

                                                                                                             San Luis Obispo, CA

Sunday April 5, 2009

     5:30am  I got seven hours of sleep.

     9:26am  I just ate those mushrooms. I was relaxing in my magical field and I got the weirdest impulse to eat them. I've got a burrito for food and this awesome pink weed. If I take more than one hit of it I'll get dizzy off my ass. I had woken up earlier and took a hit and fell back asleep. I thought I was going to go to Prado, but I woke up at nine and didn't want to pack up and leave. I'm going to trip in my field.

     10:04am  I am just sitting under the tree tripping. I made friends with all the groundhogs! They came and visited me. I gave one a big chunk of potato from my burrito. I threw it and one came and found it eventually. He's munching on it. Two other ones were chasing him around, but he didn't want to share.

     10:57am  Earlier I decided I wasn't going to go to breakfast at all. I feel great. I'm all stoned tripping and I'm not hungry. It's weird how I can focus on minute particles and see all these colors swirling in them. The sun is out bright now and I put my hat over my face and am distinguising every minute particle in great detail. The sun feels just great. I am letting it envelop me.

     12:22pm  I am leaving camp. I'm going to hop the highway, even though I am tripping. I hope I don't really trip when I'm walking across.

     12:35pm  Walking up to Prado. I'm all tripping. I'm going to score a hot shower! Hell yeah, it's going to be great.

                     I left Prado at 3:30 when they closed and came to Higuera to just hang out. I'm still tripping a little so all these people are a bit irritating. I was standing at Garden and Higuera again and these two girls came up to me and said they were looking for me, if I wanted to smoke. Laquita and Melissa. They're smoking a brother out, for the cause. I threw my bags in their car and we're driving around now.
     5:00pm  I forgot to tell you. I got whisked away to smoke a joint with these two girls. We drove all the way to Pismo Beach looking for a place to stop and smoke. We ended up just pulling over on the side of the road and smoking a joint of some good weed. I'm still kind of tripping a little bit, but I still tried to tell them my story. They were immediately offended by my presentation and thought I was talking down to them. They didn't agree to listen at all. They got mad because I kept asking permission if they were willing to listen, like I do all the time. I told them, "I don't want to waste my time. I want to know if you're going to listen or not."
Oh yeah, right before I threw my stuff in their car this guy gave me a dollar bill. Just handed it to me. He said he had seen me yesterday. Then those girls whisked me off in their car and they wouldn't listen to my story. They did eventually, but they didn't like my rigidity and consistency. They dropped me back off on Higuera. I also scored some food on top of the trashcan before we left. It's some egg thing with spinach and potatoes.

                   I didn't tell you. I walked all the way to the Circle K on the way to camp. Sunshine Donuts is right across the street, so I filled my bag with ice at the Circle K and went to buy a donut. I asked the Mexican guy working how much apple fritters were and he told me $1.69. I told him I only had a dollar and he let me have it. I'm going to walk to camp. I also have a pastry I'll save for breakfast. I'll eat the whole apple fritter before I go to bed. Walking to camp now.

Next day..

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