

San Luis Obispo, CA

Saturday April 4, 2009

     6:45am  I got seven and a half hours of sleep. That's good.

     8:15am  Packed up and leaving. I should make it to Prado right on time. Hopping over the highway.

     8:26am  Walking up to Prado.

                   I left Prado on the 3:17pm bus. I got off at the tranfer center, not on Marsh like I usually do. I need to go the public library and get on the internet and download the HTML files I need to update. I'll update them at the day center. No internet there.

     4:28pm  I am leaving the library. I copied all the files I need to update.

     4:47pm  Luis just hooked me up with a dollar for the cause. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Check out the website. His friend hooked me up with a dollar too.

                   I'm here at my usual spot on Garden and Higuera in front of Marshall's Jewelry. I'm going to fly my HOOK A BROTHER UP/SMOKE A BROTHER OUT sign until I get smoked out. Then I'll give out free hugs.

                   This one girl thought I was the Free Hugs guy from the video.

     5:25pm  I just hypnotized these two girls right now with my legend. They opted for the important part and after I say, "I am San Antonio..." I asked them if I could tell them something else. Not nearly as long and it's kind of funny. They quickly agreed(everybody does) and I shot them The Note From the Rich. They thoroughly enjoyed that. One of them told me, "Thanks for the free hug."

                   I've got a project to do. I am almost out of papers. Hopefully FedEx will be open. I'll go print out a master copy at the Mac store then go make copies.

                   I got to Kinko's right on time and made my copies. See, the copy machine uses paper that is way longer than standard size. The master copy I printed out at the Mac store is only standard size, so when I make the copies there's a lot of paper that doesn't get printed on and used. I asked the guy working there if there was anyway I could utilize the whole paper to be able to maximize how many havethisbook.coms I can get from one sheet. He said there was a way, but I would have to make the master copy there. It will still be ten cents per page. So next time. I got twenty sheets. Oh yeah, I used their nifyt paper cutter thing there too.

                   I was standing at my post in front of the jewelry store and this Mexican dude walks up and asks me if I knew where any dispensaries were. I told him there weren't any in San Luis. I even told him about the one in Venice Beach where the girl was outside yelling, "Get your Medical Marijuana!" He told me he had some weed called Twat. Because it was pink, and you hit it, haha! I asked him if he had any on him and he said not on him. I offered to tell him my story, but then I forgot I had papers I needed to cut out. "Just another day at the office," I told him. He left for about five minutes and when he comes back he sets down a little pouch of weed for me! He hooked me up with some Twat! It really IS pink. I just took one hit of it and I'm friggin' blitzed!

                   Be sure to look up "sovereignty." I'll Wikipedia it. Uniform Commercial something.

                   I just had an awesome presentation with this guy and this girl. I forgot their names. They listened to my hardcore. I told them The Note From the Rich and everything. In the middle of it this drunk spanger walked up and started interrupting me asking me if I had any weed. Shit, I'm trying to save the world here. Leave me alone. I've got a captive audience.

                   Some guy just told me to go to Nelson, British Columbia. Maybe when I go to Canada next year. Wait, what am I talking about? It's going to be hot enough to go to Canada pretty soon. Hmm.

                   I just had this badass presentation with these Mormons that walked up. They were all agreeing with me and smiling and shit. They listened great. In the end I was trying to close it out and this drunk guy walked up and started talking to them. He walked by and told some lame joke about marijuana. I told him I was in the middle of something. Even the Mormon dudes told him they were trying to listen to me. Then this guy started talking shit to me and making stuff up saying I was a snitch. I told him, "Yeah, I take pictures too, bitch. I'm going to tell everybody."

                   Sweet, one of the guys from the computer shop said hi to me. I was wearing my clown wigs holding my FREE HUGS sign. He walked up and said, "You're still in town, huh." I told him how the DVD they burned me with all my pictures couldn't be read by the computer at Prado. I told him it was 1.6gb of pictures and he said that wouldn't fit on a cd. I told him it would fit on three CDR's. I even volunteered to do the transferring myself. Then he asked me, "Well, what can you do?" At first I told him everything, but then I downsized it to, "I know the basics pretty good and I know all my keyboard shortcuts." I told him how I was able to format the computer at Prado last time I was here and get my typing done. He told me to stop by Monday and he would have my pictures, and maybe they might be able to find something for me to do for them. Give me a project, I told him. I'm always glad to be of service.

                   Wow, and I had considered walking to camp already. I'm glad I didn't. Shit, the night is still young.

     9:37pm  I should make an update. I walked all the way to the Circle K and got some ice in my CamelBak. Outside the Circle K I saw this girl I know from Higuera who I had given a slice of pizza to. While I was filling up my bag with ice her boyfriend walks in and asks me if I had a piece and wanted to smoke some weed. I told him sure. The three of us walked to Madonna and 101, on the other side of the highway from my field I camp in, and smoked some weed under the highway. We used my badass coil pipe.

     9:45pm  Just got to camp.

     10:23pm  I'm going to crash out. I'll set my watch.

Next day..

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