

                                                                                                             San Luis Obispo, CA

Monday April 6, 2009

     5:35am  I just woke up.

     7:20am  I am still chilling at camp. Man, I am truly loving how relaxing my mornings are. Yesterday I was here all the way until noon. All these cars are circling around me, but nobody sees me. I am already used to seeing the sun come up in the crotch of those mountains over there. I took a picture of the sun.

     8:23am  I'm at Prado already. At the bus stop waiting for it to open.

     10:11am  I hopped the highway to get to Prado and ate breakfast. I took a shit and loaded up on pastries and muffins. I didn't catch the bus from Prado. I walked Elks through the cemetary and to Pacific. I'm walking up to the computer shop now. Computer Stuff at Archer and Pacific.

     10:35am  I am leaving the computer shop. The dude told me that Monday's are really busy and they couldn't use my help, but he took the DVD they burned and said he'd put all my pictures on CDs for me. I'm going to go back to Prado and try and do some more typing, but there's no guarantee that the computer will be free. I still have a lot of work to do there. I'm going to try and get a courtesy ride on the bus.

     11:48am  I am on the bus going back to Prado for lunch. I got a courtesy ride. Nowadays when I do pay fare, I just pay fifty cents, because I'm disabled, hehe. I use a cane and look at my scars. Haha.

     11:57am  I came to the transfer center and I tried to tell this girl with pretty hair my story, but she was way ignorant to me. She wouldn't listen to my story. Nobody wants world peace.

                     Scored a courtesy ride on the bus. Ask and thou shall receive.

     12:34pm  Mike hooked me up with a cigarette on Higuera. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                     Two people in a row, when I offered them my website and they accepted it, told me that they've heard about me already.

                     Awesome presentation right now. Important part and Note From the Rich. The girl in the yellow shirt and the guy in the grey. They were all about it.

                     These ignorant street kids wouldn't listen to me either.

     1:17pm  Ian hooked me up with a cigarette on Higuera. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     2:15pm  Hayden hooked a brother up for the cause. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     2:34pm  I had an awesome presentation with Leslie, I think her name is. It might not be. Whole Odyssey and all with Note From the Rich.

     3:25pm  Oh yeah, about five minutes ago that landlord from the studio apartment Triple X used to live at, he walked up and gave me a free hug. He goes, "You don't remember me?" I told him to refresh my memory and he did. He said, "I see you are still working." I told him, "Of course, I can't stop. It's my job, after all." He told me if I still wanted to shoot a video he could do it, for two bucks. I told him again that the revolution wouldn't be televised. I should've asked him if he was still as ignorant as he was that night. Fuck that greedy ass. He couldn't help me spread my word, especially not for two bucks. What an insult. He asked me, "Have the cops left you alone?" I should've told him, "The cops were willing to listen to my story. The cops weren't ignorant like you."

     4:17pm  Holy shit! Some guy randomly gave me a dollar, so I thought I had enough to buy cigarettes. I took my three dollars to the 7-11 only to find out a pouch of Buglers now costs $4.99! That's just ridiculous. It's a bit foreboding. The government is fucking with us.

     4:38pm  That was awesome. I wanted to get stoned, so I walked to the mission park, hoping someone would smoke me out. I had three dollars. All of a sudden this Polly dude offers to smoke me out!

                   Right then I had seen Molly playing guitar. She was reading some book and I thought it was The First Wave at first. It ended up being a regular dictionary. I asked her to look up the word ignorance and she did. Webster defines ignorance as the lack of knowledge, but I have to disagree. I say it's the act of ignoring. Ignore being the root word. Just like how someone who ignores is an ignorant. It's common sense. Molly was in agreement with me about the definition. Don't believe everything you read, even if it's from the dictionary. Just then Hayden walks up and asks me if I want to smoke. I tell him sure, but first I wanted to look up ignorance.

                   Molly is sharp as a tack.  

                   While we were smoking Polly asks me if I wanted to pull an Angel Card. The random one I pulled was Reflection. Let me read what it says for Reflection: "Giving back or showing an image of something; careful consideration of something presented; meditation. To some extent, we are all reflections of the circumstances that form us. But that is far from the sum of our spirit. This card tells you to reflect on the image you present to the world. Choosing it means that it's possible you've outgrown your current belief system or maybe your self-expression. It may also be time to look back over your life and modify any behavior pattern that impede your spiritual growth. Are you just reacting instead of acting? Bouncing back a reflection of whatever others do to you? The solution is taking control of your actions."

                   Umm, that doesn't apply to me one bit. I am not copying or reflecting anybody. I'm doing something new. Maybe not my ideas, but my delivery-method, for sure. I am the chosen, I'm the one.
                   Opinion of Polly: "I think what he said at the end of his reflection was kind of arrogant a little bit, but that's alright. That's only my opinion. Loving you, brother.

                   Hey, if it's up to be, it's up to me. Look at it as the world's healthiest ego-trip.

                   Polly just hooked me up with the rest of his weed. I appreciate it, brother. He said he had pulled it out for me.

     5:35pm  Remember to practice this on your script. When people interrupt me after agreeing to listen, remember to tell them, "You told me you were willing to listen and now you're not. You straight up lied to me. I hate wasting my time." Remember to tell them that and then I'll just turn my story off and tell them they can check the website whenever they feel like not ignoring me. "I was just testing you," and then I'll walk off. Hehe, I'm going to get in a fight pretty soon.

                   I can't believe it's taken me so long to stand here. I'm going to give out my free hugs right in front of Bubblegum Alley. It's a big tourist attraction, so everyone comes to this alley. I already have my website plastered all over the walls. I can't believe it's taken so long for me to come stand here.

                   Awesome presentation with this beautiful girl. I took her picture. I'm all stoned.

                   Zack was nice enough to give me a cigarette on Higuera. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Sweet, in the recycle part over the trashcan I just found the exact same leftovers I found last night. I hope it hasn't been here since last night, hehe. This yummy egg thing with spinach and potatoes. Hayden just came by and gave me a dollar. I love you, brother.

                   Haha, I had an awesome presentation right now. I was just sitting there and this guy walks up to me with like three friends. They were all drunk and the guy tells me, "You have to tell your story to my friends." First I asked them how much they had to drink. They were obviously alcoholics. I started my show and they listened at first, but as soon as I asked the question, "Wouldn't you work for free..." they yelled, "HELL NO!" and the alcohol made its presence known. I forgot to call them liars for saying they would listen. Next time. One out of the three was a lot less ignorant than the rest. If it would've just been him I'm sure he would've listened to me all the way through. He passed my test. The two other drunks failed.

     8:50pm  I should make an update. My new friend Molly, this five foot one, 21 year old, beautiful road kid with cute pony tails, she's blowing my mind with her magic fingers. She's one of the best guitar players I've met. I met her and her road-dawg Owen not too long ago. That night I hung out behind the brewing company. She just told me she lost Owen and was trying to borrow somebody's cellphone to call him. She's so talented. Molly just exudes talent. It's amazing how she can just come up with lyrics off the top of her head, and make it all rhyme too! She's a genius. She really impresses me. She usually camped with Owen behind the Goodwill, which is about equidistant to my field, so she didn't mind walking out there with me. I'm really happy to share my magical field with somebody else. I think it's awesome. I let her borrow my tarp and when we first got there she said, "Okay, I have to find my special spot. I feel like Don Juan now." She's read a lot of Carlos Castaneda so I know exactly what she meant. She chose this tree across the "street" from my tree. I'm going to go to bed now.

                   Oh yeah, right before we walked to camp Polly walked by and hooked me up with a couple nuggets of weed! How perfect.

Next day..

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