


San Antonio, TX

Sunday April 13, 2003

                   Okay, I'm not sure what happened Sunday. I'm typing this up Monday. Let me see if I can remember. Oh yeah, today was one of the most productive days I have had in such a long time. I woke up and checked my email. Then my mom called and I talked to her. She told me she was going to bring me home something to eat, cool. I then told her she should bring me home some gardening gloves too.
                   I want to pull all the weeds out in her back yard. It's a jungle out there. There are weeds growing out there that are taller than me, I'm 6'6". She hasn't gotten it cut all year. There are three lawnmowers in the back yard. None of them work. She doesn't know what's wrong with the newer one, but I think all it needs is some gas. There is also a gas-powered weedwhacker out there that I think also just needs gas. I got the idea that if I had some good gloves I could just pull out all the big weeds by hand. When I told my mother to bring me some gloves she told me there was a new pair in the closet above the dryer(which doesn't work). Badass, I found a pair of Stanley gloves. I put my jeans and boots on and dove into the jungle. I just started yanking away and making a big pile on the cement porch. I was amazed at how easy it was with a pair of gloves. I cleared away an area and it looked almost mowed. The weeds had taken over which left little room for grass to grow. When the pile got really high, I would grab chunks of it and drag it to the little covering by the back fence(it's tarp broke years ago, so it doesn't cover anything anymore). I worked my ass off in the hot sun and cleared about a quarter of the yard, over between Eddie's fence and the porch. Today, I did without. I mowed some of my mother's lawn with my bare hands. It felt great.
                   When my mom finally got home and saw the work I had done, she was mighty impressed. I told her I was going to do the whole thing eventually. I had told her before that I was going to mow her lawn whenever she got a working lawnmower, and that I would do it for free. I still wasn't planning on charging my mom money for what I did today. But, I got to thinking. When my mom came home and saw my work, I told her, "Hey mom, this is like a hundred dollar job, at least. I don't suppose twenty five dollars is too much to ask?" She immediately said of course. Then I told her, "Great, do you think I can have it in advance so I can go score a sack of weed to help me finish the back yard?" I told her how it would make it fun for me and that I'd be getting back to nature. I told her that I needed some weed to pull her weeds, hehe. She frowned and told me, "Oh, you're so addicted." I told her, "No I'm not mom. I can go months with no withdrawal symptoms. It's a preference, not a necessity. Would you rather I be an alcoholic? That's legal." She frowned some more. She asked me where I was going to get any on such short notice. I told her I just had to call Bob and he might know someone. She walked inside.
                   Before I knew it, she came back and handed me twenty five dollars. Cool, I can work on scoring a sack and finish the yard another day. I went inside and called Bob. He said he had to call his dude and I told him I would call him back to check. I got on AOL and went to the San Antonio chat room. I copied, "Know where I can score a half ounce of marijuana?" With my keyboard shortcuts I mass-IMed the entire chat room. I got some possibles and then the phone rang. Oh yeah, I was supposed to call Bob back. Bob told me that the dude had it and that he lived off Wurzbach near I10. He also told me that he had to leave around five to go to his mother's. I looked at my watch and it was almost four. I had no way to get there in time so I dismissed Bob as a possibility. I went back to AOL and kept phishing the rooms. Just then, my mom calls and tells me she is on her way home. I ask her if I could borrow the car to go to Bob's. I told her I might have to drive to Wurzbach too. She told me I could, but to be back in thirty minutes. I'm sure she knew what I was going to Bob's for, but she seemed to be enjoying helping me out.
                   I called Bob and told him I was going to be there at five, that my mom had come home and was letting me borrow the car. He said okay and I took off with the money. My mom also gave me a ten dollar bill to put gas in the car because it was almost empty. I got to Bob's and he called his dude. As luck would have it his dude offered to deliver it to Bob's. Badass. I waited in the garage with Bob and watched the last quarter of a basketball game(Sonics and Lakers) with Carlos. That's the only part of a game that's worth watching. Afterwards, his friend pulled up in a Blazer. He walked in the garage and I told him what's up and introduced myself. His name was Hector. He talked with Bob and Bob handed me a real fat half ounce of marijuana. Score. I, of course, pinched a bowl off for Bob and put the rest in my pocket. I got in the car and drove home.
                   I had been gone for forty five minutes so instead of stopping to get gas I went back to my mom's house directly. I pulled up to the house and honked the horn a couple times. No one came out so I got out of the car leaving the door open and went in the house. My mom was on the computer with my little nephew and I apologized for being late. She didn't seem to care. She told me she didn't have to leave after all. Since they were on the computer I got bored. I went in the kitchen to scrounge for something to eat and came across a little plastic bag with a button in it. It was the same type of bag that I kept in my wallet with weed when I was traveling in California. Cool, I needed a replacement. I offered to go put gas in my mom's car. She graciously accepted. I drove down the street and gassed her car up and came back.

                   So now I had some smokage, cool. I chilled out all day and around nine forty five at night I felt like walking to OP and smoking weed at my cool platform in the tree on top of the cliff. Right before I left I asked my mom if she could drive me down the street to the park. I told her if it would inconvenience her I could walk like I always do. She got all riled up and told me she couldn't. Right when I was about to walk out the door my little brother Luis tells me, "Let's go. Mom said I could drive you down there real quick." Cool. He drove me and dropped me off at the parking lot of the gas station.
                   I took off walking and entered the park. When I passed this baseball field a team was having a practice. I wasn't in a hurry so I sat down and watched them while I rolled a cigarette. I was only sitting for about ten minutes when the practice ended. I still had a lot of a cigarette left, so I took off walking towards the cliff. I made sure to flash the baseball people the peace sign. Hehe, they must think I'm a big hippie. I was wearing my rainbow beanie and macramé cape.
                   I eventually got to my cool hideout and smoked the rest of that cigarette and some marijuana. I love it up there. I felt so at-peace with everything. After I left there I walked across the big field and under the bridge. Bob had been telling me how there was a pond near the road where he goes fishing at. I was surprised when I didn't know what he was talking about. I thought I knew all the woods in this area. I hadn't seen any fishable ponds. But, after I go under the bridge and get lost on some path(on purpose), guess what I stumble onto. The pond! Badass. I walked around for like an hour in the woods and finally ended up in Babcock North over where Spring Mont ends.
                   I walked to Bob's and hung out for a while. Then, I hoofed it out there. Instead of walking through the woods I decided I was going to walk Prue Road all the way past Bandera to Braun. Then walk up the road to my mom's. It was a tedious trek, but I finally made it. I went inside, checked my email and crashed out. I had a great day. I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow.

Next day..

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