


San Antonio, TX

Friday April 8, 2005

     7:38am  I just woke up. My mom woke me up because she was leaving. She left me a ten dollar bill and some change for "bus fare."

     8:33am  I just went in the backyard and watered my garden. Oh yeah, I'm supposed to water all of my mom's plants on the front porch. Be right back.

                   I took a picture of my garden this morning.

                   I also put my laundry to wash.

     10:14am  I am burning my four CD's to give out. I gave out all four yesterday. Let's see. Oh yeah, I scrounged around the house for my W-2 form, but I couldn't find it. I was thinking I'd go donate plasma pretty soon. That W2 from West is the only thing I know of that has my name and this address. They need that for proof of residence at the plasma donating place.

                     Don't forget to add the Johnny Appleseed song on my release CD.

                     I am so stupid. I can't believe it's taken me this long to realize I could include my soundtrack with my website. Duh, right? See, with all my pictures my website is about 650mb, which means I can fit about 50mb of mp3s on it too. I've got work to do.

                     It was cool, I rode the bus over to Santa Fe and got smoked out at Lorenzo's. He heated up some tortillas and gave me some food too. I'm all full. I should walk to Sage Crossing. Maybe that's what I'll do.

     6:11pm  I just jumped on the 92.

                   I just got off the 92 over by Oaklawn. Umm, I mean Magic. In front of the Warren Inn.

                   I don't know what time it is but Justin just ran up to me and said, "Let's go for a hike."

                   Justin: "I was standing underneath this porch underneath Evan's house. My sister Samantha and Evan and this other chick were all talking shit behind my back. I'm standing right below them. They don't know I'm there. They think that I left because I got pissed off because they were arguing. I had given them half of a blunt and they got in a fight over it. They were completely tripping and then they started to hand it to me, "Here, you hit it." I told them, "I'm not hitting the weed. Ya'll are all fighting over it." They kept trying to hand it to me and I was like no, keep it away from me. I told them that they were arguing over half a blunt. Not even a full blunt and that they were acting like a bunch of kids. Worse than kids. Then I walked downstairs. I had told them I was going to go for a walk. I walked downstairs and they started talking shit about me! Calling me a bitch and all this other shit. I just sat there and listened for about ten minutes and they still haven't stopped. They're still going. That's just messed up. That's just really, really messed up."

                   I came over to Oaklawn and right then saw Justin. He told me a little story. He's going to tell me where Thor lives, so I'm going to ask him about the laptop I have. He told me he'd give me a hundred dollars for it.

                   I just took a picture of Justin and his pimp-stick.

                   That sucks. I talked to Thor and he told me some shit happened where he couldn't buy the laptop. That sucks. I want to get rid of it. I thought I'd get a hundred dollars for it. Umm, or eighty and some weed.

     7:05pm  Alfred E. Gomez hooked me up with a courtesy ride to the hospital. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:17pm  Cool, I'm over by the hospital already. Hopefully I'll catch the last 610 at 7:15. Oh yeah, and on the way over here I gave the bus driver my presentation and he didn't think ignorance was the world's greatest problem at all.

     7:46pm  I didn't catch the last 610. I waited for the 604 to come. I could ride that to Babcock North and walk home from there. When the 604 pulled up I asked for a courtesy ride and he told me no. I told him, "That's alright. I forgive you. You don't know any better. Greed shall be your downfall." He just shut the door and drove off, hehe.

                   Phillip De los Santos hooked me up with a cigarette. After he had told me no earlier. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   That was just an awesome presentation I had! At the bus stop right now. I gave him my CD and everything.


                   Hahaha, the 534 pulled up. I got on and asked the driver, "I don't suppose you'd hook me up with a ride to Bandera, would you?" He tells me, "You've already rode this bus before." I say, "Yeah? So?" He says, "Get on." I just get on. He tells me, "Aren't you going to put something in?" I told him, "No, I was seeing if you would hook me up." He said, "You don't got nothing then?" I told him, "No, stop the bus if you want." He actually did. Oh well.

                   I told him, "I forgive you, man. You don't know any better." I'm going to walk to Planet K now.

                   Ugh, I just took like three or four drags off this cigarette I found on the ground. I'm cheating. I'm cheating.

