


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday March 31, 2004

     8:08am  I am having the most pleasant morning this morning. Took a shower and took a hit of weed and did my stretches in the back. I'm in a really good mood. Oh yeah, my mom got me a marker. Which I need to make my sign. I gotta find me a piece of cardboard and make it already.

     8:10am  I'm walking to the park. I'm going to do my hike to the Walmart.

     8:34am  I walked by the tennis courts at Camino Bandera, which I never go to because there is a gate. I see these two tennis balls right next to the fence. Maybe I can stick my stick in there and get them. 

                   Cool, I got the two tennis balls. I was walking by and I looked to the left and saw there was a couple tennis balls in that court. I knew for a fact that I couldn't get in, because it's locked all the time. I got them.

     8:41am  I was walking almost to the Exxon and I saw Gene, the guy I talked to in French Creek Village the other day(3-28-04, 10:50am). The guy who hooked me up with four cigarettes and listened to my story. I asked him, "Where's the weed at?" He said, "I got some. Wanna smoke? I gotta go do something real quick." So, I'm riding with him. We're going to smoke some weed. He even gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Gene.

                   Gene was all, "You remember me?" I told him, "Vaguely, refresh my memory." He said, "I was mowing that lawn the other day in French Creek Village and I gave you four cigarettes." "Oh yeahhh," I told him.

     8:53am  Gene dropped me off right at the lower pavilion at the park. He went to go take a piss in the bathroom. That was awesome. That's the second time I've gotten picked up and taken to the park.

     9:05am  I'm going to stop and take a hit at the lookout point at the top of the cliff.

     9:14am  I finished smoking. I'm going to keep walking. To the Walmart and catch the bus.

     9:48am  Alright, I'm over at the Walmart by the buses. Man, I really love that hike. It's beautiful. Like I say, to the Victor go to the spoils. It's right in my back yard.

                    Letter of the day is Ian, I.

                    I asked the 609 guy, "Hey, you don't have a 610 schedule, do you?"

                    The letter of the day might be J, but I got an I transfer in my pocket. More than one. I trimmed it. I'll be sure to look before I hand it to the guy and I'll get off it's not J.

                    I'm wearing my Willie Nelson shirt. Hehe, I look funny. I need to get another camera so I can get a picture of it.

                    The letter of the day is I, Ian. I jumped on the 610 that was going the other direction. I looked at the schedule, even though I haev a schedule in my pocket. I got confirmation, it is I.

                    The bus is late. It should've gotten here ten minutes ago.

     10:06am  See, the 610 I got on to check the letter of the day, the sign said it was going Ingram. When I saw the 610 again it said it was going to Ingram too. I got on and asked, "Where's the 610 going to Medical Center? He pointed to the other 610 and said, "Right there." I guess the other guy hadn't changed his sign yet.

                    Man, this is funny. I'm on the 610 almost to the hospital. This lady who I've told my story to before, she's trying to put her makeup on. She told the driver, "Hey, do you mind watching the bumps? I'm trying to put my makeup on." The bus driver started braking and making the bus all shake around. Hahaha. 

     10:29am  I'm at the hospital. Man, that was hilarious on the bus. At first that lady when she got on, she was this really ignorant lady all about money. She started talking to the driver. She told him how she was watching Jerry Springer. This guy was mad because his wife was cheating on him with the bus driver. Stupid shit like that. She commented on my Willie Nelson shirt. She said, "Wow, 83 world tour. That's a keeper." She told me that I should go to Progresso, Mexico. She told me they sell a lot of stuff there. I told her, "Nah, I don't like buying things. I'm on a mission. Can I tell you about it?" She says, "You already have."

                    Oh yeah and she was all trying to put her makeup on. She was all, "I'm late for work." See, when she first got on she asked the driver if he had a plastic bag for her shoes. She even asked him if he had a hanger. She was sitting down putting her makeup on. She said, "Can you watch the bumps? I'm putting my makeup on." The driver started pumping the brakes and she couldn't do it at all! She was all, "I'm going to poke myself in the eye!" The bus driver was having fun. I tell her, "Just because our tax money pay his salary, does not mean that we are his boss. He's not our chauffer."

