


San Antonio, TX

Saturday April 9, 2005

                     This morning I woke up around six or something. I went right back to bed though. I walked a lot last night. I am really glad I went back to bed because I am a lot more rested now. I woke up again around ten. I ate some breakfast. A bowl of Total cereal and a peanut butter sandwich. I am burning my four CD's for the day. I gave them all out yesterday.

                     I need to tell you about something. See, lately I've always been trying to figure out a way to make an emergency smoking device at my mom's house. It's a real challenge. I am really bummed out because I don't have my cigarette one-hitter pipe, but I just found me a brass pipe. Hehe, it's a water hose nozzle. It's an extra one that my mom had bought and forgotten about. I had a little roach left over from that weed that Tony gave me at Santa Fe yesterday. So I was able to get high this morning. It was cool. I'm in the process of burning my four CD's for the day.

                     Damnit, I was trying to burn my CD's and it kept telling me 'unrecognized data.' I figured it was a random messed up CD. I had three left. I tried another one and it told me the same thing. What the hell? So, I'm thinking it might be a glitch with the CD burning program, so I'm resetting the computer. Let's see if this changes anything.

                     Well, it seems like I only have three copies to give out today. That sucks.

                     I just left the house, but I guess I should go back inside and check what time it is.

     12:21pm  I took off walking. I'm going to go take a hike through the woods to the Walmart.

     12:39pm  This is the only cigarette I am going to have today. I swear.

                     I'm walking by the tennis courts at Camino Villa. I see a tennis ball on the other side of the fence. I have to go yank it underneath again.

                     I got the ball.

                     I just added a third worn ball on the side of the road here close to Bandera on Braun. I've been leaving them here. I already have three.

                     I'm at the Exxon already.

                     Just entered the park.

                     Ahh, at first my feet hurt and I thought I would walk the street all the way to the Walmart to catch the bus. But screw it, I have a duty to be seen in this park. It's the weekend. I'm going to hike to the Walmart and catch the bus.

                     Damn, OP Schnabel is jam-packed today. I'm getting some excellent publicity here today. This place is just full of cars. I hope they all get a good look at me.

                     Like I say, it's not that my ideas are new, just my delivery method. In the end, these are just really old ideas that people never learned.

                     I'm at the Walmart already.

                     I ran into Casey at the bus stop at the Walmart. He told me that a long time ago he had seen me riding the #8 bus and he hooked me up with a joint. I'll look that up(5-22-04, 8:02pm).

                     I'm at the Walmart.

                     I'm cheating. I bummed a cigarette off of Casey. Ahh, it's Saturday.

                     Oh yeah, I gave Casey a CD. He said, "You don't want anything for this?" I told him, "Nah, it's yours."

     3:00pm  I am downtown already.

     3:20pm  Eric en Travis Park me dio un dolar para marijuana. Te lo agradezco, Eric. Todo el mundo recibe crédito en mi juego.

                   Me and these kids went to the Gutter Punk Bridge and smoked. I tried to tell this one kid my story, but he wouldn't listen. He was interested at first. I'm walking back to . . . I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm all high though. I'm thinking about walking more.

                   I have a strange calling to the Tower of Americas today.

                   I'm at the tower. I just took a picture of it.

                   Tourists everywhere.

                   I tried playing with the squirrels here. Tried to hypnotize them with my stick, but they don't fall for it here. They just run away.

                   I just had this great presentation with these three kids. I gave them a CD.

                   I just had me a magical presentation right now here in Hemisfair Park. I should come to this park more often. I had a group of ten kids listening to me. I was surprised because they were skaters. Skaters don't usually listen.

                   Haha, I had that presentation right next to where all the park policemen park their cars. Everybody in the park was looking at me.

                   They're having a biker convention right now. River City Bike Fest.

     5:48pm  I came back to Travis Park.

                   6861 told me, "No, like three time's I've let you ride before." I told him I forgave him and that he didn't know any better.

                   Casarez told me no. Greedy ass.

                   I don't know what time it is, but somebody told me something about this big civil disobedience thing in the park tonight. Rumor has it that they are going to let people sleep in the park tonight. That's my sign to stick around downtown tonight and not go home. Let's see what happens.

