


San Antonio, TX

Tuesday November 16, 2004

     10:12am  I'm leaving my mom's. I woke up around nine. I was hoping those kids would call me. I'm going to go out to their apartments today. I think it's 1410 or 1014. One of the other. Stone Oak Place. Dezavala and I10. I'm going to go bum a cigarette at the Citgo.

     10:22am  I walked to the Citgo.

     10:28am  I got the weirdest impulse to walk out to the street and see if the bus was coming. Sure enough, it was. Good 'ol Mr. Perez was driving the 610 going towards Ingram. I hopped on the bus using the false pretense that I was going to get a schedule so I could see what time the bus passed across the street. I peeked at the letter of the day. I think it's Mary. It might be Nancy. I checked my stash of transfers and I have two Mary's. Cool, I don't even need to trim one. I am so glad I kept my transfer stash in my wallet while I was traveling. I knew I was going to need them again.

                     I'm walking back to my mom's house. I realized I didn't have my pipe. I need my pipe.

     11:19am  I cannot find my pipe! It's just lost. It disappeared out of my pocket. I had it this morning. I took a hit of weed this morning. What the hell? I bet my mom's dirty house ate it. I don't know, maybe it fell when I pulled out my tape recorder. Nah, I would've heard it fall. It's metal. This sucks.

                     Damnit, I want to smoke weed. That pipe just disappeared out of my pocket. Oh yeah, earlier at the gas station I saw this other bum get there. He was all digging through the trash can and collecting cans. I thought, "I'm going to see if this guy wants to smoke." I asked him if he had any papers or a pipe. When he had first seen me he pulled out a cellphone and called somebody. I thought, "Oh shit, he's ratting me out. What is a homeless dude doing with a cellphone?" When I asked him if he had a pipe he got all ignorant, "No, no, no," thinking I was asking for money or something. That's weird. He might be an undercover bum too.

                     For the longest time I've kept this number in my wallet. Some slip of paper they gave me at West when I had applied and found out I was banned. I've always kept it in my wallet. I'm going to call and see if I'm still banned. I finally called it. They told me to call back tomorrow and see what they tell me.

                     Man, I've had a lazy day. I make-shifted a device to smoke. I had the screw-on cap to one of my sneak-a-tokes that has the hole where you light it. I got a plastic twenty ounce Coke bottle and burned a little hole in it. I put weed in the cap and then set it in the hole and lit it.

                     Whatever gets the THC into your lungs, right?

                     Oh yeah, I was being nosy and going through my little brother's room looking for bus fare. I found elevem dollars! I went, "Wish I could have it." He doesn't live at my mom's anymore, so he probably forgot it was there. What I did was call him up and told him, "Hey, I was looking through your room for bus fare and I found eleven dollars." He said, "Ah, you can have it." Badass. I got some money. I'm going to buy a pack of cigarettes.

                     I walked to the Citgo and bought me a pack of Turkish Royals. The bus going to Ingram comes around 15 or 20 after. I wish I had some weed.

                     I got weed, I just need to find me a pipe. I should buy some papers.

                     Oh yeah, I just want to reiterate about last night. I had just been jumping around trying to decide which way to go. Should I go to West? Should I go to my mom's? I didn't know what the hell to do. I ended up getting a courtesy ride to West and got hooked up with a transfer. Man, if any of that little shit would have been different I would not have met those dudes last night who took me to that apartment where I had a spectacular presentation where all those kids listened to me. Like, if I hadn't decided to leave West, if I would've found somebody to tell my story to, if I would have found some weed at West. It just happened perfectly. I just said, "Screw it, I'm going to walk down Prue." I walked less than a couple blocks and those kids pulled over and picked me up. It was awesome.

                     I see the 610. Let's see if my five month old transfer works, hehe.

                     I'm at the Walmart now. I'm going to go to the photolab and see how much it costs to develop twenty one cameras.

     4:49pm  I got on the 88. I'm going to go to Bandera and Wurzbach and walk to Planet K and buy a pipe.

     5:18pm  I went to Planet K and bought my one-hitter again. This one guy recognized me and asked, "How is the walkabout going?"

