


San Antonio, TX

Friday April 4, 2003

IM with Sk8terchiklet
Email to Frank

                     Okay, it's ten oh five and I just woke up. I was sitting at the computer and remembered I was supposed to call Deputy Hall in Hayes County today. He's the bastard who kept all my stuff. I called the number, 512-393-7896 and the secretary took my number so I could be called back. A couple minutes passed and the phone rang. It was good 'ol Officer Hall, the bastard who arrested me and kept all my shit. He asked me what I wanted and I told him, "You don't remember taking my stuff? I want it back." He said, "Listen, when I took your things I told you they would be put aside for investigation. When they're done with them then you can find out when you will get them back. I rebuttled with, "But those things had absolutely nothing to do with my marijuana charge. It's a blatant breach of privacy that you investigate my stuff.(little does he know I want him to investigate it)." He told me that to find out call some Detective Hornsby to see when I'll get it back. I told him, "No, I will be calling you guys to tell you when to give me my stuff back. Thank you and have a nice day."

                     So that's how the morning has started. I'm not sure what I need to do today.

                     Okay, the time is now seven oh eight at night and I just got home from having yet another wondrous day. Right before I left I looked at my watch and saw that I probably wouldn't catch the bus leaving right then. I just said, "What the hell, I'll just walk the mile to the grocery store." I didn't think the driver was going to give me a courtesy ride either, so better safe than sorry. At the grocery store my odds improve of scoring a courtesy ride because like six buses meet there every hour. I didn't take my nature trail route. I walked all the way down Wickersham. It's not as interesting a walk, but it's almost a straight line to the grocery store.
                     At the grocery store I asked the 605 guy if he could give me a courtesy ride. Now, keep in mind I look like a total hippie with my cape and new water bottle I found at my mom's yesterday with a picture of Superman. How fitting, huh? Hehe. So the guy said, "Sure, hop on." I tell him thanks, brother and sit down with a big shitfaced grin on my face. On the way to the hospital I killed time reading my new book Steal This Book by Abbie Hoffman. Now, my friend Matt who works at the Texaco ended up giving me that book one night before I left to California. I read a couple pages, but got distracted and never finished it. Before I left I had taken if over to Carlos and Bob's and let Bob borrow it. I don't think he read it either. So now that I'm back from the West Coast and back from jail, I spot it at their house. Oh my lard, I need to tell you about this book.
                     I read the introduction and my jaws just dropped. The book was written in 1970, but it reinforces everything I believe in to a tee. I cannot believe it took me this long to find this book. I had been telling everyone I was going to release my book soon and that it was going to be called I'm going to Spill The Beans or You Can Go Your Own way. I don't think I'm going to name it anything but Have This Book. Now, I thought a little more and realized that if I didn't feel like going through the effort, I wouldn't even have to write a book that spills the beans. One has already been written, damnit. Courtesy of Abbie Hoffman. I could just start mass mailing pages out of this book exactly as they are. It seems Abbie Hoffman figured it out way long before I did, he just didn't have the same tools I do now.
                     So now I'm just walking around the Northwest toting just my water bottle and book. I never realized how nice books kill time on the bus. My walking around solidifies my plan to make San Antonio the capital of the world(just kidding). When my ideas land in their inbox, San Antonio residents will recognize my goofy ass and I will have my support, from my city. Did I tell you my middle name is Antonio? 

                     Where did marijuana come from again? It reacts with us how it does, because it's supposed to! I would like to go through and learn from everything life has to offer. Remember, don't knock it until you try it. Then, you have a right to, not before.

