


San Antonio, TX

Monday April 21, 2003








HoityToity Diana















Ur Gfs Soncho



                     Well, this morning I got up and got on the computer, as usual. I made a new screen name for AOL, IM GOING TO DO IT and talked shit for a while. It's already ten twenty nine in the morning and I told my mom I would pull the weeds in the backyard.

                     Oh yeah, I went to looking for a way to contact NOFX. I finally found a question form and put this:

                     "I need to talk to you guys about August 8th, 2003. Now, I had considered traveling back to Berkeley and flying a sign on Telegraph Ave saying I needed to talk to you guys. If I get no reply, that is what I will end up doing. It truly is of global-importance what I need to talk to NOFX about.

                     I have discovered a way to fight ignorance with the Internet. I would like you guys to browse my FTP site.  ftp://nofx:nofx@

- Victor

P.S. The man who spends his life on a mission, he's legendary."

I really hope something happens.

                     Okay, it's twelve thirty one. I put on my jeans and long sleeved shirt and went out in the backyard and donned my badass Stanley gloves. I am so damn proud of my independence. I am mowing my mother's lawn sans lawn-mower. Since it is ninety nine percent weeds it really isn't that hard. This is how I try and fix all my problems, pull from the root. I had started it the other day and just leveled the corner by the back door. I was supposed to work on it yesterday, but I thought I deserved a day of rest from my awesome Fiesta weekend. Hey, even god rested on Sunday, right? Hehe.
                     Well, I told my mom I would work on it today, so I damn well did. I am a man of my word. I had a blast out back. I got this rocking rhythm going where I was yanking weeds with every swing. I told myself that I was going to make a big path around the tree there, clean up by the back fence, and then swing around the path to meet by the porch where I had leveled it before. That's exactly what I did. Set a goal and followed through.
                     Last time when I did the corner I had put the weeds in a big pile on the cement porch. Twice, I made trips to the backyard and started a compost dump. Well, today I started going along the fence towards the back of the yard. That dump spot was on the opposite side and would be somewhat awkward dragging piles of weeds through lots of weeds. I got to thinking.
                     What I did was just throw the weeds I pulled behind me. When I got so far that the pile wasn't in throwing reach I got behind the pile and just pushed it, rolling the whole bunch closer. This was much better. I was making a weedball. I was just pushing this big ball behind me and it was getting bigger and bigger. Maybe I can make a weedman when I'm through, hehe. I really enjoyed it. I was stoned off my ass the whole time, of course. Smokin' weed and pullin' weeds.

                     Okay, that's a good update. It only took me an hour, but it was so much fun it felt like longer. :]

                     Oh yeah, when I got back on the computer I tried going in the San Antonio channel on IRC and it actually let me. I had tried earlier this morning and I was still banned. They all think I'm crazy, too. Well, today it let me in. I went in and all the channel regulars were there but not typing anything. So, I looked at some NOFX lyrics I have on my FTP server and started copying and pasting lyrics to NOFX songs. I was taking the chance of them kicking me again, but I don't care.

                     Okay, the time is now one twenty five and I'm going to IM some more people.

                     Okay, it's two fourteen now and I was on AOL sending out my ideas. I was on for like an hour and all of a sudden I just get logged off. It says "You have violated TOS. Please call 1-888-265-3733." They're on to me, hehe.

     5:27pm  Wow, my screen name died again and I didn't feel like reinstalling AOL to make a new one. I went to the backyard and smoked some weed. After I opened my mind a little I donned my gloves and went to work mowing the yard with no lawn mower. Man, I was having a blast. I was pulling the little grass the yard still had too. I finished up about three fourths of the yard today. My mom is going to be ecstatic when she comes home. What a great accomplishment for me. Man, I wish I had a camera and I could have taken before and after shots.
                   Oh yeah, remember my weedball? It is now a weedboulder. I swear it's huge around and about four and a half feet tall. And I'm not even done with the yard. I've just been pushing this thing around the yard as I'm pulling.
                   Now, I am just about out of weed. I am going to see if my mom thinks this job is worth any money. Now, I really, really want another walking stick. Legend has it this guy in Parkwood makes them in his garage. This dude Scott I know from AOL actually talked to the guy and got his phone number for me. He charges twenty five dollars for the stick. I am going to tell my mom about how much I want a walking stick again. I'll tell her it costs fifty that way if she actually gives it to me, I can go buy the stick and a half ounce of marijuana. She's not home yet, but I will tell you what happens.
                   Now, if she tells me she doesn't have fifty I'll talk her down to twenty five. If she gives me twenty five I will tell her I'll get a less expensive walking stick. Then, I'll go talk to this dude who has the walking sticks, tell him about my mission and see if he gives me a stick for my book. I'll still have twenty five dollars and I can buy some weed. I'll get my walking stick, too.

Next day..

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