


San Antonio, TX

Saturday April 19, 2003

     7:30am  I wake up in the car, get out and walk around the complex for a bit. It's way too early to go knocking on their door to reclaim my pipe. I am hoping they found it. I just started walking around the apartment complex. I was going to wait until nine thirty at least. Most normal people are up then on Saturday, especially if they have kids.

     8:10am  I walked around and spotted this guy smoking a cigarette. His name was Anthony and he ended up hooking me up with two. What a nice guy. I smoked one.

     9:15am  I still hadn't smoked the other cigarette. Then I got the idea to put a little weed in it. I flicked down the cigarette on the sidewalk so that it hit on the filter. Thus, packing it and leaving a little room at the end. I loaded a hit of weed into it and, ahhh. I made do without.

     9:20am  Ed gave me another two cigarettes!

     9:30am  I went and knocked on their door hoping someone would be awake. The wife opened the door and I asked her, "I don't suppose you can reunite me with my peace pipe?" She smiled and held out her hand. She had already grabbed it. Badass! I got it back. Oh, I was so scared.

     9:41am  I cut through these apartments and climbed up a big hill behind them. I stumbled upon an abandoned building next to some old tennis courts. Man, this place would be a perfect squat.

     9:50am  I walked up Datapoint towards Fredericksburg. Hehe, I looked at this sign on this ramp going up to a parking lot. Doctor's offices or something. The sign said, "Assigned parking on 1st and 2st floor." 2st floor. 

     10:00am  I walked Fredericksburg right past Louis Pasteur. I saw some lady standing at the bus stop and I walked up to her and asked her, "Excuse me ma'am. Would you think I was crazy if I told you that with the Internet I plan to eliminate money, make everything free and bring world peace?" She gave me a dirty look and yelled at me, "You better get away right now!" I told her ignorance was bliss and walked away. I pulled out my pocket calendar and told her, "Welcome to my book, lady," and walked off.

     10:10am  I walked down to the next bus stop and as I was standing there, the word "snatch-monkey" got in my head. I was just thinking that would be a funny putdown for somebody.

     10:12am  The 92 finally pulled up and I got on and asked the driver, "Sir, can I get a courtesy ride to Fiesta for my book?" He smiled and waved me on. His name is Ernest R. Tamayo.

     10:50am  I rode the bus all the way downtown. I didn't know where I would get off. I would have to ask around where Fiesta was going on at. Right when I passed the library I got the impulse to go check my email. I did and didn't have anything, but I emailed my mom just to tell her that I was okay and that I was going to stay out all night today. I stayed on the computer for an hour typing up my day so far.

     12:00pm  At noon my time ran out. I got off the computer and went to the bathroom. I took a shit and while I was sitting there, I hit my smokeless pipe. Oh yeah.

     12:35pm  Some homeless guy asked me to give him some change and I told him, "I'm sorry brother, I don't believe in money."

     12:41pm  I have "Ray @ Picate" written down in my book. I don't remember who that was.

     12:58pm  I walked around downtown for a while and finally got pointed to the carnival. I was all ready to score courtesy rides, hehe. What I was doing was telling the operators about my mission and how I am going to get marijuana legalized. I told that to this guy operating the "Drop Zone" ride and as soon as I said I was going to get marijuana legalized he told me to sit down. His name was Shorty.
                     In Drop Zone you get put in a chair that lifts straight up. You rise high above everything. Then all of a sudden, you just drop and plunge closer to Earth. I got in the seat facing the crowd below. As it was raising I stuck out my arms and flew the peace sign like Nixon. Whew! When it dropped I yelled real loud. It was a blast. A free blast.
                    All in all, that's the only ride I got a courtesy ride on. Everybody else was telling me no. It was cool how the place was crawling with cops and I was still getting free shit. I asked the guy operating The Zipper and he told me that later, when his boss wasn't standing right there. Cool, I'll have to remember to come back.

     1:15pm  Hehe, I was walking around the carnival. Everybody working in a booth was hassling every person that walked by. When they got my attention I stepped up and asked them to show me how it was done first. When they pulled off their stunt I would tell them, "That seems easy enough," just to get their hopes up. Then they tell me the price and I go, "Oh, I'm sorry. There's a problem. I don't believe in money. I'm going to eliminate it and bring world peace. My name is Victor. I just want you to know who was responsible when it happens." Hehe, I was having fun.
                   This one guy Mike tried to convince me to play this dumb game where you toss a plastic ball and it hits a slanted board. The point of the game is to make the ball into the basket on the floor. I told him about my ideas and asked him, "Hey, can I throw a courtesy toss and if I make it I won't take anything?" He said sure and handed me a ball. Cool.

