


San Antonio, TX

Thursday, April 3, 2003

                     Okay, I went to bed early last night compared to usually. I crashed out at elven, so when my mom's alarm went off in her room it woke me up too. I got up and jumped on the computer. I checked my email but no one had written me. It's seven fifteen right now. My mom eventually came and opened the door to the computer room. I tell her good morning and she immediately tells me, "I asked you to do the dishes yesterday and you didn't." I tell her, "I didn't have time. I'm going to mow your jungle . . . err I mean lawn soon, that should be worth something." She tells me, "Oh, it's just that I cut my finger yesterday and shows me the little slice." Boohoo. She tells me that she's going to get the lawn mower fixed soon, that she thinks it just needs a new spark plug.
                      I'm not sure what I'll do today. I need to go shit, chower and shave then I'll go catch the bus and see where I end up. I've decided I'm not going to get a bus pass. I will just keep asking for courtesy rides. If a driver won't let me on I'll go for a walk and wait for the next bus. Okay, I'm going to jump in the chower. Peace in the middle east.

                     Okay, the time is now seven fifty seven and I just got out of the chower. I'm going to get dressed, eat breakfast and go catch the bus and see what happens today. I've decided I need to go shoplift another pocket-calendar and I want to go around and talk to yet another lawyer about my case. I'm going to load up on peanut butter bread before I go. I'm hungry. Wish I had some cigarettes.

                     Here's another attempt at logging the day. More details.

Thursday April 3, 2003

                     Woke up, set the goal of stealing another pocket-calendar from office max again.

                     Took a shower.

                     Walked to Guilbeau/Tezel.

                     The bus driver didn't let me on for free when he passed.

                     Took my nature hike down the hill to the grocery store.

                     No one would give me a courtesy ride at the grocery store so I scored a courtesy ride to Bandera, like walking distance away.

                     I walked to OP Schnabel and explored.

                     Went to my hideout and started shouting at the golfers below in the distance.

                     Was shouting, "Golf sucks! It's boring! Don't you have something better to do?!"

                     This guy heard me that was in the woods and we started having a conversation. He was some dude working for the water company.

                     I climbed all the way down not following a trail and met up with him. Just blew up on my ideas. He said I sounded like Jim Jones, I think.

                     Followed him to the next manhole and I think I impregnated him with every script I have. He was in agreement with all of it.

                     After that, walked to Bob's house.

                     Chilled at Bob's for a little bit then went and caught the 604. I caught the one going towards the hospital because it came first. At the hospital went upstairs and snagged two Boosts.

                     Came back down and walked around the transfer center bumming cigarettes and smoking people out.

                     Spent like an hour hanging out at the transfer center.

                     Was just sitting there smoking my cigarette hitting the 603 driver up for a courtesy ride. The first guy didn't let me on, so I went and sat down to wait for the next one. Hopefully he will let me on.

                     While I waited, I struck up a conversation with this cute high school chick who couldn't stop listening to me.

                     When the next 603 came the driver let me on.

                     Caught the 603 to Dezavala and I10, where the Office Max is. Oh yeah, I've been carrying around my Steal This Book book and reading it on the bus.

                     At I10 I walked over to Office max. Right before I went inside I realized I was wearing my cape and rainbow beanie and looked pretty noticeable. I told these kids outside at Starbucks about how I was going to try and steal a pocket calendar and if they could watch my cape and hat while I go snag it. One dumbass told me, "Oh, you're going to steal it? Forget it, we won't watch your stuff." I just left thinking I would do it another day. I wasn't going to chance trying it then in case that bastard would turn me in.

                     I left and went back to the 604 bus stop in front of HEB on Dezavala. I meet these cool homeless dudes and bought them a beer since they don't have an ID. I went into the gas station that has an affixed Subway and gave the manager Virginia my gasoline for the stomach line and got hooked up with whatever I wanted. I ordered a twelve-inch sub and took it back to the bus stop and shared it with my new friends. I tell them all about my ideas and they were calling me little brother and shit. they ended up having a hotel room close by, that costs thirty six bucks a night. They would just ask for spare change every day to make rent. It was a badass hotel room. They had tons of food and had even leant me a dollar fifty so I could get a drink at the gas station. I was considering crashing out on the floor, but around eleven I decided I was going to walk home, like well over ten miles.

