


San Luis Obispo, CA

Tuesday April 7, 2009

     6:00am  I woke up around five thirty. I got six and a half hours of sleep. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. We're going to wait until eight or so to walk to Prado. Molly is going to hop the highway with me.

     8:45am  I haven't made too many entries. Molly and I walked to Prado and got here at 8:25am. The computer is free so I'm going to work on my website.

     1:20pm  I walked to Prado with Molly this morning. Right when I got here I ate breakfast real quick and secured the business computer and started typing. I named a lot of pictures and around 12:30 I ate lunch. To my dismay, after I ate I went to get back on the computer and that dude was on it working on some lame business card that he's been working on for a long time. He's not even using Photoshop. He's using MS Word(that is only on that computer because I installed it on it). Anyway, I am on the bus going downtown. It's raining. It was raining a lot harder at Prado. The nice driver let me on for only thirty cents. I don't know where I'm going to crash tonight. I might sleep under the bridge.

     1:43pm  I just had this awesome presentation right now with five people. Scott, Toni, Matt, Christopher, (couldn't understand that last person's name). Thanks for listening, guys. I appreciate it. What I have to tell you is really important. You'll see me again, I'm everywhere.

                   Those five kids just stood there through my whole Odyssey and the note from the rich. I had their full attention for more than half an hour and they loved it.

                   Scott is going to bring me a rainbow beanie! Yeah! In my story when I talk about my beanie I mentioned how I had lost mine and I missed it a lot. Scott tells me, "I have a rainbow beanie you can have. I'll go and get it and be right back."

     3:47pm  Christopher was nice enough to give me a cigarette on Higuera. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot. It's supposed to rain today.

     9:38pm  I should make an update by now. It's raining now, but not that hard. I was checking my email at the Mac store and by the door this homeless dude David started talking to me. He said he had seen me at Prado before typing. I asked if I could tell him my story and it seemed like he was really into it. He didn't interrupt me one time and he just stared into my eyes as I spoke. He wasn't sure where he was going to crash because of the rain so I invited him to my field. I've already staked out the field yesterday morning and I know exactly where I can pitch my big tarp. There's plenty of room under it, so I told David he could crash with me if he wanted. We just got to the field right now and I made my shelter next to the fence. I'll take pictures in the morning. Oh yeah, David bought us some snacks at the Circle K, he's got foodstamps. We've got cigarettes too. They're still only $2.60 at the Circle K, whew. I had been all scared that they would be five bucks everywhere. Oh yeah, and on the walk to the field we picked some oranges on Higuera. I like orange trees. Like the one that fed me in San Jose(3-15-09:10:20am).

                   David has a funny story. I just showed him the picture of that dead dog I found a long time ago. David: "Wow, lightning tonight, a picture of the dog head that looks just like this dog I know, taking over the world with a laptop, it's all a dream I had. That night in my dream a mountain blew up and it started raining boulders and I woke up. But, that dog was shooting Silly String out of his nose at me! I woke up sweating, man. It was the weirdest dream."

Next day..

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