     1:25pm  Hmm, I wrote down "two ladies" but I can't remember what happened.

     1:30pm  Houston gave me a cigarette. Also, I was hungry. I decided I was going to catch the bus over to Fredericksburg close to Vance Jackson. This nice lady hooked me up a long time ago at Cafe Rosa's on Gardina. I was going to see if they would hook me up again. Last time the lady even gave me five dollars. I would tell them that I was going to Fiesta and was going to take advantage of all the people to spread my email address.

     1:41pm  Alicea at Travis Park gave me a cigarette.

     2:05pm  As I was standing there on the sidewalk at Travis Park and I overhear these two bus drivers talking about the war. I walk to them and say, "I overheard you talking about the war. Guess what I'm going to do?" I told them my plan and walked off. I could hear them laughing at me. Afterwards, I walked around the park and spotted this hip lookin' cat. He asks me, "Okay, so how exactly are you going to eliminate money with the internet?" I told him, "I'll tell you," and went into my many scripts. He seemed very interested and even gave me his email address:

     2:15pm  The 91 going to West Telemarketing pulled up at Travis Park. I board and ask the driver if I could get a courtesy ride. He looks at me and smiles, "Man, I know you," and waved me on. It was Mr. Whitten again. Badass.

     2:42pm  When I finally got to Cafe Rosa's the door was unlocked and I stepped inside. Everyone was getting ready to leave and they told me they were closed. So, I walked over to Tink A Taco on Fredericksburg. I asked for some gasoline for my stomach and the girl kept saying, "Soda?" I told her no and showed her my water bottle. I had to come out and say FOOD. She was cool and ended up giving me a fat bean and cheese taco. Mission Accomplished. Now I can go back to Fiesta.

     3:40pm  I jumped on the 92 and it was all crowded. I saw these cool looking kids and I asked them if they wanted to smoke a bowl. This one dude got all excited and asked me where I was getting off. I smiled and told him wherever he was getting off. So we got off at the HEB. After we stepped on the bus this dude comes up to me and says, "Hey man, you got my dress." Because of my macramé cape. He was all, "You don't remember me? I'm Crazy Jeff." I immediately recognized him and said, "CJ! What's up, brother? Jeff is that one dude that showed me the bamboo forest by Wurzbach/Fredericksburg. He tells me, "You know I don't get off the bus for just anybody, dude." I tell him that I am honored. He says, "I'm going to smoke you out." He had a couple joints. "Badass!" I told him. I mentioned that I had just offered to smoke this guy out on the bus right now. So Jeff invited him too. The other dudes name was Jason. \

     3:51pm  So, we went behind this building close by and sparked the joint. Jeff offered me a swig of Vodka and I took one. We smoked the whole joint and guess what happens next. Like three cop cars pull in behind the building. I was calm as ever. I knew I didn't do anything wrong. They didn't see us smoking weed or anything. I immediately reached for my wallet and pulled out my license. They gathered everybody's ID's and ran 'em. I heard this officer in the car get on the loudspeaker and say, "Get Victor's social security number." I told the cop and he wrote it down. The cops were lecturing everyone telling us that we should quit drinking(then why is it legal?).
                   I took this opportunity to share my ideas with the pigs. I told them that with the Internet I was going to eliminate money, make everything free and bring world peace. I also told them I was going to get rid of cars in big cities and save the ozone layer. I neglected to tell them about the marijuana on purpose. I exercised my right to not remain silent and the cops seemed dumbfounded.
                   In the end, they gave us our ID's back and let us go. I told them to drive carefully and as one was leaving I flashed him the peace sign. He smiled real big, stuck out his hand and yelled, "Peace! Peace!" Wowsers. That was the coolest shit in the world. I blew the cops' minds. Jeff thanked me for entertaining the cops so they wouldn't mess with him. He couldn't afford going to jail.

     4:08pm  I caught the 92 with CJ.

     4:20pm  As we were riding in front of the VIA main offices out of the corner of my eye I spotted the spinning marquee in front of Bill Millers. It said, "Let Freedom Reign."

     4:32pm  Bronx gave me a cigarette at Travis park.

     4:43pm  Lindsay gave me a cigarette.

     4:48pm  Jeff rolls me a shwag Zigzag cigarette(his words).