     10:31am  I just asked this guy for a cigarette. He obviously ignored me. He didn't look at me one time. I told him, "Man, all you gotta say is no. It don't hurt to ask, greedy ass."

                     Damn the ignorance in this world.

            That's where you can get that Player Hater lighter I have. Jim told me about that.

     10:42am  Jim gave me the rest of his cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Oh yeah, Jim has a song he wants to play. Even though I told him I just type stuff up and record over it later.

     Jim's song:

Tell me where are we going and what are we doing.
Is God really everywhere? He's what we're made of.
What is our purpose here on this planet?
Oh, isn't it simply to learn how to love?

Thousands are dying. I hear the bombs and the bullets.
Children are starving as I write this song.
You tell me it's right to go kill for your country
And you say I'm a traitor 'cause I won't play along.
But nobody is right, if everyone's wrong.

Will we sing the national anthem in heaven?
Will we walk with Muslims and Buddhist up there?
Will corporate bigshots buy all the that is mentioned?
Will we see those great golden arches up there?
Can I have a Big-mac and do I have to care?

You pray to Allah. I pray to Jesus.
I lean to the left while you lean to the right.
When will cooperation replace competition and peace, love and justice replace power and might?
Is it necessary we have to fight?

Oh where are we going to and what are we doing here?
Is God really everywhere? He's what we're made of.
What is our purpose here on this planet?
Isn't it simply to learn how to love?
Oh, why is it so hard to learrrrrrn how to loooooove?

Copywright 2004 James Kaufka

                     James was all smiles. He said, "Wow, what synchronicity." Thanks for helping me educate the masses, James.

     10:45am  I got two Ritz crackers from my mom's. I went up to some girl Mary and asked this guy if he would trade me crackers for a cigarette. She said, "Ah, I don't want any crackers. You can have a cigarette anyway though." I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit in my game. Thank you.

     10:56am  The 91 guy told me no. Greedy ass. I hope the 92 guy tells me yeah.

                     He told me, "No, I let you on last time." I told him, "You passed last time. You failed this time."

     10:58am  Adrian is hooking me up with a transfer. Cool, cool.

     11:02am  Mike hooked me up with two cigarettes! That's awesome, man. I had just asked for one. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                     Oh yeah, Adrian told me about First Friday downtown on St. Mary's Street. He said there's all these vendors out there. I'm going to go out and there and fly my sign and ask for spare change for saving the world. I'm going to have money soon. I got my marker and everything.

                      I got two cigarettes off that guy. I'm going to find Adrian and give him one.

     11:10am  I got on the 92 with a decoy transfer. Haha. Fuck the system.

     11:32am  The 92 stopped at Crossroads Park and Ride. I took a hit of weed over by the bike lockers. I went inside and refilled my water. I'm going to get back on the 92.

     11:42am  I asked this one guy in a wheelchair on the bus. He's reading a book called, "The Armageddon, How To Prepare For Suffering." I told him, "Can I tell you a really interesting story? It's more interesting than what you're reading there. Not to mention, more accurate. I guarantee it." He wouldn't listen to me. I told him, "Okay, you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does. Ignorance is bliss, I guess."

                     Man, my webpage is going to kick ass.

     12:09pm  Ms. S.A. Mooma hooked me up with a ride. I appreciate it. Thanks for proving me right.

     12:28pm  I'm downtown already. I'm going to go to the church and get a sandwich. At the care-center.

     12:30pm  Oh yeah, right when I got there they ran out of food. But, my good buddy Phase hooked me up with two things of chips. Badass, I was hungry. 152 calories each.

     12:37pm  Shannon hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:45pm  I was asking for spare change for a hotdog and he hooked me up with two dollars! Now I can eat a hotdog and go to SAC and type up my stuff.

     12:47pm  That was awesome. That guy gave me two bucks, but he still wouldn't listen to my story. I got to the part where I ask if he's willing to listen and he told me no. He gave me two dollars and said, "What? You can't find a job?" I told him, "I have a full-time job, but my job doesn't pay me money. I work for free."

