

                                                                                                                                     Portland, OR

Sunday April 8, 2007

     9:44am  I woke up around nine. I got a lot of sleep last night. Still nobody is home. I crashed in the van again last night. Oh yeah, I got a purse last night. I have evolved into a new mission bag. That girl Kelly last night who I randomly stopped and told my stories to, she invited me over. She gave me all this dried food and trail mix and this bag to carry it all home with. It's a bag, a big blue fake leather purse. But, it'll fit on my back perfectly. I can just stick my arms through the long straps and swing it over my head and it's on my back. Right now I'm going to walk to the coffee shop and take a shit.

     10:06am  Jessica let me roll a cigarette. I appreciate it, Jessica. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:08am  I found out today is Easter Sunday. Happy Easter, everybody.

     10:18am  Hell yeah, it's Easter. I need to go fly my sign. It's my duty today.

     11:06am  The greedy ass driver driving the 72 wouldn't give me a courtesy ride. Greed shall be your downfall!

     11:10am  I am waiting for the bus, the 72 on Alberta. The first one wouldn't give me a courtesy ride. I was just testing him. He failed. Right now I am waiting in front of the Victory Outreach Church. There's these two crossing guards here. Everybody is looking at my WPMTJ sign, hehe. I'm standing at the bus stop. It's Easter Sunday, I've got work to do.

     11:20am  The next greedy ass driver driving the 72 didn't give me a ride.

     11:33am  The third time's a charm. The third guy gave me a ride. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit, thanks,

     12:09pm  I am on my corner. 82nd and Powell. On my way to save the world. Happy Easter, everybody!

     1:05pm  I got hooked up with a dollar, so I got a chicken sandwich. I'm going to walk to Woodstock. I had a good time there. Chris might be working in the garden. I can check.

     2:15pm  I'm already on Woodstock flying my WPTMJ sign. Right now this mom and little kid pulled into the parking space behind where I'm standing. This little kid walks up to me and tries to give me a dollar. I told him, "Keep it, I'm not asking for money. I just want you to check out my website," and handed him a paper. Awesome, awesome, I don't need a dollar. Thanks anyway. Thought that counts.

     2:49pm  Haha, some guy just drove be me right now and pointed at me and yelled, "Fuck you!" I yelled back, "I love you, man! Happy Easter!"

     2:54pm  All of a sudden Spencer comes sprinting across the street and hooks me up with a nugget. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:12pm  I stopped flying my sign on the corner on Woodstock. It's getting cold and it's starting to drizzle. I'm going to head back to Alberta early today.

     3:15pm  The greedy ass driving the 72 won't give me a ride. Damn, no nametag. Man, nobody wants world peace!

                    Haha, I'm having fun today. Having lots of fun. Let's see how many it takes.

     3:45pm  I was walking by Frankie Flat on 82nd. He hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:50pm  The driver on the 72 gave me a ride, cool. He told me, "It's up to you. If you want to risk the fare-inspector."

     4:29pm  I just got dropped off in front of the coffee shop.

     7:02pm  I went to the Alberta House and smoked them out. We tried to go to this rainbow potluck, but we got lost and never found it. We blew like a whole two hours looking for this place. Now I'm going to go back to Karen's house and hang out there.

     7:32pm  Oh, I have to make an update. Karen finally came home. As soon as she opened the door I confessed, "Hey Karen, last night I left my stuff in your house. It was really cold when I came back and nobody was home. I didn't know where anyone was. I went inside through the pet-door." She got mad. She seemed all disrespected. I told her, "Come on, I was cold. I needed my things." I should've told her, "The only reason I left my things here, was because Yogi told me I was welcome to. But when I got home nobody was home. What was I going to do? It's cold, it's night. So, umm, I went in your house and got my stuff. It wasn't hard. Anybody could fit through that pet door. You guys should have secured that." She got all upset. Well, in all reality, I probably should not have entered the house no matter how easy they had made it to access. It might be construed as a little disrespectful, now that I think of it. But hey, I needed my stuff. I am one to be trusted, damnit. I'm saving the world! I didn't even turn the lights on. I mean, that other night she listened to all of my stories and seemed really impressed. She made it seem like she believed in me. She got mad, though. I wish I could talk to her again. Apologize to her. I still don't think it was that wrong to do what I did. I needed my stuff and it was inside, so I went in and got it and went out. Simple operation.

     8:22pm  Sarah, she's on her laptop and I gave her my webpage. She just gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Sarah. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:31pm  I'm about to leave the coffee shop and Dan just offered me some free food. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:49pm  I got on the 72. The bus driver gave me a courtesy ride. I'm thinking I'm going to go knock on Jeni's door. She didn't answer her phone. I'm going to go knock on her door and see if I can crash. If not I'll just stay up all night. I think this might be a good sign for me to leave Portland. I got kicked out of my residence. I can't keep crashing in the van, hehe. Karen told me she thought it'd be better if I left. At least she told me good luck on my mission. I feel really bad about it. But hey, I needed my pack. They made it seem like I was welcome to leave my bag over there. Maybe she felt like I took advantage of her, because I crashed in the van so much. I only had permission that first night.

                    As far as KBOO goes, I think I'm going to totally forget about being on the radio. Hopefully they will give my website a plug, but I have to go already. I am ready to go back to San Antonio already. I am itching to.

     9:28pm  I was on my way to going to Jenny's house. I was going to go knock on the door and see if they would let me crash. I get off the 72 on Foster and who do I see at the bus stop? Devin!


                    Jenny's son. Cool, everything happens for a reason.

     9:58pm  Just behold the magic that happened tonight. I was on my way to see if I could go crash at Jenny's house. I was just going to go knock on the door. All of a sudden I see Devin at Foster. Totally not near Jenny's house. Jenny ended up being at the Fred Meyer waiting for a cab. When the cab got there Jenny pulled up to the bus stop and drove us to her apartment. I rode in a cab to Jenny's house. She was all, "You need a place to stay?" Right now I'm walking to the little store to get Devin some Peach Optimos, like last time, but the store is closed. Devin is shit out of luck. Actually, I feel like walking. I'll hike to the 7-11 and buy them there.

     10:06pm  I walked all the way to the 7-11. They didn't sell Optimos either. The cashier told me that there's another gas station on 92nd. I'm going to try that place.

                    I hope Devin appreciates this shit.

                    See, now do you see why I wasn't meant to get a courtesy ride until I did tonight? It's just crazy. If any of those other drivers would have said, "Yeah, come on," I totally would've missed Devin.

                    The thing is Devin doesn't usually ride the bus. He was at the bus stop because for some weird reason he felt like riding a bus home tonight.

                    His mom was across the street at Fred Meyer. Why would he be at the bus stop across the street with his bike? Maybe because the bus has a bikerack, hmm. I guess he was there for me to see him. Awesome.

     10:16pm  I got these two cigars. I was telling this girl Candace my story at the gas station on 29th. I'm walking back to the house now. With two cigars in tow.

Next day..

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