


Sonora to San Antonio, TX

Monday November 15, 2004

     6:17am  I woke up around six. I couldn't go back to sleep. I woke up in the garage. I slept good. I slept on a mattress last night!

                   The garage is at Pecan Street and Concho Avenue.

     6:24am  Francisco me va a dar un ride para San Antonio! Home sweet home!

                   False alarm on that guy giving me a ride. Awwww.

     6:29am  James Yeagar, I didn't even ask him, if going to buy me my breakfast sandwich at Subway. I had ordered ready to pay for it and this guy offered to pay for me. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:45am  I asked Rowdy for a ride, but he handed me some change. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   It was so cool that guy offered to buy me breakfast. I had seven dollars. I'm standing in front of the T&C close to where I crashed. The one I came to right after I woke up.

     7:32am  I started walking towards the highway. I walked over to that swimming pool I took a shower at last time. It seems like I'm on the West side of town. I'm turning around. The girl at the T&C told me the Eastside entrance was four miles away.

     7:49am  I came back to the bathroom at the T&C. I wrote Victor the Liberator on the condom dispenser.

                  Oh yeah, I asked the lady in the T&C where the Greyhound stopped and she told me right across the street. Wow, I remember that place. That's where I got hooked up with food last time. Also, the lady from there picked me up and took me to El Dorado last time.

     8:06am  Rosa, donde para el Greyhound me esta dando comida otra vez como me dio la ultima vez. Te lo agradezco, Rosa. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

                   Oh yeah, I went across the street to where the Greyhound stops and Rosa hooked me up with two bigass tacos and coffee. I went in there and asked, "Do you remember me?" She sure did. She was the one who gave me a ride to El Dorado last time.

                    I asked Rosa to find out how much a ticket to Kerrville was. It was twenty six dollars from Kerrville to Sonora and that's exactly how much it is back to Kerrville.

     9:13am  I went back across the street to the T&C and CR hooked me up with some money for my bus ticket. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:39am  Rowdy gave me a dollar for my bus ticket. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Pedro salio y me dio una empanada. Gracias.

     10:25am  Manuel me dio cambio para mi boleto. Te lo agradezco, Manuel. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

                     Oh yeah, the place where the Greyhound stops is JD'S Convenience store. That's where all the nice Mexican people are. I'm going to go back across the street to the T&C and bum change until they kick me out They already gave me permission to ask for rides. I'm going to ask for spare change for my bus ticket though. They'll never know the difference. I'll only ask people as they leave. If they tell me to leave I can go back to JD's. They don't mind me bumming change over there.

                      Jose me dio un dolar. Te lo agradezco, Jose. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

                      They have a bigass ammonite fossil at JD's Convenience store too. Check it out.


                     I set my little one right next to it so you can compare.

     11:29am  Nona me dio un dolar para mi boleto. Te lo agradezco. Todo el mundo recibe crédito en mi juego, gracias.

     11:40am  Pedro me dio dos dolares para mi boleto. Te lo agradezco, Pedro. Todo el mundo recibe crédito en mi juego, gracias.

     11:43am  I'm on the Greyhound bus to Kerrville. Awesome. The nice people at JD's hooked me up with what I needed. One guy contributed a whole ten dollar bill. Rosa gave me a five dollar bill.

     12:43pm  We stopped at Junction for a smoke-break. The driver is going to hook me up with a ride all the way to San Antonio!

     2:10pm  We stopped in Kerrville. We're on our way to San Antone. The bus driver hooked me up with a courtesy ride. That's the second courtesy ride I've scored on a Greyhound bus.

                   Oh man, we're getting closer. I can just feel it. Passing sign for Cascade Caverns and Scenic Loop Road. Man, I can't wait to get home. I missed San Antonio so much. I can't believe I've only been gone for five months. It felt like forever. When I get to San Antonio, I'm going to go to Travis Park, kneel down right in front of the statue and just kiss the ground. I miss San Antonio. Home sweet home.

