


San Antonio, TX

Thursday April 7, 2005

     7:00am  I just woke up.

     8:22am  I just finished formatting my text files. Right now I am making my self-extracting exe so I can burn some CD's to hand out. I haven't proofread any of 2005 yet, so I made a note of that. I'm going to eat a bowl of cereal while I rar up the files. Oh yeah, my mom brought me home a box of Total cereal. And she gave me two dollars for "bus fare."

     9:48am  I'm taking off. I have four CD's burned to give out. I am all caught up on my typing. On my way to save the world. I'm going to take off now. I don't know if I'm going to walk downtown today. I think if I do I'll take Fredericksburg again.

                   I forgot my hemp bracelet. I'm going back.

     9:58am  I am leaving again.

                   I walked by the tennis courts on Camino Villa and Braun Road and I found me a tennis ball. It was on the inside of the locked courts, so I had to pull it from underneath the fence. I'm going to keep walking to the park.

                   I stopped in the Exxon to get water and I just walked in the park right now.

                   Whoa, I just came up on three deer.

                   Ahh, I could've gotten a better picture than I toOkay, but you can still see him in the one I got.

                   I'm at the Walmart already. I need to find out what the letter of the day is. If I have a transfer, I'll ride the bus downtown. If I don't, I'm going to walk.

                   Damnit, none of the drivers have their transfers out yet. I can't check it.

                   I asked this girl sitting at the stop for her transfer and the letter of the day is C. No C's, damn. Well, I got one, but it's already expired.

                   Oh yeah, the guy at the bus stop had a pack of cigarettes and I didn't ask him for one.

                   Umm, I'm going to go to Tio's and score some food. I haven't been there in a long time(2-3-04, 11:06am.).

     11:28am  Estela at Tio's is hooking me up again. I appreciate it, Estela. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I even gave her a CD. I told her, "My contribution is ready. I have to give something back."

                   I came to the Citgo on Bandera and Eckhert. I'm going to sit down and eat my tacos.

                   I came to the computer shop again and I had a good little meeting with Evalyn. I kind of told her what I was doing in Spanish. I didn't tell her about the marijuana. She asked me if I had a job and I told her as much as I could in Spanish. I'm walking now. I ate two bean and cheese tacos from Tio's and I'm walking now. Across Marshall High School again. I'm cutting over to Bluebird Lane.

                   I just crossed Huebner and I'm walking down Apple Green now.

                   Turning left on North Hollow.

                   Turning right on North Knoll.

                   Passed Danny Kaye. I'm on Oakdell Way now.

                   I hit Lamb Road. I'm going to turn right and walk through Walnut Hill Apartments. I'm going to see if I get smoked out again.

                   I'm over close to the hospital already. Cutting through the VA parking lot.

                   I went to the dental school and asked the lady, "Hi, I have a screening appointment on May 6, a whole month away. I was just wondering if I could expedite that any." They hooked me up with an appointment tomorrow at 12:15. Score! She told me it was just going to be x-rays. That they weren't going to do any dental work. I told her that was exactly what I wanted done.

                   I just cut through the Oak Hills Country Club again. Everyone was staring at me. I cannot believe nobody has told me anything yet. All these rich people are staring at me.

                   I came to see my friends Justin and Samantha at Renaissance Parc(Oaklawn Apartments). Nobody was there, so I'm going to keep walking downtown. I'm walking down Fredericksburg getting some great publicity today. I'm in front of the Save A Lot right now. Walking to Santa Fe to see if Lorenzo is home. I'm going to try and buy some weed from someone for two dollars. If not I'll just go all the way downtown.

                   I'm at Santa Fe. I was contemplating maybe getting a courtesy ride, riding the bus downtown, then I would walk back home.

                   Oh yeah, I got the idea to go to the plasma place again. I told them straight up, "I want to talk to somebody in charge. I want to know why you guys are discriminating against me. Why don't you want my life-saving plasma?" I talked to some doctor and cleared it all up. Now all I need to donate is my proof of residence. I used to have my old W2 from West Telemarketing, but I misplaced it somewhere. I'm going to donate again. I haven't sold my plasma since 2002. I'm going to have some weed-money!

     3:19pm  5732, Mr. Walker hooked me up with a ride downtown.

                   I'm downtown. Mr. Walker hooked me up with a courtesy ride. That means I'm going to walk back.

                   At Travis Park I ran into David(Ziggy) and went to go smoke weed by the Gutter Punk Bridge. There we saw some homeless dude sleeping and we went over to him and smoked him out. In looking around that camp, I saw a badass nature trail. I took a picture of it and I want to walk it someday. I want to come take this jungle hike one day.

                   It's cool, whenever I show somebody downtown we can go for a little nature hike.

                   I have to remember to bring David one of my broken Nalgene bottles.

                   I came to Travis Park and got real bored. At the last minute, right before I was going to walk off, I found something to do. Russell called me over and I got to tell this one girl my story. Russell had told her, "Yeah, this guy is trying to boycott money." It's so cool that I found something to do. This girl was fixated on my story. She told me it was really interesting. I'm going to walk to the Salvation Army to eat now.

                   Everybody is always mistaking me for David. At Sally's, twice somebody called me Ziggy.

                   I walked back by the municipal auditorium and I saw there was a big concert outside. I'm going to walk back over there and just walk around so they can see my goofy ass with my stick.

     6:03pm  83 degrees. I'm back at Travis Park now. I ate and now I'm going to walk home.

                   I don't know what time it is. Nobody has a watch. I was walking down the street downtown and I passed the 9/14 stop. I walked by and some guy said, "What's up, remember me?" His name is Joshua. He said that I had gone with him to the skatepark on the northeast side of town last year. That night I ended up at that party. I have to look that up(5-15-04, 5:02pm).

