

                                                                                                             San Luis Obispo, CA

Saturday April 11, 2009

     5:00am  I just woke up. I got seven hours of sleep exactly.
                   I'm just chilling at my camp in the morning. I love this camp so much. It's great to have this private natural little haven right in the middle of Babylon. Oh yeah, I called my mom yesterday from the Mac store on one of their Ipod things. I can do anything at the Mac store. They keep it phree. I totally just called her to say hi to her and to ask her how her day went. She said she was just at home cleaning her room and getting ready for her operation. I think she said she has to be in the hospital for three weeks at least. She's having some colon surgery. I really hope she's okay. I love my mom so much. I miss her a lot. Oh yeah, she told me, "Did you get another ticket, Victor?" I guess she just got the mail they sent about my light rail ticket in San Jose. I just called the traffic court from the Mac store too. I called San Jose, hoping they would give me an extension like Berkeley did. I told them I really wanted to take care of it and without me having to ask the lady asked me if I wanted an extension. Why sure, I told her. I have until June 31. I can totally be out of their jurisdiction by then.


                   Field in the morning




                   Two trees and field

                   All packed up

     8:19am  Up and at 'em. All packed up and leaving.

     8:30am  I am already at the bus stop by Prado. I love that shortcut.

     3:18pm  I had an ultra-productive day on the computer at Prado. I am caught up on my proofreading and my update is ready to be posted. Pictures and everything.

     4:23pm  Maryanne hooked me up with a sandwich again, and a little spare change. I appreciate it, Maryanne. Everybody gets credit.

                   Oh yeah, I got a message on MySpace from some girl. See, this girl signed my guestbook the other day:

Date: 2009-04-09 20:36:20
Name: Makena Hyde
Number: 423

Caitilns boyfriend posted your site on myspace and i read it all. I believe, agree with every single thing you've written and are doing and what you want to change! Its like you read my mind. You are completely amazing! I've wanted to live like you are now for over a year now, freedom! I want to help you in any way or join you! 530 906 5575

                   I called her today. At first she didn't recognize me. I didn't talk to her barely and we hung up. She emailed me:

From: Fiction
To: Victor Antonio
Date: Apr 10, 2009 10:36 PM

Body: Hey, you called me today and i didnt really get to say what i wanted to say. I am a smoker myself, i love that marijuana is a natural herb and what it does to you. Im also trying to have people become introduced to this lovely experience. It would be really sweet if you could come to cameron park.
I would somke you out

                   I might be going to Sacramento. I gotta follow the signs. Cameron Park, I think the town is called.

     4:58pm  Josh hooked me up with a dollar for the cause. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit.

     5:10pm  Two girls who listened to me

     5:23pm  Girl in car

     5:24pm  Courtney hooked me up with a little money for the cause. I appreciate it, Courtney. Everybody gets credit.

                   I am not pushing the envelope. I am shredding it.

     6:08pm  Andy hooked me up with a cigarette on Higuera. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                   I just had an awesome presentation with these three kids by the gumball alley. I've got my stuff streamlined so I don't waste time. Because people don't usually want to hear the whole odyssey, I just tell them the important part and then add in, "Can I tell you something else? It's not nearly as long. I didn't write it. I found it on the internet. It's kind of funny." Everybody tells me yes and I bust out with The Note From the Rich.

     6:34pm  Me

     7:26pm  I just totally blew these kids' minds. This girl I told my story to last night, she brought these two dudes over to listen to my story and they thoroughly enjoyed my show.

                   Kids by gumball alley

     8:32pm  Listeners

     9:07pm  I just had an awesome presentation with Rich and Charlie, I took a picture of you guys, right? Rich just hooked me up with a pack of cigarettes. It's for a good cause.

     9:12pm  Nick gave me some change. Thanks a lot, brother.

     9:19pm  Luke is being nice enough to give me some spare change for world peace. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     9:40pm  Some girl just gave me a Macaroon. At first I had asked her for spare change for world peace. Hehe, I don't ask that to get change, I ask it to have the opportunity to yell at people when they ignore me. It's really addictive. I get my point out. Anyway, I asked her for spare change for world peace and when she ignored me I yelled, "Nobody wants world peace!" She turned around and asked me what I said. I repeated myself and she just handed me the macaroon. I asked her if I could tell her what I was doing but she said she didn't want to hear it.

     9:52pm  Marty gave me some change for world peace. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     10:03pm  Couldn't understand the name hooked me up with a five dollar bill. I appreciate it, brother.

                     That guy just gave me a five dollar bill and he listened to a little of my story. Right in the middle he told me, "I want to give you something, and it's the most generous thing I could give you right now, a hug." I gave him my website and told him to sign the guestbook. He told me he appreciated what I was doing. Earlier these kids who I blew their minds, they told me I was really inspiring.

                     It's going to happen soon! It's going to happen soon! I haven't said that in a while, hehe.

                     I'm having fun asking people for spare change for world peace, that way when they ignore me I can yell, "NOBODY wants world peace!" If they have kids I yell, "Poor kids!" They always chuckle at that and I for sure get a kick out of it.

     10:24pm  Jonathan hooked me up with some change for world peace. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks.

     10:40pm  David gave me a cigarette on Higuera. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                     Ugh, I should make an update. I got another ticket. I got bored on Higuera and decided to start walking to camp. I was walking right in front of the 7-11 when I hear that one black dude who keeps standing me up to smoke me out, getting my hopes up all the time and bailing, he calls me over and asks me if I had a piece. Stupid me, I walk over and hand him my spring pipe that I was given not too long ago. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I was able to trade Shaggy one of my shirts for like twenty five bucks worth of weed, that's why I decided to start walking to camp. When that dude across the street asked me if I had a piece I should have told him no and kept walking to Madonna, to my field. Well, as they were smoking weed out of my pipe the mountain bike cops show up. They ended up giving me a ticket for possession of marijuana, less than an ounce. See, when they rolled up they asked who's weed it was, then who's pipe it was. Stupid me, I said it was my pipe, but not my weed. I'm going to skip town tomorrow. My work here is done.

     12:07am  It's about time I made an update. I had a kind of shitty night tonight, mainly because the cops took all my weed I had just gotten. I'm going to leave tomorrow. I don't have to, but I should. San Luis is my favorite California city so far. It's a shame I won't ever come back. I've got a lot of ground to cover anyway, and I can always come back after I murder the government. My update is ready. I'm going to go to the public library tomorrow and throw up my HTML files and then, I don't know, take off. I'm going to aim for San Jose. I'll call them tomorrow Monday about my ticket. Anyway, I am going to bed. Argh! I so wish I would've just kept walking to camp, but nooo. I even traded a shirt for the weed and I lost it all. I had been all happy that I was going to be stoned for a while. Anyway, I'm here at my camp and I'm going to go to bed now. I don't even care about Prado.

Next day..

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