


San Antonio to Austin, TX

Friday April 15, 2005

     7:15am  Just woke up.

                   I just left my mom's house. I barely cleaned anything at all. Screw that, last night I went in her room and hit her up for money. She gave me her ATM card and told me to go to the Citgo. She ended up hooking me up with twenty five dollars.

                   I didn't have time to clean your mess, mom.

                   I'm walking to the bus stop right now. I have thirty six cents in my pocket. I have twenty five dollars in bills. I don't know what I should do. Should I go downtown to the Greyhound station and buy a ticket to San Marcos for ten dollars? Or should I ride the bus out to 35 and start walking until somebody picks me up? I don't know.

                   The 610 going towards Medical Center came early. This sucks.

                   I don't know what time it is, but this dumbass in a red Ranger came out of the Citgo and I asked him if he had a cigarette. He said, "Oh no, I don't smoke. They sell them right there." Like I don't know where they sell them. 

                   I saw this chick in a white Chevy van smoking a cigarette. I hit her up for one and she told me no.

                   Haha, the Habib inside came out and told me I couldn't be standing there. I told him I was waiting for the bus. He pointed where the bus stop was. I told him I knew exactly where it was, but that I wanted to stand in front of his store to wait for it. He said I couldn't and I asked him, "Or else what? You going to call the cops?" He said, "No, but you can't stand there." I said, "Well, whatcha going to do about it?" Pissed, he went inside and picked up the phone. Haha, he's going to call the cops on me. Show-time.

                   The cop just showed up. Let's see what happens.

                   That cop didn't tell me anything! He got back in his car and drove off. He went inside and talked to the guy and everything. He came out, got in his car and drove off. Haha, tough guy, big man. Do what you can! Hahaha. I'm just waiting for the bus. That's all I'm doing.

                   When that cop pulled up at first, I'm sure he saw me grab my wallet to get my ID ready. He just walked inside, didn't even acknowledge me at all. I even told him when he was walking by me, "He probably called about me." He came outside and didn't even make eye-contact with me one time. He just got in his car and drove away. Haha, the Habib inside. He had come outside and told me, "You can't be standing out here." I told him, "I'm just waiting for my bus." He told me, "The bus stop is over there." I said, "I know where the bus stop is. I want to stand right here though. I can see it coming across the street." He said, "Well, you can't be standing there." I said, "Or else what? Are you going to call the cops?" He said, "I'm not going to call the cops." I said, "Then what are you going to do?" He went inside and called the cops. The cop showed up and he didn't do a damn thing! Fuck the police.

                   The cop probably recognized me and thought, "Oh shit, I shouldn't mess with Victor," and drove off, hehe.

                   There's the 610. Let's see if he'll let me on for thirty six cents.

     8:52pm  Mr. Perez hooked it up for thirty six cents. He let me on.

     9:28pm  I'm at University Hospital.

     9:35pm  Tom gave me a cigarette at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Sauceda told me no on the 91. He told me, "I'm not going to give you a ride downtown for free." I told him, "Thanks anyway, greedy ass."

                   92 lady didn't give me a ride either.

                   Right after the lady told me no, I went across the street and Mr. Perez was still waiting there on the 610. I asked him for a transfer and he hooked me up. I'm going downtown.

                   I'm not sure what time it is, but I'm at the hospital and Tammie gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Tammie. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I had a real good presentation with this girl on the bus. She had a CA thing on her shoes. I thought it stood for California. I asked her what it was for and she said, "Cocaine Anonymous." I just told her my story.

                   I'm at the Greyhound station. I'm going to get me a ticket to San Marcos. I wonder what time it'll come.

                   The bus doesn't come until 12:45pm. I have plenty of time. I'm going to go smoke some weed in the park.

                   Cool, this girl Martha was able to score me a fat nickel sack. It's like a dime's worth.

                   I don't know what time it is, but some lady just gave me some crackers in the park.

                   I'm about to leave on the bus to San Marcos. LJ hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, LJ. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   LJ wouldn't listen to my story. Damn the ignorance in this world.

                   It's about one now. I got in line at the Greyhound station to board the bus. I was second in line with some guy in front of me. Some white older dude. I hit him up for my story and he said, "No offense, but I don't want to hear your story." Even before I told him my mission objectives he said that. I told him, "Well, thanks for proving me right." He said, "Oh, I guess that's ignorance on my part." I told him, "That's exactly right."

                   After I get to San Marcos all I'll have to do is walk North a little and somebody will recognize me and pick me up. Just you watch.

                   Oh yeah, that one ignorant guy moved all the way to the back of the line because he didn't want to be standing next to me. He thinks I'm crazy.

     1:30pm  I got on the Greyhound. The bus came.

                   I don't know what time it is, but we just stopped in San Marcos. I got off and asked the driver, "Hey, I don't suppose I can get a courtesy ride to Austin? I'll walk it if I have to." He hooked me up! All the way to Austin! Ask and thou shall receive. The universe provides. And it's the nice driver driving bus #6942. Today's umm, Friday.

                   This is the third courtesy ride I've gotten on a Greyhound bus so far(6-21-04, 2:00pm and 11-15-04, 12:43pm).

