


San Antonio, TX

Saturday May 15, 2004

     6:32am  I just woke up at my squat. At the same front porchhouse I crashed at the day before. Nobody was there though. This place rocks. It's like a hop, skip and a jump from the library downtown. It's sqauttable. Nobody messes with you at all. I love that place.

     6:54am  I walked to this park real close by and took my thermal bottoms off. I'm up walking now.

     7:04am  I woke up in my squat, walked to this little park, took my thermals off. I asked these guys if they had any marijuana and they said nope. I ask the next group and I see good 'ol CJ. You remember Crazy Jeff, right? You can look him up(4-19-03, 3:40pm).

     7:10am  Me, Snake and Boost are hanging out at this picnic table. Hey, what's the name of this park? Nobody knows. Not only did CJ smoke me out, he hooked me up with a cigarette too. I appreciate it, brother. Like I say, everybody gets credit.

                   I gotta go talk to some hippie dude named Lee at the laundromat across the street from The White Rabbit on N. St. Mary's. CJ said I gotta go talk to that guy. He's supposed to be really cool. I gotta tell him my story.

                   I found me a transfer on the ground. The letter of the day is David. I am meant to go somewhere.

                   Following signs.

     7:35am  I forgot to tell you. I'm on the 92. It was so cool that I found that transfer on the ground. I don't have any other D's. So I'm getting courtesy rides from here on.

     8:14am  I was able to bum a quarter off some guy for a transfer. I got off in front of the Tink-a-Taco on Fredericksburg/Vance Jackson. I'm going to see if I can score breakfast.

     8:16am  Isiris me esta dando un taco para gasolina para mi estomago. Te lo agradezco. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

                   Sweet, scored at the Tink-a-Taco.

     8:27am  That was a good-ass breakfast. Two big tacos.

     8:52am  I walked to the Texas Thrift Store on Gardina. I'm looking for some boots or shorts. They didn't have either. I used the restroom there. I stayed in there for a long-ass time. I took a shit and brushed my teeth. Now, I'm going to go to the bus stop and catch the 92 to Crossroads, then catch the 505 to the Quarry Mall.

     9:07am  I'm in front of The Crazy Chicken, El Pollo Loco. The 92 pulled up and Mr. Rodriguez hooked me up with a ride to Crossroads, so I won't have to use my transfer, thanks

                   I'm at Crossroads and my pal security guard hooked me up with a couple cigarettes. The black dude with the discolored arms. I told him about what happened in jail. I'm going to catch the 505 to the Quarry Market.

                   This one other guy when he saw me went, "Man, you get around." I told him, "Yeah, I'm everywhere."

     11:15am  Mr. Armanderiz hooked me up with a transfer. I'm at the Quarry. Right in front of the Clear Channel building. Right in the devil's belly, haha.

                      Cool, I went to Michael's looking for some beads for my stick. I gave this one lady working there my presentation. Not the whole thing. When I asked her, "What do you think would happen if all the world leaders got together and smoked some weed," she said, "Umm, it would probably stop the wars."

                      Anyway, I'm going to walk to the Whole Earth Provisions. That's the place I'm looking for. To buy my Nalgene bottle. Then I'll be one step closer to leaving.

     12:12pm  They failed at EZ's. It's a shame. They've passed before(10-9-02). Greedy asses. The dude told me, "It's company policy, I can't." I told him, "Don't give me that bullshit, I've been hooked up here before."

                     I was just testing you, man. You failed!

     12:17pm  Mr. Coon didn't give me a ride. Greedy ass.

     12:23pm  Harry hooked me up with a cigarette outside the Quarry. At Basse and Jones Maltsberger. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:25pm  This dude just drove by in a car with some girl. He told me, "Hey man, what's up?" I went, "Hey man, give me a ride." I went up to him, but he some big TV's in the back, so no room. He said, "Hey man, do you remember me?" I told him to refresh my memory. He said, "At Travis Park yesterday. I asked you if I could hit your cigarette." Cool, some dude I talked to yesterday just pulls over to tell me hi. I'm famous.

     12:44pm  Mr. 2983 wouldn't give me a ride. Greedy ass.

                     I walked over here to McCullough. When the #5 bus came the driver wouldn't give me a ride, so I'm going to walk up McCullough Street all the way to North Star Mall.

     1:07pm  Albert gave me two cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I'm at the corner of Oblate and McCullough. Still here.

                   I went in the Dominos pizza and asked them, "I don't suppose you got any mistakes I can munch on?" He said, "No, everything I have is going out." I told him thanks anyway.

                   I walked to the corner of Shadywood and McCullough. I see a bus coming. Let's see if I can get a ride back downtown.

     1:14pm  Mr. 5881 didn't hook me up. Greedy bastard, hehe.