                   I don't know what time it is, but I am turning right on Merkens.

                   I walked Merkens to Cary Grant and turned left. I'm passing some school. I will tell you what it is. Oak Hills Terrace Elementary. I'm going to rest at the bus stop.

                   At the bus stop I ran into these two mute kids. These deaf kids. I showed them the picture I have of me holding my sign on Telegraph Avenue.

At first I had made the marijuana gesture and they shook their heads back and forth disapproving. They were smiling the whole time. I showed them my universal socket tool I have. I showed them the pictures of the dead 


I have, too. They all went off about the dog. Cool, I had a little show and tell. Well not tell. They're never going to forget me. Ever.

                   Turning left on Ernie Kovak and I'm turning right on some other street. Forest something. Forest Ridge.

                   Cool, there's an alley here I'm going to walk. I think it goes over to Evers.

                   I was walking down this alley and ran into this guy. I hit him up for my story, but he wasn't willing to listen.

                   Ended up on Forest Way and Forest Crest.

                   Turning right on Forest Shadow.

                   Left on Forest Hunt. Forest Mont, I mean. I see the powerlines from here. I think I'm going to walk to Evers.

                   I'm going to walk through these apartments right here.

                   Ended up on Evers finally. Going to turn right and walk to Huebner.

                   I went to the Petro Pantry on Bandera and Huebner and borrowed the phone. My mom didn't answer either her cellphone or the home phone. I'm going to go to the Church's Chicken right here and hit them up for free food.

     9:05pm  Savi hooked me up with some chicken for my walk home. I appreciate it, Savi. Everybody gets credit.

                   I came to the bus stop over by Reindeer and Bandera. Over by the Diamond Shamrock that used to be The Racetrack. I scored some chicken at Church's so I'm going to sit down and eat. I called that. Oh, there's the bus right there. Let me see if I can get a courtesy ride to the Walmart.

                   The guy let me on.

                   I ate my two drumsticks in front of the Walmart. I'm going to go to the KFC and see if Ale(3-27-05, 4:02pm) is working. I think it's Friday.

                   I went in the KFC, but didn't recognize anybody. I didn't hit them up for food. I just went in and got some water. I'm going to hit up the Popeye's though.

                       I don't know what time it is because my watch broke, but Dennis at the Popeye's is hooking me up with some gasoline for my stomach so I can keep walking. I appreciate it, Dennis. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   He hooked me up with a biscuit too. I appreciate it.

                   Scored at the Popeye's. My line worked. I said, "I'm a long-distance walker. Can I get some gasoline for my stomach? Just a drumstick or something." That Dennis guy was all, "I'll buy you a drumstick. I never let anybody go hungry." The rules never change. Ask and thou shall receive.

                   I was testing Dennis and he passed.

                   I'm going to sit down and eat at the bus stop here on Guilbeau Road. In front of the Sea and Land Bar and Grill.

                   I don't know what time it is, but I'm leaving from the bus stop. I sat there and ate. I rewound my tape and listened to my whole day today. At Lorenzo's I remember him asking me to hear my day on my recorder, so I rewound it. As it was rewinding I told Lorenzo, "Tell me where to stop it." He let it wind some more and randomly told me to stop. Well, after I left Lorenzo's I don't remember advancing it back to where I was at. I'm really scared I lost some history today. I listened to it, but couldn't locate the point where I had rewound it to. I was pretty sure I hadn't rewound to yesterday.

                   I smoked a Marlboro Red snipe that was in the ashtray at the HEB. I'm going to walk home now. My mom wasn't home. I called her again from the HEB.

     10:30pm  I'm at home finally. Hmm, a note from my mom. "I'm going to be in the sleep lab for some studies. Please don't put the chain on the door because I will come back at 7:30am." She said that all in Spanish. Cool, I get the computer all to myself tonight.

                     Oh shit, my mom wrote that note with a wet-erase fine point marker, which after it sits for a while it'll dry. And it's not erasing off the bored. Haha, that's funny. That's what I'm going to use to write on my CD's with.

                     It's a transparency pen which is only supposed to be used on glass.

                     Haha, I'm so stupid. It even says, "Wet-erase" on the marker. All I had to do to erase it was wet it, duh.

Next day..

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