                     I took off walking from I10/Dezavala. I ended up at Carlos' house in Babcock North, very far away. Oh yeah, earlier I had fixed Bob's printer and helped them out so they were quite pleased with me and welcomed me in. I hung out for a while and went to talk to Carlos on his computer. He had his scanner working and had scanned three pictures. He was wanting to join all three pictures so he would only have to send one out. I masterfully used the nifty print screen key and put all three pictures together. He was very impressed, even telling me, "Wow, you know you're stuff." I hit him up for a ride to my mom's house five miles away and he agreed.

                     Finally came home around one.

                     Good day.

                     Yet another attempt:

Thursday April 3 2003

                     Wowee zing zang! It's only 12:42pm and I'm having the time of my life today. Let's see, today I woke up, took a shower and ate. Then I got on the computer as usual. I didn't have much to do on there and I didn't have any new email. I decided to go catch the bus somewhere. The past three or four days have been just wondrous and I was curious to see what would happen today.
                     My ultimate goal today was to eventually get over to the Office Depot on DeZevala/I10. I was going to walk in there, pick out a good pocket-calendar, put it in my pocket where it belongs and walk out of the store. Easy stuff.

                     I walked the ten minutes to the elementary school. I left the house a little early so I was going to have like a fifteen minute wait at the bus stop. I took off walking to the corner where the Albertson's I used to work at was(that went out of business some time ago, stupid money). I walked to the gas station across the street from the Albertsons. Grease monkies smoke cigarettes. Let me see if I can go score one. As I walked up I saw only one dude inside talking on the phone on the other side of the glass. I give him the universal need-a-cigarette hand symbol. You know, the two fingers at the mouth(which easily converts to the good 'ol peace sign with a flip of the wrist). He shook his head no and I walked off, flipping my wrist. I go to the nearest bus stop and wait.
                     When the driver pulls up it's Mr. Perez. Mr. Perez had given me a free ride yesterday and when I asked him for another one later yesterday, he told me, "I only give one free ride a day." and didn't let me on. Anyway, today when he pulled up and the doors opened I asked him, "Hello sir, you said yesterday you give one free ride a day. Can I hit you up for a courtesy-ride?" He immediately shakes his head and says, "No, Sorry guy." and drives off. What a liar, huh? I forgive him immediately and flash him the peace sign. I should've told him, "That's Okay, I'll just walk. My feet have made you obsolete.", hehe.
                     So I walk over by the animal hospital across the street and cut into my badass nature hike closer to the grocery store. I was high as a kite. I am addicted to this little nature walk to the store. I feel like it belongs to me. Since I walk so much I know all the remaining woods in the area pretty well. I know how all the woods connect. I walk on the road very little.
                     Today, being in the woods(and the marijuana) opened my mind. I was so pissed that I don't have my pocket-calendar and tape recorder. I really should have written the stuff down. Hopefully, I'll be able to remember the bulk of it.

                     I thought of some more truths:

"Wouldn't you rather be free than rich? I am."
- Victor

"When I work for someone else, I become a pawn in their chess-game. I'm not a pawn. I'm a player damnit. I'm the winner."
- Victor