                   Entering the Edward's Aquifer Recharge Zone.

                   Sea World, next right.

                   Passing Leon Creek.

                   Anderson Loop 1604.

                   UTSA Blvd.

                   Ha, there's good old West Telemarketing. Still in business. Still ripping people off.

                   Passing Huebner/I10. I used to live out here with Chasity.

                   Man, I love this city so much. Whoa, USAA looks different somehow. I think there's a new building.

                   Alamo Cafe.

                   It's so great to be back home. Home sweet home. I got me a courtesy ride, hehe.

                   They're still working on the 410/I10 interchange. Crossroads mall. There's the park and ride.

                   I just took a picture of foggy downtown. Still on the bus.  

     3:25pm  I'm off the bus! I'm going to walk to Travis Park! Oh man, this feels great. I'm going to try and get hooked up with a hotdog. 

                   Home sweet home. San Antonio. I'm back, I'm back. Victor the Liberator has returned! Victor Antonio from San Antonio.

     3:35pm  I walked over to the park and kissed the ground in front of the statue. I don't recognize anybody yet. None of the homebum regulars.

     3:40pm  Some guy went, "Hey, what's up, Victor?" He tells me, "You know people have been mistaking me for you for some reason." His name is David.


                   He said they asked him, "Where's your walking stick with the little tennis ball?"

                   I'm going to get me a courtesy ride to my mom's. I bet my mom's going to be real surprised.

                   Mr. Gonzalez is hooking me up with a courtesy ride on the 90. I appreciate it, brother. Let me see if I can go over to Nanos and get some food and see if he'll smoke me out.

                   On the bus first thing I did was synchronize my watch to the second with the GPS satellite.

                   Oh, I got off real quick on Myrtle. We passed the SAC tennis courts. I'm going to get off and see if I can find some balls for my stick.

                   It's all wet because it was raining. There's nobody playing out here, but I'll dig through the trash cans.

                   Scored me two. Cool, there's one stuck in the fence I can get.

     4:34pm  I went to the Diamond Shamrock across the street from SAC. I found me five tennis balls. I was going to go to the bathroom and change, but both doors are locked. I'll change right outside. Take my army pants off.

                   I'm walking in front of the VIA offices. Haha, they're going to know I'm back.

     4:40pm  I walked over to the stop on San Pedro and Cypress where I found those UFO pictures(4-20-04, 5:26pm) and the first 92 that passed told me no. I told him I was just testing him and that he failed.

     4:43pm  I walked up to the bus stop and some guy walked up and said, "Hey, what's up man? I haven't seen you in Travis Park lately." I told him I just got back.

     4:50pm  1603 hooked me up with a courtesy ride.

                    We stopped here on Fredericksburg and Louis Pasteur. The bus driver told me, "Oh, I remember you. You're the Mr. Gratitude guy." I showed her my list and she was amazed. She said, "All of this off of gratitude?"

                    I told her, "That's right. Victor's back."

                    I'm going to try and score at Blanco's Mexican Restaurant. Just like old times.

     5:30pm  Oh shit, I think they went out of business. Lemme go to Papa John's and see if they have any mistakes.

                    I'm going to walk to, I don't know. I'll walk down Datapoint. Oh, there's Quizno's over on Datapoint and Fredericksburg.

     5:43pm  John told me no at the Quizno's. He was all, "I can't help you, dude." I think he thought I was asking for money.

                   I tried at the Chinese restaurant next door and the lady told me, "I can't. My boss not here."

                   I'm going to see if JP is home at Fairways 5. I'm hungry.

                   There's the Data Food Mart.

                   Oh yeah, I'm going to go score at the Taqueria Jalisco. They always hook me up there.

     5:55pm  Dinora at Taqueria Jalisco is hooking me up with some gasoline for my stomach. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:15pm  I walked through Dove Tree apartments and the ones next to Dove Tree. I came to the playground, sat down and ate my tacos. I got two at the Taqueria Jalisco.