     12:58pm  Mr. Rodriguez hooked me up with a ride to SAC on the #4. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:09pm  I got off the bus in front of SAC. I'm going to walk through the school to the library.

     1:40pm  I came to SAC and told people my story at the smoking tree in front of the library. I'm going for a walk with this brother. He wouldn't tell me his name. He told me about the San Antonio Aikido Academy. Cool, he's giving me some flyers. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:19pm  We stopped at the Cracker Box Palace over on Hildebrand, by San Pedro.

                    If everyone had a bong, everyone would get along.

     2:31pm  We're coming out of the Cracker Box Palace. I told the girl in there my story.

     3:02pm  Me and that nameless guy, we walking down Breeden, some random street. We're going to walk back to SAC. Library closes at six.

                    That guy's name was Zack. He finally told me his name. I'm going to go type my days up. San Antonio College.

     4:25pm  I'm going to go out for a smokebreak. I typed up a whole day.

     4:43pm  Ruby hooked Brian up with a dollar for his soda. He appreciates it, Ruby.

     5:46pm  Scott hooked me up with another cigarette. He told me he had already given me one before. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:48pm  I am leaving the library now. Damn, I got a lot of stuff typed up. I am proud of myself.

     7:59pm  I'm going to stop in the Exxon here at Cypress and San Pedro. I'm trying to score a cigarette for the wait for the bus.

     8:17pm  Mr. Godina hooked me up with a ride to Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. On the 92.

     8:22pm  This guy gave me a cigarette. He won't give me his name. I appreciate it.

     8:40pm  The #4 driver hooked me up with a transfer. Badass.

     8:49pm  At the park I met this dude who I smoked out. I don't know if I told you. Did I tell you we smoked out at the bus stop earlier before I got downtown? I had met him on the bus. He knew about me. He told me, "That's my man, that's my man." We stopped at a bus stop and smoked the little bit of weed I had left with some girls and stuff. And somebody else gave me a little chunk. I just saw this guy again and asked him, "Do you have any weed?" He said, "Yeah, but I only have a half ounce to sell, though. I asked him if he could pinch me off a little bit. If the 92 comes, I'll get that first and go to Thundercloud Subs and see if I get smoked out there. If not, I'm thinking about calling my mom from the hospital and asking her if she would mind picking me up. I really should be going to bed pretty soon so I can have a good day tomorrow.

                   If not, I'll just walk it from West. Or get a ride there.

     8:55pm  Some guy at Travis Park that didn't want to give me his name gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:08pm  I forgot to tell you that the 92 pulled up and my friend Renee is driving!

     9:39pm  I got off like three minutes ago at Fredericksburg and Louis Pasteur. I remember the 91 comes at 9:30 in front of Thundercloud here. I caught it last night. I ran over to the stop. I think I might have missed it, but there's somebody else at the bus stop. So let's see. I hope I didn't.

     9:41pm  I'm standing in front of the Thundercloud subs about in between where the bus stop going to the hospital and the bus stop going away from the hospital. So which ever bus comes first I can run and jump on it.

     10:14pm  I'm at West Telemarketing. Let me see if I can get a ride. Maybe I'll borrow the phone and call my mom.

     10:17pm  The security guard let me use the phone. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:35pm  What was your name? Spell it. Yaharia gave me a cigarette at the smoking cabana. I appreciate it, sister.

     11:07pm  I forgot to tell you I got to my mom's house already. Oh yeah, at the smoking cabana I asked these kids, "Hey, do you guys know what I'm doing?" They said, "Yeah, we know what you're doin'. You told us the story last time." They asked me, "When are you taking off again?" I told them, "I'm not going to leave San Antonio for a long time. I've got a lot of work to do. I have to catch up. Get to where I'm typing up yesterday every day."

                     Oh yeah, and this girl told me, "We were talking with my friends the other night. We were talking about you. We were just talking about how much we admire what you're doing." I told them, "Wow, thank you. I appreciate that. Somebody's gotta do it."


                     I'm doing things right.

Next day..

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