in it, lol.  Weevils.  We looked it up online and found out they're safe to eat, so we didn't let the rice go to waste.  Most, if not all got rinsed out. 

     Anyway, last night was great.  I feel like I have made my presence known to a hugely important player on the light side, Serg Mesa.  I love this dude.  I've been watching him for a while and I think he's such a badass mofo and everybody needs to watch his videos.   

     I had to piss him off to get his attention, but I did get it.  I commanded his attention.  That, in itself makes me proud I was able to.  It reminds me how I will command the attention of the whole world to do only good sopn.  If it's to be, it's up to me.  

     I hope I have made an impression he'll never forget.  Because I need the controversy to amplify my blog views.

     I worded out almost the same "litmus test" I gave Rob Potter, which Rob failed.  Here, I'll show you the comments I posted, the whole story:

First, here's the text I sent Potter on March 19th 6:06pm:

Rob Potter, 
     If you truly want to continue and drastically accelerate on your path of disclosing truth and helping humanity, which I'm pretty sure has been the driving force which has gotten you where you are today, you need to collaborate with me and realize the role I've been assigned in this coming peaceful revolution. My stuff is going to be everywhere soon, with our without your help.  
     My blog has evolved much, it constantly is.  Please have a long hard look at it and consider contributing to it.  Even if it's just opinions or suggestions. 
     I hope you are doing really well. I miss Mount Shasta dearly.

He replied six hours later with:

Crazy busy mow yiu can post on my face book call me i will driving from 11-5 pm tomorrow

     I've heard nothing from him at all since then.  You know what that makes me think, right?  Figure it out from the following.  

Here's what I posted on Serg's latest Bitchute video.


Please figure me,. We are on the same side.




i can't find an email address so i guess I'll keep communicating here. i can't sleep worried you will ignore my overall message due to my hostile intro. serg, you have no idea how much i respect you for having the cojones you do. Now i know for a fact that you are totally part of the force for good. I am elated you took my "bait" and responded so quickly. I couldn't have had a bigger grin on my face. it made you real to me.
if i would have gotten no reply back from you at all after that fake threat i made, i would, well, you already know what i would've thought.
it brings me great joy to know we have a leader like you on our team.
please forgive the litmus test, you passed with flying colors. you are bonafide.

please email me for any reason whenever you want.


I'm so itching to get this party started soon. please read my blog, I'm begging you. just YOUR endorsement of me could blow the lid off of this nonviolent peaceful revolution we're about to have. transition is a better word. much consideration, please give.

come on serg, will it into existence with me. where there's a will, there's a way. where there's more than one will there's a certainty. power in numbers.

Do you know anything about being positive -assumptive?   

The following is an addendum made at 6:24pm.  It wasn't in the comment, but I wanted to include this here.

(Positive-assumption is a mind-trick I learned about working in telemarketing. It's a way to manipulate belief by JUST assuming people already bought the product and are happy with it. A lot of people get hypnotized by false assurances by the marketer and fall for it. Like they say, there's a sucker born every minute. It's simple psychology.

     Let's use this trick, but let's use it for good instead.
     Let's all just ASSUME the world has already been saved, until it actually is.  That's what I'm doing.  That's what I'm trying my hardest to manifest by having you read this.)

if i don't get your full endorsement will you please advise me on how you think it's best i continue? i value you.


come to think about it, i gave Rob Potter the same exact litmus test and I never heard a peep from him afterwards. Hmm, now what do you think that leads me to believe? lol


See, here's the text i sent him. He probably just thought I was crazy. Just like I want him to.(see above)


let's see what truther believes in me first 😁,
numbers game


There are THOUSANDS of people out there who have heard my stories personally and will remember me vividly, thus kicking the distribution of my blog into hyperdrive when they realize I'm still at it and i wasn't just talking shit all those years ago when destiny had me meet then. here comes some real hope for humanity. help me being it, Serg. Por favor.


*bring it


The reason I said it's time to talk only about my blog now is because I have always felt, have had much verified confirmation of being on the right, perfect path. I was born to do this. The signs have been everywhere and I keep getting them. In order to be directly connected to LOVE all I have to do is just keep track of them and post them on my blog. It's amazingly simple.
That's where my obsession with documenting my life began. When LOVE noticed I was so obsessed with documenting my life LOVE saw fit to use me as a channel to convey exactly what needs to be done to actually flip the tables and really give control of our world to the people, so majority could finally rule.