     6:45pm  Reyes told me no. I told him, "I forgive you. You don't know any better."

                   I was just standing in Travis Park and some brother came up to me. Troy came up to me and said, "Hey man, I remember you. From like three years ago." Thanks for making contact, man.

                   I don't know what time it is, but I'm in the park telling these people my story. What was your email?

                   What was your name again? Kevin. He's telling me about some plant. What's it called? Kevin: "The Vitamin B17 naturally occurs in most grasses and apricot seeds and various other plants. In studies and in cultures with people who eat it, they don't get cancer. It cures cancer also, but only in the first stages. The American government made it illegal because they said it had cyanide and anthrax in it. But, the combination of the two cancel each other out, so it's really not poisonous unless you eat a mass amount. The whole thing is that you wouldn't eat more apricot seeds than you would eat apricots. Basically, just use it in moderation and it will keep you from dying of cancer."

                   The Fish and Loaves van is feeding all the people in Travis Park right now.

     8:15pm  I'm over here in Travis Park telling these kids my story. They're from the Alpine, TX area. I was telling them my Brewster County Jail story. When I told them, "The sheriff of Brewster County pulled up. This young kid about my age, Cody Jones," one guy says, "I hate that guy!" Ha, that's hilarious.

                   This big civil disobedient bullshit at the park was hella-bunk. Dumb speakers preaching the same shit that's been said before. Absolutely nothing new. We need to get to the root of the problem already. The real issue.

                   Hehe, this one bible thumper in park, I tried to tell him my story but he was way ignorant. I'm going to go tell my story to somebody.

                   I'm at this lame demonstration in the park and Kevin hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                   Kevin hooked me up with yet another cigarette. He smoked some weed with me earlier too.

     9:47pm  I'm telling these three kids from Trinity my story in the park. What were your emails again?

                   My friend David: "This is Ziggy going gonzo on April ninth. It's the first night of Fiesta. Major activities going on. There's a big homeless protest, civil disobedience seems to be going well. There's plenty of rainbow children over there doing their thing. Tonight looks like it has some good karmic vibrations. Partly cloudy sky, maybe a chance of a slight rain later on. Beautiful women in the forecast, definitely. I love this city. Anyhow, we're on our way to smoke a fatty. We've got like five people here, so it's going to be about the size of my middle finger. Well, we'll see how the night turns out. Signing off. Gonzo Ziggy."

                   Tonight has been a magical night. I put on all these great presentations. David showed up and we're walking to go smoke weed now. About four people.

     11:30pm  We came over to smoke at this badass fountain in front of the Alamodome. David told me that one time he climbed up to the top of that fountain and that there is a little pool up there to swim in. Man, that looks like a treacherous climb. The water is all rushing down the little rocks you're supposed to use as footholds. I have to give him credit. That would take some balls. I just took a picture of David. At the fountain he had asked me if I had any hippie gear he could borrow. I let him borrow my scarf.

                   We walked all the way back to Travis Park. Turns out they're not going to let people crash in the park tonight. I came to the park and I'm telling these cute girls my story. What was your names and emails? Chelsea - Claudia -

                   Man, I had an awesome presentation with these two girls from Trinity camping out with the homeless in front of the Travis Park Church.

                   No se que hora es, pero Pedro me dio un cigaro. Te lo agradezco, Pedro. Todo el mundo recibe crédito.

     1:00am  Seventy degrees outside. It's not that cold. I'm going to wander off to that front porch on Dallas Street. I had an awesome night tonight. I talked to those three girls from Trinity. They listened to my whole story. One of the girls told me, "If you have a book, I'll buy it." I told her, "I won't let you. I'm giving it away." She said, "Well then I will accept it."

     1:10am  Bob hooked me and David up with a cigarette in front of Zen Bar. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                   Haha, David and I were walking, right before the mountain bike cop station. David got the idea, "Hey, let's do the Happy Dance right in front of the cops." So we started skanking right when we walked in front of there. This one cop peered over the desk and gave a really weird look.