                   He pulled over and I was like, "Hey man, don't suppose you could give me a courtesy ride downtown?" He said, "Man, you know I do!" He was thinking I asked him if he went downtown. I told him, "Can I get a courtesy ride? I don't have any money." He said, "Man, I gave you a courtesy ride from Travis Park one time." I told him, "And yeah, you got credit for it. Alright, man. I was just testing you. You failed."

     1:29pm  I'm almost to the mall. I'm going to try this fajita taco place. This Mexican restaurant.

                   That place is closed. Let me try the Bill Miller's across the street.

     1:33pm  No-go at the Bill Miller's. Oh well, next try.

                    I'm going to go hit this Canton restaurant. Let me go see if these Asian people are cool.

     1:46pm  These guys don't understand me. Thanks anyway.

                    I got to North Star Mall finally. I peaked into the door of the #4. Before I even had to ask her, she waved me on. She was all, "I remember you. I'm already in your book." Haha, didn't even have to ask.

                    I was dozing off on the bus over here by the Pep Boys on San Pedro, by the U-Haul. They stopped the bus for some reason. I saw a Mexican food place. Let me see if I can score.

     1:53pm  Lucy is proving me right and giving me some gasoline for my stomach. I appreciate it, Lucy. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:15pm  I finished my tacos. I had come and sat down in the shade. I'm walking down Ave del Rey. I'm going to try and cut towards Blanco, catch the bus downtown to get some weed, then I'm going to go home and take a shower. Then I can leave again and come back downtown.

                   Ave Maria.

     2:22pm  I stepped into this little wooded area. I saw some guy collecting twigs out here. I said, "Hey man, can I tell you a really interesting story?" He ended up not speaking English. I don't know my scripts too well in Spanish. I just told him my mission objectives. When I mentioned marijuana he was all, "Do you got any?"

                   This guy watering his lawn told me, "How's it going?" I told him, "I'm the happiest man in the world. Can I tell you a really interesting story? I just want you to listen." He said, "Oh no." I told him, "Have you always been that ignorant?" He got all pissed off. He was all, "Hey! Do you want me to call the cops?!" I stood there and asked him, "What crime have I committed?" He said, "You're disturbing the peace!" I said, "Why doesn't your ignorant ass just let me walk off then? I was already walking off." I told him, "Fucking duh. I guess the truth hurts, don't it?" I told him, "Tough guy, big man, do what you can."

     2:35pm  The #2 just pulled up and he kept going. He slowed down, saw it was me and just kept going. Well, I guess I'm meant to go in these apartments right here. Lemme walk around and see if I can get smoked out.

     2:37pm  Jim hooked me up with a little weed! I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   See! I told you I wasn't meant to get on that bus! I'm glad that bus didn't stop for me. After making that entry, I turned around and a guy came out and I was like, "Got any weed? Smoke a brother out?" He kicked me down a little nugget! 

                   Dude, the #2 didn't pick me up. I guess he recognized me, because he kept going when he saw me. "Ahh, I guess I wasn't meant to get on that bus," I told myself. I turned around and I saw this dude going out to his car. I walked up to him and said, "Hey man, do you have any weed? Will you smoke a brother out?" He said, "I don't got that much." I pulled out my fake cigarette and said, "I got my little one-hitter." He said ok. He went and sat down in his car and broke me off a little nugget. I can get a good two hits off of that. I took one now and I'm going to take the other one later. Now I'm going to go downtown to get some more weed, then I'm going back to my mom's.

                   Oh yeah, at those apartments I went over to the playground and sat down and smoked a cigarette. All these kids came over. I had an audience! They listened to me a lot. Enough to where they'll tell all their friends about it.

     3:05pm  I walked by on Blanco and saw Robert talking on his cellphone. I asked him, "Can you spare a cigarette?" He went, "No, do you want a beer though?" He hooked me up with a beer. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     3:21pm  George hooked me up with a cigarette at the Diamond Shamrock off Blanco. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:42pm  Man, I had a great presentation on the bus. This girl was captivated. She listened to the whole thing.

                   This driver just let me get two transfers for fifteen cents. I told him, "You passed this time."

     5:02pm  Josh, I met on the Blanco bus. He saw me at Marleyfest and I just told him my story on the bus. He invited me to some party on the Northeast side of town. We're going to the skatepark, first. I'm going to take pictures.

                   Man, today's been awesome.

     5:17pm  Just got off the 9 at the skatepark. Me and Josh.