                   Let's see if Kassie still lives here.

                   Kassie wasn't there. Her friend Sabrina answered the door. She remembered me.

                   Man, I want to get smoked out somewhere. I'm going to walk to West. I'll get smoked out there.

     6:34pm  I was on Fredericksburg pretty close to Bluemel. I saw a 91 going the other way, so I hopped across the street and Mr. Baucham gave me a courtesy ride.

                 I'm at the hospital now. There's good old David. Going to give him two thumbs up.

     6:36pm  The lady told me no on the 91. I guess I'm not going to West. I'll go to my mom's and surprise her.

     7:08pm  Ian hooked me up with a transfer. He had given me a ride earlier over on Cypress. I appreciate it, Ian.

     7:10pm  Michael hooked me up with a cigarette at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:18pm  The 91 driver is hooking me up with a courtesy ride to West. I appreciate it, brother. Screw my mom's. I'm going to West and hopefully score some weed.

     7:35pm  I said screw it. I saw the 91 pull up and decided I would, after all go to West. I can call her from West and she'll come pick me up.

     8:04pm  I'm at West now. I'm sure they'll recognize me in there. I'm going to go get some water.

     8:15pm  I am leaving West. I didn't get smoked out at all. I kind of felt dumb because I'm wearing all my bags and shit. They all probably think I'm homeless. I figured I can just walk the seven miles to my mom's house. I'm going to walk to Carlos'. I am thinking about staying undercover. Maybe I'll go traveling again. I don't know.

                   This one guy at West recognized me. He asked me, "How's your mission going?" I showed him my list.

     8:28pm  Holy shit! I said screw West, I need to go undercover so I won't be seen and get killed by the feds, hehe. I started walking down Prue Road and in less than five  minutes this car pulls over and these kids ask me, "Do you want a ride?" It's these kids who had seen me at the Bob Marley Fest in April and recognized me. They're going to smoke me out! Sweet! Mission accomplished!

     11:11pm  Dude, I gotta tell you what happened tonight. I was over at West. I was all bummed out, so I started walking down Prue. I didn't even walk for like five minutes and these kids pulled their car over. They asked me if I wanted a ride. They were going in the opposite way, but I said yeah anyway. They asked me, "Where are you going?" I told them, "Well, I was going home, but I can go anywhere. I'm free." Then he asked me, "Do you want to smoke?" My face lit up. They told me, "Yeah, I saw you at Marley." That is so awesome how I got recognized.

                    Then they brought me over to some apartment over by ITT tech. It took a couple hours before I could gather them all as listeners. We had to get high first

and they were playing videogames. Halo 2. But man, as soon as I started their ears were glued to my lips the whole time. I was so meant to go to this place. They all offered me a place to crash, but I told them I had to go see my mom. They even hooked me up with some weed! That was soooo meant to happen. I got stoned today! Welcome back home to San Antonio, Victor. I gave them my mom's phone number and they said they would call me tomorrow.

                    I'm already at my mom's house. I'm taking a piss in the bathroom all recording myself.

     11:33pm  Oh my lard, my mission box is missing.

                    Whew, I was sooo worried. My mission-box is right here.

                    Oh man, nothing has changed at my mom's house at all, I swear. She's still hooked on wasting her time on the computer playing internet dominos. She was all proud of her new car. She was all trying to show it to me. She said, "Oh, did you see my new car?" I told her I hadn't noticed. She gave my little brother her old one. I walked outside with her and just stayed on the porch. She was all bragging about it. I told her, "No offense, but I don't like any car. I had to learn the hard way, mom."

                    I swear, nothing has changed. She's got this huge house all to herself now. My little brother moved out. My mom has three bedrooms that aren't being used, except by all her junk. She's just living by herself. She's still owned by her junk. She's stuck. She's not progressing.

                    Whoa, I'm looking through my mission-box. Man, everything looks familiar. I have a lot of work to do in this box.

Next day..

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