

                                                                                                             San Luis Obispo, CA

Friday April 3, 2009

     7:08am  I think I woke up around six this morning. I'm not sure if I made an update or not. I'm going to get up. Eventually. I have some shit to do at Prado today. I have to do laundry. I only have one pair of clean socks left. I also have to do some typing. I'm almost caught up.

     7:52am  All packed up and leaving. I'm going to hop the highway and go to Prado.

     8:06am  I just got to the bus stop at Prado. Everybody is waiting. It hasn't opened yet.

     10:19am  I just hopped on the bus. Leaving Prado. I'm going downtown now.

     11:30am  I should make an update. Some badass shit has happened. I got off the bus on Marsh Street and went to the Mac Store on Higuera to check my email. When I first walked in I went straight to the bathroom and layered up. See, when I got out of the shower at Prado I was all hot from the water. I looked outside the window at it looked all sunny, so I thought I could just wear shorts comfortably. I had to learn the hard way. The wind chill was really biting me. After I checked my email I went outside and sat on a bench. I was all out of weed, so I made a futile attempt of scraping my weed tin, hoping to get a small hit of marijuana dust. Just then, I hear this dude across the street yell, "Hook a brother up! Smoke a brother out?" I turned and looked and he nodded his head to follow him. I loaded up real quick and crossed the street. We walked to the mission and I unloaded. I did a pocket-content search only to find that my wallet was missing. I ran back and it was on the bench I had been sitting at, whew. I came back and this dude smoked me out! He rolled a fat joint and we practiced what I preach. I'm really tired, enough to take a nap even. I'm all stoned right now, so it would be pretty futile to attempt sleeping. There was a homebum taking a nap on the bench across from mine. I wish I could take a nap. I'm going to go back to Higuera and tell my story since I'm all stoned. After I'm not as high I'll come back to the mission and take a nap on a bench.

     5:12pm  Guess what. I'm Higuera giving out free hugs and this guy just told me, "I heard about you on the radio." Shocked, I asked him what did you hear about me on the radio?" He said they just talked about some guy in San Luis giving free hugs. That's me!

     5:32pm  Hell yeah, I just gave this guy my website and he said, "Oh yeah, I saw that in the bubblegum alley. "It's not religious, I promise," I told him. It sucks. I'm all out of weed and I've smoked all my resin. I wish I had some more.
     5:49pm  The Giver of Free Weed just hooked me up with a joint! Everybody gets credit.

                   Hell yeah, I'm at Garden and Higuera again in front of the jewelry store. Depending on who is walking up I decide which sign to pull out, FREE HUGS or HOOK A BROTHER UP. I saw some dude coming and I pulled out the HOOK A BROTHER OUT sign quick. He saw the smoke a brother out side and asked to see the other side. I show him and he promptly reaches into his pocket and gives me a joint! I broke it open and emptied its contents into my little tin. With my one-hitter this will go a long way. I gave a couple hits to this guy I recognized on Higuera. I am almost done with my typing at Prado. Today I was typing up the 30th of last month.

     6:18pm  I had a stupendous presentation with these three people. One guy and two girls.

                   Those kids listened to me for like half an hour. Later on they came back and told me, "We like your story, but could you delete our picture? I told them yeah, sure, whatever. I erased it right in front of them. That's right, be afraid.

     6:43pm  About five minutes ago my fan club came to see me. All these little kids across the street. They saw me and my clown wig and yelled, "Victor! Victor!" They all ran over and gave me a hugs and high fives.

                   Mike is hooking me up with some food. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                   Badass, that's not the first time that happened. I think it was a group of people who walked by not too long ago holding leftover containers. I asked them if they could spare some leftovers for world peace, but they kept on walking. A couple minutes later Mike walks up to me and asks me if I'm hungry. I sure am!

     7:12pm  The box was pretty hefty and I couldn't wait for the surprise inside. It was ribs! Lots of them! I took a picture. Right afterwards these girls walked by and gave me a pizza too! I'm wearing one of my older WPTMJ shirts. I was thinking, man, I didn't need to buy new shirts. You can read my message just fine on my older shirts. I feel all ashamed. I didn't buy any food like Kevil told me to. I am really sorry about that, Kevil.

     8:15pm  I have to make an update. This beautiful girl I told my story Jayna, she walked up and said, "Hey Antonio. I got some weed and a pipe. Let's go smoke." We came back to the alley around the corner and smoked a bowl of some dank stuff. I appreciate it, Jayna. It's the key to my mission, after all.

                   This sucks, I forgot to take her picture. Jayna's hot.

     9:05pm  Beautiful Janelle, blond girl. She listened to my story great. I took her picture.

                   Man, I am stuffed with all these ribs. I'm going to eat it all.

     9:25pm  I got bored on Higuera. I'm going to walk to camp. I'll wake up early and be first in line at Prado to do laundry. I have no more clean socks.

     10:20pm  About ten or fifteen minutes ago I got to camp. It's my routine nowadays. Hike to camp and make my bed and go to sleep. It's surprisingly cold tonight. I regret doing away with this jacket I found because it was too bulky. I wish I had it now. I'll be alright in my sleeping bag. I had such a great Friday night tonight. Oh yeah, and it turns out the computer at the day center can't read the DVD with my pictures, as I suspected.

Next day..

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