                     Shit, I can't remember anything else. So I walk all the way to the store. Oh yeah, before I left my mom's I had some stupid Little Debbie snacks, just to let you know. At the store I got the idea to go talk to the people in the bakery. I was going to tell them about how I took that box of donuts yesterday and just gave them away on the bus and at the hospital. I was going to see if he could let me have a box for free so I could do it again. But, I wasn't too hungry so I just decided I would try it another day. I sat down at one of the tables and hit my pipe. When I stood up, this old guy was loading his groceries into this car right in front of me. I offer to take the cart back since I was already standing up. After that, I sit back down and smoke some more weed.
                     I still had like a good twenty five minutes for the buses to come so I walked over to the Goodwill Donation Station to see if Marko was there. He wasn't, but some other young dude was. I offer him a hit of my peace pipe, but he refuses. I walk to the bus stops around forty five(remember, they come at fifty). I stand there and I notice a cigarette on the ground, but it was broken. I grabbed it, lit it, put my finger where the rip in the paper was and ahh, nicotine. I took another hit and got a great idea. I felt like going on a hike to Bob's through OP Schnabel park. So, when the bus driver pulled up I asked him if I could have a courtesy ride up to Bandera, which was walking distance. He smiles and says sure. So, I get off at Bandera and start walking towards the park. I thought about cutting through French Creek again, but changed my mind. I was going to go in the main entrance and go to the Pavilion. I was hoping there would be somebody cool I could smoke out and show them all the cool places I know in the park. There was just a lot of parents and kids there, so I headed for a trail. As I was walking to the entrance to the trail, I see four people unloading mountain bikes.
                     Now, I have been coming to this park since 1990. I used to live in the neighborhood close to it, Woods End. That park has a lot to do with my realizations and views of nature. I am grateful for it. They have this big radio antenna at the top of the park right next to this cliff. Back when I was younger, before I smoked weed, I got bored one night and decided I was going to climb to the top of that thing. I was bored. I jumped on my mountain bike and rode all the way there. It was late. I got there and jumped the big fence with barb-wire. I remember going up it was a little scary. There was condensation on the ladder and I had to hold on tight. In the end, I finally made it up to the top. I was just chilling out at the top and smoking a cigarette up by the big red blinking light. That was back when I was younger though.
                     Anyway, back to the mountain bikers. I walk by them. Three dudes and a chick, I think. I ask, "I don't suppose any of you smoke." I was thinking they might be all health conscious and shit because they mountain biked, but sure enough one dude said he did. I asked him if he could spare a cigarette and he said sure. I told him, "Badass dude, that makes me happy." Everyone smiled. I didn't want to stop and read off my scripts or anything, so I just asked them if they had a computer. They said yeah and I grabbed a business card out of my wallet. I told them, "Guess what I'm going to do? I'm going to eliminate money, make everything free, get everybody out of debt, stop this war and bring world peace. I will also get rid of cars in big cities and save the ozone layer. And most importantly, I'm going to get marijuana legalized and chill everybody out." I planted the seed and told them to email me and kept walking.
                     I was going one way, then I realized what I had done. Shit, I have to correct this. I walked back to the people with the mountain bikes and tell them, "How rude of me. You gave me a cigarette and I didn't even offer my peace-pipe." They laughed and said no thanks. They're still cool, hehe.
                     I was bored up on the platform in the tree. My spot overlooks a golf course with the Medical Center buildings in the background. It's magnificent. When I finally get a digital camera, I'll show you. Anyway, I started shouting at the people far away playing golf. I would yell, "GOLF SUCKS!! IT'S DAMN BORING!! DON'T YOU HAVE BETTER SHIT TO DO??" A couple golfers turned their head, but I don't think they even heard what I said. I yell one more time and I hear a voice calling back. I ask the voice if he's in the golf course and he tells me no, that he's a worker for the water company. I yell at him, "GOOD JOB, KEEP IT CLEAN FOR US." He yells back up at me and asks me where I was. I tell him I'm at my hideout, that there's a platform in a tree up here. I ask him where he is and he says, "Man, you can see me." I scanned the foliage but I didn't see anyone. I tell him to wave or something and then stand up. I saw him when I stood up.
                     Him and some other guy had pulled up in a truck and were doing something at the manholes. I yell, "DO YOU WANT TO HIT MY PEACE PIPE?" He tells me no. I tell him I'm going to go down there and tell them a really interesting story. I climb down out of the tree and just start going down the hill, not following a trail or anything. Hell, I make my own trails. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, right? It was a little tricky, but I made it without breaking any bones. I walk up to the two dudes and just unload on them. The guy, shit I forgot his name, listened to me and said that I made perfect sense. I joked around with them and told him my California story.
                     It turns out they were taking pictures of the pipes or something. They had a big metal pole with a digital camera at the end. Inspection for cracks and shit. When they finished at that manhole one dude got in the truck and the guy I was talking to commanded me to follow him and keep talking to him. I told him, "Hey, that's kidnapping." He laughed and we walked the short distance and I blew his socks off.
                     I asked them if they had a cigarette and they said no. Just then I remembered that I had a cigarette when I climbed up to my hideout and I didn't remember smoking it. I climbed all the way up to the top before I remembered that I accidentally threw the butt away, that I had smoked a cigarette. I walked all the way to Bob's after that, I think. Well, up to here is what I had typed up at Bob's that I mailed to my hotmail.

Next day..

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