                   Jerry is the driver's name who hooked me up. I appreciate it, Jerry. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:05pm  I'm in Austin, awesome, Austin, awesome. Umm, Riverside I think is where the festival is. Barton Springs, I think.

     5:10pm  I got on the #15 bus going to downtown.

                   I don't know what time it is. I'm a little paranoid. Right now I just gave the bus driver my presentation. Before I had gotten on the bus I overheard him talking on the phone and I think he said, "He's looking for the Marley Fest. He's by himself. He's all alone." I thought, "Shit, should I be paranoid?" I don't give a damn though. I'm fearless. Just let it happen. Come kill me. Take me out. Just watch it happen even sooner. Expedite it for me. My seed has already been planted in San Antonio and the Internet.

                   I asked this lady for a cigarette and she said no right away. I called her a greedy ass to her face. Fuck Austin.

                   Man, I can't believe I got to Austin so fast. I still don't like this city though. All these lazy ass rich people parading around in their death machines. They get on my nerves. I want to find a park and find some kids to tell my story to. I wonder when the show starts. I'm thinking maybe after six.

                   Argh, I just found out the Marley Fest starts tomorrow. Hmm, what am I going to do now? I'm going to walk around.

                   Man, this town really gives me the creeps.

                   I got directions to the drag from some guy in some park. I'm still downtown. I hate this place. I want to go where there's cool people already.

     5:47pm  I forgot to tell you. I jumped on the #1. I'm going to the drag.

                   I'm on the strip.

                   I had asked this girl if I could bum a cigarette. She had two packs out on the table. She told me, "Oh, I don't do that." I told her, "Come on, you got plenty to spare." She repeated, "No, I don't do that."

                   I don't know what time it is, but I'm telling this guy Dan who makes stone pipes my story. On the drag. What was your email?

                   Sarah hooked me up with a cigarette over on the drag. At the Co-op for women. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I had a great presentation with that guy Dan. We went to his car and everything. I smoked him out.

                   I walked Guadalupe up to 24th Street and Bobby hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Bobby. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I'm talking to these kids on the drag.

     7:43pm  Right now I'm hanging out with, what was your name again? Dan, the guy I smoked out at his car earlier. Well, this girl just walked by and I saw her holding a pack of cigarettes. I asked her, "Hey, can I bum a cigarette?" She had this menacing look in her eye and she flicked a cigarette at me. It hit me right in the forehead and she walked away. Thanks a lot anyway.

                   Dan told me to go hit up Cascabel Restaurant. Where is it? 1100 Saint Mary's. I'm going to go hit them up. I'll tell them Dan sent me.

                   Loki on the strip gave me a cigarette. I don't know what time it is because my watch broke. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I'm talking to Loki. What was your email?

                   I just had this marvelous presentation with this girl who just walked by. I got her attention. She listened to my whole odyssey.

                   I don't know what time it is because my watch broke. James and Lindsey walked by I told them my story. Emails? and

                   Hehe, they had played rock, scissors, papers to decide if they wanted to listen to my story or not.

                   I just ran into Laramie. He said he saw me in Denver(8-3-04, 3:40pm). He said he met me last year in Austin too. I told him I was still at it.

                   This girl I just ran into. She came up to me and said, "Hey, I remember you! From San Francisco. You have this big plan to save the world." I told her, "I'm still working on it night and day." She told me she had a marijuana present for me, but she walked off.

     9:10pm  I'm talking to Chris and Andy, telling them my story. Emails? and

                   That girl came back. She gave me a couple nuggets. I showed her my nickel I had bought in Travis Park right before I left. She told me to keep it anyway. She also said she was going to show me this rainbow camp. She said she would be back.

                   I met Earth Mother on the drag. She was this nice older homeless lady.

                   This sucks. Everybody is on a cellphone walking down the drag. I can't find anybody to tell my story to.

                   I was walking down the drag and Vanessa hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Urban Outfitters.

                   I was walking down the drag and I walked up to this pretty girl named Vanessa. I told her my story and she told me she knew of some guy who would appreciate it. His name is Lou and he has a website called As the mission evolves.

     10:01pm  I'm on the drag and I hit these two guys up for my story. What was your emails? and

                     Those two dudes listened to my whole odyssey story. That was such an awesome presentation.

                     I'm telling these two girls my story in the square here. What was your email?

                     I had a great presentation with Colleen. She listened to my whole odyssey. 

                     I'm telling Michael my story in front of the arcade. Email?

                     Since that girl didn't come back to show me where that rainbow camp was, I started asking around. Everybody kept telling me about some place called BioSquat. Nobody knew exactly where it was though.

                     Some guy: "If you get down to Seventh Street which is downtown and you get on the bus from there going that way. You gotta go past the interstate(I35) on it. You ride down for a way and you'll see an HEB. You get off the bus and you go over a bridge and I think you take your next right. You walk to the end of that street. Right there on your right should be the Rysun Collective(guessing on the spelling). It's like, they do bicycle projects. There's like an anarchy bookstore there. They also do some outreach Books to Prison thing. People volunteer and mail people books that are in jail. Most of the people who work there probably know whereabouts BioSquat is. Then you can meet people who are probably going to the gathering."

                     I don't know what time it is, but I came to the 711 and Doug hooked me up with a cigarette. Right after he had given some other guy a dollar. I appreciate it, Doug. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

Next day..

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