     5:02pm  We jumped on the #8 bus, the zoo bus. As we were getting to where we were going(which I wasn't sure of) I stood up in the back of the bus and surfed. Every time I lost my balance and had to grab a rail. I would count that as a point. It was fun and I didn't grab a pole one time even on fast corners.

     5:17pm  We got off over by St. Mary's/Huisache. Crazy Jeff crazily pee'd and walked at the same time. He seemed rather proud, hehe.

     5:25pm  Jeff and I walked into this field by this gas station and he introduced me to Bill. He told Bill, "Hey, I brought your twin brother to see you." He had told me that Bill was very similar to me and I was excited to get to know him. Bill is thirty nine and has a big beard. He's cool as hell. He's one of what I am. A grown-up kid. He squats in that area and even has a dog. At first he told me the dog's name was Poo, but later I kept hearing him call him Buddy. I totally fell in love with that dog. He was so active and I could chase him around for hours. He was running around with a stick in his mouth and I would stalk him around the field. He seemed to love it.
                   Man, I miss Stuart so much. I can just dream of being able to live with Stuart on the streets. He would be my very best friend. Argh.

     5:45pm  CJ pulled out a Frisbee and some other dude came and played with us three. We had a great time. I love playing Frisbee(just not Frisbee golf). CJ threw damn good, by the way.

     6:07pm  I went to the gas station by the field to get some water. I asked the cashier Sal if he's got anywhere I can get water and he tells me to just use the little lever on the Nestea fountain. Cool water.

                   I felt a little ballsy so I started telling Sal about my ideas and that I am writing a book. I hit him up for a pack of cigarettes but he said he couldn't because of the cameras. I told him it was cool and he ends up giving me two cigarettes out of his pack.

     6:32pm  Jeff and I were sitting down smoking on this big white door that was in the field. Jeff was playing a little radio and George Michael's Faith came on. I was all stoned and a little drunk so I started singing along. I knew that song because Chasity used to listen to it a lot. It's a cool song. You gotta have faith.

     6:50pm  I played around with Buddy some more. He was running around with a different stick in his mouth. I told the guys that I was going to have that stick sometime tonight. They said they doubted it. I was chasing Buddy around like crazy, really enjoying my sure footing boots. Chasing Buddy was getting frustrating so I decided I was going to try and tackle him. I chased him around in circles and dove for him. He was long gone and I fell and hit my knee really hard. It was bleeding. I got up and limped over to the white door and sat down. Blood was dripping from my wound, but I was just going to let it dry.

     6:53pm  Another cool song came on the radio. Joy to the world.

     7:17pm  Jeff starts telling me about Sam Wafare. I asked him who he was and he told me I was him. That Sam Wafare was everywhere, like I was. I asked him to spell it and he said he wasn't sure, but that he thought Wafare was correct. Who the hell is Sam Wafare? Bill knew about him too.

     8:50pm  I struck up a conversation about jail with that other dude that played Frisbee with us. I have his name written out, but I can't tell what it says.

     9:10pm  I felt I should really call my mom so she won't bitch. They told me that one of the phones at the store accepted quarters. I asked if anyone had any change, but no one did. Bill suggested I walk up to the payphones and just ask people. I paced around in front of the store and this black chick hooked me up.

     9:17pm  The intersection I was on was close to North St. Mary's and Mulberry.

     9:44pm  I saw Jeff getting into this nice car with some girl. Jeff tells me that he has this chick who gives him money all the time. That must've been her. Thing is, Jeff told me he was going to sneak me into The Taste Of New Orleans. This cool Fiesta party at Sunken Gardens. So, when I saw him split I was kind of bummed, but I didn't care. I was in a very comfortable place.

     10:06pm  Since it was all crowded because of Fiesta, this black dude was standing in the parking lot in front of the store and holding up a big sign that said, "Parking $5.00". He was just some bum, too. He didn't own the parking lot. Anyone could park there for free. People were actually coughing up the cash to him. Quite ingenious, if you ask me.

     10:45pm  Brandy gave me a cigarette.

     11:52pm  The coolest shit just happened. The night cashier Moshen walked outside and hooked me up with a cigarette without me asking. Awesome.

     11:57pm  We all heard this lady yelling and looked down the hill. There was this black lady shouting at the cops and telling them off. It was hilarious. Funny shit.

     12:05am  I asked Bill where I could crash at and he told me I could just throw this big blanket over the grass and sleep on a piece of cardboard. That's exactly what I did. They had this big blanket on a fence that I could use. It wasn't cold or anything, so I just lay down and crashed out very comfortably. What an excellent day. Goodnight.

Next day..

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