     5:53pm  Steve hooked me up with a cigarette at the skatepark. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:45pm  I got to borrow a cellphone. I went through my phone numbers list and I called a lot of people. I called Chasity! I miss Chasity. I went down my list. I didn't call Kassie. I didn't call Nanos, his number doesn't work anymore. I called Jordan's house and she wasn't home. Katie wasn't home. I haven't tried Tobin yet. I didn't call Sammie. I called Katie and Johnny. I called Thomas of Lakehills, his number didn't work. I called Kate from Arcata and left her a message. I even called Lucy and left her a message. Lucy Greer Burton. I called Gretchen, she wasn't home. Rachel Koole wasn't home. That's about all.

     6:49pm  It's cool, the park police dude just showed up. Haha, he's probably seen me before. He's looking at me talking into my tape recorder right now.

                    I lost Josh. Maybe he didn't see me sitting behind the wall. I've been asking people, "Hey, have you seen a guy with a beard?" Nobody's seen him. I wonder where the hell he went.

     8:35pm  This dude is all hippied out. He's got dreads and shit. But, he's still driving a car. Nobody here will listen to me, man. Like these guys who were over at the truck. First, he told me they would listen, but then he kept interrupting me! Damn the ignorance in this world. They can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does. At least I made an appearance today. All these people were watching me, seeing me. They called me Waldo and stuff. I am being productive, still.

                   We came over to Josh's house and we're going to catch a cab to the party.

     10:37pm  I'm at the party! It was cool. When I first got here some people said, "Hey, we saw you walking by the Quarry today." Hehe, I'm everywhere.

     10:50pm  At this party here Rolando smoked me out. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

                     It's kynd bud to top it off, man.

     11:47pm  Troy hooked me up with a cigarette. He's out here listening to my story too. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                     Dave is hooking me up with a shot of tequila. Awesome.

     11:51pm  What was your name? Dave is giving me the inside scoop on something. What's up?

                     Dave: "Yeah, I'm giving you the inside on silver-collied. It's basically pure silver in h20, which is pure water zapped with an electrical current. Now, what happens is that the pure silver, the electrons connect with the h2o and it creates an antibiotic that is pretty much resistant to every strain of bacteria. Gonnhorhea, Syphilis, all those things that you hear about, common colds. Stuff like that. If you take this, which can be made on pennies on the dollar, you would never have the common cold again. Basically, you would be resilient to a lot of common bacterial illnesses. And this is all naturally found. Without the use of penicillin and dioxicillin, and so on, which the body actually creates resilient strains to these. The body's immune sytem is extremely strong and it has always been able to heal itself. Especially if you walk all day like Victor here. Just drink a lot of pure water and don't put poisons in your body like McDonald's or any type of processed foods. Tacos are good. Corn tortillas are good. Beans are good. Excellent source of protein. Yeah, there you go."

     12:50am  I'm having a kind of good time. I just told this one girl my story. This girl in a cast. I was all bummed out at first. I was like, "Damnit, I'm at a party here. There's all these people having fun and drinking. I'm all drunk and I've got nothing to do. Nobody to talk to." Because I have made myself a self-programmed peace machine, I have forgotten how to be a normal person(which isn't so bad of a thing actually). I got this one girl to listen to me. It was great. This really pretty girl with a broken arm. She told me she got in a car accident. I told her cars are death machines. I was even contemplating leaving. Just walking off and looking for a place to crash. The alcohol and my story-telling don't mix. So this girl came up and talked to me. I don't know. I have to go back in the party.

     12:52am  Jake hooked me up with a cigarette at the party. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:35am  We broke a piñata! It was funny. I got to go second. I didn't hit it one time. These girls asked me, "Hey, do you want some free candy?" I said sure, went over there and told them my shit. They think I'm crazy. Just like I want them to.

     2:18am  Jacob is recommending a book for me to read. It's called, "Education of a Wandering Man."

     2:50am  Kevin not only listened to my story, but he smoked a brother out. I appreciate it.

     3:15am  Rob hooked me up with a little weed! He's taking off. Maybe I'll walk to Nanos' garage and crash there. Maybe I'll stay up all night. I don't know.

                   Oh yeah, he gave me some weed. I'm going to get high.

                   The cops even came to the party and broke it up. When I was leaving the party, the neighbors were coming out. They were going to Jack in the Box. I asked them if I could go. I had a dollar. I went and bought me a Jumbo Jack and they dropped me off at Woodlawn and I10. I figured I'd just walk downtown and go to that front porch where I slept last night on Dallas Street. Then I freaked. I left my tape recorder in their car! Oh shit! How am I going to find out who those people were?! I didn't know where that house was. I was scared shitless. I was all worried about it. Then, all of a sudden I see them pull up in their car. They came back just to give me back my tape recorder! Oh yeah! I am whole once more! Oh man, what a magical night tonight has been. Holy shit.

                   This sucks. I lost my sneak-a-toke tonight. My cigarette one-hitter.

                   Sweet, I didn't lose it!

Next day..

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