

                                                                                                                                     Portland, OR

Wednesday April 4, 2007

     9:12am  Me and Russell came to Star E. Rose on Alberta. Russell thinks he knows how to fix their computer. What was your name? The girl here hooked me up with a coffee.

                    TDA, look that up on the Internet. What does that stand for? Treasury Directory Account. Hmm, didn't find anything on it.

     1:00pm  Whoa, there's a Rainbow Potluck here in Portland. From all my sign-flying, everybody's going to know me.

     1:26pm  I'm hanging out at the coffee shop, the Star E. Rose and Santos is being nice enough to let us download a driver we need to fix the computers here, on his laptop. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks. Me and Russell have been trying to fix their computers all day.

                    This morning Russell and I went to the coffee shop Star E. Rose. They have two computers there, but neither of their internet is working. We looked at the computer and one was all full of viruses. They were really old too. Actually, when we got there they had one internet connection working on the infected computer. After about three hours they didn't have any. Mr. Know It All Russell messed it up somehow. I told Russell that all that we had to do is format it, but we would need a operating system disk to reinstall after we wiped the hard drive(and any virii in it). So we told the coffee shop that we would get to work finding a CD.
                     Well, after we got home I remembered Chris Lacy, the guy I met on IRC who's garden I'm going to help with telling me about this place Free Geek, where you can volunteer for twenty four hours and get a free computer. I got the greatest idea. Hey, you know how I work for free. Well, I kind of felt somewhat responsible for the coffee shop losing their Internet(even though it was Russell that compromised it), so I made up my mind that I was going to get the them a new computer that way. It's not like I need a bulky desktop computer. I'm on a mission, traveling. Plus, what better place to spread my word about world peace through marijuana and pirated software, than a computer shop called Free Geek? I was so totally down. I got excited and I couldn't wait.
     7:22pm  I walked down Alberta and I found this pretty black girl I told my story to. She didn't listen to the odyssey, but I gave her my webpage.

     8:22pm  Earlier I emailed Eric and Cody.

From:"victor antonio" <>
Subject: Hello from Victor Antonio

What's up guys.  What's going on with you two?  Hey, the other day I was flying my WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA/HAVETHISBOOK.COM sign on 39th and this dude from KBOO, the community radio station saw me and emailed me.  I'm going to be on the radio soon!  It'll be rad. 
     Hey, I don't suppose you guys would care to feed the peace machine tonight?  If tonight's not cool I'll go hit up a taqueria again.  Oh yeah, I am staying at the house on 33rd and
Alberta.  Right down the street from where we met that night.  You will know which one it is if you come.  Come by just to hang out if you guys have time. 
Peace and love,
- Victor Antonio


They had signed my guestbook and told me if I was ever hungry to hit them up.

Portland Oregon
Last Thursday on NE Alberta St

That is where I met you.

Thanks for all the stories, it was great sharing my stash with you.

If you're ever in town again, and lookin for a good home cooked meal, email me. Heck, email me while you're still here, perhaps the little lady and I can cook something up and have you over.

If not, be safe, and travel on.

Eric (cody was there too)



                     I emailed them back. I was out here on Alberta telling my story and they just ran into me.

     10:05pm  Eric and Cody came and picked me up off Alberta. We came to the Alberta House and smoked a bowl I had from earlier, because this black dude had smoked me out and hooked me up behind the coffee shop. Right now we are going to go dumpster diving and get some food.

     10:45pm  The Pizza Hut over here by 82nd and Glisan, Jim, the manager here is hooking us up with some food. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

Next day..

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