     5:21pm  Some really freaky shit just happened. I just bought my one-hitter and I walked all the way to the bus stop on Wurzbach in front of the Willows. I go to grab the pipe I just bought and it wasn't in my pocket. I didn't have it! It disappeared, just like it did this morning. How weird. I'm going to go back to Planet K and see if I left it on the counter.

     5:30pm  I walked back to Planet K scanning the ground until I got there. Luckily, they had my pipe for me. Whew, I was all tripping out.

                   I am convinced that my mom's dirty house ate my pipe this morning. I'm always losing my stuff. At least my mission box is still there.

                   Oh, I didn't tell you. The 534 came real quick. I'm on the way to the hospital.

                   I got like three bucks in quarters from all the change I scrounged up in my little brother's room.

                   And eleven dollars. He said I could have it.

     6:32pm  Oh yeah, I went to the smoking cabana at West and I smoked a couple cigarettes. Some Mexican guy asked me, "Are you from here?" I told him, "Yeah, I've lived in San Antonio since I was three." He asked, "Do you work here?" I told him, "No, but I've worked here sixteen times before though. Never longer than three months." He said, "I've seen you before." I went, "Yeah, I've worked here sixteen times." He said, "No, I've seen you like at Travis Park or something. You bummed a cigarette off me and said you were writing a book." I laughed and told him, "Yeah, I'm still working on it." I showed him my big list I had of all the places I went to that I just got back yesterday from. I showed him all my cool stuff like my fossil and my universal socket tool. I'm thinking I'll walk through that trail I cleared behind the apartments and walk all the way over to ITT Tech, which is close to the Stone Oak apartments. I'll go see if I can find that apartment and if those kids are there. I think it's 1410 or 1014.

                   I changed my mind about walking out to ITT tech. I'm going to walk the highway, the access road. I cut through the USAA Federal Credit Union. I'm going to walk the access road to Stone Oak.

     6:53pm  Albert hooked me up at the Krispy Kreme. I had some money and I was going to pay for them. I ordered like three donuts and he gave me an extra one free. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:07pm  I walked all the way to Krispy Kreme and I spent all my money. All the change I had in my pockets. All the quarters I had. I want to come to these kids' apartments bearing gifts. But, I couldn't find the apartments. I went to 1014 and knocked and this girl told me it was the wrong apartment. I went to 1410 and I saw a computer through the window. There wasn't a computer there last night. I guess I'll just walk around and hopefully they'll come outside.

     7:27pm  Holy shit, dude! I came over in front of the 10 building. I sat down to eat some donuts and smoke a cigarette. It just started pouring! Like crazy! Thunder struck loud and all the lights went out. It's pouring and I have to stay put underneath here.

                   Please Love, help me out of this predicament. I am trapped.

                   The lights came back on.

     8:15pm  I'm going to brave it. I don't care if my feet get wet. I have my rain poncho on. My upper half won't get wet. I'm going to try to get to West Telemarketing and get a courtesy ride. I'll get on a dry bus. Umm, I don't want my mother coming to pick me up. I don't want her driving in this rain. I'll find somewhere else to crash. Luckily, I had brought some more layers from home and put them in my bag. I'm going to layer up.

                   Right when I decide to come out and brave it, I see this kid come out of his apartment. This cool-looking kid. I asked him, "Hey, can I tell you a really interesting story? I just want you to listen." He goes, "Nah, nah," and turns around and goes inside.

                   The Internet and money do not mix.

                   The Internet mixes with freedom.

     9:20pm  Oh yeah, I think I'm going to try and score a courtesy ride from the police to my mom's house(6-11-04, 12:00am).

     9:34pm  No-go at the police station. They're all out patrolling. It's raining hard. I'm going to go to West and see if I can get a ride from there.

     10:28pm  Guess what I just forded? I don't know if there's a J in the word, but I just forded the big low water crossing on Prue Road where the river runs through it when it pours. The cops have big cement blockades so cars won't go through it and get stuck. I walked through that shit. It didn't get above my knees or nothing, but it had a pretty strong current. I had said screw it, I'm not going to walk all around on Huebner.

     10:37pm  I walked up to the Dominos on Prue Road and Babcock. I'm going to try and score some food for the walk home.

                     The guy told me no at the Dominos even though I saw a box of pizza on the top rack not under heat.