What I am offering is a BLANKET SOLUTION that will amazingly address ALL that is wrong in our world(which is what most of your videos are about, no?), thus balancing us out.

Daydream with me for a little bit, Serg. Let's say, let's pretend that my project is actually possible and I have the entire world glued to my blog, and become a trusted source for decimating raw truth so we can finally have full-disclosure. Wouldn't you want to be one of the first, if not THE first to be linked to my blog to help? I would be bringing everybody together this way.

Humanity in its entirety will become united with my dream. I'd really be the catalyst.

That sounds like a dream I would never want to end. .

So let's get it on already.

I know the way I word things may sound ego-driven or a bit condescending, but I have NOTHING but good intentions. I am simply being subversive, please understand this fact. Don't be put-off and ignore me thinking I'm crazy, please. I only want the government to do that, wink, wink. It's all part of my cover.

I mean, after experiencing my blog, don't I make it sound like world peace through laughter just might be really possible? And soon? If you don't think so, you'll be pleasantly surprised at the billions of people who want that very exact thing and will LOVE the fact that someone is as obsessed with making that our reality as I have become.
I am bringing about THE moment of clarity for this world. I've been assigned this job by LOVE and I promise you I won't stop SHOUTING about my blog until it happens.

You can call me Victor the System Fucker. :]


You have no idea how happy it makes me that you have provided this pulpit for me to preach from. Thank you. I'll stop if you'd prefer. There's plenty of other people who don't know about my blog, for now.

     What a great and titillating chapter!  This is what I get for just letting things happen and documenting all of my efforts.  For collecting true opinions.  What a terribly interesting read, no?  I bet the general public will think it is.  

     This is what I get for keeping it real.

     World peace is writing itself through me.

     It's going to happen soon!  All I have to do is keep assuming it and willing into existence!  

     But I can't finish the job on my own. 

     I need the help of everybody.  

     Go my way, please.  I am begging you.  

     Because my way is your way. 

     Yes way, José.


     The weather is yucky so no spamming for peace in town today.  

6:35pm  Hmm, just sitting here thinking.   I should tell Serg: "If I cannot convince you to trust in me and tell each one of the thousands of contacts you have about my blog(I mean, what do you have to lose for just trying?), to SCREAM about it like I am, because it can happen if we do, then I am truly sorry and please forgive me for wasting your time dealing with me. 

     There's plenty of other badass mofos with big audiences out there.  I'll go down the list.  I'll litmus them all.  You know how much I love number games.  The odds are in my favor here.  I am destined to be doing this and to succeed at it.  

     You were only the second one Serg, and trust me, I didn't start with the best.  That's you.

     It's never been more than just a matter of time than it is right fuckin' now.  A very short time.  Ha, time is fake anyway, too.  :]

     Wouldn't it be insanely interesting to see what people like Jordan Sather, X22, Eceti, etc, what they all have to say about my lunacy?  Do you think they'll even acknowledge me and the fact that I am calling them out like I did Serg?  Serg didn't stand for my shit and ignore me because he's got balls.  I'm putting Serg in charge of the battalion.  General Serg.  Let's get 'er done.

     Let's separate the wheat from the chaff, boys.  Then we can finally know for sure who the disinfo-agents are.  I'm gonna rat them all out.  

     Actually, it'll be more like I'm making them rat themselves out.    

     Do you think that might net me one or two views?  :P

     Truth is stranger than fiction.

     I can't fuckin' wait.  :]

     Serg, hermano.  I won't be commenting on your videos anymore, I promise, jefé.  Hopefully I've been interesting enough for people to know they can follow the convo on my blog, if they want. IF you even reply, of course.  If you don't they'll see that too, so try and make it a substantial reply, or not. You choose.

     Please let me know if you read this, bro.  I have nothing but love for you.  I wish I could give you a huge hug. 

     I think tomorrow I'm going to start taking LOTS of pictures of my life for this blog.  Start making my shit more Trumanesque.

     So people can trust me even more.  I am the real-deal.  Have faith in me, please.  Wish me luck, please.

     I beg you all, please.

Next day..

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