                   I just passed 5-Points.

                   Just walked underneath I10.

                   I had to run to get on the other side of the tracks before the train came.

                   I'm going to stop in the Deco District HEB and refill my water bottle.

                   Just got out of the HEB. I got some water. I was thirsty.

                   I just walked up to Santa Fe Place. I'm going to see if Lorenzo is there.

                   Lorenzo wasn't home and right after I knocked on his door I saw Tony. The guy who gave me that Many Lives, Many Masters book(2-24-05, 8:00pm). Tony called me over. He introduced me to this pretty girl who he said was his wife. I distinctly remember Tony being with this big older overweight lady. Tony said he would hook me up with a porkchop and a joint!

                   I did Tony a favor and bought him a six-pack of beer at the Diamond Shamrock.

                   Tony invited me to dinner and gave me a good porkchop. He said the deal was if I would go buy him the beer, he would hook me up with food and a joint. When I got back with the beer, Tony had a joint rolled and told me to light it. He had rolled it real tight and it was real hard to light. Then he tells me, "You didn't get cigarettes?" I told him, "No, you just gave me enough money for your beer." He goes, "You don't have any money?" I told him no. I don't know. In the end he let me have a joint.

                   I left around 8:40 or so from Tony's apartment.

     8:52pm  This greedy ass bus driver wouldn't give me a transfer. He was all, "Nah, I can't do that, man."

                   Screw it, I don't want to wait for a bus. I'm going to walk to University Hospital. See if I can catch the 91 to West over there.

                   Oh yeah, I was going to stop by Samantha and Justin's again. I need to talk to Thor about buying the laptop from me. I'm going to go over there.

                   Just passed 410 on Fredericksburg.

                   Coming up on Oaklawn.

                   Hmm, I wonder where Justin and Samantha are. They are nowhere to be found. I'm just going to keep walking. I'm going to cut through Oak Hills Country Club again.

                   I walk this much for peace.

                   I'm cutting through the country club again. It's all dark and nobody is out.

                   Whoa, there's all these raccoons out. Awesome.

                   I came out on Louis Pasteur. I'm going to take my hike through the UT Health Science Center. I want to see if there are any more 91s going to West. If not I will just walk all the way home.

                   I just got to the hospital, the transfer center. I wonder what time it is.

                   I don't think the last 91 has passed. I'm just going to walk anyway.

                   I was crossing Wurzbach over close to Babcock and I ran into this guy who recognized me. He was walking with his girl on the way to their car. They had been jogging at the track at the UTHSC. What was your name? Dot. He said I met him at the Exxon in front of OP Schnabel a while back(3-26-04, 12:48am).

                   Sweet, I'm running into everybody today.

                   I kept walking in front of Dot and his girl then I realized, "Oh shit, I should have given that guy a CD!" I turned around and walked up to him. I asked him, "You know my story, right?" He told me yes. I told him, "Well, my contribution is ready," and handed him a CD. I'm walking now.

                   I am on Oakdell Way now.

                   Passing Danny Kaye Street.

                   Left on North Knoll.

                   Walking in front of Frances M. Rhodes Elementary School. I think my little nephew goes to this school.

                   PAL Volunteer of the Month: Cathy Saathoff. Good job, Cathy.

                   I have kept the same haul-ass pace this whole day. I'm a speed-walker.

                   I just turned left on North Hollow.

                   About to turn right on Apple Green.

                   Coming up on Huebner Road. The trail to Bluebird Lane is right behind this church here.

                   I'm on Bluebird Lane.

                   I cut through Marshall High School.

                   I'm out on Eckhert over by John Marshall Street.

     10:30pm  I was walking down Eckhert over by the computer shop, close to Bandera and some brother in front of the Love Family Worship Center tells me, "Hey, come here and get something to eat." Thank you, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     Shweet, I was just walking by and I got food! I all told them my stuff. I even gave them a CD. It was some black church. I walked right in front of it and some guy yells at me, "Hey, come here and have some food!" I told him, "I'm not really that hungry. I'm just walking home." He insists so I go in. They all came up to me and started trying to preach, telling to me to come back on Sunday. I told them, "Umm, this guy outside told me I could get some food for my walk home." I got a plate of food. Yummy. A piece of cake and everything. Thank you, Love. I told them I was a long-distance walker and my mission objectives and everything. Even the marijuana part. I told them, "Thanks for proving me right, guys."

                     Everything happens for a reason.

                     It's cool, I wore my Chinese dream symbol shirt and I have my necklace I got from Sam. I look like a prophet today. I really do. I'm going to walk into Walmart and call my mom so she won't worry. I just want to tell her that I am on my way home. She might offer to pick me up but I want to walk all the way home. I'm going to go to the bathroom in the Walmart and put my thermal on. Everyone in the Walmart will see me, haha. I just walked all the way from downtown.

     11:00pm  I am leaving the Walmart. I called my mom. She was actually asleep. I told her, "I'm not calling you to come pick me up or anything. I just wanted to let you know I am on the way home so you wouldn't worry."

                     I walked Guilbeau all the way to Wickersham and I am turning right.

     11:55pm  I am home. Home sweet home. I got home before midnight. I'm tired.

                     Hmm, my dentist appointment is tomorrow and I need ten dollars. I need to leave my mom a note. Oh cool. there's a dry erase board on the table. I wrote a note that says, "Mama, I had a very productive day. Not only did I walk downtown and back, I got my screening appointment at the dental school moved up to tomorrow at 12:15pm. I need ten dollars. If you don't have it, I guess I can reschedule. Thanks so much, I love you, Victor." She said she was going to help me out with the dentist.

Next day..

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