     1:30am  Troy hooked me up with a cigarette in front of these bars out here. I appreciate it, Troy. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I don't know what time it is. It's like past one. David wants to make an entry:

                   "This is Gonzo Ziggy. I'm here to talk about the Levee at Sonora. There was never enough water. You know, just a general description of the shape of the train. Anyhow, through my backyard you cross the fence and there's a field, a rancher's field and the people there have their goats penned up in a section of it. The large section of it is just left to the land that the levee was on. It's gorgeous up there. There's a car-hood with wires tied to it that you can drag up to the top and slide down like a sled. A little bit further in there are some abandoned equipment. Some horse sheds and stuff. One horse that runs around occasionally while you're there. I've heard music played from a distance across the field from the circle of trees that we chilled inside. A bit like a smoker's grove, if you will. It was beautiful in Sonora. The memories I have. Anywhere in town you could walk five minutes out and be in the hills. Anywhere in town you wanted to be you'd be there in less than an hour walking. The town was so dry. The heat never really bothered me, but then again I have been a Texas boy my whole life. I'm gritty. Anyhow, that's my memory of Sonora and I'm ready to hear Victor's."

                   "This is Ziggy Gonzo. Me and my friend Elvin were chilling on the parking garage's roof over at the Hyatt. We think the boy that was working there snitched us out. We pulled 3 quick 90 degree turns and went around those elevators. There's no way he could've seen our asses unless he just figured. Anyway, park police met us on the roof I believe. No actually, it was the real SAPD. He saw me with my weed and zen papers out. He saw me stuff them in my pocket. And he saw me stuff the papers in my empty cigarette pack. And he didn't do shit except take our IDs, go down there and tell us that this was private property and if we were seen there anymore it was criminal trespass. Bullshit, it's just a busy night and they want something to do. Anyhow, it just shows you how a night that is meant to work out right, and the vibrations that are in the air. They will work out right. Beautiful. I walked away with my pot happy. Then smoked a J. Hell yeah. Alright, signing off, Gonzo-Ziggy."

                   I don't know what time it is, but we came to the Diamond Shamrock on Broadway by the Sam's Burger Joint. Hehe, everybody is looking at us thinking we're homeless bums. David is all digging through a trashcan looking for a bottle so he can get some water.

                   These dumbass kids in a Ford Escort, all peeling out all loud like they're badass or something.

     2:32am  I was over at the Diamond Shamrock over by Sam's Burger Joint and all of a sudden this taxi driver said, "Victor Antonio from San Antonio," and called me over. What was your name again? Alonzo Martinez. He said he'd given me a ride before. When did you pick me up last time? He said it was about a year ago(5-15-04, 8:35pm). Me and some other guys. Oh, that's right. That was that night that I ended up at the party after the skatepark. Whoa, weird. I ran into that guy Josh a couple days ago in front of the Greyhound station(4-7-05, 6:03pm). Alonzo volunteered me a dollar!

                   This one guy who wouldn't give me his name gave me two cigarettes at the gas station. Cool, cool. Everybody gets credit(except him).

                   Me and Gonzo Ziggy are walking through Something Point Apartments(couldn't understand the name on the recording). We are looking for David's friend Jasmyn's apartment. David told me about this real pretty overweight girl he knew named Jasmyn. I remembered telling my story to a really attractive overweight girl named Jasmyn one time on the bus. She had the cutest ponytails(3-7-05, 4:14pm). I convinced myself it was the same one.

                   David: "We're about to serenade Jasmyn before we smoke out with her at her window. We'll be singing Weezer's Holiday."

                   Okay, it's a lot later in the night now and I am walking towards downtown. It ended up not being the same Jasmyn. It was some other overweight girl. She was way ignorant.

                   I asked this driver for a courtesy ride and he quickly told me, "No!" He was shaking his head as soon as I got on. They all know me, hehe. It sucks I don't have a transfer with the letter of the day.

                   It's about 5:40 or so in the morning I think. I ended up at 8th and Avenue B. I think I see some woods over there. I'm going to go see if I can find a place to camp and get some rest. I need to be downtown tomorrow. I can't stay up and ride the bus home and sleep all day. I'm going to see if I can find a place to crash.

Next day..

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