                     Oh yeah, I need to keep telling you about my day. Let's see, I walked down Wickersham, the 605 guy let me on, I got off at Prue/Horn and walked to Andy's house. Andy was home and he came outside and said what's up. I ask him if he can spare a cigarette and he says yeah. Then I ask him if he wants to go around the corner. He asks me if I have any buds and I tell him sure, that I'll smoke him out. He said, "Hell, just come inside. I'm allowed to smoke weed on the weekends." I sit down and we hit my pipe. Andy tells me he has a bong so I tell him to whip it out. Just then his dad came home and Andy told me to run out the back. I walked to the sliding glass door and Andy freaked and started pointing in the direction of the door to the garage. His dad was still knocking on the door and I was wondering what the problem was. I met his dad the other day when he gave me a ride. I went into the garage and just chilled for a little bit. I stepped outside and walked around the house to the front and saw Andy waiting for me. I had left my water bottle in his house so I asked Andy to get it. He does and even puts some ice water in for me, badass. After that I take off walking to Bob's.
                     At Bob's I just chilled out in the garage and smoked a cigarette I got off of Andy. I knew I needed to stop there because I had typed up a day on Bob's computer and I had to email it to myself. I don't have any phish, so I was hoping Carlos would tell me his password to his AOL account.
                     Let me tell you about Carlos and his AOL account. Right when I got back home from my West Coast adventure I made a sub account on Carlos' master. He let me. I made the screen name HAHA I MADE IT, which fit me pretty well at that time. Since it was on his account he couldn't be online at the same time I was, and vice-versa. Carlos had told me he had just gotten it for the free trial and was going to cancel(yeah right). Doesn't he see that that's exactly what AOL wants people to think. That it will be completely free as long as they cancel. Thing is, AOL has a good snare for idiots who are brainwashed with technology. I am positive that way more than half of the people who said they were going to cancel get sucked into AOL and end up supporting it. Doesn't that sound really, really evil? AOL has always had a knack for making things real easy. AOL can just count on morons joining their bullshit service.
                     Now, AOL is easily-hacked, if you want to call it that. AOL and hacking have absolutely nothing to do with each other. AOL is child's play. When you compromise an AOL account(get its password) you are only exploiting the ignorance that mainstream thought brings. For the most part people on AOL are stupid. There's a sucker born every minute and that pig Steve Case is cashing in on them. I remember back when I was on this AOL project at West Telemarketing soliciting bullshit programs that do things you can do without them. Like they have this one that "Deletes your temporary internet files in seconds!" You don't need a separate program to do that, let alone pay for it. Needless to say, I was top-performer on that project since I hit the floor. I was doing some real-life phishing. I got all the cool shit, too. Like this big warm AOL sweatshirt that I gave to Chasity. I wonder if she still wears it. Oh yeah, I used to score KB from the manager too. Can't forget that, hehe.

                     Damnit, I'm getting off-track again. I was telling you about Carlos and his account. When I got back from the West Coast, I was surprised(not really) to hear that Carlos had continued the account and was paying for it. For some strange reason, Carlos appropriated the screen name I had made HAHA I MADE IT and used it to talk to chicks. Here, let me show you the profile:

Name: ask
Location: San Antonio, I-10 near DeZavala
Sex: Male
Marital Status: 
Single and looking
Hobbies & Interests: 
girls, drinking, dancing, going out, casual sex -- all of these responsibly.
Favorite Gadgets: 
If you find this profile interesting at all, i-m me. If youre prude, just pretend you didnt read the part about casual sex.
utsa student(sr). but I can also be a masseuse, sex-slave,etc.., as long as you give it up darling.
Personal Quote: 
dont mind my screenname, pal created it and I just changed the profile. body-9.0, face-8.5(smile9.4), intelligence-9.5,sense of humor-9.0, personality-10, charm-9.8, sexual abilities-9.3(sober), 9.8(2-4drinks), 8.4(6-9drinks).

                     Now, at first I got a little mad that he had been using the same screen name that I sent out ideas from and put that profile on it. Only until I noticed he put:

Personal Quote: dont mind my screenname, pal created it and I just changed the profile.

                     I thought it was funny. Well, while I was on his screen name these chicks started IMing me out of the blue. What sluts, huh? So I tell them I am the pal who made the screen name, but if they wanted to have sex I would tell Carlos. Hehe, I told them Carlos worked out a lot and was all buff. Hehe, think I can get Carlos laid? Anyway, Carlos gets mad because I still use it and he can't always get online. I told him, "Dude, If I'm on, just call me and tell me to get off." I guess he doesn't see the logic in that because he won't tell me the new password he put on it. When I had asked him for it he was all hesitant to give it to me. Even though I made the damn screen name. I guess I should feel flattered. It is a badass screen name, after all. Hehe.

                     So today at Carlos' I told him I was going to jump on Bob's computer and email a text file I had typed up on it to my hotmail. He says, "Umm, I guess." I go in there and the computer is already turned on. I locate the text file and pull up AOL. I remember that I don't know the password, so I go over to Carlos' closed door and lightly knock. He was in there laying down with Anna. He asked me what through the closed door and I asked him, "Will you give me the new password to HAHA I MADE IT? He tells me that he deleted the account and that it doesn't even exist(It's okay, I can restore it). So I ask him if he can come to Bob's room and sign me onto his screen name so I could just send my one email to my Hotmail. He gets kind of mad and says, "Maybe later." I go to the garage and look around for cigarette shorts. There weren't any, but just then Bob walks in. I asked Bob if he can sign me onto his screen name on AOL because Carlos didn't trust me with his password(like I can't get it anyway). Bob asks, "You mean you went in my room?!" I told him, "Yeah I sure did, and I wouldn't even have thought about it if Carlos hadn't granted me access." Hehe. Bob signs me on and I sent my one email. Big whoop, huh?

                     Okay, it's only seven fifty two and to just sum it up I went for a huge walk and ended up going in circles in the woods. I just came out on the road and walked home. Luckily, no one was on the computer. I'm going to take a chower, I stink. Peace in the Middle East.

Next day..

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