     10:42pm  I came over to the Pizza Hut on Prue and Babcock. I asked them, "Hey, can you guys hook me up with any mistakes for my five mile walk home in the rain?" They just hooked me up with two big pizzas that nobody picked up. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:50pm  I got hooked up phat at the Pizza Hut. He gave me two pizzas! I'm going to walk to Carlos' house and share it with them. I'm going to come bearing gifts.

     11:07pm  I am at Carlos' house. I come bearing gifts. The doors open and they're watching TV. I'm going to surprise them.

     11:55pm  I am leaving Carlos' house of ignorance. Oh wait, dude. Check it out. I didn't have two pizzas. I had a pizza and a big order of BBQ wings! I ate them all. Like twenty of them. It was good. I showed up and all of Carlos' ignorant friends were there. Carlos was all heartbroken. Aww, his girl just left him. I told him, "Good riddance, she was real ignorant." Carlos said, "Oh, everybody is ignorant!" That's the same excuse he's always used. I asked him, "Hey, can I crash in the garage for old time's sake. It's pouring outside." He goes, "Oh no, not this time." I said, "Well damn, it's pouring outside." He all said, "Oh, you like walking in the rain?" I told him, "Yeah, I'm having a blast splashing through puddles like a little kid. I just walked straight through the water crossing on Prue Road, damnit." I had told him at first, "I'm not here to crash. I just wanted to stop and fuel up for my walk home."

                    I can't believe his greedy ass wouldn't let me crash in the garage. Oh, and when I finished my hot-wings I asked him, "Hey, can I smoke a cigarette in the garage?" He all told me, "No, you can smoke it out on the back porch."

                    Oh yeah, and when I first got there I noticed Carlos was all pumped up like he'd been working out. Which just coincides perfectly with him just losing his girlfriend, so he's all working out so he can get laid again. He wouldn't let me crash in the garage, I can't believe that. He didn't even let me smoke a cigarette in the garage. I saw this big overweight girl there who I'm sure was just there because Anna left Carlos. It's funny. It's just really funny.

     12:30am  I'm about to cut through OP Schnabel. Damnit, there's been so much rape out here in the last five months. They're tearing up the back of the park. They're going to build something here. They've got a big canal dug through. Ugh, it pisses me off! No respect. No respect whatsoever.

                    All because of money!

     12:55am  I crossed yet another low water crossing right before I got to the entrance of the park. The water was all up to my thighs and shit. I had to lift up my pants so my camera and stuff I keep in my pockets wouldn't get wet. I just walked right through it.

     1:29am  Oh, I forgot to tell you. I already got to the Exxon a while back ago. Guess who's the cashier. Matt, the guy who used to work at the Texaco gas station on 1604 a while ago(11-20-02). He says he's worked here like six months.

                    I let him read all my stories in my wallet.

     1:37am  I let Matt read Fawn's Message to All. He told me about some Red Heifer Prophecy. What's going on?

                   Matt:" They say that right now, uh. A lot of Christian beliefs, they don't want to bring it out to the public, but there's a lot of places you can go on the internet to find the same kind of prophecy. They believed that if they find, in Israel a completely red, from head to toe heifer, that that will begin some of the end-time prophecies. They found one a couple years ago and combed it from head to toe and found one white hair, so that was shot. They have actually found one(as far as we know) that is heavily guarded. What it is is the perfect cow that will be sacrificed. I don't remember by which side it will be sacrificed, but when it is sacrificed that will begin some of the end-time prophecies. Another thing that points at 2012 right now is the Room of Popes. Have you heard about the Room of Popes? It said that in the Vatican there is a room that has a picture of every pope that has been in power. There is a preset amount of frames. The most recent pope is the second to last. They said the last frame is still open and the pope that fills the last frame is going to have the same name as the first pope and reign for 3½ years as a false pope, then 3½ years as the antichrist. So that's another thing that's up in the air right now. If the pope that we have right now were to die this next year, which would be 2005, that would leave exactly seven years, 3½ and 3½ to 2012."

     1:52am  I'm walking home. That's so cool. I've got friends everywhere.

     2:24am  I'm at home. I'm at my mom's house. I got some good exercise today.

Next day..

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